Food Industry Essays (Examples)

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Fast Food Industry From the
Pages: 7 Words: 2451

" A study asked the public which attributes were the most important for a fast-food chain; among the respondents, cleanliness ranked first, followed by the wish to have hot food actually served hot. "The idea that fast food should be juicy (not dried out) placed eleventh on the list" (Gershman, 1990, p. 176). According to this author, Wendy's took two of its product attributes, hot and juicy, and based their entire marketing campaign around that central theme. These commercials fueled the company's success for years, but Clara Peller's "Where's the beef?" was only popular "for about a minute"; because there was no central theme line, sales began to decline for Wendy's and have never fully recovered from that time. As a result, "Advertising isn't enough any more. For at least ten years, fast food has been a battleground for market share, and that market is becoming increasingly segmented" (Gershman, p.…...



Berlau, J. (July 15, 2002). Big Food Fight: When Big Tobacco Was Taken Down by a Rash of Lawsuits, Consumers Were Assured That Other 'Bad' Products Wouldn't Be Targeted, but the Fast-Food Industry Appears to Be Next. Insight on the News, 18(25), 12.

Gershman, M. (1990). Getting it right the second time: How American ingenuity transformed forty-nine marketing failures into some of our most successful products. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.

Krueger, A.B. (1991). Ownership, Agency, and Wages: An Examination of Franchising in the Fast Food Industry. Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 106(1), 75.

McCaslin, J. (March 23, 2004). Pass the Ketchup. The Washington Times, A09.

Catering in the Food Industry
Pages: 3 Words: 900

Catering in the Food Industry
The focus of this report is on catering within the food industry. The history of catering and a great deal of the history of the food industry in America are simply taken for granted. Consider that pasta and chicken are now normally accepted cuisine for any modern or typical catered affair. But, in the midst of the mass Italian migration into New York and Boston only a century ago, pasta was as frowned upon as the Italian language and culture. Social workers used to consider it to be a troubling sign for instance when Italians were "still eating spaghetti" because this was a sign of the person or family not yet being assimilated. So, serving this type of meal back then would have made the caterer a laughing stock. By this example, there was a long-standing faith in the link between eating and identity.

To Americanize immigrants…...

Fat Free the Food Industry
Pages: 2 Words: 486

0.18 X 100% = 18% of calories from fat


Hannaford Flatbread Pizza with Spinach and Feta

One serving (1/2 pizza, 160 g) is 340 calories, with 15 grams of fat. According to the nutrition facts, 23% of calories are derived from fat per serving. According to the formula:

15 grams of fat X 9 calories each = 243 fat calories

243 fat calories/340 total calories = 0.7147059

0.7147059 X 100% = 71.47059

ounded to 71.5 = 71.5% of calories from fat

The method to calculate the percentage of fat in foods is done in a misleading way by the food industry. For Kashi GoLean Crunch, the percentage of fat is actually almost three times what the manufacturer claims, 14.2% instead of just 5%. With the tomato-basil soup, 18% of calories are from fat, nearly four times the 5% claimed by the manufacturer. Finally, the pizza, at 71.5% has almost triple the percentage of fat compared to the…...



Bluman, a.G. (2011). Mathematics in our world (1st ed. Ashford University Custom). United

States: McGraw-Hill.

Fast Food Industry
Pages: 7 Words: 2456

Fast Food on Our Nation
The Dangers of Fast Food

The dangers of fast food have been a much discussed topic in recent years. Although fast food is convenient and inexpensive, we as a society need to stop eating fast food because it increases health problems, impacts the environment, and has created a food economy dominated by giant corporations. The dictionary defines fast food as food "that is prepared in quantity by a standardized method and can be dispensed quickly at inexpensive restaurants of eating there or elsewhere" (, 2010). In the United States of America, the well-known fast food restaurants are Burger King, McDonald, Wendy, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken. These are the popular restaurants where customers can get a quick, inexpensive meal, which is usually unhealthy. Fast food is one of the major variables leading to obesity in our society today, which is a major problem…...



Archer, M. (2009). Watch, Listen & Read. USA Today.

Austin. Et. al. (2005). Clustering of Fast-Food Restaurants Around Schools: A Novel Application of Spatial Statistics to the Study of Food Environments. American Journal of Public Health. 95 (9) 1575-1581.

Blanch et. al. (2009). Factors Influencing Lucnhtime Food Choices Among Working Americans. Health Education & Behavior. 36 (2) 289-301.

Brownell, K. (2010). In your face: How the food industry drives us to eat. Nutrition Action Health Letter. 37 (4)

Economics in the Frozen Food Industry
Pages: 6 Words: 1951

Capitalism is predicated on the principles of "Creative Destruction" where the loss of one item or industry, leads to the creation of another more beneficial product or industry. This principle has both destroyed and given rise to numerous industries throughout the world. For example, in the early 1900's, farming gave way to the industrialization of American made goods. Producers went from the farm lands to the assembly line of manufacturers. Entire industries, including the automobile, rail; oil and gas industries were born and created. Today, we are seeing a shift from producing tangible products to producing intangible services and technology. Industries often change for the better. The low-calorie frozen, microwavable food industry is no different in this regard. Shifts and changes in consumer preferences and industry dynamics necessitate a shift within the overall industry. In assignment 1, the industry was predicated on perfect competition with price competition and products that…...



1) Bradley R. chiller, "Essentials of Economics," New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991.

2) Chia-Hui Chen, course materials for 14.01 Principles of Microeconomics, Fall 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (  Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [12 Sept 2009] ),

3) Sullivan, Arthur; Steven M. Sheffrin (2003j). Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458: Pearson Prentice Hall. p. 111. ISBN 0-13-063085-3.

4) Silberberg & Suen, The Structure of Economics, A Mathematical Analysis 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill 2001) at 181

Fast Food Industry Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 1023

Industry Life Cycle

The typical industry life cycle is a metaphor that describes how an industry grows and theoretically where it ends up (Inc., 2015). The beginning of the life cycle for the franchised fast food model basically started with McDonald's in the early 1960s, and quickly entered into a rapid growth phase. McDonalds followed this phase of the life cycle around the world, over a period of decades, to become the most dominant player in the fast food business not just domestically but globally as well. In general, McDonalds was a pioneer of the industry in many foreign markets. As an industry exits the growth stage and enters into the maturity stage, its growth rate flattens (Inc., 2015), and this is something that can be seen today with the McDonalds revenue chart (MSN Moneycentral, 2015). There is no real growth in the industry for McDonalds, because it has saturated its…...



Inc. Magazine (2015). Industry life cycle. Inc. Magazine. Retrieved November 30, 2015 from 

MSN Moneycentral (2015). McDonalds. Retrieved November 30, 2015 from 

NetMBA (2015). The BCG growth-share matrix. NetMBA. Retrieved November 30, 2015 from 

QSR. (2015). The QSR top 50. QSR Magazine. Retrieved November 30, 2015 from

HR Management and Challenges in the Food Industry
Pages: 5 Words: 1646

Interviewing a Food Service Leader
General Manager Food Service

What are your names and position in the food service industry?

How long have you served in the industry and the same position?

Is human resource necessary in the food service industry?

How do you approach conflicts at different levels in the industry?

In the case of stress, what mechanisms do you apply to cope up with it?

What process do you apply in making decisions in the industry?

What are procedures for recruiting, interviewing, training, retaining employees in the industry?

He is working as a general manager at Mansion estaurant, 2821 Turtle Creek Blvd, Dallas, TX 75219. Wallace has been working at the estaurant for five years, three years as general a manager and two years as an assistant general manager. Wallace joined the restaurant in the position of assistant general a manager for two years, and he has been promoted to the position of general manager, a position…...



Darkow, I. L., Foerster, B., & Von Der Gracht, H. A. (2015). Sustainability in Food Service Supply Chains: Future Expectations from European Industry Experts toward the Environmental Perspective. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 20(2), 163-178.

Clayton, M. L., Clegg Smith, K., Neff, R. A., Pollack, K. M., & Ensminger, M. (2015). Listening To Food Workers: Factors That Impact Proper Health And Hygiene Practice In Food Service. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 21(4), 314-327.

Brimblecombe, J., Van Den Boogaard, C., Wood, B., Liberato, S. C., Brown, J., Barnes, A., & Bailie, R. (2015). Development of the Good Food Planning Tool: A Food System Approach to Food Security in Indigenous Australian Remote Communities. Health & Place, 34, 54-62.

Food Trucks Have Brought a
Pages: 2 Words: 703

This is due to the fact that they will have attracted and retained many customers leaving very few people visiting the restaurants. This high command of the market share really cripples these restaurants. estaurants no longer dominant the food industry and if food trucks continue gaining popularity then they will eventually loose the battle of trying to be dominant in the market. They will end up loosing most of their customers to the food trucks if no regulations whatsoever are put in place to govern the food trucks industry (Needleman, 2012).
The œbrick-and-mortara restaurants are attempting to ban the food trucks. This is because these trucks are bringing alt of competition to these restaurants. The food trucks are capturing many customers as well as dominating a very large percentage of the market share. They are also creating price wars within this industry. This means that the restaurants are really facing…...



Richards, L. (2010). What Are the Characteristics of a Competitive Market's Structure? Retrieved May 23, 2013 from 

Needleman, S.E. (2012). The Wall Street journal. Street Fight: Food Trucks vs. Restaurants. Retrieved May 23, 2013 from

Food Policy What Are the
Pages: 2 Words: 622

Identify and analyze the role/s of various key stakeholders in policy development, implementation and evaluation. The roles of key stakeholders in policy development, implementation and evaluation all revolve around their own objectives. The "actors" in policymaking can be divided into five distinct categories: elected officials, appointed officials, interest groups, research organizations, and the mass media (Finders University, 2010; 35).

Non-government organizations (NGO) play a big role in the propagation of interest in food policy (Finders University, 2010; 36). NGOs can being many different types of people together for a cause (such as the case in Lang's (1997) article). The coming together of middle-income individuals, politicians, scientists, activists -- among other groups -- "helped to set the scene for public vigilance regarding the actions of government and food industry" (2010; 36).

When it comes to problems in policies, the media is a major factor. The media is incredibly adept at sensationalizing issues and…...



Flinders University. (2010). Graduate Studies in Public Health. "Food Policy for Public

Health Practice." Guide To Learning.

Klijn, E. (1996). Analyzing and Managing Policy Processes in Complex Networks: A

Theoretical Examination of the Concept Policy Network and Its Problems.

Food Supply Technology Industrialization and
Pages: 4 Words: 1142

A farmer in each year can produce enough food to feed a hundred people, according to Pollan (2001), but this productivity comes with a heavy price: "The modern industrial farmer cannot grow that much food without large quantities of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, machinery, and fuel. This expensive set of 'inputs,' as they are called, saddles the farmer with debt, jeopardizes his health, erodes his soil and ruins its fertility, pollutes the groundwater, and compromises the safety of the food we eat" (Pollan, 2001, p. 190). These accrued costs accumulated through generations may lead to catastrophic consequences such as global warming and scarcity of edible food and drinkable water.
The drive to industrial efficiency blinded us to several hidden costs of food production. Orr (1994) identifies six of the costs that, if we intend to maintain sustainable growth, need to be curbed. The first obvious cost of industrial food production is…...



McDonough, W., & Braungart, M. (2002) From cradle to cradle: remaking the way we make things. New York: North Point Press.

Orr, D.W. (1994) Earth in mind: on education, environment, and the human prospect. Washington, DC: Island Press.

Pollan, M. (2001) The Botany of desire: a plant's eye view of the world. New York: Random House.

Food Prices Over the Past
Pages: 17 Words: 5030

In developing countries, consumers are more affected for two reasons. One is that consumers are more likely to buy raw ingredients. ithout manufacturing entities to absorb some of the commodity price increases, consumers are left to absorb almost all of the increase (Ibid.). As a result, food prices have increased more in the developing world than in the developed world. Additionally, consumers in these countries already expend a significantly higher percentage of their income on food than do consumers in estern nations. Thus, demand for food in the developing world is price elastic and consumers suffer because they are unable to meet their food needs.

In the developed world, increased food prices suppress demand in other sectors of the economy, which can cause minor shocks in employment and investment in some businesses and industries. In the developing world, food price shocks can result in starvation and civil unrest. The recent wave…...


Works Cited

Lapidos, Juliet. (2008) "Why are Global Food Prices Soaring?" Slate. Retrieved December 4, 2008 at 

Wiewel, Wim & Persky, Joseph. (2002) Suburban Sprawl M.E. Sharpe, Armonk NY, 2002.

Barnier, Michael. (2008) "Europe is Key to Solving Food Crisis" Tehran Times. Retrieved December 4, 2008 at 

Clayton, Mark. (2008) "As Global Food Costs Rise, are Biofuels to Blame?" Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved December 4, 2008 at

Food as a Public Good and Obesity as an Externality
Pages: 5 Words: 1729

Health Public Good
Public Health as a Public Good

The United States has one of the lowest cost food options available to its consumers in the world. For an extended period, people assumed that this was a benefit of capitalism and that competition had helped push down the prices and made food available at lower costs through the market. However, many externalities have arisen in these circumstances that are now pointing researchers to question the consequences of having mass processed food available to consumers. The United States, as well as many other industrialized nations, currently has epidemic rates of obesity as well as the related obesity diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

This trend is not restricted to just adult and the obesity rates among children have subsequently risen as well. This has made many instructions and activists compare the effects of poor diets and their health consequences to smoking cigarettes and…...


Works Cited

Adams, R. "Fat is a financial issue: Litigation over obesity could consign Big Mac, large fries and bucket-sized." 27 December 2002. The Guardian. Web. 28 March 2013.

Benloulou, J. "Pelman v. McDonald's: An In-depth Case Study of a Fast Food -- Obesity Lawsuit." April 2005.

"CASE 2-7." McDonald's and Obesity. N.d.

Chicago Defender. "Obesity and Fat Farm Subsidies." Chicago Defender (2003): 1. Online.

Food Truck Opportunities and Threats
Pages: 2 Words: 622

Opportunities and Threats in Order of Importance for a Food Truck Company

Discussions on Opportunities and Threats

Opportunities and Threats in Order of Importance for a Food Truck Company


Multiple expansion avenues - Many avenues of expansion that include expanding service hours, menu and packaged service

Change in Perception: A new and emerging food truck market that is driven by changing consumer taste and perception about street food and truck food

Low Competition - Being part of an industry that is unorganized on one hand and with not much competition on the other ("Company Background/SWOT," 2012).


Low Entry Barriers - A relatively new industry with low entry level barriers which can lead to sudden increase in competition

Weather - Outdoor service area means business is always under threat from inclement weather

Stricter egulations - Stricter regulations pertaining to health and quality standards of food served by local and federal agencies

Discussions on Opportunities and Threats


Multiple Expansion avenues -- given…...



Company Background/SWOT. (2012). The Fuss; Food Truck Company. Retrieved 7 March 2016, from 

Food Trucks Are a Win-Win. (2012). The Huffington Post. Retrieved 7 March 2016, from 

Food trucks enjoy unfair advantages as they scoop up lunch business. (2012). Retrieved 7 March 2016, from

Food Justice and Woman S Role in Food Preparation
Pages: 3 Words: 1042

Food Justice Movement and Its Themes
Intersectional Theory is the study of systems that intersect in terms of power structure dichotomies -- oppression vs. hegemony -- and approaches this intersection from the standpoint of focusing on how various variables (such as gender, age, class, etc.) interact with cultural, ecological, environmental, economical categories in different ways. In the food justice movement, "the social relations of food have been organized along lines of gender" with women predominantly in the role of food preparer, thus projecting woman's role in the world "in deep, complex, and often contradictory ways" (Allen, Sachs, 2007, p. 1). Yet, with the globalization of food through the rise of multinationals, the powerful role held by women in food preparation and production has been taken from them and placed in the hands of the corporations (Shiva, 2009, p. 17). Food simultaneously elevates and impoverishes women in terms of the social…...



Allen, P. & Sachs, C. (2007). Women and Food Chains: The Gendered Politics of Food.

International Journal of Sociology of Food and Agriculture, 15(1), 1-23.

Patel, R. C. (2012). Food Sovereignty: Power, Gender, and the Right to Food. PLoS

Medicine, 9(6).

Food Safety and Food
Pages: 54 Words: 10186

Validation of Commercial Baking as an Effective Step to Control/Inactivate Salmonella in Baked Products
Major findings, analysis and conclusions

Description of the baking industry and baking emphasis in the United States.

Purpose and structure of importance

Description of the problem being addressed and its importance to the practice of applied food safety

Process of Consultation

Outline how the client (ABA) will be engaged and carefully define the problem

Identification of key stakeholders

Overview and feedback of findings and results

ecommended actions and dissemination of these recommendations

Plans for implementation and measurement

Major findings. The U.S. had approximately 167,600 baker positions available in 2012 and around 6% of these were self-employed (Bakery business, 2016). Although industry analysts project sustained growth in the U.S. baking industry, this growth will not be on par with other industries (Bakery business, 2016). Currently, the U.S. baking industry is a nearly $310 billion industry that has enjoyed a remarkably safe record for the production of shelf stable…...



About us. (2016). American Bakers Association. Retrieved from

Albion, R. G. & Williamson, H. F. (1944). The growth of the American economy: An introduction to the economic history of the United States. New York: Prentice-Hall.

Bakery business. (2016). SBDC Net. Retrieved from .

Baking industry economic impact study, 2016). American Bakers Association. Retrieved from

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining Unethical practices?
Words: 254

1. The Dark Side of Business: Unethical Practices in the Corporate World

2. The Ethics of Exploitation: Uncovering Unethical Practices in the Modern Workplace

3. Unmasking Unethical Behavior: A Closer Look at Fraud and Corruption in Business

4. Ethics vs. Profit: The Impact of Unethical Practices on Companies and Society

5. Whistleblowing on Unethical Practices: Exposing Wrongdoings for the Greater Good

6. The Slippery Slope of Unethical Behavior: How Small Transgressions Can Lead to Larger Issues

7. The Role of Ethics in the Digital Age: Addressing Unethical Practices in Technology

8. From Enron to Volkswagen: Case Studies of Unethical Practices and Their Consequences

9. Unethical Practices in Healthcare:....

Brainstorming thesis statements on Negative health impacts of fast food. Feedback on mine?
Words: 435

Thesis Statement 1:

The consumption of fast food is a significant public health concern due to its negative impact on various health outcomes, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

Feedback: This thesis statement is clear and concise, and it effectively captures the main argument of the essay. It provides a general overview of the negative health effects of fast food and sets the stage for a more detailed discussion in the body of the essay.

Thesis Statement 2:

The nutritional deficiencies in fast food contribute to malnutrition and other long-term health problems, particularly in low-income and underserved communities.

Feedback: This thesis statement is specific and....

Brainstorming thesis statements on fast food . Feedback on mine?
Words: 206

The fast food industry has a significant impact on our society, economy, and health, making it imperative to critically examine its origins, marketing tactics, and nutritional content in order to better understand the consequences of consuming fast food on a regular basis. Some potential thesis statements for a paper on fast food could include:

1. The prevalence of fast food in modern society has led to detrimental health consequences, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, making it crucial to analyze the nutritional content and impact of fast food on individuals.

2. The fast food industry's marketing tactics, such as targeting children through catchy....

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global veganism?
Words: 238

1. The Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle: Health, Environment, and Ethics

2. Exploring the Ethics and Philosophy Behind Veganism

3. Veganism: A Sustainable Solution to Combat Climate Change

4. The Rise of Veganism: A Cultural Shift Towards Plant-Based Living

5. The Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet: Fact or Fad?

6. Understanding the Environmental Impact of Animal Agriculture and the Case for Veganism

7. Veganism and Animal Rights: Ending the Exploitation of Animals for Food

8. The Vegan Movement: How Social Media and Celebrity Advocacy are Influencing Change

9. From Farm to Table: A Look at the Process of Food Production and the Importance of Veganism

10. Debunking Common....

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