Food Essays (Examples)

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Food Journal
My food journal can be used as an anthropological tool, highlighting a number of different facets of my life. My background is that I am half-Turkish and half-Saudi, but grew up in Paris. So I have been exposed to a number of different types of food. I went through a period where I was unable to cook for myself, since I had no kitchen, but eventually I moved into my own place. This allowed me to renew my love of food. Eating out had become a chore, but now it is something that I want to do. There is also the element of food as celebration, something that comes from both Turkish and Saudi culture, and those are things that I have missed, even in Paris.

My food diary shows a variety of food/social categories. Mary Douglas (1972) wrote that a meal can be deciphered, operating on the idea that….

Food ars
Place of publication: London and New York

Publisher: Verso

Date of publication: 2009

alden Bello's book The Food ars is not a meaty book in terms of length, but it covers an issue all of us are and should be concerned with: food. Bello is certainly qualified to discuss this topic. He has a background in sociology and is currently a professor of that discipline at the University of the Philippines. ith a Harvard education to his credit, as well as authorship of several other well-received books and scholarly essays, Bello knows what he is talking about. In addition, he is deeply passionate about his topic, and this comes through clearly on these pages. He discusses questions that affect all of us deeply regarding food issues, particularly in terms of the political and economic aspects of it and how these issues affect all of us globally.

His introduction gives a general overview of….

Food for Thought Meal Project
My meal for the Food for Thought project is themed around one of my favorite foods: Mexican food. The meal starts with Chicken Quesadilla for an appetizer, a Mexican Burrito Bowl for the main dish and Flan for dessert. I found three recipes online for each part of the meal, and to plan a meal for ten guests I had to do calculations to know how much of each ingredient I needed. Then I created a cookbook, which you can read below, to show how each recipe is prepared and cooked.

Appetizer -- Chicken Quesadilla (Serves 5 People)

You Will Need:

chicken breasts (cook them and shred into small pieces) - $8.99

bag of cheese (use the Mexican blend) - $3.99

dozen soft flour tortillas - $3.50

stick of butter - $0.50


jar of salsa - $3.25

tablespoons of sour cream - $0.80

head of lettuce - $0.79

jalapeno peppers - $1.25

TOTAL COST: $23.07 for original….

This prevented the construction of a dam on the river that was going to be used to produce hydroelectricity. This is significant because it is showing how there is tremendous amounts of competition over the natural resources. Once this occurs, it means that sustainable food supplies become more difficult to obtain, which will result in food security issues. ("Water and Food Security," 2011)
To deal with these problems, many countries have begun to implement various programs that are designed to encourage the conservation of natural resources such as water. Evidence of this can be seen in Japan. As, they have been recycling waste water and using it on plants. The basic idea behind this approach is that this can protect the water table by: ensuring that agriculture and the rest of the economy are receiving the resources that it needs. The only difference is that there is no segregation of….

Food everage Service
Working at 'Graduates' Restaurants: What I learned

Customer needs and expectations

"The essence of fine dining -- as in any great experience -- is often the expectation of something special... Restaurateurs must encourage their staffs to outdo themselves in pleasing the customer and to equal or surpass expectations. [If they do this] the reward would be happy customers and repeat business rather than disillusioned customers not inclined to return" (ernstein 1989:1). Customer needs and expectations regarding fine dining are very different from the expectations diners bring to fast or convenience food restaurants. Customers are not simply paying for fine food, they are also paying for a service. They desire expertise and assurance that the investment of time and money they are making in the restaurant is 'worth it.' Customers who do not often go to fine dining establishments hope the experience will be worth the risk of capital, and result….

Food Allergies

Food Allergies
What Are Allergies, Different Types, Treatments, Diagnosis

how was it processed

Controlling reaction, most common, symptoms, warnings,

How to manage allergies at home, school, work etc.

F. esearch -- how it was processed

G. eaction to research -- personal reactions

Food allergies are all the rage lately, especially according to some reports that espouse numbers about U.S. citizens that are alarming to some experts. Those numbers state that "the most reliable statistics show that food allergies affect between 6 and 8% of children and nearly 4% of adults -- and rates appear to be climbing" (Howard, 2010, p. 122).

However, these numbers may be somewhat misleading, due to the fact that many people who believe they have a food allergy, may in actuality, only have a food intolerance. A recent report found in the Journal of the American Medical Association states that out of 1200 studies concerning food allergies, the vast majority were inconclusive, incorrect, not….

Some say that there are over 350 Italian local bread types. Similarly Pasta is also key ingredient in food items. Antipasto, primo, secondo and dolce are main courses in Italian meal. Antipasto comprises appetizers which can be served hot or cold. Pasta is usually included in the primo, or soup and pasta course. Secondo is the main meal and is usually fish or meat. Beef or Veal is most commonly used in preparing secondo. Dolce is desert and there could be another side dish called contorno which is usualy salad.
Another specialty of Italy is its wine and a wide variety of locally produced wine is available in the country. The wine and food for Italians is lethal combination. They have even many special food and wine fairs.

Italian lunch and dinners are sumptuous and Italians love to eat the two meals of the day. Italians love to serve food and….

Food Practice
For many years, I have been conscious about what foods I buy and where I buy them. I have been trying to incorporate more organic foods into my diet, and eat as much vegetarian food as possible. However, this exercise encouraged me to pay closer attention to what I buy and why. Many of my food choices are made from habit. I buy broccoli more often than any other green vegetable because I have never learned how to use kale or collard greens. I purchase certain brands of food because I remember my mother liked those brands. Other items I buy only because they are on sale, and the price is attractive to me.

Ethnicity plays a small role in what I buy. My mother is Chinese, and this makes it relatively easy for me to know what to buy at the Asian grocer when I go there. My father….

Food History-Swiss
The Food History of Switzerland's Cuisine

hat is the geographical location of Switzerland and why it would have an affect on the Switzerland cuisine? (i.e., what is Switzerland's weather condition and what do they eat mostly, etc.)

The famously neutral nation of Switzerland is located in the center of Europe. According to the official Swiss Tourist Board, this "landlocked, mountainous" quality of nation has given the country its unique identity, not simply politically but culturally and in terms of its food. Because of its central position in continental Europe Switzerland's weather is influenced by the four main European air currents, from the Atlantic, the eastern continent, the northern sub-polar region and the Mediterranean south. The climate is temperate on the Swiss Central Plateau, and warmer and dryer in the South. The mountain climate, hilly terrain, and strong sense of the beauty of the outdoors have meant that Switzerland is especially noted….

Food and Water Supply

Food and Water Supply: wanda
Identifying Methods to Improve the Food and Water Supply in wanda

The recent events following Hurricane Katrina served to emphasize just how important clean food and water are to the American public; fortunately, though, the profound deprivations in New Orleans were short-lived, but the same plight is faced on a daily basis by the peoples of many developed countries of the world. Tens of millions of people continue to go without adequate nutrition and access to safe water supplies, and the deaths and diseases associated with these inadequacies in basic human needs are well-known. While the problems facing policymakers and nongovernmental agencies seeking to improve food and water production capabilities in emerging nations are profound, there have been some methods identifying in the past that have proven effective for these purposes. To this end, this paper provides a plan to assist the developing country of wanda in….

Food Service Food Waste

Food Service Food Waste
Throughout the world, food wastage has become a significant problem. It is estimated that across America, tones of food are wasted on a daily basis. For this reason, the relevance of formulating sound food waste management strategies cannot be overstated. As a foodservice manager, I explore the various strategies I could embrace in an attempt to address the problem of food wastage in a foodservice outlet.

Strategies to educe Food Wastage

It is important to note from the onset that both retail and commercial food outlets waste food worth billons of U.S. dollars p.a. The cost of the said wastage as of 2010 according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was $30-$40 billion p.a. (City of Hillsboro, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 2010). In seeking to address the problem of food wastage (and hence make some cost savings), I will largely rely on strategies that have been adopted by….

The condition in which meat is produced in the United States is appalling and makes me consider the choices I have made as a consumer. Some of the most disturbing aspects of the meat industry -- chicken and beef -- where the inhumane conditions that the animals bred for consumption were kept under. The scene that made me reconsider my meat choices was not any of the beef being slaughtered or meat being processed for hamburgers, but rather the scene in which a cow had a plug inserted into its side that allowed a person to look directly into it while it was still alive.

One of the most shocking aspects of Food, Inc. (2008) was the control that Monsanto has over farmers and veggie libel laws. It is appalling that Monsanto is more concerned with making a profit than the well being of the public and also the well being….

Food Habits

ecently I had the opportunity to try an Ethiopian restaurant that is fairly new to the neighborhood. I have eaten Ethiopian food before, and so was very familiar with the tastes, textures, and overall eating experience. This restaurant had an Ethiopian flag outside, and inside it was decorated with photographs of Ethiopia and handicrafts from the country. The atmosphere was casual, relaxed, and homey. On the stereo played Ethiopian music of many different varieties including songs with captivating vocals. As with the menus of most Ethiopian restaurants, this menu listed a variety of meat and vegetable dishes and explained how to eat the food properly. Most menus do not need directions, but for those who have never eaten Ethiopian food before, some advance knowledge is helpful. Ethiopian food is eaten entirely with the hands and fingers: no utensils are used at all. The stable starch of the Ethiopian diet is….

Food Culture

Food is an expression of culture. Food plays a role in social interactions and ritual, as well as in daily life. Therefore, a culture's food transcends the mundane meanings of self-sustenance and survival. Visiting the restaurants owned and operated by persons from a specific culture offers a window into that society, however small that window might be. Culture is defined as a "full range of learned human behavior patterns," which are integral to the creation of individual and group identity (O'Neil, 2006). Culture is transmitted via processes like socialization and acculturation; and culture is also disseminated via the construction of social norms. Communication is integral to the definition of culture. Not only is language itself an expression of culture, but the ways in which people communicate nonverbally is too. As the text points out, issues such as power distance, particularism, and contextual cues will all become components of cultural communication….

Food History
There are two liquids especially agreeable to the human body, wine inside and oil outside."


There is an inscription in Egyptian characters on the pyramid which records the quantities of radishes onions and garlic consumed by the laborers who constructed it."

Greek historian, Herodotus, describing his visits to the pyramids at Giza.

Few foods hold as an esteemed position in Mediterranean cuisine and lifestyle as garlic and olive oil. Now that modern science and medicine has confirmed what the ancients assumed about the health benefits of garlic and olive oil, they are receiving even more attention in modern cuisine and medicine. Both garlic and olive oil are noted for their curative properties as antioxidants. Modern science has proven what Dioscorides knew thousands of years ago, that garlic "clears the arteries." Moreover, garlic and olive oil are some of the most versatile -- not to mention tasty -- foods produced in the world,….

1. A diet or lifestyle related disease is one that is brought about specifically because of the type of diet the person has or the lifestyle he or she chooses to live. 2. Obesity causes many health issues. The most common are sleep apnea, type II diabetes, and heart disease. 3. Obesity is linked to both diet and lifestyle. Someone who overeats and also does not exercise can become obese over time. 4. In society, obesity causes higher health care costs, "fat shaming," and discomfort for many people because of a lack of ability to accommodate larger-sized people (think airplane and bus seats,....

Since we do not know what you have put in your first page, it is a little difficult to tell you where to start on your second page.  What we are going to do is go over some of the negative effects of gentrification and give you some links to find more information about those negative effects.  Hopefully, this will help you get over your writer’s block and get past page two.

At first glance, gentrification may seem like a positive.  After all, gentrification means an upward trend economically for a historically economically disadvantaged neighborhood.  However, long-term residents....

To start this essay, we would begin by identifying ways that business could impact the environment.  Next, we would want to identify the businesses we wanted to highlight in the essay, focusing on their specific environmental impact.  We would want to select at least two businesses with different reputations for their environmental impact.  Companies that are known for having good environmental initiatives include Disney, Johnson and Johnson, Nike, eBay, Fisher Investments, Hewlett-Packard, Starbucks, and Ford Motor Company.  Companies have a bad reputation in terms of their impact on the environment include AES, PPL, ConAgra Foods, Coca Cola,....

4 Pages


Food Journal My Food Journal Can Be

Words: 1509
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Food Journal My food journal can be used as an anthropological tool, highlighting a number of different facets of my life. My background is that I am half-Turkish and half-Saudi,…

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5 Pages
Book Review


Food Wars Place of Publication London and

Words: 1756
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Book Review

Food ars Place of publication: London and New York Publisher: Verso Date of publication: 2009 alden Bello's book The Food ars is not a meaty book in terms of length, but it covers…

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3 Pages


Food for Thought Meal Project My Meal

Words: 854
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Food for Thought Meal Project My meal for the Food for Thought project is themed around one of my favorite foods: Mexican food. The meal starts with Chicken Quesadilla for…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Food Security Over the Last

Words: 688
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This prevented the construction of a dam on the river that was going to be used to produce hydroelectricity. This is significant because it is showing how there…

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5 Pages


Food Beverage Service Working at 'Graduates' Restaurants

Words: 1720
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Food everage Service Working at 'Graduates' Restaurants: What I learned Customer needs and expectations "The essence of fine dining -- as in any great experience -- is often the expectation of something…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Food Allergies

Words: 2101
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Food Allergies What Are Allergies, Different Types, Treatments, Diagnosis how was it processed Controlling reaction, most common, symptoms, warnings, How to manage allergies at home, school, work etc. F. esearch -- how it was…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Food & Eating Behavior Every

Words: 2544
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Some say that there are over 350 Italian local bread types. Similarly Pasta is also key ingredient in food items. Antipasto, primo, secondo and dolce are main courses…

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4 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Food Practice for Many Years I Have

Words: 1447
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Food Practice For many years, I have been conscious about what foods I buy and where I buy them. I have been trying to incorporate more organic foods into my…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Food History in Switzerland

Words: 1239
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Food History-Swiss The Food History of Switzerland's Cuisine hat is the geographical location of Switzerland and why it would have an affect on the Switzerland cuisine? (i.e., what is Switzerland's weather…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Food and Water Supply

Words: 1554
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Food and Water Supply: wanda Identifying Methods to Improve the Food and Water Supply in wanda The recent events following Hurricane Katrina served to emphasize just how important clean food and…

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2 Pages


Food Service Food Waste

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Food Service Food Waste Throughout the world, food wastage has become a significant problem. It is estimated that across America, tones of food are wasted on a daily basis. For…

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2 Pages
Film Review


Food Inc Summary and Critique

Words: 674
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Film Review

The condition in which meat is produced in the United States is appalling and makes me consider the choices I have made as a consumer. Some of the most…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Food Habits

Words: 679
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Food ecently I had the opportunity to try an Ethiopian restaurant that is fairly new to the neighborhood. I have eaten Ethiopian food before, and so was very familiar with…

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3 Pages


Food Culture

Words: 940
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Food is an expression of culture. Food plays a role in social interactions and ritual, as well as in daily life. Therefore, a culture's food transcends the mundane meanings…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Food History There Are Two Liquids Especially

Words: 2472
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Food History There are two liquids especially agreeable to the human body, wine inside and oil outside." Pliny There is an inscription in Egyptian characters on the pyramid which records the quantities…

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