Ernest Hemingway Essays (Examples)

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Ernest Hemingway
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber

Ernest Hemingway -- the Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber

The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber (Hemingway 5-28) and Ernest Hemingway's biography (Hulse) illustrate several key aspects of Ernest Hemingway's his personality. Hemingway's upbringing and observations of the characters in this short story reveal his attitudes about men, women and their relationships.

If The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber is a true indication of Ernest Hemingway's worldview, he believed in a male-centered world in which notions of cowardice and manliness were tied to violence and bravery, in which women were desirable but contemptible, and in which male-female relationships should be controlled by men

A brief biography of Hemingway's life sheds some light on his worldview. Ernest Hemingway was raised by a mother who exposed him to the Arts and by a doctor-father who was a rugged man and taught Hemingway about weapons, the outdoors….

Ernest Hemingway
The author Ernest Hemingway specialized in what is known as naturalistic writing. He tells the reader only the basic information about what is going on in a particular short story or novel. Much is told about the natural settings of the stories, but very little is given about the characters in his stories. Instead, the facts about the people, including their personalities and characteristics, have to be inferred by close readings of the texts in question. In addition to this, Hemingway's novel and short stories the interactions between characters show the underlying relationships between genders and classes which were present in the society during the time Hemingway was writing. This idea of naturalism both in terms of the landscape and in terms of the interactions of characters can be seen throughout Hemingway's various writings, including "Hills Like hite Elephants," "A Clean ell-Lighted Place," "The Killers," and "The End of….

Ernest Hemingway "Hills Like White Elephants" Kate Chopin "The Story Hour" Hemingway rich symbolism build
"The Story of an Hour" is rife with irony. This literary device is demonstrated in Mrs. Mallard's reaction to the purported death of her husband, and in the fact that he is really alive. The literary device of irony is mainly about opposition -- words are used in the exact opposite way of their literal meaning, and people react the exact opposite of how one would think they would. Mrs. Mallard's reaction to both the alleged death of her husband and to the fact that he is still alive are both ironic because she acts the exact opposite in which one would think a spouse would act if her husband had died.

It is of critical importance that although Mrs. Mallard does have a brief moment in which she cries and mourns the death of her husband,….

Ernest Hemingway is considered by some as the greatest writer in American History, by those who do not consider him so, he is still considered one of the greatest American writers. While many have written articles and entire books on the subject of Hemingway, one need only read his books and short stories to understand the man. Hemingway's writings are a window into his soul and very often mirror happenings in his own life. And his own life was as exciting as the stories told in his books. He was a volunteer ambulance driver in the First World War, involved in the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's, traveled extensively throughout the world, and wrote about it all. Many of his characters shared the same experiences as the writer in real life and are considered by some as part of him.
One of his books which directly paralleled his own experiences….

Hills tells the story of a young American man and his pregnant lover waiting for the train that will take them to an abortionist. In addition to the directness of speech characteristic of Hemingway's writing, Hills explores several themes characteristic of Hemingway, to include boredom, dissatisfaction, and self-destruction as a moving paralysis. "And we could have all this," she said. 'And we could have everything and every day we make it more impossible'" (Machete).
Themes of paralysis and dissatisfaction are apparent in several Hemingway novels and stories, to include a Soldier's Home (1926). Soldier's tells the story of Krebs, a war hero who returns from war only to find that no one recognizes him as a hero and no one is interested in listening to his stories about the war. hile Krebs' disappointment at the denial of recognition as a war hero mirrors Heminway's own disappointment at being unable to….

The conflict is real and it is too big for him to tackle on his own, so he shuts down and checks out emotionally.
Another story that deals with inner conflict is "Now I Lay Me." This story is completely internal and it becomes the narrator's way to keep from losing his mind as he fights insomnia. He is suffering from shell shock. The conflict is the narrator's inability to sleep as well as his fear that if he does sleep, his soul will leave him. He admits to having "different ways of occupying" (Hemingway 276) himself while he lies awake with the most amusing thing is remembering a trout stream he fished when he was a boy. On some nights, he makes up streams, some of which were "very exciting, and it was like being awake and dreaming" (277). His imagination is so vivid, he forgets which streams are….

Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises'" and orld ar I
Initially printed in 1926, The Sun Also Rises turned out to Ernest Hemingway's first huge success. Not more than ten years after the end of orld ar I, the novel found a way to define what his generation was like: young people that were disillusioned whose lives were deeply touched by the war. Not even Hemingway himself was any kind of a soldier, but he saw more than enough action by means of his adventures as an ambulance driver while in Italy, where he was injured and was in fact presented a medal from the Italian government for his courage. Hemingway stood the emotional and physical scars of the war for the rest of his life, just like the concerned characters he produced in The Sun Also Rises, and the novel has been able to express the doubt and pointlessness of….

Of course, she must also face the psychological damage that an abortion would have on her. However, she knows that if she does not have the abortion, the life she has enjoyed with her boyfriend will be destroyed and he will probably leave her. hile he claims that he will do anything for her, it is clear that he will not because he cannot even respond to her situation with the slightest bit of empathy. His statement, "It's not really an operation at all" (Hemingway) demonstrates his inability to grasp the depth of the situation. His inability to comprehend the scope of the situation indicates his inability to handle anything even slightly more complicated, like a family. Jig is in love with him, however, and admits that she does not care about herself. hen she says, "But I don't care about me. And I'll do it and then everything….

The same issue of the paper also mentioned the executive secretary of the North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy, Rev. Herman F. Reissing's words: "Sooner or later we must decide whether we favour democracy or fascism. The only way to permanently establish peace is to remove the major causes of the war, of which the greatest is fascism" (the New York Times, Feb 20, 1937).

Robert Jordan joins the guerrilla forces in Spain and fights along with Pilar, Maria, Pablo Anselmo and their fellows because of his idealism at first and then due to his conviction that he has taken the right side. The American public is starting to become aware that besides strictly reading in the news about the ar on Europe soil, they will also feel the victory of the evil forces of the fascism on their own territory, some day.

The reports in the news in the second….

As a result, it is a "farewell to arms" that turns out badly. The farewell and the consequences were based on an unfortunate decision.
Johnson (1940, p. 89) adds that Frederick is not only saying farewell to arms of the war, but to all of society. He is purely separating from the war, refusing to be part of it. By doing so, he is isolating himself from the outside world. By his flight from the war, he is evading responsibility and emotion, taking refuge in simple primary sensations. In A Farewell to Arms," says Johnson, "it is society as a whole that is rejected, social responsibility, social concern. Lieutenant Henry is in the War, but his attitude is purely that of a spectator, refusing to be involved. He is leading a private life as an isolated individual." Penn Warren (1985, p. 58) explains that the individual is thrown back upon….

riting became a form of therapy for him. After the war, Hemingway found it difficult to establish himself. hile his parents wanted him to get a job, he wrote. Hemingway discovered his style, which would eventually be known as his trademark. He used all of his personal experiences as inspiration for novels and stories.
Margaret O'Connor claims that the war becomes a:

Metaphor that tied his work to the international experience of his generation -- wounded, disillusioned youth seeking the healing powers of medicine, of religion, of love. Hemingway's veterans find no cures however, only temporary anodynes" (O'Connor 1388).

From this perspective, we can see portions of real life merging with fiction. Maxwell Geismann maintains that Hemingway is "essentially a poet, and a high romantic individualist, alienated from the world, and charting a dangerous course between glamour and despair" (Geismann 69). Love and life cannot help but intersect on the highway of….

"One of the most frequently observed weaknesses in his work is its depiction of women. It has been observed, for example, that the central male characters of his novels tend to be about his own age at the time of writing, while their female counterparts are progressively younger, more beautiful, and more absurdly compliant toward their men" (Kennedy and Gioia, 2000).
Even though his work is regarded as one the most influencing factors in American literature and culture but his personality remained a question mark and source of debate for many who argued that his personality was seriously flawed. His psychological or mental problems and delusions also affected his writing in his last days as he got hospitalized many times before his suicide. Many consider him a disturbed person with unlikable personality traits such as vanity, cruelty towards those he despised, delusions etc.


In the end Ernest Hemingway despite his personal….

Graphic OrganizerOriginal Text The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest HemingwayType of Change Divergence: Changing the ending so that the fish reaches the shore alive and the old man passes away in his sleep.Setting Place: The Cuban coast and the old man's hut. Appearance/Feel: The sea is calm and serene, symbolizing peacefulness. The hut is simple and made of wood and palm leaves and adorned with shells from sea. Its appearance reflects the old man's humble life and his connection to the sea, the coast, and his immediate environment. Original Scene Elements to Keep: The sea, the boat, and the hut.Point of View Narrator: The story is narrated from a third-person limited perspective, focusing on the fish's journey to the shore. One can see the characters and the scene but not inside the characters heads. Influence on Perspective: The narrative focuses on the natural world's resilience and the cycle….

Hemingway and Women
Is Ernest Hemingway a misogynist, a woman hater? Whenever one discusses Hemingway, his personal life, his literary works, this question inevitable pops up in the conversation. While it's a fascinating question, one that's fun to discuss from time to time, it's ultimately a reductive pursuit. It's reductive for two reasons (a) one can never truly know what's in another person's heart, (b) the purpose of great literature is not to provide one with answers about the author's convictions, but to raise questions that challenge the reader's convictions.

To cut to the chase, Hemingway's short story "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" doesn't reveal how Hemingway feels about women, it ultimately asks the reader how he/she feels about women. In short, it can be considered a Rorschach test for the reader on the subject of misogyny. It is the purpose of this paper to examine the way in which….

Either way, what they shared is gone. The interesting thing about this story is the boyfriend's inability to see things from Jig's point-of-view. He does not have to deal with the emotional aspect of abortion, so he can say things like, "It's not really an operation at all" (Hills Like hite Elephants 1391). The nameless man is selfish and a liar because he tries to convince Jig "It's really not anything. It's just to let the air in" (1391) and "it's all perfectly natural" (1391). Hemingway purposefully leaves him nameless in an attempt to reveal how very little there is to his character. hat is worse, he probably is not concerned with what Jig is experiencing. He fails her and he fails to see her struggle, alienating her with just a few words. In addition, while he is alienating her, he is separating himself from her by demonstrating how….

Ernest Hemingway’s short story “Hills Like White Elephants” is, in many ways, a traditional Hemingway tale.  What we mean by that is that the story could be read in a somewhat misogynistic manner and one of the protagonists is some version of the great white hunter that plays such a recurring role in Hemingway’s stories. 

To determine a thesis for the essay, it is important to understand the short story.  First, the story is short.  In fact, it is only four pages long.  Second, the interactions in the story only cover a very short....

Selecting Essay Topics that Cover a Book

1. Character Analysis

Topic: The protagonist's struggle with identity and purpose in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird."
Focus: Examine the protagonist's evolving self-awareness, the challenges they face, and how their journey shapes their character.

2. Theme Exploration

Topic: The theme of prejudice and its impact on society in Alice Walker's "The Color Purple."
Focus: Analyze how the novel portrays different forms of prejudice, its consequences, and the characters' responses to it.

3. Symbolism and Imagery

Topic: The use of symbolism and imagery to create atmosphere in Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights."
Focus: Discuss how specific symbols....

The Art of Captivating Titles

In the realm of good writing, a title is more than just a label; it is a captivating first impression that can entice readers to delve into the depths of your work. A truly memorable title has the power to resonate with an audience, spark curiosity, and set the tone for the journey that lies ahead. Crafting such a title requires a delicate balance of intrigue, brevity, and relevance to the content. Here are the key elements that contribute to the allure of a captivating title:

1. Enigmatic Allure

Titles that hint at a deeper meaning or....

4 Pages
Term Paper


Ernest Hemingway the Short Happy Life of

Words: 1280
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ernest Hemingway The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber Ernest Hemingway -- the Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber (Hemingway 5-28) and Ernest Hemingway's biography…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Ernest Hemingway the Author Ernest Hemingway Specialized

Words: 2854
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ernest Hemingway The author Ernest Hemingway specialized in what is known as naturalistic writing. He tells the reader only the basic information about what is going on in a particular…

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2 Pages


Ernest Hemingway Hills Like White Elephants Kate

Words: 689
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ernest Hemingway "Hills Like White Elephants" Kate Chopin "The Story Hour" Hemingway rich symbolism build "The Story of an Hour" is rife with irony. This literary device is demonstrated in…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Ernest Hemingway Is Considered by Some as

Words: 2579
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ernest Hemingway is considered by some as the greatest writer in American History, by those who do not consider him so, he is still considered one of the greatest…

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3 Pages


Ernest Hemingway Imitations and Departures

Words: 1038
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Hills tells the story of a young American man and his pregnant lover waiting for the train that will take them to an abortionist. In addition to the…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Ernest Hemingway Exploring Life's Conflicts

Words: 2246
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The conflict is real and it is too big for him to tackle on his own, so he shuts down and checks out emotionally. Another story that deals with…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Ernest Hemingway and World War I

Words: 1762
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises'" and orld ar I Initially printed in 1926, The Sun Also Rises turned out to Ernest Hemingway's first huge success. Not more than ten…

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3 Pages


Ernest Hemingway and the Lost

Words: 923
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Of course, she must also face the psychological damage that an abortion would have on her. However, she knows that if she does not have the abortion, the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Ernest Hemingway Spanish Civil

Words: 2298
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The same issue of the paper also mentioned the executive secretary of the North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy, Rev. Herman F. Reissing's words: "Sooner or later we…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Ernest Hemingway's Farewell to Arms

Words: 1101
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As a result, it is a "farewell to arms" that turns out badly. The farewell and the consequences were based on an unfortunate decision. Johnson (1940, p. 89) adds…

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3 Pages


Ernest Hemingway Life Research Ernest

Words: 988
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

riting became a form of therapy for him. After the war, Hemingway found it difficult to establish himself. hile his parents wanted him to get a job, he…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Ernest Hemingway Was Not Only

Words: 1865
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

"One of the most frequently observed weaknesses in his work is its depiction of women. It has been observed, for example, that the central male characters of his…

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2 Pages


Rewriting Hemingway's Novel about the Old Man and Sea

Words: 490
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Graphic OrganizerOriginal Text The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest HemingwayType of Change Divergence: Changing the ending so that the fish reaches the shore alive and the old…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Hemingway and Women Is Ernest Hemingway a

Words: 1257
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hemingway and Women Is Ernest Hemingway a misogynist, a woman hater? Whenever one discusses Hemingway, his personal life, his literary works, this question inevitable pops up in the conversation. While…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Ernest Hemingway Truth in Fiction

Words: 2107
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Either way, what they shared is gone. The interesting thing about this story is the boyfriend's inability to see things from Jig's point-of-view. He does not have to…

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