Ford Motor Company Essays (Examples)

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Ford Motor Company Is an

Based on the data presented in the Table 2, it is revealed that Ford is a company that is good for the investment opportunity. The profitability ratios are one of the key ratios to determine the financial health of a company. Based on the data in Table 2, Ford Company demonstrates the increase in the profitability ratios between 2008 and 2011. For example, the OA increase from the loss of 5.9% to the gain of 11.78% between 2008 and 2011. The company recorded a loss in the OA in 2008 due to the economic crisis facing the United States during the period. However, between 2009 and 2011, the company recorded the increase in the OA. Similarly, the company recorded the increase in the Net Profit Margin from 2009 and 2011. The company recorded 544% increase in the net profit margin between 2009 and 2011 revealing that the company recorded the….

Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company
Over the last several years, Ford Motor Company has been through a tremendous amount of challenges. This is because they were adversely impacted by the financial crisis and consumers switching to fuel efficient vehicles. Despite these issues, the firm has continued to adapt and become stronger. However, there are renewed worries that a secondary slowdown in consumer spending could adversely impact the automaker. To fully understand what is happening there will be a focus on the pre-tax operating profits, key financial ratios, strategies to improve performance and how the company's refusal of bailout funds may have impacted their results. Together, these different elements will highlight the current fiscal state of Ford. (Hiraide, 2012)

Based on the most recent quarter pre-tax operating profit, project the profit for the next four (4) quarters assuming that the U.S. economy stays the same as today, declines into a recession and modestly improves. Explain….

Nevertheless, the company needs to move on its own as well in a continuous process of internal reform and different approach to the market. It is clear than many of the automobile producers, Ford included, have based so much of their production activity on large vehicles, adapted to the then-necessities of the U.S. market, but nevertheless unsuited for the economic trends that saw high oil prices and an increasing concern for the environmental problems such cars caused.

Ford seems to have been one of the car producers that eventually realized the impact and danger of such a policy, but the current economic and financial crisis affected its operational activity and the viability of a statement declaring valid its change of path. Investments have since gone towards an attempt to change this approach and diverse the portfolio of product sufficiently for the company to survive.

Most likely, the right combination of access to….

Ford Motor Company

ford Motor Company Analysis
Ford's History, Development and Growth

As Ford Motor Company itself proudly declares, "The dream became a business." The inception of Ford is one of the critical steps in the industrialization of America and the West in general. According to Ford's public relations department, "Ford Motor Company entered the business world on June 16, 1903, when Henry Ford and 11 business associates signed the company's articles of incorporation. With $28,000 in cash, the pioneering industrialists gave birth to what was to become one of the world's largest corporations. Few companies are as closely identified with the history and development of industry and society throughout the 20th century as Ford Motor Company." (

As with most huge multinational corporations, Ford Motor Company's beginnings were humble. In fact, the car manufacturer suffered through many nervous moments in its infancy. The earliest record of a shipment is July 20, 1903, approximately one month….

Ford Motor Company
Business Analysis Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company is 4th on Fortune 500 List and 4th on Global 500 List and is the 2nd largest auto manufacturer in the world. Ford Motor Company has the advantage of Ford Motor Credit however, due to Firestone tire recalls the prices are the lowest prices in years with cash reserves sunk to $4.1 billion and $13 billion on acquisitions with $3.5 billion to cover recall of tires. Ford Motor Company is Environmentally friendly including cleaner engine emissions and is presently working with environmental groups to clean the environment and is vested in solar power.

Ford Motor Company is focusing on cost reduction programs and is building smaller vehicles, which are more fuel efficient to balance its global portfolio and stay abreast of the worldwide shift in demand. While the company should be profitable, it will be a lower level of profit than in….

Ford Motors Company
Ford Motor Company is an American Multinational company that was founded by Henry Ford in the year 1903. Ford's headquarter is in Dearborn Michigan in the United States where it specializes in the production of automobiles both commercial and luxury. Under its commercial category of vehicles, it trades under the Ford brand while its luxury cars trade under the Lincoln brand. Ford Motors is a well established company which is listed in the New York Stock Exchange and has served many markets around the world with superior brands that have continued to dominate in several regions across the globe.

Apart from producing its own brands, the company has ventured into several other companies where it enjoys its presence in terms of having stake in other automobile manufacturers. The company enjoys stake in Mazda of Japan as well as Aston Martin of the United Kingdom. The company also specializes in….

Ford Motor Company was an early pioneer of industrial production, with Ford having developed the assembly line production of automobiles and used this to capture a dominant position in the U.S. automobile market. The company has remained dominant but fell upon difficult times in recent years due to a combination of poor product/marketing and high pension obligations. The company has begun to revive its fortunes in the past couple of years, however, and is once again pursuing leadership in the automobile industry.
Ford remains focused on the consumer automobile industry. The company sells a variety of cars, trucks and vans in dozens of markets around the world. The products are often tailored to local markets (i.e. smaller cars in Europe). Ford also generates a significant portion of its income from its financial arm, Ford Credit (, 2011).

The GDP is the gross domestic product and is the aggregate figure describing the value….

Ford Motor Company: The future of H
What are the key business strategies?

Of all of the troubled 'big three' automakers, Ford was the only one not to need major financial help and government-supervised restructuring. This was seen partially as a result of Ford's commitment to incorporate sustainability into its car designs far earlier than either General Motors or Chrysler. "Ford's current strength stems from what was a literal bet-the-company decision in 2006 to borrow $23.6 billion, putting even the company's fabled blue logo up as collateral. That money helped Ford move more quickly than General Motors or Chrysler to bring out new lines of more fuel-efficient vehicles, and, more crucially, provided a cash cushion when the car market tanked along with the economy in late 2008" (Ford Motor Company, 2010, The New York Times). Ford has sold off of its luxury brands like Jaguar, and divested most of its less popular….

Ford Motor Company -- Flowchart Analysis
Ford Motor Company is one of the largest manufacturing companies in the global marketplace. Fiscally, Ford has had two major recent periods; one of prosperity, one of decline. Period #1, the late 1980s to 19979, showed a steady pattern of growth, about 5-7% per annum. Sales in 1998 were down 6%, up 14% in 1999, giving the decade an average of 5.4% growth and a profit margin slightly above the industry of 7-9%. Costs of goods remained consistent at around 72%, and debt/leverage ratios steady. Since 2000, though, and most especially since 2007, Ford has seen its sales and profits diminish, its international market share decline, and its ability to compete effectively erode. For the primary market segment of Ford, the automotive side, financial and marketing decisions are based on numerous trends: competitive pricing, cost of goods and projections, ability to recap money through subsidiaries….

Ford Motor Company was the only one of America's Big Three automakers to turn down government assistance in 2009. The company wanted to maintain its independence, and believed that the strategies that were in place were going to be sufficient to bring about the financial recovery of the firm. In the past couple of years, the company has revamped its product line, cut its expenses, and sought to take advantage of the growth in overseas markets.
What this presentation will show is that for the most part, Ford has experienced something of a renaissance in the past couple of years as the result of these strategies. The analysis will consist of a ratio analysis, an examination of the current economic climate and how that affects Ford's strategy, and a qualitative analysis of both Ford and the auto industry in general. But there is a bigger question that must be answered. Before….

Those five steps are:
Analyze the Situation and ask the following questions:

Are we making any major changes in our business process?

How do those changes impact our employees job functions?

hat information and training will our employees need to continue being successful in their jobs?

How will our employees best accept and integrate this information and training?

How do our employees learn?

How can we get this information and training to our employees?

Are there any corporate needs that are not being met?

Does our staff have the skills they need to do their jobs effectively?

Evaluate the Training in Place: This is inclusive of training materials, manuals new hire orientation material etc.

Identify Gaps: Identify what the company can provide and that which it cannot provide thereby knowing what assistance should be sought for.

Assess Options: After identifying what is needed assess options by considering the questions of:

Does this company or individual have a proven track record of satisfied….

Ford Motor Company's Current Market Position
Company Overview

Quality Issues at Ford Motor Company

Human esources ole





Financial Impact of ecalls on Ford Motor Company

The Ford Motor Company was founded by Henry Ford in 1903 who along with 11 other investors signed the article of incorporation for the organization. Since then, the Ford name has experienced tremendous growth and has been awarded with substantial significance in the automotive industry. It is one of the largest car producers in the world, which distributes automobiles across six continents. Its primary operations are located in Europe and the United States. The organization employs more than 164,000 personnel. This analysis provides an overview of the organization as well as the issues that challenge the organization. Then, it will direct attention to the way in which the problem has in effect on the future viability of the organization. Lastly, it will refer to the principle role of Human esource….

Ford Motor Company
Business and corporate governance plan for Ford Motor Company

Key components for corporate governance plans


Business Goals

Strategic Management



Current issues for Ford Motor Company in corporate governance plan

Shortage of Parts from OEM Suppliers

Company Structure

Corporate esponsibility Committee

Marketing Committee

Define the current need for a governance plan

Ethical business Approach

Business Objectives

ole of Stake Holders

Structured Decision making Process

Share Holder's Concerns

Accountability and Transparency

Development of corporate governance plan

Corporate Code of Conduct

Audit and isk Committee

emuneration Committee

Nomination Committee

Performance evaluation

isk Management

Shareholder's Communication

Process for implementation and periodic assessment



The corporate governance plans are developed on the basis of business vision, mission, and strategy. The business cannot inherit the corporate governance required by the whole industry. The company specific practices and objectives as well as the degree of willingness for transparency and accuracy in reporting system is also an essential factor for the business. Ford Motor Company had a bureaucratic structure and large company operations. However after the economic meltdown the business decided to….

Ford Motor Company Annual eport:
Ford Motor Company is one of the leading firms in the global automotive industry that produces and distributes automobiles in six continents. Currently, the company has approximately 164,000 employees working in its 70 plants across the globe. While Ford Motor Company headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, it has several automotive brands including Ford and Lincoln. Apart from its engagement in the automotive industry, the firm provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. Ford Motor Company completed another year of enhanced annual operating profits resulting in its announcement for reinstatement of paying quarterly dividends. Through its delivery of best-in-class vehicles to customers worldwide, Ford Motor Company had an improved cost structure and strengthened balance sheet in 2011.

Main Sections of the eport:

The 2011 annual report for Ford Motor Company has been divided into various sections based on the different aspects of its businesses. The major sections of the….

Ford Motor Company
Alan Mulally has transformed Ford Motor Company from a firm that only a few short years ago was floundering in an industry-wide morass of mismanagement, inefficiencies and no sense of direction. Since assuming the helm at Ford he has devised a plan that identifies specific, communicated goals for both management and labor that ensures that the transformation from the brink of insolvency to profitability not only takes place, but does so with a minimum of distraction to the company's focus. Mulally understands that the company's competition is not only from Ford's direct competitors but that other competitive forces are at work as well. He also understands that Ford must adhere to a business-level strategy that includes all aspects of automobile sales; not just the ones that take place at the dealership's lot.

Considering the fact that Mullally seems to be the type of leader that is "involved in overcoming….

To start this essay, we would begin by identifying ways that business could impact the environment.  Next, we would want to identify the businesses we wanted to highlight in the essay, focusing on their specific environmental impact.  We would want to select at least two businesses with different reputations for their environmental impact.  Companies that are known for having good environmental initiatives include Disney, Johnson and Johnson, Nike, eBay, Fisher Investments, Hewlett-Packard, Starbucks, and Ford Motor Company.  Companies have a bad reputation in terms of their impact on the environment include AES, PPL, ConAgra Foods, Coca Cola,....

5 Pages


Ford Motor Company Is an

Words: 1451
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Based on the data presented in the Table 2, it is revealed that Ford is a company that is good for the investment opportunity. The profitability ratios are one…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Ford Motor Company

Words: 1304
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ford Motor Company Over the last several years, Ford Motor Company has been through a tremendous amount of challenges. This is because they were adversely impacted by the financial crisis…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal


Ford Motor Company With the

Words: 1673
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Nevertheless, the company needs to move on its own as well in a continuous process of internal reform and different approach to the market. It is clear than many…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Ford Motor Company

Words: 2561
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ford Motor Company Analysis Ford's History, Development and Growth As Ford Motor Company itself proudly declares, "The dream became a business." The inception of Ford is one of the critical steps…

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3 Pages


Ford Motor Company Business Analysis Ford Motor

Words: 951
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ford Motor Company Business Analysis Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company is 4th on Fortune 500 List and 4th on Global 500 List and is the 2nd largest auto manufacturer in…

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4 Pages


Ford Motors Company Ford Motor Company Is

Words: 1529
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ford Motors Company Ford Motor Company is an American Multinational company that was founded by Henry Ford in the year 1903. Ford's headquarter is in Dearborn Michigan in the United…

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3 Pages


Ford Motor Company Was an Early Pioneer

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ford Motor Company was an early pioneer of industrial production, with Ford having developed the assembly line production of automobiles and used this to capture a dominant position in…

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3 Pages


Ford Motor Company The Future of HR

Words: 864
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ford Motor Company: The future of H What are the key business strategies? Of all of the troubled 'big three' automakers, Ford was the only one not to need major financial…

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3 Pages


Ford Motor Company -- Flowchart Analysis Ford

Words: 1039
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ford Motor Company -- Flowchart Analysis Ford Motor Company is one of the largest manufacturing companies in the global marketplace. Fiscally, Ford has had two major recent periods; one of…

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7 Pages


Ford Motor Company Was the Only One

Words: 1820
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Ford Motor Company was the only one of America's Big Three automakers to turn down government assistance in 2009. The company wanted to maintain its independence, and believed that…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Ford Motor Company the Purpose

Words: 2351
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Those five steps are: Analyze the Situation and ask the following questions: Are we making any major changes in our business process? How do those changes impact our employees job functions? hat…

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8 Pages


Ford Motor Company's Current Market Position Company

Words: 2760
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Ford Motor Company's Current Market Position Company Overview Quality Issues at Ford Motor Company Human esources ole Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Financial Impact of ecalls on Ford Motor Company The Ford Motor Company was founded by Henry Ford…

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13 Pages
Research Paper


Ford Motor Company Business and Corporate Governance

Words: 4017
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ford Motor Company Business and corporate governance plan for Ford Motor Company Key components for corporate governance plans Ethics Business Goals Strategic Management Organization eporting Current issues for Ford Motor Company in corporate governance plan Shortage of Parts…

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2 Pages


Ford Motor Company Annual Report Ford Motor

Words: 556
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ford Motor Company Annual eport: Ford Motor Company is one of the leading firms in the global automotive industry that produces and distributes automobiles in six continents. Currently, the company…

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8 Pages


Ford Motor Company Alan Mulally Has Transformed

Words: 2349
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Ford Motor Company Alan Mulally has transformed Ford Motor Company from a firm that only a few short years ago was floundering in an industry-wide morass of mismanagement, inefficiencies and…

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