Enterprise Resource Planning Essays (Examples)

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It is not impossible for a company to end up with EP systems that they do not need simply because they thought they wanted something and then changed their mind. Conversely, it is also likely that companies will end up with EP systems that they do not need because they were talked into them by overzealous vendors. The most important thing that vendors know about the implementation of EP systems is what those systems are capable of doing. The most important thing that the vendors do not know is what the company actually needs and exactly how it will use that system. The best vendors are the ones that take the time to learn what the company really needs and how it will use the EP system (Krigsman, 2011). By taking the time to do that, and then selling the company an EP system that will actually work for the….

All items their old system could not handle.
Critical Success Factors:

According to Bingi, Sharma, and Godla (1999)

Implementing an EP causes massive change that needs to be carefully managed to reap the benefits of an EP solution. Critical issues that must be carefully considered to ensure successful implementation include commitment from top management, reengineering of the existing processes, integration of the EP with other business information systems, selection and management of consultants and employees, and training of employees on the new system.

The EP software, itself, is one of the least important factors in the success of EP implementation. Certainly, it is important that the software selected functions adequately, but there have been times when two companies have implemented identical software, and one is an immediate success while the other is a disaster. Obviously, there are other factors that the organization's success hinges upon.

The implementation process, itself, is one of these critical….

In addition, the software can be used to track data that is only being used by the person who is creating the data. This would be much the same way as having the software for personal use, only it would be used for organizational purposes. Because the software is useful in many different kinds of situations and for various types of data, that makes the software much more valuable and significant. As a tool it can be used both personally and professionally, and since it is easy to use and comes with predesigned templates, there is a lower learning curve than would be expected with software of this type. That is important for anyone purchasing this software, since there are many people who can use it but who would not be interested in taking weeks or months to learn how to use it properly.

Overall, the SAP Crystal Presentation Design Software….

The SME can then refine the description of the requirements and the formulation of the company's questions to the vendors. Each requirement is ranked according to the risks and opportunities identified by each user group and an aggregate of the data allows the user groups opinions to be consolidated (Krystkowiak et al., 2004).
Finally, Figure 3 below is an OPAL screen that shows how the SME weights each requirement by each user group. According to Krystkowiak and his colleagues, "A synthetic weighting, made by management, is then performed, and comments can clarify the reasons for a management decision. This weighting will enable the creation of the future selection grid of the offers by calculating the importance of each requirement in the score of the future suppliers" (p. 4).

Figure 2. Reusing requirements.

Source: Krystkowiak et al., 2004 p. 3.

Figure 3. Weighting requirements.

Source: Krystkowiak et al., 2004 p. 3.

y using the OPAL tool….

Enterprise Resource Planning
Enterprise Resource Management Planning for Business Success

The Youtube video covers Enterprise resource planning (ERP) which is a process that integrates all external and internal management information across an entire business organization. This process embraces the finance/accounting, sales and service manufacturing, customer relationship management and other aspects of an organization. ERP systems fully automate all of this organizational activity with integrated software whose purpose is to help with the flow of information in the path between all of the business functions inside an organization and also manage the connections to stakeholders on the outside. ERP software can run on a wide variety of network and hardware setups (Stanbury, 2010).

The uses of ERP are versatile, including in human resources, asset management, supply chain management, privileged access control, marketing, customer and supplier relationships as well as project management. For instance, everything from customer resource management to purchase orders, etc. It works….

The real demand i.e. The received orders are taken into account in this system, whereas the Material equirements Planning system is based upon the concept of expected orders.
The Material equirements Planning system continues however the design might get further modifications, whereas in Enterprise esource Planning system require a system based on coding parts which is expected to determine the tracking and requirement analysis. The products are booked into and out of the yard in a more regular manner, and the Material equirement Planning system has failed to catch-up with the pace of such modifications.


The implementation of the Enterprise esource Planning system is expected to result in the best practices, for this purpose the organization has to select between 'customizing the software or modifying their business processes' as per the standards of the best practices. The extent of the implementation of the Enterprise esource Planning system, and the subsequent exercise….

The concept of becoming a demand-driven organization through the use of EP systems has been well-proven, has the ability to get greater levels of financial performance through more process efficiency as well. The near-term benefits are greater levels of process and in many cases, system integration that allow organizations to perform more efficiently. In addition, EP systems can greatly reduce the number of errors an organization makes in its supply chain, order management, manufacturing, and fulfillment processes as well. Future potential benefits include the ability to anticipate and respond to demand more efficiently (Burrows 2007).
Internet Communications Improvements and EP Effectiveness

The immediate impact of the Internet on EP effectiveness beings with more real-time integration to suppliers, and therefore better visibility and forecasting during the production scheduling and fulfillment processes. Second, the Internet and its capacity for real-time communications also provides a more direct link and potential for understanding customers' demands….

Successful Implementation of Enterprise esource Planning Systems in Public Settings: A Synthesis of Current Literature
As organizations both private and public continue to grow in complexity and sheer size, enterprise resource planning (EP) has become an increasingly important function in order to effectively and efficiently carry out operations an ensure stability and longevity. The use of information technologies and a variety of different theoretical frameworks has been applied to EP problems and successes in both empirical and academic research undertaken in the field, and many recommendations and other conclusions have been reached. There has been a much greater use and investigation of EP technologies and frameworks in the private sector than by public entities and organizations, however, and thus the potential for research of EP in public settings as well as, of course, the published results of such research has been significantly limited. eliable findings of EP success in public settings….

Evolution EP Timeline STEPS
Enterprise esource Planning

Software called EP is used for business management. EP is the descendent of Manufacturing resource planning software as its extended version based on the same concept that assists in automated management of incoming orders through administering the manufacturing line and industrial go downs. EP is launched as a set of different software utilities having management for financial, human resource, manufacturing and industrial utilities which compile the background product supply functionality of a business (Sharma, 2004).

Different companies are involved in development of EP software like Oracle, SAP, JD Edwards and People Soft. EP strategizes to extend and integrate Software management into main IT mechanism of the business with the purpose of data organization and flow in and outside the company in a brisk and managed way; making record of every instance of important steps of the business; eradicating room for errors; administrating processes; providing flexibility to….

Developing the Forensics, Continuity, Incident Management, Organizations of the 21st century are facing the increased need for incidence management, security and while handling training capacities for the enterprise. Security remains a major concern given that organizations have traditionally lost data through theft or malicious destruction. Studies have shown upgrades should be done at the technology and expert level. Attacks come in a variety of formats or even hybridized and cloned, hence complicating responses of forensics. With such in mind, it is important to respond to the security training and capacities by training the methodologies, systems, and technologies as well as enterprise resources that are useful in responding to the security problem. Given the need to extend the security parameter, the incoming research develops a forensic, continuity, incidence management as well as security training approach that will be useful for enterprise resource management.
Data Security and Policy Assurance methods
There data security and policy….

As postulated by David Ricardo, a system of perfectly free commerce translates to high benefits to participating trading countries (Ricardo, 1951). In this section, the paper engages trade barriers in the US during the 1980s. Furthermore, advantages and disadvantages of these factors are considered in this segment. Primary Goods and Services Traded By the US Internationally
Around the 1980s, the US held a dominant position in many export markets. The latter was because of its economic prowess and advancements in the manufacturing and technology segments. Consequently, most of its export product groups included electrical and computer machinery, aircraft, and spacecraft, and vehicles (Baily & Bosworth, 2014). The country also exported educational, financial, and legal expertise in addition to military related services but imported crude oil, pharmaceuticals, machines, and engines. Lastly, people service imports such as installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of parts and equipment were imported by the nation.
Trade Barriers
During the 1980s, import….

Some manufacturers have sought to improve their profitability by becoming more horizontally integrated in their supply chain management operations, but it does not appear feasible for the company to acquire the vendors that supply its component parts so viable alternatives must be identified that can facilitate the supply chain management process vertically. As Choy, Lee and Lo (2003) point out, "Very few manufactures now own all the activities along the chain but integrate the supply network from various supplier networks and the ability to make fast and accurate decision often constitute a competitive advantage compared with the competitors or other networks" (87). It is clear that the company could benefit from an information technology solution to its current paper-driven approach to managing its supply chain operations. In this regard, Choy and his associates also note that, "The rapid advance in information technology is now deployed not only to improve existing….

Quality of the Optimization for esource Planning Model by C. Santos et al. (2013)
Any multinational organization with more than 100,000 knowledge workers is faced with some profound challenges in harnessing this pool of talent for a diverse set of information technology projects. The resource planning function for Hewlett Packard's Enterprise Services business segment was especially challenged in this area, prompting Santos et al. (2013) to provide a refined model that can be used to identify optimal supply and demand solutions in highly uncertain environments. This paper provides an evaluation of the quality of the implemented approach for the refined modeling method developed by Santos et al. (2013), including its strengths and weaknesses as well as simplifying assumptions that were made in the development of the model. Finally, an analysis of the respective strengths and weaknesses of the developed model is followed by an evaluation of the sufficiency of the….

Above all else, senior management must show belief in and a strong commitment to the change as well for it to succeed (Aladwani, 2001). Best practices in this area are achieved when companies rely on transformational or Coach-based leadership relative to transactional or authoritarian-based means
(Ash, Burn, 2003). The greater the belief those most affected by the EP implementation see the new system as a compliment to what they are doing, the lower the resistance to change. Senior management must take on a leadership role for this to happen however.

Lessons Learned

Based on the lessons learned from successful and unsuccessful EP implementations, the key success factors of enabling top management leadership to take a role in defining risks and rewards of the new implementation is critical (Aladwani, 2001). Second, the EP implementation must be "owned" by those most affected by fit for the change management program to be effective over time.….

..ERP combines them all together into a single, integrated software program that runs of a single database so that the various departments can more easily share information and communicate with each other." (Pang, 2001) the work of Les Pang (2001) entitled: "Manager's Guide to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems" published in the Information Systems Control Journal informs this study that over the past ten years an organizations have significantly experienced "changes in their core business applications. These applications have moved from a centralized mainframe platform towards distributed client-server architecture, changed from monolithic customized software systems to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) system modules with graphical development tools and expanded from a local area network environment to one with the broad reach of the World Wide Web. usiness applications have changed to support the globalization of their organization with the addition of multisite and multicurrency functionalities." (Pang, 2001)
The desire of a great number….

Below is an example essay to help give you ideas when writing your own paper.

Title: Bridging the Skills Gap in the South African Supply Chain Industry

In today's rapidly evolving global economy, the supply chain industry plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient flow of goods and services. However, South Africa's supply chain sector faces a significant skills gap, hindering its growth and competitiveness. To address this challenge, it is essential to identify and cultivate generic, transferable, core, or key attributes that can bridge this gap effectively. This essay will discuss the different forms of such attributes....


Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals store, access, and process data. With its vast range of capabilities and benefits, cloud computing has become an integral part of modern technology. This essay topic generator provides a comprehensive list of thought-provoking topics related to cloud computing, covering its technical foundation, applications, security implications, and future prospects.

Technical Foundation of Cloud Computing

The Evolution of Cloud Computing: Trace the historical development of cloud computing from its inception to present-day advancements.
Cloud Computing Architecture: Explain the layered architecture of cloud computing, including infrastructure, platform, and software as a service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).

Streamlining Business Processes with the ERPG Framework for Efficient Decision-Making

In the fast-paced business landscape, organizations need a robust and agile framework to streamline operations, improve decision-making, and stay competitive. The Enterprise Resource Planning Group (ERPG) framework serves as a comprehensive solution for streamlining business processes, enabling organizations to make informed decisions that drive growth and success.

The ERPG framework is a structured approach that integrates various business processes, including finance, supply chain management, human resources, and customer relationship management (CRM). By implementing the ERPG framework, organizations can benefit from several advantages that contribute to efficient decision-making.

Centralized Data and Real-Time Visibility

One key....

Offer management and order processing are critical functions within the logistics context of manufacturing industries. Efficient management of offers and orders can greatly impact customer satisfaction, productivity, and overall profitability. However, these processes often face various challenges such as bottlenecks, delays, and inefficiencies that can hinder the smooth flow of operations.
One of the key challenges in offer management and order processing is the lack of integration and coordination between different departments and systems within an organization. According to a study by Van Hoek et al. (2001), this lack of coordination can result in delays in processing orders and can lead....

3 Pages


Enterprise Resource Planning When it

Words: 1135
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

It is not impossible for a company to end up with EP systems that they do not need simply because they thought they wanted something and then changed their…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Enterprise Resource Planning ERP Implementation

Words: 1240
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

All items their old system could not handle. Critical Success Factors: According to Bingi, Sharma, and Godla (1999) Implementing an EP causes massive change that needs to be carefully managed to…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Enterprise Resource Planning the SAP

Words: 809
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Assessment

In addition, the software can be used to track data that is only being used by the person who is creating the data. This would be much the same…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions for

Words: 3902
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The SME can then refine the description of the requirements and the formulation of the company's questions to the vendors. Each requirement is ranked according to the risks…

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3 Pages


Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise Resource Management Planning

Words: 828
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise Resource Management Planning for Business Success The Youtube video covers Enterprise resource planning (ERP) which is a process that integrates all external and internal management information across…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Enterprise Resource Planning System Refers

Words: 917
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The real demand i.e. The received orders are taken into account in this system, whereas the Material equirements Planning system is based upon the concept of expected orders. The…

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2 Pages


ERP Enterprise Resource Planning the

Words: 777
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The concept of becoming a demand-driven organization through the use of EP systems has been well-proven, has the ability to get greater levels of financial performance through more…

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6 Pages

Business - Management

Successful Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

Words: 1505
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Successful Implementation of Enterprise esource Planning Systems in Public Settings: A Synthesis of Current Literature As organizations both private and public continue to grow in complexity and sheer size, enterprise…

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6 Pages


Evolution ERP Timeline Steps Enterprise Resource Planning

Words: 1892
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Evolution EP Timeline STEPS Enterprise esource Planning Software called EP is used for business management. EP is the descendent of Manufacturing resource planning software as its extended version based on the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Information Technology

Security Training Capacities for an Enterprise

Words: 2230
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Developing the Forensics, Continuity, Incident Management, Organizations of the 21st century are facing the increased need for incidence management, security and while handling training capacities for the enterprise. Security remains…

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2 Pages


ERP Implementation and Import Restrictions

Words: 720
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

As postulated by David Ricardo, a system of perfectly free commerce translates to high benefits to participating trading countries (Ricardo, 1951). In this section, the paper engages trade barriers…

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13 Pages
Term Paper


Enterprise Resource Systems the Company

Words: 4679
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Some manufacturers have sought to improve their profitability by becoming more horizontally integrated in their supply chain management operations, but it does not appear feasible for the company to…

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9 Pages


Quality of the Optimization for Resource Planning

Words: 2848
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Quality of the Optimization for esource Planning Model by C. Santos et al. (2013) Any multinational organization with more than 100,000 knowledge workers is faced with some profound challenges…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Change Management and Enterprise Resource

Words: 600
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Above all else, senior management must show belief in and a strong commitment to the change as well for it to succeed (Aladwani, 2001). Best practices in this…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Planning Programming and Budgeting Understanding

Words: 3133
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

..ERP combines them all together into a single, integrated software program that runs of a single database so that the various departments can more easily share information and communicate…

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