Employee Engagement Essays (Examples)

912+ documents containing “employee engagement”.

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Managing Diversity Through Inclusion
I have gained significant knowledge about managing diversity in an organization after reading Engelmeier's book. In essence, organizations with diverse leadership do record better performance, in light of both earnings margins and equity returns, unlike non-diverse peers. While this discovery is based on research on publicly traded entities, Shirley Engelmeier holds that the same principles apply to private entities. Engelmeier is the author of a book entitled, "Inclusion: The New Competitive Business Advantage." Often, intentionally attracting a diverse workforce is imperative for business ventures planning to expand and sustain growth. In her book, she focuses on how diversity has evolved and how employers can retool their recruiting strategy.

Engelmeier defines inclusion as a call to action across the workforce, meaning actively engaging each worker's approaches, ideas, perspectives, knowledge, and styles to maximize business success. In her book, she presents tools, insights, and tactics that create a strong case….

Policies and Parental Leave Across the Globe

Paid time off (PTO) requires less effort and time from management, and also results in lower costs to maintain. This is primarily because the employer does not need to track the personal, sick, and vacation days for each individual employee. Without having to keep to different numbers of permitted paid days off, employees may be more likely to take paid time off when they are sick. This can mean that more employees are well for longer periods or in absolute numbers during the year, and that illnesses like the flu or other highly contagious disease don't infect large swaths of employees, a situation that can impact the bottom line. To discourage preventable absenteeism, companies can cash out the unused paid time off at the end of the year, or allow employees to contribute the amounts due to their retirement plans (Lindemann….

1. Communications strategies can promote and enhance the evolution of a shared purpose. Psychological approaches like transactional analysis and Shapetalk can help transform the ways group members communicate and interact with one another, which in turn promotes an alignment of goals, strategies, and values. Using channels of communication, leaders can inspire group members to take responsibility for their role, exercising assertiveness and engendering trust and mutual support. Similarly, leaders can use techniques like Rock’s SCARF model, which defines the five domains of social behavior such as Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness (“David Rock’s SCARF Model,” n.d.). The SCARF model, like other psycho-social approaches to communication like Cialdini’s 6 Principles of Persuasion can be implemented in ways that help individuals identify the sources of stress, discomfort, or perceived threats, and to react constructively to manifest the shared purpose, solidifying it and making it strong (“Principles of Persuasion,” n.d.).
Alternative methods of promoting….

Leadership Crucible Experience
Leadership is a practice that is learnt from the experiences of the leaders. According to Bennis and Thomas (2002), a crucible is delineated as a changing experience through which a person ends up having a new sense of self and character. In particular, the capacity to mine knowledge from such challenging and difficult experiences is what differentiates and tells apart successful leaders from their counterparts (Bennis and Thomas, 2002). The purpose of this essay is to ascertain, define and justify a crucible experience that one can have in life and delineate how that experience can have an effect on the personal style of leadership, behaviors, outlooks and viewpoint and shed light on how it will impact one as a leader in the organization.

So what can happen to make an individual go through a crucible experience? Leadership ability can be tested when one is abruptly and quickly promoted and….

Employee Engagement oadmapWorkforce Action PlanSkills for Effective LeadershipTo guarantee effective leadership in the unit under the new strategic plan, I might need to develop different skills. First, it is pivotal to develop mentorship skills. I believe that employees are bound to remain engaged and accomplish employee retention if they are provided opportunities to prosper and grow (Sarangi and Srivastava, 2012). esearch demonstrates that employees looking for professional advancements are more engaged and have high retention. Bearing this in mind, it will be imperative to emphasize mentoring the personnel as a leader. This will guarantee the provision of quality feedback to personnel while deliberating upon the necessary areas for professional growth and development (Ghosh et al., 2019).Communication skills will also need to be improved. In my perspective, to effectively lead and engage employees, it is pivotal to be open and enthusiastically communicate. Leaders who communicate with their personnel plainly and genuinely….

IMPOVING EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT AND EXPEIENCE AbstractThis study sought to investigate the association between employee rewards and length of service for Q1; and satisfaction with management policies/practices and quality of employee output for Q2. It uses secondary data from the 2018 Federal Employees Viewpoint Survey and SPSS for analysis. The findings from the chi-square test of association show that a statistically significant association exists between rewards for innovation/creativity and length of service in the federal government. Employees who agree that creativity and innovation are effectively rewarded are likely to serve more years in the federal government. For the second research question, the Spearman ho test study finds a moderately strong, positive correlation between employees satisfaction with management policies/practices and the overall quality of output from their work units. The findings of this study provide crucial insights for management and leadership teams within federal agencies on how to improve employee retention and….

Lastly, Cummings and Worley (2007) surmise that employee involvement can also "improve capabilities of employees thus enabling them to perform better" (p. 353). The authors give the example that when organizations wish to increase their employee participation in decision making, this strategy must be accompanied by skill training in communication and group problem solving (p. 353).

All three of these facets improve employee satisfaction and well-being, due to an improved work environment and a more rewarding job. In a cyclical nature, improved productivity also increases satisfaction, especially when there are greater rewards associated with this increased productivity. Improved employee satisfaction, that's a result of employee involvement strategies and increased productivity, can have a secondary impact on the organization. This high level of employee satisfaction can further positively affect productivity by attracting the best employees and help ensure the retention of these valuable organizational resources (Cummings and Worley, 2007, p. 353).



Employee Comp
The future that is fast heading our way is often thought to be associated with creative technologies and businesses that do online services. But this is definitely not the full picture. Many traditional businesses are also being impacted in regard to what will be expected about some of their core operations, including in regard to how they treat and motivate their employees. Basic manufacturing is no different. In order for companies like ours to be ready for the future, we have to look seriously at the ways in which we recruit employees and keep them here once they sign on. With 120 employees whose skills encompass a broad range of talents -- some basic skills others tied to quite sophisticated technological abilities -- we have the chance to position ourselves to be ahead of the curve as the entire field of payment, rewards and recognitions is examined yet again.….

Total Compenstion Statement Memo
Human resource (H) policies and decisions play a crucial role in an organization. They serve as a driver of employee productivity as they directly or indirectly affect employee engagement, job commitment, employee satisfaction, and employee retention. An important H function relates to compensation, which is basically concerned with determining the amount of remuneration and benefits employees get as a result of their input to the organization. Sufficient compensation is crucial for attracting and retaining the right people for the job (Stredwick, 2014). The position of an administrative assistant is without a doubt an important position, underscoring the need for competitive and attractive compensation. As per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), an administrative assistant earns an average income of $55,460 per year or $26.66 per hour (BLS, 2017). More specifically, an administrative assistant in the category of "Management of Companies and Enterprises" earns an average….

On the other hand, the comparative value of the real-time presentation must be considered in relation to the potential technical issues involved. Specifically, whereas pre-recorded presentations and self-directed learning online training programs can be tested and perfected in advance to ensure there are no technical problems with delivery, that is not necessarily the case with real-time presentations, especially those involving two-way communications. No matter how much preparation and troubleshooting is conducted in advance, live two-way presentations are notoriously susceptible to technical problems that can interfere with planning and lesson delivery. Moreover, the more computer terminals and office locations involved, the greater that potential for difficulties in execution.

Anticipated Problems

Beyond technical delivery-of-training issues, other anticipated potential problems associated with online employee training include lower levels of individual engagement and reduced opportunity for meaningful interpersonal exchanges. In that regard, even the best corporate instructors cannot implement all of the same teaching techniques across….

Motivation of Employees

Employment otivation and Engagement: How to Recruit and Retain Top-Quality Talent in a Competitive arketplace
Because employee performance and productivity are closely aligned with corporate profitability, there has been a great deal of research over the years concerning optimal approaches to motivating people in the workplace. The analysis of what motivates people to perform to their maximum effort, though, has becoming increasingly complex as the result of a growing number of theories concerning the antecedents of motivation and optimal job performance and motivational methods to achieve it. While the debate concerning which motivational approaches produce the best results continues, there is a consensus among organizational behavior researchers that pay ranks among the top factors that include employee motivation, perhaps the overarching factor in most cases. Despite these findings, studies have shown time and again that money talks when it comes to employee motivation. When people become convinced that their efforts at….

Technology in Training of Employees
In what ways has technology impacted the way(s) we train employees?

The changing nature of the workplace environment brings with it a vast field of challenges in the organization. The aspect of the change being rapid makes the situation require adverse and quick reaction from organizations to ensure they remain on course towards their objectives. Thus, rapid change in the workplace brings with it the necessity for skilled and knowledgeable workforce, encompassing employees who are adaptive, flexible and focused on the future of their careers and the organization (Wentland, 2007). Among the most, significant duties of the manager in the workplace are the development of the staff. The manager has the mandate to facilitate employee growth and development if the organization is to achieve maximum gains from its ventures and transactions.

The concept of learning management incorporates the management of employee training. Traditional approach to administration entailed on-site….

aines, M. (2011). Engaging employees: another step in improving safety. Professional Safety, 56(4): pp. 36-34. etrieved from: ProQuest Database.
Major Thesis

The article asserts that successful organizations involve employees at all levels in various aspects of the business and additionally value their input. To create a fully-encompassing corporate culture, employees must be involved and engaged and have the opportunity to provide input and changes to their workplace, providing a positive link between employee engagement, employee involvement and safety performance (aines, 2011, p. 37). While it is often difficult to continuously improve safety performance within an organization over time, the inclusion of employee engagement has been directly correlated with the changes being made in a more timely and effective manner.

aines notes that employee engagement is directly related to the amount of involvement that employees have in their work processes and activities (Lockwood, 1997, p.8). Therefore, employee involvement in safety is critical to….

Hyde reported, however, that part-time professionals tend to accept negative perceptions as part of the territory; they are often willing to accept their marginalised status when they are voluntary part-timers. It is a trade-off they are willing to make for the reduced schedules they choose for whatever reason.
Unfortunately, flexibility for the part-time employee may not always be viewed as flexibility from the viewpoint of the employer. With respect to part-time employees on the police force in the UK, for example, Hyde (2008) found that managers had considered working with part-timers to be an inflexible arrangement, citing difficulties with communication, continuity, and scheduling. Hakim (cited in Hyde 2008) argues that women who choose to work part-time have limited career aspirations and low work-commitment. Although Hakim interviewed women for whom this was the case, pursuing part-time careers with the police force but as a lower priority than home and family, Hyde….

Organization Alignment among Employees Page |
Importance of Organizational Alignment among Employees

Why is it important and how does one build organization alignment among employees?

Organization culture is developed from the set of values, norms and beliefs which is exhibited in the staff behavior and management attitude towards physical and human environment of the organization. Employees are well aware of their role and responsibility in the capacity they are working and they are very much aware of the expectations that management has from them. However, these roles, responsibilities and expectations are also drafted and documented in the policy guidelines of the organization which actually forms the culture of the organization. When these policy documents are widely accepted by the employees then it creates conducive work environment and positive culture that foster motivation and high level of commitment from employees. The organizational culture also contributes in the goal attainment and success of strategic planning….

1. A case study on the impact of social media on consumer behavior
2. Analyzing the success factors of a popular brand through a case study
3. Exploring the ethical implications of a controversial business decision in a case study
4. Evaluating the effectiveness of a company's marketing strategy based on a case study
5. Investigating the challenges faced by a startup company in a case study
6. Examining the role of leadership in organizational change through a case study
7. Analyzing the impact of globalization on a specific industry in a case study
8. Discussing the implications of a major data breach on a company's reputation....

1. The benefits of workplace diversity for employee satisfaction and productivity
2. The challenges of managing a diverse workforce and strategies for overcoming them
3. The impact of workplace diversity on organizational culture and reputation
4. The role of diversity and inclusion initiatives in promoting equality and respect in the workplace
5. The importance of diversity training and education in creating a more inclusive work environment
6. The relationship between workplace diversity and innovation
7. The effects of unconscious bias in hiring and promotion practices on workplace diversity
8. Case studies of successful diversity and inclusion programs in various companies
9. The intersectionality of diversity in the workplace....

1. The Importance of Employee Retention in Maintaining a Successful Business
2. Strategies for Improving Employee Retention Rates in the Workplace
3. The Role of Company Culture in Employee Retention
4. The Impact of Employee Benefits and Incentives on Retention Rates
5. Challenges and Solutions for Retaining Millennial Employees
6. The Connection Between Employee Engagement and Retention
7. Addressing Turnover and Retention Issues in a Remote Work Environment
8. The Financial Costs of Employee Turnover and the Benefits of Retaining Staff
9. The Role of Leadership in Employee Retention Strategies
10. Best Practices for Creating a Positive Work Environment that Encourages Employee Loyalty and Retention.
11. Exploring the Relationship Between....

Topic Idea 1: The Impact of Employee Retention on Organizational Performance

Explore the positive correlation between employee retention and key business outcomes, such as productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
Analyze how high turnover rates can lead to financial losses, operational inefficiencies, and reputation damage.
Discuss the importance of identifying and addressing the root causes of employee turnover to improve retention.

Topic Idea 2: Strategies for Enhancing Employee Retention in the Digital Age

Examine the challenges posed by the changing nature of work and technology in retaining employees.
Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies such as flexible work arrangements, remote work options, and....

2 Pages


Employee Engagement and Inclusion

Words: 607
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Managing Diversity Through Inclusion I have gained significant knowledge about managing diversity in an organization after reading Engelmeier's book. In essence, organizations with diverse leadership do record better performance, in…

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2 Pages


Personnel Policy for Employee Engagement

Words: 666
Length: 2 Pages

Policies and Parental Leave Across the Globe TIME OFF POLICIES Paid time off (PTO) requires less effort and time from management, and also results in lower costs to maintain. This…

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4 Pages


communication motivation team leadership

Words: 1346
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

1. Communications strategies can promote and enhance the evolution of a shared purpose. Psychological approaches like transactional analysis and Shapetalk can help transform the ways group members communicate and…

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3 Pages


Employee Engagement and Leadership

Words: 960
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership Crucible Experience Leadership is a practice that is learnt from the experiences of the leaders. According to Bennis and Thomas (2002), a crucible is delineated as a changing experience…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Roadmap involving Employee Engagement

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Employee Engagement oadmapWorkforce Action PlanSkills for Effective LeadershipTo guarantee effective leadership in the unit under the new strategic plan, I might need to develop different skills. First, it is…

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15 Pages
Creative Writing


Improving Employee Engagement and Experience

Words: 4564
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

IMPOVING EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT AND EXPEIENCE AbstractThis study sought to investigate the association between employee rewards and length of service for Q1; and satisfaction with management policies/practices and quality of…

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6 Pages


Employee Involvement and Workplace Productivity

Words: 1682
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

352). Lastly, Cummings and Worley (2007) surmise that employee involvement can also "improve capabilities of employees thus enabling them to perform better" (p. 353). The authors give the example…

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8 Pages


Employee Comp the Future That Is Fast

Words: 2828
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Employee Comp The future that is fast heading our way is often thought to be associated with creative technologies and businesses that do online services. But this is definitely not…

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3 Pages

Human Resources

Employee Satisfaction and Compensation

Words: 601
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Total Compenstion Statement Memo Human resource (H) policies and decisions play a crucial role in an organization. They serve as a driver of employee productivity as they directly or…

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4 Pages


Employee Orientation Situational Overview a

Words: 1097
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

On the other hand, the comparative value of the real-time presentation must be considered in relation to the potential technical issues involved. Specifically, whereas pre-recorded presentations and self-directed learning…

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6 Pages


Motivation of Employees

Words: 1861
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Employment otivation and Engagement: How to Recruit and Retain Top-Quality Talent in a Competitive arketplace Because employee performance and productivity are closely aligned with corporate profitability, there has been a…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Technology in Training of Employees in What

Words: 2516
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Technology in Training of Employees In what ways has technology impacted the way(s) we train employees? The changing nature of the workplace environment brings with it a vast field of challenges…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Raines M 2011 Engaging Employees Another Step

Words: 830
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

aines, M. (2011). Engaging employees: another step in improving safety. Professional Safety, 56(4): pp. 36-34. etrieved from: ProQuest Database. Major Thesis The article asserts that successful organizations involve employees at…

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9 Pages
Case Study


Ft Pt Employees to Explore Whether

Words: 4053
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Case Study

Hyde reported, however, that part-time professionals tend to accept negative perceptions as part of the territory; they are often willing to accept their marginalised status when they are…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Why Is it Important and How Does One Build Organizational Alignment Among Employees

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Organization Alignment among Employees Page | Importance of Organizational Alignment among Employees Why is it important and how does one build organization alignment among employees? Organization culture is developed from the set…

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