Effects Of Alcohol Essays (Examples)

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Although it is not illegal, unless one is under age of course, alcohol is, nevertheless, a drug that effects all parts of the body. Moreover, alcohol can have devastating effects on the lives of those involved. Therefore, alcohol effects both one's personal body and one's personal relationships.

There is hardly an area of the one's body or area of one's personal life that alcohol, particularly alcohol abuse does not effect. Not only can it have irreversible consequences on the body, but because it causes impaired judgement, alcohol destroys personal relationships as well.

Alcohol directly affects the brain cells, causing slurred speech, staggering, blurred vision and difficulty in forming and expressing thoughts (Effects pp). It can cause irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, and can poison the liver (Effects pp). Alcohol can irritate the digestive system, cause vomiting, and ulcers (Effects pp). It can stop the kidneys from maintaining a proper balance of….

Women and the Effects of Alcohol
Although alcohol use, and even alcohol abuse, is legal for most adults over the age of 21, there is no question that alcohol can have a tremendously negative effect on many of its users. While many people may believe that the negative effects of alcohol are limited to alcoholics and problem drinkers, the reality is that even moderate alcohol consumption can have negative effects on its users. In fact, the many misconceptions about alcohol use have to do with the fact that women and men process alcohol differently, so that the same level of alcohol use in males and females can lead to very different consequences for the users. Women are at higher risk for problems linked to, but not directly caused by, alcohol use, such as drunk driving accidents and interpersonal violence. In addition, "women have higher risk than men for certain serious medical….

Negative Effects of Alcohol on Exotic Dancers
The Exotic Dancers industry

Club Atmosphere

Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Abuse and Sexual Exploitation

Depression and Suicidality

Embodiment of Female Exotic Dancers

Forcing Alcohol in Clubs

The Exotic Dancers industry

The Exotic Dancers industry, represents a large division of the multi-billion-dollar sex industry (Bernard, 2012). The sex industry includes all profitable businesses or institutions that hire sex workers, both lawfully and unlawfully. Go-go dance, burlesque, striptease, cybersex, pornography, and prostitution are a few occupations that fall under the broad sex industry umbrella (Janseen, 2013). Inside its numerous subdivisions, Exotic Dancers and adult entertainment are projected to be the two main divisions that use alcohol to keep the women under control (Allen, Lovejoy-Johnson, Holloway, obbins, & and Woods, 2009). Hanna (2013) assessed that illegal adult entertainment for example prostitution earned over $15 billion in 2000 in the U.S. alone. U.S. legal adult entertainment, for example exotic dance clubs, grossed over $16.2 billion in 2000….

Cristina Ivan, Amber B. Amspoker, Michael R. Nadorff et al. (2014), "Alcohol Use, Anxiety, and Insomnia in Older Adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder," American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22(9), 875-883
The purpose of this randomized controlled trial was to analyze alcohol consumption rates among older primary care patients who suffered from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and the link between these consumption rates and various demographic factors, as well as worry, insomnia, and anxiety to determine the moderating effects of alcohol consumption on the relationship between anxiety and insomnia. The researchers posited that increased levels of alcohol consumption would correspond to higher levels of insomnia and anxiety and exacerbate the anxiety-insomnia relationship.


Participants. A total of 223 60-year-or-older English-speaking subjects with GAD drawn from civilian and Department of Veterans Affairs geriatric centers participated in this study; the study is silent concerning the numbers of male and female subjects.

Instruments. The following instruments were also….

Alcohol on Urine Formation
The functioning of cells in the body depends on the supply of the required nutrients and the elimination of waste in the body. The extracellular fluid that surrounds different cells also thrives in stable chemical and physical conditions. While water is one of the most vital substances that provide such an environment; the concentration of hydrogen ions in the body influences the permeability, cell structure and rate of metabolic reactions (Epstein, 1997). In the human body, the kidneys are responsible for regulating different amounts and concentration of all these substances. They ensure that the large variation in the intake or loss of different substances does not interfere with the normal functioning of the body.

The consumption of alcohol has been proven to have adverse effects on the process of urine formation. According to Dasgupta (2011), this may occur directly because it affects the functioning of the kidney….

Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol

Alcohol and substance abuse is a prevalent problem among youth. Effects of alcohol and substance abuse range from mental health problems like depression and suicide ideation to dating violence, to poor academic performance (adliff, Wheaton, obinson, & Morris, 2012). Early exposure to substance and alcohol abuse in the home may lead to an earlier instance of drug and alcohol abuse. This is because of the higher degree of availability and potential lack of parental involvement. This research paper aims to highlight the various ways in which drug and alcohol abuse affect youth from within and outside the home.
Effects of alcohol and substance abuse on high school youth

Academic failure can be one effect of substance and alcohol abuse. One study notes the lack of school commitment from youth experimenting with drugs and alcohol (Kelly et al., 2015, p. 627). The study examined gender, and substance/alcohol abuse in a 30-day period, noting….

Alcohol has extreme effects on physical and social functioning that has the potential to harm people who are not involved with the actual consumption. If an individual who has consumed alcohol chooses to drive while intoxicated then the potential for harm is increased exponentially. Of course, the effects on the body itself demonstrate that alcohol is a dangerous drug that should not be available to the general public. As with many illegal or controlled substances or other objects, it has been shown time and time again that the general public often needs protection from themselves, and protection from each other. hen the dangers are also translated to innocent victims like strangers, and close friends, the choice should be removed for those not responsible enough or strong enough to avoid the temptation. Since the existence and knowledge of alcohol cannot be removed, the legality can be and serious punishment imposed….

The user's mouth feels dry, and he or she may suddenly become very hungry and thirsty. His or her hands may tremble and grow cold. The euphoria passes after awhile, and then the user may feel sleepy or depressed. Occasionally, marijuana use produces anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic http://www.starliterecovery.com/marijuana.asp.
Marijuana use impairs a person's ability to form memories, recall events (see Marijuana, Memory, and the Hippocampus), and shift attention from one thing to another. THC also disrupts coordination and balance by binding to receptors in the cerebellum and basal ganglia, parts of the brain that regulate balance, posture, coordination of movement, and reaction time.11 Through its effects on the brain and body, marijuana intoxication can cause accidents. Studies show that approximately 6 to 11% of fatal accident victims test positive for THC. In many of these cases, alcohol is detected as well http://www.starliterecovery.com/marijuana.asp.

"An interesting study was done with airline pilots,"….

Paenting Style Influence on Excess Alcohol Intake Among Jewish Youth
Clinical Psychology

The health hazads that ae associated with adolescent alcohol use ae well documented, and thee is gowing ecognition among policymakes and clinicians alike that moe needs to be done to addess this public health theat. The pupose of this study was to examine the effects of diffeent paenting styles on alcohol consumption levels among Jewish college students in the United States. The study daws on attachment theoy, social leaning theoy, and a paenting style model as the main theoetical famewoks to evaluate the effects of diffeent paenting styles on alcohol consumption levels among Jewish adolescents to develop infomed answes to the study's thee guiding eseach questions concening the elationship between peceived paenting style and excess alcohol use of male, Jewish, college students aged 18-26 yeas, the elationship between academic achievement and the alcohol use fequency of male Jewish college students….

Paenting Style Influence on Excess Alcohol Intake Among Jewish Youth
Clinical Psychology

The health hazads that ae associated with adolescent alcohol use ae well documented, and thee is gowing ecognition among policymakes and clinicians alike that moe needs to be done to addess this public health theat. The pupose of this study was to examine the effects of diffeent paenting styles on alcohol consumption levels among Jewish college students in the United States. The study daws on attachment theoy, social leaning theoy, and a paenting style model as the main theoetical famewoks to evaluate the effects of diffeent paenting styles on alcohol consumption levels among Jewish adolescents to develop infomed answes to the study's thee guiding eseach questions concening the elationship between peceived paenting style and excess alcohol use of male, Jewish, college students aged 18-26 yeas, the elationship between academic achievement and the alcohol use fequency of male Jewish college students….

Alcohol and Special Populations: Unique Problems and Considerations That Apply to the Military
The military is a special population that has its own culture and its own code of ethics. Its veterans have their own VA hospital and society recognizes a distinct difference between civilian and military life. The effect of alcohol on the military, therefore, requires unique consideration outside the realm of investigations on the effects of alcohol on mainstream America. This paper will describe the effect of alcohol on the military, identify unique problems and considerations that apply to the military, and compare and contrast the military to the overall U.S. population in terms of the problem of alcohol. It will conclude with a description of the best treatment practices for specific issues relevant to the military.

The Effect of Alcohol on the Military

The military population is not without its weakness for alcohol consumption. As Pemberton et al. (2011) note,….

Side Effects and Alcohol

Puerto ican Woman with Comorbid Addiction: A Case Study
Ms. Perez is a 53-year-old Puerto ican female who has complained that she is suffering from co-morbid addictions of alcoholism and gambling. Ms. Perez has sought treatment for alcoholism in the past but the combination of living near a casino and the availability of alcohol has caused her to relapse as well as to engage in gambling on a regular basis. Her gambling has negatively impacted her marriage and has also caused her to borrow significant sums from her retirement account. The patient is exhibiting the symptoms of depression, including a sad and lethargic demeanor.

Decision One

One option for the patient is prescribing Antabuse (Disulfiram), a medication which "blocks an enzyme that is involved in metabolizing alcohol intake" and "produces very unpleasant side effects when combined with alcohol in the body" ("Antabuse," 2017). The drug is designed to interfere with the rewards drinking….

Alcohol and Youth
According to the Center on Marketing and Youth (CAMY), states are not doing very much in terms of keeping adolescents and other youth from being over-exposed to alcohol-related advertisements on television. The liquor and beer companies are clearly interested in getting young people started with their particular brand, and through television commercials those companies make beer and liquor seem very "cool" to impressionable young people. This paper reviews and critiques the literature on youth and alcohol-related advertising on television -- including peer-reviewed scholarship from several sources.

Youth Exposure to Alcohol Advertising

The Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth -- a component of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health -- reports that the amount of advertising on television that specifically targets youth rose by 38% between 2001 and 2007. About one in five alcohol advertisements was placed on programs that attracts young people ages 12 to 20 (CAMY). The….

Alcohol is classified as a depressant because it slows down the release of neurochemicals that inhibit certain behaviors. The subjective feelings associated with alcohol intoxication are due to its effects on the brain and central nervous system but that system also controls our behaviors. The depression of certain neurotransmitters often reduces reflex time and reduces general inhibitions.
The digestive system is also strongly affected by alcohol consumption. Alcohol is absorbed almost entirely by the small intestine, from where the alcohol seeps into the blood. The liver is strongly affected by the absorption of alcohol and is in fact the main organ responsible for metabolizing alcohol. hen too much alcohol is consumed, the liver becomes overtaxed and cannot filter the toxins from the body as fast as it normally can. Over the long-term, the liver can become permanently damaged from too much alcohol consumption.

The heart and circulatory system are also affected….

Alcoholism will be defined, according to the DSM as a "maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one (or more) of the following, occurring within a 12-month period:…a failure to fulfill major role obligations; & #8230;recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous; & #8230;recurrent substance-related legal problems;" and "continued substance use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the substance" (Alcohol abuse diagnosis, 2011, Mental Health Channel).
Operational definition of dependent variables 2: Subjects will be asked to answer a questionnaire on current behaviors, to see if they cohere with the above DSM definition of alcoholism.

Operational definition for the independent variables 2: Losing a spouse will be defined as having lost a partner with whom the individual was either a. legally married to or b. had a significant, committed….

1. The effects of alcohol consumption on mental health.
2. The impact of advertising on alcohol consumption.
3. Alcohol consumption among college students and its consequences.
4. The relationship between alcohol consumption and violence.
5. Alcohol consumption trends and patterns among different demographics.
6. The role of peer pressure in alcohol consumption behavior.
7. The economic costs of alcohol consumption on society.
8. Alcohol consumption and its link to chronic health conditions.
9. Strategies for reducing harmful alcohol consumption in communities.
10. The cultural norms and attitudes surrounding alcohol consumption.
11. The correlation between alcohol consumption and risky behavior such as driving under the influence.

12. The effects of alcohol consumption....

1. The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Physical and Mental Health

The physiological effects of alcohol on the liver, brain, heart, and other organs
The psychological consequences of alcohol abuse, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment
The link between alcohol use and chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke

2. Alcohol Consumption and Social Behavior

The role of alcohol in social interactions, including its effects on communication, mood, and aggression
The impact of alcohol consumption on relationships, family life, and work performance
The social consequences of alcohol abuse, such as domestic violence, child neglect, and crime

3. Alcohol Policy and....

1. The effects of alcohol on the body and brain
2. The cultural significance of alcohol consumption in different societies
3. The history of alcohol prohibition and its impact on society
4. The relationship between alcohol consumption and mental health issues
5. Alcohol advertising and its influence on consumer behavior
6. The role of alcohol in social settings and its impact on social dynamics
7. Alcohol addiction and treatment options
8. The legal drinking age and arguments for/against lowering or raising it
9. Alcohol-related violence and its consequences
10. The economics of the alcohol industry and its impact on society.
11. The impact of alcohol on relationships and family dynamics

Historical Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption

The Evolution of Social Drinking Customs: From Ancient Rituals to Modern Culture
Alcohol Prohibition: A Comparative Analysis of Global Experiments
The Role of Alcohol in Colonialism and Empire Building
The Temperance Movement and its Impact on American Society
The History of Alcohol Taxation and Regulation

Health and Society

Alcoholism and Addiction: A Biopsychosocial Perspective
The Effects of Alcohol on Physical and Mental Health
Alcohol-Related Violence and Crime: Causes and Consequences
Alcohol and Public Health Policy: Balancing Individual Rights and Social Responsibility
The Social Stigma of Alcohol Use: Its Impact on Individuals and Communities

Cultural and Literary Depictions....

2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Effects of Alcohol on My Brother

Words: 474
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alcohol Although it is not illegal, unless one is under age of course, alcohol is, nevertheless, a drug that effects all parts of the body. Moreover, alcohol can have…

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3 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Women and the Effects of Alcohol Although

Words: 1184
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Women and the Effects of Alcohol Although alcohol use, and even alcohol abuse, is legal for most adults over the age of 21, there is no question that alcohol can…

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10 Pages


The Negative Effects of Alcohol on Exotic Dancers in US

Words: 3219
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Negative Effects of Alcohol on Exotic Dancers The Exotic Dancers industry Club Atmosphere Alcohol Abuse Alcohol Abuse and Sexual Exploitation Depression and Suicidality Embodiment of Female Exotic Dancers Forcing Alcohol in Clubs The Exotic Dancers industry The Exotic…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

The Effects of Alcohol Use on Geriatric Patients With Gad

Words: 676
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cristina Ivan, Amber B. Amspoker, Michael R. Nadorff et al. (2014), "Alcohol Use, Anxiety, and Insomnia in Older Adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder," American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22(9),…

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2 Pages

Medical  (general)

Effect of Alcohol on Urine Formation Alcohol and Urine Formation

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Alcohol on Urine Formation The functioning of cells in the body depends on the supply of the required nutrients and the elimination of waste in the body. The extracellular…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol

Words: 3384
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Alcohol and substance abuse is a prevalent problem among youth. Effects of alcohol and substance abuse range from mental health problems like depression and suicide ideation to dating violence,…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol Should Be Illegal There

Words: 1624
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alcohol has extreme effects on physical and social functioning that has the potential to harm people who are not involved with the actual consumption. If an individual who…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol and Marijuana on Human

Words: 2947
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The user's mouth feels dry, and he or she may suddenly become very hungry and thirsty. His or her hands may tremble and grow cold. The euphoria passes…

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3 Pages


Alcohol Drinking Among Young Jews

Words: 23454
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Paenting Style Influence on Excess Alcohol Intake Among Jewish Youth Clinical Psychology The health hazads that ae associated with adolescent alcohol use ae well documented, and thee is gowing ecognition among…

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4 Pages


Alcohol Drinking Among Young Jews

Words: 23424
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Paenting Style Influence on Excess Alcohol Intake Among Jewish Youth Clinical Psychology The health hazads that ae associated with adolescent alcohol use ae well documented, and thee is gowing ecognition among…

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9 Pages


Why Alcohol Misuse Is'so Rampant in the Military

Words: 2925
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Alcohol and Special Populations: Unique Problems and Considerations That Apply to the Military The military is a special population that has its own culture and its own code of ethics.…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Psychology - Counseling

Side Effects and Alcohol

Words: 947
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Puerto ican Woman with Comorbid Addiction: A Case Study Ms. Perez is a 53-year-old Puerto ican female who has complained that she is suffering from co-morbid addictions of alcoholism and…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Alcohol and Youth According to the Center

Words: 1166
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Alcohol and Youth According to the Center on Marketing and Youth (CAMY), states are not doing very much in terms of keeping adolescents and other youth from being over-exposed to…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol the Search for Pleasure

Words: 619
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alcohol is classified as a depressant because it slows down the release of neurochemicals that inhibit certain behaviors. The subjective feelings associated with alcohol intoxication are due to…

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2 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Among

Words: 489
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Alcoholism will be defined, according to the DSM as a "maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one (or more)…

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