Florida Essays Examples

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Florida State Agency Class Action Suit
Within the confines of the statewide bureaucratic and legislative structure, the strict regulatory statutes guiding the implementation of this agency's human resource policies must be adhered to at all times. In cases such as that described in the interoffice memorandum recently drafted and distributed by certain department directors -- who have routinely been forced to work in excess of the proscribed 40 hours per week, despite their status as "excluded career service employees" who cannot legally receive overtime compensation -- the agency's process of due diligence must be rigorous and exacting. The following policy analysis is intended to provide transparency for all parties involved, by describing the various regulatory statutes and provisions of the Florida Administrative Code which are applicable to the aforementioned complaint, before ascertaining whether or not an oversight or omission has been permitted to occur. By comparing the precise set of circumstances….

Florida's Homeless
Introduction and Demographics


Resources -Federal, State, Local


Florida's Homeless

The state of Florida is faced with a serious crisis in which there is no easy solution. The state is currently failing to provide adequate shelter and affordable housing for its rapidly increasing homeless population.

According to the Department of Children and Families' most recent Florida Annual Report on Homeless Conditions in Florida, approximately 67,600 people are homeless on the streets of Florida on any given night. The same report reveals that there are 228 shelters throughout Florida that have a total of 8,561 available beds for homeless people, and an additional 11,122 beds are provided by transitional housing facilities. This means that the state of Florida is currently able to serve less than 30% of its homeless on a temporary basis. Permanent housing opportunities are even harder to come by.

Florida's homeless population includes parents, children, elderly people, veterans and people who suffer from….

Florida History

Florida History
Florida was ruled by Spain for over 200 years. There was little to view by the 1750's. St. Augustine remained a small military town of two thousand soldiers and settlers. The most prosperous merchants were those who operated food services for the troops. On the Gulf side, Pensacola was barely more than a few wooden houses and a fort. The mission system was in ruins. (Florida's past: People and events that shaped the state, V. 1, 2, 3 by Gene M. urnett (Pineapple Press, c1988).)

The greatest weakness of Spanish Florida was its inability to attract families to live there. The rulers of Spain forbade the colonialization of non-Catholics and any trade with English America. Spaniards refused to settle in Florida. Investors felt their money would be better spent in Cuba and Mexico. This was Spanish Florida, obviously under populated and underdeveloped. Its cultural and economic contributions limited to a….

Florida Green Industries. June 2002. 7 Dec. 2007 http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/bmp/turfBMP.pdf.
Carbonate-Rock Aquifers." Aquifer Basics. United States Geological Survey. 31 Jan. 2005. 8 Dec. 2007 http://capp.water.usgs.gov/aquiferBasics/carbrock.html.

Cervone, Sarah. "Florida Aquifers." Planet Management in Florida aters. University of Florida. 2003. 6 Dec. 2007 http://aquat1.ifas.ufl.edu/guide/aquifers.html.

Cervone, Sarah. "Florida Geology." Plant Management in Florida aters. University of Florida. 2003. 8 Dec. 2007 http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/guide/geology.html.

Cervone, Sarah. "Florida Sinkholes." Plant Management in Florida aters. University of Florida. 2003. 5 Dec. 2007 http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/guide/sinkholes.html.

Domestic astewater." Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 14 Nov. 2007. 8 Dec. 2007 http://dep.state.fl.us/water/wastewater/dom/index.htm.

Fact Sheet: Florida." U.S. Census Bureau. 2006. 5 Dec. 2007 http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFFacts?_event=Search&_lang=en&_sse=on&geo_id=04000US12&_state=04000US12.

Floridan Aquifer System." Ground ater Atlas of the United States. U.S. Geological Survey. 6 Dec. 2007 http://capp.water.usgs.gov/gwa/ch_g/G-text6.html.

Forstall, Richard L. "Florida: Population of Counties by Decennial Census: 1900 to 1990." U.S. Census Bureau. 27 Mar. 1995. 7 Dec. 2007 http://www.census.gov/population/cencounts/fl190090.txt.

Hydrologic Cycle." NASA's Observatorium. 1999. 9 Dec. 2007 http://observe.arc.nasa.gov/nasa/earth/hydrocycle/hydro1.html.

Perlman, Howard. "The ater Cycle: Infiltration." U.S. Geological Survey. 24….

It must be executed and acknowledged by an officer or authorized agent of the association. No such lien shall be effective longer than 1 year after the claim of lien was recorded unless, within that time, an action to enforce the lien is commenced

hat rights do Condominium Associations have against unit owners and against non-owner lenders foreclosing against unit owners.


Condominium Associations have statutory fee to foreclose against unit owners for non-payment of fees and assessments, but foreclosing lenders are not liable for same until they officially take title to unit.


The Tadmore case makes it clear that first mortgage holders have substantial protection by statute. However, associations still have the right to pursue owners for assessments and to file and foreclose their own liens. Associations choosing to wait for bank foreclosure may be exacerbating the problem of unpaid assessments rather than solving it. (Morris)

Consequences: The Tadmore court confirms the Associations'….

The intents of the program are manifold, not the least of which is to help students to better realize the impact which they can have on the improvement of the global community through the application and extension of the education which they will receive at the University. Perhaps more importantly though is the chance to see a real and tangible outcome from one's efforts, whether this is manifested in an athletic booster club's donation of sports equipment to a local high school in need or in the construction of a technology sophisticated library facility for a Florida community, or even the collective of departmental efforts to instruct a contraception program in the developing sphere where HIV / AIDS is rampant.
In all of these applications, the University has proudly recommended itself as a context where the future community and world leaders in the improvement and progress of current conditions are….

In this case, two juvenile brothers murdered their father using a blunt object and then burnt his body to hide the evidence. Alex, the youngest of the brothers, claimed that the murder was done intentionally but was a result of years of abuse, both physical and emotional, by their father. The two were found guilty and were sentenced a serve less than ten years in prison.

Alex King could have also been charged with first degree murder, or charged as an adult, as Tate was. According to Florida law, this would have carried a mandatory sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The best defense that could have been used, and ultimately was used by Alex's defense team, was that he acted out of self-defense. Further, he could have used the defense that he was only an accomplice to the act since it was his brother who actually….

Basically, the assessment stays the same from year to year, with only carefully documented changes. This allows NAEP to offer a clear snap shot of student academic progress over time.
Just today, January 15, 2009, what was feared by many over the past several months would occur in Florida has come true. The biggest bite of budget cuts, $466 million, is to come from public school and pre-kindergarten programs. In addition, the state's higher-education programs will see about $184 million in cuts. Daytona State College, alone, will lose about $2.1 million.

Besides the immediate impacts such short-sidedness will bring in daily educational programming, is the much more devastating long-term effects. When children do not do well in second grade, that poverty of education follows them throughout all of their years of schooling, and eventually hits the state hard when the students graduate. These are the country's future leaders that are being….

Ha: There is a positive correlation between transaction leadership styles of academic deans and the job satisfaction of business faculty members in the Florida College System.

Research Question 3: How do basic employment and related demographic considerations impact job satisfaction within the targeted population?

H3: There is no significant correlation between the years of teaching experience and job satisfaction of business faculty members in the Florida College System.

Ha: There is a positive correlation between the years of teaching experience and job satisfaction of business faculty members in the Florida College System.

H4: There is no significant different among the educational levels of business faculty members with respect to overall job satisfaction in the Florida College System.

Ha: There is a significant difference among the educational levels of business faculty members with respect to overall job satisfaction in the Florida College System.

H5: There is not a significant difference between male and female business faculty members….

"[footnoteRef:9] [9: (Hamby)]
Again, however, Perry's mission in Florida was multi-pronged. Aside from the debate and a chance to discuss the issues, Florida presented Perry with an opportunity to impress potential campaign donors. It was predicted, around that time, that Perry would overtake Romney as the leading beneficiary of extra disposable income in Florida.[footnoteRef:10] the data collected suggests that Perry's Florida events were composed of a majority of fundraising events which further supports this position. Most of Perry's fundraising events were conducted over meals in which donors purchased tickets to attend. [10: (Associated Press)]

Herman Cain surprised many with an upset victory in a straw poll in Florida following the debate of September 22. Cain won with 37% of the vote, more than double his nearest competitor Perry at 15.4%, and far ahead of the rest of the pack, which featured Romney third, at 14%, Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum fourth, with 10.9%,….

Correctional Institutions Population in FloridaIntroductionCrimes such as murder, manslaughter, treason, arson, sexual offense, robbery with violence, war crimes, drug dealing, organ dealing, kidnapping, amongst others, are considered felonies since they are crimes of high magnitude. While battery, minor assault, theft, and petty offenses are mostly considered misdemeanors. In Florida, from the statistics shown in the link, it is visible that they did not value the need to punish offenders according to the weight of their offense and instead preferred to send them to rehabilitation or probation centers.According to (Community Corrections Population, 2017), the population distribution shows white males are the highest in offense, followed by black men than women. They all fall under the middle age group of 30-40. Consequently, theft/fraud/forgery is the biggest crime, a sign that the community is filled with jobless people thus poverty. Manslaughter or murder are distinctively present in the community, although not as proficient….

Write a -5 page paper (not counting the title page and reference page) describing 3 local resources based on the cultural topics from the provided list below, that would meet or specifically relate to these cultural needs. The local resources must be agencies with physical buildings, not solely online sources. Begin with a brief paper introduction before going to your first section/heading (do not use a heading for the introduction). In this opening paragraph, describe the town/city/area you live in, including statistics on the cultural makeup (cite and reference the source used for this information).Topic chosen from the list: African American, Latin American, Native American, or Arab AmericanCOVID-19 has exacerbated the economic upheaval occurring in minorities communities. Prior to the pandemic, many minorities suffered the lowest wealth and economic statistics in the nation. African Americans and Hispanics are often paid less than their white counterparts for the same job. They….

Nichols, 1974, Equal Education Opportunities Act of 1974, Requirements of the Vocational Education Guidelines, 1979, Requirements based on the Fifth Circuit court decision in Castaneda v. Pickard, 1981, Requirements based on the Supreme Court decision in Plyler v. Doe, 1982, Americans with Disabilities Act (PL 94-142), Florida Education Equity Act, 1984, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
The Consent Decree puts the burden of making sure each student, even though they do not speak English or are of another race or culture, on the teacher and the school the student attends. If the student does not speak English sufficiently to compete or keep up with other students, it is the responsibility of the school to teach the student English sufficient to compete and learn as well as his or her peers.

orks Cited

Office of Academic Achievement through Language Acquisition - Consent Decree. Florida Department….

This is mainly done by the plants using non-renewable sources of energy. The plants also differ in the competency of the amount of watts produced. Due to the extent of sources used, some plants produce enormous amounts than others. A good example is the nuclear plant at Crystal iver; it contributes to 15% watt production compared to the solar plant at Indiantown that contributes to 3% of power production.
esearch methodology

The data collected through this research is concrete. Statistical information has been extracted from vital databases such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis, SEDS Database and the Institute of Energy research. Though the information is rightfully available, it is not possible to create Florida's electric power network due to poor infrastructure on the transmission network and the availability of many plants and substations.


Castleberry, G.W. (2008). Power Plant Electrical Distribution Systems. An Approved Continuing Education Provider.

Federal Energy Administration (F.E.A). (1994). Inventory….

In a state of perfect competition, an equilibrium price will be set for the juice that matches the aggregate marginal cost. This is likely to decrease the production capacity of producers who are producing above this cost. The subsidy distorts this market to an extent, allowing more Florida producers to continue to remain in the business. Under natural market conditions, however, the amount of acreage under development in Florida would decrease as the result of Brazilian competition.
Another issue is the erosion of pricing power that the growers have experienced over the years. As the retail side of the industry has experienced consolidation, the buying power of retailers has increased significantly. This has the effect of transferring most of the risk of orange juice price fluctuation to the producer, whereas through much of the 20th century this risk was offloaded onto the consumer. The FDOC had worked to hedge against….

Healthcare reform is a hot topic because healthcare remains prohibitively expensive for so many people in Florida.  While the Affordable Care Act has expanded access to healthcare for many people, the reality is that healthcare remains prohibitively expensive for many people.  Between the cost of insurance premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses, basic healthcare can cost people thousands and thousands of dollars a year, with much higher expenses if people experience healthcare challenges requiring care.

Florida benefitted substantially from some of the federal healthcare reform laws.  For example, Floridians cannot be denied healthcare coverage for a pre-existing....

I. Introduction
A. Background information on Zora Neale Hurston
B. Thesis statement on the significance of her work

II. Early Life and Education
A. Birth and childhood in Notasulga, Alabama
B. Move to Eatonville, Florida and sense of community
C. Education at Howard University and Barnard College

III. Career as a Writer
A. Work as a folklorist and anthropologist
B. Publication of her first short story and novel
C. Success as a playwright and essayist

IV. Literary Contributions and Themes
A. Exploration of race, gender, and identity in the African-American experience
B. Use of vernacular language and folk traditions in her writing

The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election: A Contemplation on Potential Outcomes


The 2024 U.S. presidential election is a highly anticipated event that will shape the political landscape of the United States for years to come. With the incumbent president term-limited, the race is wide open, and multiple potential candidates have already expressed their interest in running. In this essay, we will analyze the potential outcomes of the 2024 presidential election, considering the political climate, key issues, and possible candidates.

Political Climate

The 2024 election will take place against the backdrop of a highly polarized political climate. The country remains deeply divided along partisan lines,....

To determine if there is a significant difference in the intergovernmental revenue growth rate (IGR) based on county type (metro, suburban, rural) in Florida, we can conduct an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. This statistical test will help us determine if there are significant differences in the IGR growth rates between the three types of counties.

The ANOVA test results are as follows:

- Metro counties: IGR growth rate = 3.5%
- Suburban counties: IGR growth rate = 2.8%
- Rural counties: IGR growth rate = 1.9%

Based on the ANOVA test results, there is a significant difference in the IGR growth rates between the....

4 Pages
Research Paper


Florida State Agency Class Action Suit

Words: 1030
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Florida State Agency Class Action Suit Within the confines of the statewide bureaucratic and legislative structure, the strict regulatory statutes guiding the implementation of this agency's human resource policies must…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Florida's Homeless Introduction and Demographics Causes Resources

Words: 3047
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Florida's Homeless Introduction and Demographics Causes Resources -Federal, State, Local Closing Florida's Homeless The state of Florida is faced with a serious crisis in which there is no easy solution. The state is currently failing…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Florida History

Words: 1520
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Florida History Florida was ruled by Spain for over 200 years. There was little to view by the 1750's. St. Augustine remained a small military town of two thousand soldiers…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Florida's Water Developing Water Issues

Words: 1865
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Florida Green Industries. June 2002. 7 Dec. 2007 http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/bmp/turfBMP.pdf. Carbonate-Rock Aquifers." Aquifer Basics. United States Geological Survey. 31 Jan. 2005. 8 Dec. 2007 http://capp.water.usgs.gov/aquiferBasics/carbrock.html. Cervone, Sarah. "Florida Aquifers." Planet Management…

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2 Pages

Urban Studies

Florida Law Florida Condominium Foreclosure

Words: 711
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

It must be executed and acknowledged by an officer or authorized agent of the association. No such lien shall be effective longer than 1 year after the claim…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Florida Tomorrow University of Florida's

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The intents of the program are manifold, not the least of which is to help students to better realize the impact which they can have on the improvement…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Florida v Tate This Bizarre

Words: 560
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

King In this case, two juvenile brothers murdered their father using a blunt object and then burnt his body to hide the evidence. Alex, the youngest of the brothers,…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Florida Budget for All Its

Words: 753
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Basically, the assessment stays the same from year to year, with only carefully documented changes. This allows NAEP to offer a clear snap shot of student academic progress…

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6 Pages
Methodology Chapter


Florida State Leadership Job Satisf

Words: 2543
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Methodology Chapter

Ha: There is a positive correlation between transaction leadership styles of academic deans and the job satisfaction of business faculty members in the Florida College System. Research Question 3: How…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Florida's Significance to the 2012

Words: 2700
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

"[footnoteRef:9] [9: (Hamby)] Again, however, Perry's mission in Florida was multi-pronged. Aside from the debate and a chance to discuss the issues, Florida presented Perry with an opportunity to impress…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Florida Correctional Institutions Population

Words: 696
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Correctional Institutions Population in FloridaIntroductionCrimes such as murder, manslaughter, treason, arson, sexual offense, robbery with violence, war crimes, drug dealing, organ dealing, kidnapping, amongst others, are considered felonies since…

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4 Pages


South Florida demographics and resources to help them

Words: 1069
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Write a -5 page paper (not counting the title page and reference page) describing 3 local resources based on the cultural topics from the provided list below, that would…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Florida Consent Decree the Teacher's

Words: 409
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nichols, 1974, Equal Education Opportunities Act of 1974, Requirements of the Vocational Education Guidelines, 1979, Requirements based on the Fifth Circuit court decision in Castaneda v. Pickard, 1981,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Florida Electrical Power Grid Florida's

Words: 1507
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is mainly done by the plants using non-renewable sources of energy. The plants also differ in the competency of the amount of watts produced. Due to the…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Florida Orange Growers the Florida

Words: 632
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

In a state of perfect competition, an equilibrium price will be set for the juice that matches the aggregate marginal cost. This is likely to decrease the production…

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