Famous Essays (Examples)

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Famous All Over Town
Pages: 2 Words: 701

Santiago's book? hat happens to the characters in Chato's family? hat will Chato's future be?
Daniel Santiago's novel Famous All Over Town tells the story of an impoverished Chicano family, led ineffectually by a long-suffering mother and a father who is more concerned with his own masculine pride than the future of his family. The book ends with Shamrock Street being bulldozed over into rubble. This razing is not an unexpected event, as the residents are warned beforehand. The lack of concern with which Chato's father views this threat until it actually occurs becomes symbolic of the lack of concern the man has treated his wife and children, just as the demolition of Shamrock Street is symbolic of the lack of regard society holds for its largely Hispanic residents.

Right before the bulldozers come, Chato chronicles how the other residents move away, as Kiko's family moves to Chicago, another of Chato's…...


Works Cited

Santiago, Daniel. Famous All Over Town. New York: Plume Books, 1990.

Praise Let Us Praise Famous Men in
Pages: 3 Words: 1093

Let Us Praise Famous Men

In a 1937 report by the Committee on Farm Tenancy to President Franklin Roosevelt, it was estimated that nearly half of the farmers in the South, close to a third in the North, and a fourth in the est were what was known as "tenant" farmers. (Austgen) hen Roosevelt was elected president in 1932, it was with a promise to change the nature of the American economy to better serve the millions of Americans who then were living in the grips of poverty. The previous president, Hoover, was a practitioner of the "Liaise Faire" model of economics which rejected government participation in the economy. Roosevelt's attempted to help tenant farmers led to the Bankhead-Jones Farm Act, which "reorganized the Resettlement Administration as the Farm Security Administration and which included among its purposes assisting enterprising tenants in becoming land owners." (Austgen) This interest in tenant farmers…...


Works Cited

Agee, James, and Walker Evans. Let Us Praise Famous Men; Three Tenant Families.

Boston: Houghton Mifflin Mariner Books. 1960. Print.

Austgen, Suzanne. "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men: Agee and Evans' Great

Experiment." Web. 27 Sept. 2012.  http://history.hanover.edu/hhr/hhr93_5.html

Interview to Famous Artists Sculptors Musicians
Pages: 3 Words: 875

Intereview to Famous Artists, Sculptors, Musicians
Blues Rock was an impressive form of rock that experienced its apogee during the mid to late 1960s. Janis Joplin and Lynyrd Skynyrd are certainly artists who made themselves known during the era and who influenced numerous individuals to turn their attention toward the genre. Their daring and passionate singing made them different from other notable singers of the era, taking into account that the feelings they put across seemed to be more intense. It was practically as these people were singing about experiences that they went through and that they were not simply interested in becoming famous as a result of their singing.

Date of the interview: June 10, 1968

Hi, I'm very happy to meet you at last, Janis. One of the first questions I want to ask is why is it so difficult to reach you?

"Well, the truth is that I've recently become famous…...

Diagnosis of a Famous Person
Pages: 10 Words: 3288

A detailed review of his birth, early and late life, especially his progress as an artist has been discussed in the previous section. All this information is the basis on which a case was formulated and evaluated in the coming sections.

Case Formulation

This patient, Vincent Van Gogh, is a 37-year-old, single, Dutch, male artist. He is the second-eldest of 6 siblings - where the first was a still-born. Vincent voluntarily admitted himself for the first time at Saint-Paul asylum in Saint emy, France in 1889.The patient described himself as a moody, solitary child, often disobedient and with few friends. His early interests were flowers, birds, and insects, but he preferred to play alone.

The patient entered the city hospital at Brouwersgracht at the Hague, in the Netherlands in 1882 with a gonorrheal infection. He was admitted for 25 days. After 14 days, he complained by letter on of his "dreadful weakness." At…...


Reference: the belief that random events, objects, others? behaviors, have a particular signi-cance to oneself

Poor judgment

Eating problems leading to weight gain or loss

Elevated mood


Descartes' Famous Maxim I I Why
Pages: 3 Words: 1171

Descartes' famous maxim "I; I "? hy statement fundamental method? (3-4 Paragraphs) Describe Newton's method. How arrive conclusions? (3-4Paragraphs) Describe views John Locke: state nature, social contract, revolution, govern, property rights.

Descartes began his famous series of Meditations with a resolution to doubt everything: this kind of hyperbolic skepticism was used to advance his use of the deductive approach to philosophy. Descartes was fundamentally a rationalist, and believed that truth could be obtained only through mental reasoning, not through observation. Observation was rooted 'in the body' and potentially faulty, human observation. At the beginning of his philosophical tract, "his basic strategy was to consider false any belief that falls prey to even the slightest doubt" including his own existence (Skirry 2008). Sensations can deceive us, but logic cannot, since even if we are dreaming, 2+2=4. Eventually, after engaging in radical questioning of his belief structures, Descartes decided that because some…...


Works Cited

Skirry, Justin. "Descartes, Rene: Overview." The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2008.

[12 Jul 2012]  http://www.iep.utm.edu/descarte/ 

Kemerling, Garth. "John Locke." Philosophy Pages. [12 Jul 2012]

Last modified 12 November 2011.  http://www.philosophypages.com/hy/4n.htm

Jirobo - Famous Ceramic Mugs Cups
Pages: 10 Words: 2950

That the artist was a woman was even more exciting.
I feel that it is still quite difficult for a woman to make a name in any industry, let alone art. When a woman can produce a work that is so very detailed and technically astonishing in such a short time, it speaks of the craftsperson, not the gender of the person driving the craft. What is particularly interesting about Robineau for me is that she was able to develop such craft mastery over the course of less than five years that Tiffany & Co. were carrying her works.

Porcelain carving is not the most simple medium to work in. To jump from a painter to a carver of porcelain shows that she has a range of talent that probably still remained untouched by the time her career had ended. I have a tendency to feel that persons that have such…...

Patch The Famous Jumper as One of
Pages: 2 Words: 711

Patch: The Famous Jumper
As one of America's first entertainer-daredevils, Sam Patch's popularity amongst his fellow working class citizens illustrates how this segment of society yearned for a hero with whom they could identify. Paul E. Johnson's Sam Patch: The Famous Jumper depicts Patch himself as an effortless, and sometimes drunken, self-promoter who turned a childhood love of heights and excitement into an attention-grabbing, if short-lived, career. Patch's ingenuity, showmanship, and bravery allowed him to connect with his fans on a deeply symbolic level, given that his own personal struggles and working-class background served to emphasize the notion that any American could achieve success on their own terms so long as they possessed the fearlessness to go after what it was they most desired.

Sam Patch's early years played a pivotal role in his eventual success as a daredevil, primarily because his parents' troubled work history brought them from the countryside…...


Works Cited

Johnson, Paul E. Sam Patch: The Famous Jumper. New York: Macmillan, 2004.

Edward M Bannister - Famous
Pages: 7 Words: 2078

This achievement was when Bannister's painting was recognized and awarded in the exhibition. As mentioned earlier, the Bannisters moved to Providence in Rhode Island because of the connections Mrs. Bannister had there. hile in Providence, Bannister joined other famous creative individuals in a place where there were various artist's studios. As a result, Bannister started to paint more depictions of landscapes and shores.
His painting, "Under the Oaks," was chosen for the first-prize bronze medal with the judges almost reconsidering the award after discovering that Bannister was African-American. However, the white competitors endorsed the decision and Bannister was rewarded the first-prize bronze medal for his painting. This award was one of the earliest artistic acclaims for Bannister whose reputation grew as a result. Furthermore, this bronze medal for his painting "Under the Oak" enabled Bannister to devote most of his time to painting because of numerous commissions.

Contributions to America:

The era…...


Works Cited:

"Edward Mitchell Bannister." Answers.com: The World's Leading Q&a Site. Answers Corporation. Web. 19 May 2010. .

"EDWARD MITCHELL BANNISTER." Rhode Island College. Rhode Island College, 30 May 2007. Web. 19 May 2010. .

Kim, Sukkoo. "Immigration, Industrial Revolution and Urban Growth in the United States, 1820-1920:." Mcgill.ca. Washington University in St. Louis and NBER, Jan. 2007. Web. 19 May 2010. .

Machiavelli's Famous Pronouncement That it
Pages: 1 Words: 440

" This can clearly be seen in examples such as Vietnam and Iraq, when a misunderstanding of the native culture caused hostility between America and the people America was ostensibly trying to 'save' or to 'liberate.' Frustrated with colonial control, the Vietnamese saw the Viet Cong as liberators, and the Iraqis did not universally embrace democracy as a pure and cleansing force that would annihilate their old, ethnic and religious civil rivalries. Even in work or school, a new leader must understand the assumptions and needs of the people whom he or she is trying to command, especially if the people have a strong sense of culture -- a new principal cannot suddenly demand that students wear uniforms in a progressive school and expect agreement, a new CEO cannot suddenly demand employees used to a free, Google-like culture punch time clocks and be rendered 'accountable' for every hour of their…...

Compulsive Hoarding Famous Hoarders
Pages: 16 Words: 5187

Compulsive Hoarding
(Hoarding as a Disorder, Famous Hoarders Case Studies, and Solutions)

egrettably, for several years, hoarding has been an out-of-sight disorder. Very little research was conducted on hoarding in the 1980s. However, since earlier 1990s, research scientists, psychologists and clinicians have shown a dramatic interest in the subject. Awareness concerning hoarding has also increased due to up-to-date media exposure. Sufferers, family members, and human service workforce who frequently deal with the compulsive hoarding disorder have also become aware of the problem and its solutions (Steinfatt, 2010).

Compulsive Hoarding: What is it?

Compulsive hoarding can be described as the attainment of and failure to thrust away huge bulks of goods or belongings. This kind of obsessive hoarding is often linked with considerable physical condition peril, working mutilation, and financial impediments. No pragmatic investigation has been conducted to examine the mentioned destructive effects although there are crystal-clear suggestions that hoarding has a negative and damaging…...



Bobb. (2009, August 30). The Collyer Brothers, Disposophobia, and Excessive Hoarding. Waterloo Sunset. Retrieved November 30, 2011 from  http://bobb-cypressgrovebluescom.blogspot.com/2009/08/collyer-brothers-disposophobia-and.html 

Frank, M. (n.d.). MillerAuction. CoolCat Express Corp. Jaguar Performance Parts. Retrieved December 1, 2011 from  http://coolcatcorp.com/millerauction/MillerAuction.html 

Frost, R.O., & Gross, R.C. (1993). The hoarding of possessions. Behaviour Research and Therapy,31, 367.

Obsessive Compulsive Hoarding Disorder. (n.d). compulsive hoarding disorder symptoms everthing you need know about compulsive hoarding disorder symptoms and treatments. Retrieved December 3, 2011 from http://compulsive-hoarding.webexpound.com/the-common-compulsions-of-compulsive-hoarding/

Homer Is the Famous Greek
Pages: 5 Words: 1584

And the estern people followed this idea. This labor code has been legalized for so many years now and has been amended several times all for the benefit of the working population. It is not only the estern civilization who has been benefited by this idea from the Greeks but also most, if not all, countries around the world.
In terms of aesthetic ideals, the Greeks have also greatly influenced the estern world. The use of marbles in building big and creatively crafted structures first came from the Greeks. Because even the estern people can attest for the marble's credibility in making strong buildings and houses (most are still standing now), they too followed using this material.

This too, is shown in Homer's "Iliad." The use of strong castles, houses and even armaments are significant part of the novel that contributed a great learning to the estern Civilization.


It is very obvious…...


Works Cited

Ancient Greek Civilization." 1999. The Teaching Company.  http://www.teach12.com/ttc/Assets/courseDescriptions/323.asp .

Homer. (1998) "The Iliad" (Re Issue Edition). Penguin Classic.

Mackay, Christopher S. 1999. Greek Culture.  http://www.ualberta.ca/~csmackay/CLASS_110/Grk.Culture.html

School for Wives Is a Famous Comedy
Pages: 4 Words: 1320

School for ives is a famous comedy theatrical play of seventeenth century written in French with the name "L'ecole des femmes" by famous French play writer Jean-Baptiste Poquelin. Jean is known by his stage name Moliere and he is considered amongst one of the biggest comedy play writers of est. Moliere was born in a rich and prosperous family of Paris in January 1622 and after a short struggle, eventually become the official writer of the King's court. He wrote several theatrical comedy plays which were sometimes criticized by the church as according to the critics, the plays contain immorality and controversies. The main topics and subjects of Moliere's plays were the middle class, intelligent females, the miser and such other topics which were considered vulgar, bold and highly modernized (Moliere 2012).
The School for ives was staged in December 1662 at Palais Royal theatre for the King's family. The play…...


Works Cited

"Moliere." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 13 Jul. 2012


Henley, Lawrence. The School for Wives: Moliere's Obsession. 13 Jul. 2012


Textiles Textiles Countries Cultures Textile Techniques Famous
Pages: 6 Words: 1750

textiles, textiles countries cultures, Textile techniques, famous textile fashion designers, modern innovations textiles. In fashion, Ecological humanitarian concerns textiles/fashion, business practices, .
The process of satin weaving has been around for centuries, given that people have come to appreciate its qualities. In spite of the fact that it was initially relatively unavailable to the masses as a result of the fact that it was primarily made out of silk and because the technique of satin weaving was not widespread, it gradually came to be found all around the world, as weavers did not hesitate to use less expensive materials in producing such fabrics. Present-day people are known to use satin as the weaving technique for producing a series of things, ranging from apparel to bed sheets. Even with that, some individuals are unsupportive in regard to satin weaving, as satin weaves can be torn very easily, making it difficult for…...


Works cited:

Maitra, K.K. Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Clothing and Textiles, (Mittal Publications, 2007).

Nielson, Karla J. Interior textiles: fabrics, applications, & historical styles, (John Wiley and Sons, 2007).

Textile Fabric Consultants, Inc. "Satin…," Retrieved May 8, 2011, from the Fabrics.net Website: http://www.fabrics.net/amysatin.asp

"Chinese Clothing - Five Thousand Years' History," Retrieved May 8, 2011, from the Cultural Essentials Website: http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/yanglu/ecc_culture_clothing.htm

Frick Collection the Famous Frick Collection Is
Pages: 2 Words: 601

Frick Collection
The famous Frick collection is named after the master artist who died in the early 20th century, Mr. Frick. The Frick collection is hosted in his former mansion that was made converted into a museum after his death.

Jason Wiggins (2011) observes that the museum if made to give the feeling of a home more than the feeling of a public museum or a public place. From the external view, all one sees is art at its perfection. The stone building lies low with an expansive courtyard and prominent statues at the entrance.

Once in the museum, there are painted walls with the reflections of the enaissance church with the 16th century furniture adorning the various rooms that are in the museum. Several rooms have floors and walls made from wood, fireplaces made from expensive marble and the arches and columns decorated with a lot of keenness put in them, giving…...



Frick Collection (2011). The Frick Collection. Retrieved May 12, 2011 from  http://www.frick.org/collection/ 

Jason Wiggins (2011). The Frick Collection. Retrieved May 12, 2011 from  http://www.ny.com/museums/frick.collection.html 

New Yorkled, (2011). The Frick Collection -- Exhibitions. Retrieved May 12, 2011 from  http://www.newyorkled.com/museum_Events_Frick.htm

Interview With Two Famous Artist
Pages: 3 Words: 1123

Interview with Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin

To Vincent van Gogh: hy did you cut off your ear; what was going through your head? Do you blame the absinthe?

Vincent van Gogh: As some of my biographers have indicated, I had emotional and psychological problems since I was a child. I was, for example, "highly emotional and lacked self-confidence," ("Vincent van Gogh: Biography"). Therefore, it should really come as no surprise that I exhibited signs of mental illness as an adult. And besides, what do you care? My greatest works of art exist because I was crazy. As one biographer states of my work: "all of it produced during a period of only 10 years, hauntingly conveys through its striking colour, coarse brushwork, and contoured forms the anguish of a mental illness that eventually resulted in suicide," (Pioch). It sometimes takes mental anguish and spiritual pain to generate creative energy. Charles…...


Works Cited

Charles, Victoria. Vincent Van Gogh. Parkstone, 2011.

Pioch, Nicolas. "Gogh, Vincent van." 19 Aug, 2002. Retrieved online:  http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/gogh/ 

Richardson, John. "Gauguin's Last Testament." Vanity Fair. February 2004. Retrieved online:  http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2004/02/gauguin200402 

Tardieu, Eugene. "Interview with Paul Gauguin." In The Writings of a Savage. Da Capo, 1996.

How does American Gothic literature demonstrate the country’s obsession with religion and sin?
Words: 307

To write a good thesis about this, you have to first put together what you know about early America and its approach to religion.  Obviously, the American colonies were initially established, in part, as a way for people to freely practice certain religions.  That said, they were extremely restrictive, with punishments for people who did not adhere to societal norms.  Many undesirable behaviors were not just considered undesirable, but labeled as sin.  The most dramatic example of this could be found in the witch hysteria that overtook some of the colonies and the executions and general destruction that happened surrounding....

What was the meaning of freedom for enslaved people in the United States on the eve of the Civil War during the antebellum period?
Words: 353

To tackle a three-page essay on the meaning of freedom for enslaved people in the United States, it is very important to keep in mind that there was no single idea of freedom.  The condition of slaves varied tremendously throughout the United States.  Some slaves lived near urban areas and had relatively high amounts of personal autonomy as well as exposure to free people of color, while other slaves were in isolation on plantations and may not ever encounter free people or color or even regularly encounter slaves held captive on other plantations.  In addition, men, women,....

Writing a thesis on Wall House by Anupama Kundoo and wondering how to start it?
Words: 335

How to begin a thesis on Wall House by Anupama Kundoo depends on how you are approaching the topic.  Are you approaching Wall House as a work of architecture, art, human behavior, or a sustainability project?  While the three areas combine and are not possible to completely separate, knowing your primary focus will help you determine how to start your thesis.  It will also help you understand your audience.  How familiar do you expect your readers to be with Wall House, with how it functions, or with Anupama Kundoo as an architect?

Regardless of the approach....

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