Foreign Exchange Rate Essays (Examples)

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Foreign Exchange ates
One of the major complaints companies and individuals have with foreign exchange rates and flexible exchange rates is that they are too volatile because they float. Several factors contribute to the volatility of the rate of exchange. These include the balance of trade, currency substitution, the differential speed of adjustment of asset markets vs. goods markets, and the news. The balance of trade affects the exchange rate because countries are always shipping goods back and forth (O'Sullivan & Sheffrin, 2003). If a country really needs a particular good, it will be willing to pay more for that good than it would if it did not need the good as strongly. Countries that have more leverage from a trade standpoint can also affect the exchange rates, because the balance of trade is very different for countries that are strong than for countries that are weak when it comes to….

temporal and current method for assessing translational exposure.
Translational exposure describes the risk that a company's assets, liabilities, income, or equities will change due to the exchange rate change results. This is a risk that has become more common in recent decades, as we have worked to deconstruct barriers to international trade. The translational exposure risk is usually as a result of a firm's denomination of their assets, liabilities, income, or equities in foreign currency and the need to project these various assets in advance. This need promotes the demand to assess translational exposure and make decisions according to this assessment. According to our readings, there are two methods for assessing translational exposure: the temporal method and the current method.

The temporal method is used by translating exchange rates which are consistent with the timing of an item's creation (Moffett, 2012,-page 280). This, of course, promotes a risk as pricing fluctuates….

In addition, a series of joint ventures in which West German steel firms joined with East German firms and Krupp, Klockner, and Thyssen of Germany was pursuing other developmental initiatives in eastern Europe as well. Likewise, Arbed of Luxemburg was involved in steelmaking facilities in the former East Germany. According to Mangum et al., "The rising market for improved galvanizing for automobiles, appliances, canning, and other uses is producing a rash of joint ventures throughout the world. Some of these are internal to various countries and others involve international partners" (p. 74).
As a result, nearly 30% of the world's steel supply is now produced by plants belonging to companies that did not exist just 3 decades ago (Ahlberg, Pitkanen & Storsch 1999). As these authors point out, "Such upstarts have entered a global market that since 1980 has grown by less than 1% a year -- an average combining….

Foreign Exchange

Foreign Exchange
There are price differences between the U.S. And UK sites for Toys 'r' Us. One example is the animated Talking Ben stuffed bear, which sells for $9.99 in the U.S. And £21.99 in the UK. The equivalent U.S. price in the UK should be £6.56, so there is a substantial price difference on this product.

Consumers do not, however, have the right to demand equal prices. Each nation represents its own market, so the economic conditions for each nation will be distinct. There are significant differences in the costs that underlie each product on retail shelves that are reflected in the retail price. Thus, the conditions for each market are different and the result will be different prices. Goods can flow across borders, but that does not imply that there is a global market -- each local market has its own conditions.

Furthermore, retail prices for consumer goods do not direct….

Exchange Rate Influence

country can interfere in the foreign exchange markets. In many cases, the motivation for doing so lies with propping up exporters, by lowering the value of the domestic currency. While this is the most common reason for currency manipulation, it is not the only one. In some cases, currency manipulation aids in the cause of making debt disappear, lowering the value of that debt in order that it might be paid back early. This paper will discuss some of the different ways that countries can affect their exchange rates.
A freely-traded currency should reflect the economic strength of a nation, in particular the expectations for future interest rates. Where expectations for future rates are relatively low, that means that the economy is expected to perform worse. This is the case for Japan. The country has adopted a policy recently of a low yen, in order to provide some spark to….

forward discount in predicting exchange rate modifications. The conclusion of the literature review is that the forward discount is a biased predictor and that are two possible explanations for this situation. One cause would be the presence of a time varying risk premium, and the other the failure of agents to make rational expectations (the inability to use all available information in an efficient manner).
The forward discount puzzle (as a predictor of exchange rate modifications) is a very discussed puzzle in the international finance literature, since its importance is quite high. As a result, numerous studies have concentrated on this issue, i.e. On the causes on the bias. Some authors (Fama, 1984), believe that this problem is traceable to the existence of a time-varying risk premium. Others connect it to learning effect (Lewis, 1989) or irrationality (Bilson, 1981) the "peso problem" (Krasker, 1980),

The "peso problem term" was introduced into….

Foreign Exchange
South Africa

he currency in South Africa is the rand. he rand is a free floating currency meaning that there are few controls on the value of the currency. While the rand is a reference currency in the southern Africa region, it is not considered to be a "hard" currency. he performance of the rand against the USD in the past year is as follows:

he chart shows the downward trajectory of the rand against the dollar. A year ago, the rand traded at 7.73 to the dollar, and today it is 9.12, a decline of 18%. his bodes well for a manufacturing operation in South Africa, where the already-low labor costs would be decreasing over time. It does not bode well for selling in South Africa, however, as the country's currency continues to get weaker, which means profits from South Africa will be worth less in dollar terms.

he trend is….

Exchange Rate Crisis
Exchange rate crises are quite common phenomena in the economic world. From the 1994 Mexican crisis and the 1997 Asian crisis to the 1999 Argentine crisis, currency crises have occurred with a somewhat remarkable frequency. Also, known as currency crises or balance of payments (BOP) crisis, exchange rate crises occur when a country's monetary authority (central bank) has inadequate foreign exchange reserves to sustain its set exchange rates. This is usually caused by trade shocks, persistent budget deficits, foreign interest rate shocks, political uncertainty, banking system weaknesses, and moral hazard problems. An exchange rate crisis is often symbolised by factors such as hyper-inflation, banking crisis, devaluation, and economic recession, clearly indicating the dire consequences a currency crisis can have on the economy. More importantly, an exchange rate crisis can easily spread beyond the national boundary, underscoring the need for measures to prevent the crisis. This paper discusses the….

Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade Flows
Exchange Rate Volatility

Impact on International Trade Flows

Exchange Rate Volatility

Impact on International Trade Flows

Bretton oods

Trade Flow

Trade Flow Responsiveness


The dissolution of the Bretton-oods system in 1973 introduced a new era for international markets. No longer would the exchange rates be pegged and fluctuating exchange rates changed the game for international trade and investment. The newly introduced increase in volatility in the foreign exchange markets also increases the risk of uncertainty for all international transactions. The floating rates produce new complexities that have implications for any individual or organization who buys sells, makes, or trades goods or currencies. These implications directly affect nation's balance of trade; however they also literally indirectly affect every individual's lives in one way or another.

The exchange rate volatility has had mixed theories produced by academia in terms of its effects on trade flows. It appears that McKenzie sparked much interest in the….

Exchange Rate

fixed and floating exchange rates mechanisms are the exact opposites of one another, the advantages of one are generally the disadvantages of the other. Anyhow, in order to be able to evaluate for each case in part its positive and negative aspects, we should start with defining each, as most of the advantages and disadvantages derive there from.
The fixed exchange rate mechanism refers to a mechanism where "the government (central bank) sets and maintains the official exchange rate)

." The key word in this mechanism is pegging, which means that the currency has a price set against a major currency of the world and that the central bank ensures that this rate is kept throughout the entire period the currency is pegged.

The main advantage in this case refers to stability. Indeed, a fixed exchange rate mechanism helps eliminate or speculative activity on the respective currency. With no more currency risk,….

Appreciate, depreciate

Changes in the spot rate of exchange between two countries can occur as the result of a change in the relative interest rates in those countries, a change in the balance of trade between those countries and changes in the inflation rates in those countries (Van Bergen, 2015).

The two that are most closely followed are the differences in the interest rates, and the differences in the inflation rates.

A forward is a contract that is written between a party and a counterparty, to exchange currency in a set amount at a set rate in the future. This is proprietary between the parties. A future is publicly-traded. So while it also sets a future date and price for a currency, it is publicly traded, the dates do not change, and the amount is fixed -- to increase the amount you have to buy or sell more futures.

A put option is an….

exchange rate risk can be hedged. The current cost of the room is £50 per day, which is: 50 * 1.50 = $75.00. For a consumer, the easiest way to hedge this risk would be to purchase pounds today, so that the cost of those pounds is locked in. The transaction is a money-loser because of the time value of money, except that in this situation the nominal amount of pounds is locked in, so the nominal amount of pounds needed will not change. Only the opportunity to make interest on that money changes. For £50 and one year, this amount is negligible, but for larger transactions the time value of money is significant and important, making this an undesirable option.
If the transaction was larger, it could be hedged on the futures market or with interest rate swaps. A forward contract could also be purchased. Futures have a downside….

Exchange Rate

Theoretically speaking, there is only one factor affecting the exchange rate of a country adopting a floating exchange rate regime: the supply and demand of the respective currency on the international market. In this sense, if demand exceeds supply, then the value of the currency will go up and the respective currency will appreciate. On the other hand, if supply exceeds demand, the currency will depreciate and the price of the currency will decrease.
Starting from this statement, however, we can discuss several different factors that make the demand and supply vary, affecting thus the exchange. First of all, we have the level of the interest rate in a country. If the interest rates are higher, then foreign investors will choose to enter the national capital markets, purchase local currency and invest in local bonds or T-bills, which bring high returns, due to high interest rates. This mechanism will lead to….

Managing Financial isk including Currency Exchange ate isks

Deere and Company are suffering as the string dollar is impacting negative on sales in the Euro zone. The firm is suffering not only due to the exchange rate, but also the high level of competition from other European firms that are operating in the Euro.

If companies operate across international boarders they will face risks associated with exchange rate movement. In the case of a strong home currency, this will make the goods more expensive to purchase if the pricing is based in the home currency. The basing of the price on the dollar, even if it is converted to Euro's effectively passes the risk to the purchaser. The impact can be the price becoming uncompetitive, especially when there are firms that are basing their pricing structure on the same currency as the purchasers.

The firm may deal with the issue by implementing strategies….

Foreign Exchange isk Management
a) What are the causes of UK and Brazilian markets' revenues in Dollars being lower than expected?

One of the main causes of the revenue in dollars generated from the markets in Brazil and UK being lower than anticipated by the company is due to the depreciation of the countries' currencies against the U.S. dollar. Between January and September, the GBP constantly depreciated against the USD, an aspect that had not been anticipated by the financial team of the company.

b) How is the company doing in these markets?

The company is not operating well in these two markets as the revenues generated in the market have incessantly decreased in the nine months period. As the currency continue to depreciate against the dollar so has the expected revenue depreciated over the period.

c) Based on the given data, should it continue or cease the operations in these two countries: UK and….

2 Pages


Foreign Exchange Rates One of the Major

Words: 703
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Foreign Exchange ates One of the major complaints companies and individuals have with foreign exchange rates and flexible exchange rates is that they are too volatile because they float. Several…

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3 Pages


Foreign Exchange Rate Translation Exposure

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

temporal and current method for assessing translational exposure. Translational exposure describes the risk that a company's assets, liabilities, income, or equities will change due to the exchange rate change…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

History - Israel

Foreign Exchange Risk Management in

Words: 5032
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In addition, a series of joint ventures in which West German steel firms joined with East German firms and Krupp, Klockner, and Thyssen of Germany was pursuing other…

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2 Pages


Foreign Exchange

Words: 697
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Foreign Exchange There are price differences between the U.S. And UK sites for Toys 'r' Us. One example is the animated Talking Ben stuffed bear, which sells for $9.99 in…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Exchange Rate Influence

Words: 808
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

country can interfere in the foreign exchange markets. In many cases, the motivation for doing so lies with propping up exporters, by lowering the value of the domestic…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Exchange Rate Determination

Words: 3372
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

forward discount in predicting exchange rate modifications. The conclusion of the literature review is that the forward discount is a biased predictor and that are two possible explanations…

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3 Pages


Foreign Exchange South Africa the Currency in

Words: 794
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Foreign Exchange South Africa he currency in South Africa is the rand. he rand is a free floating currency meaning that there are few controls on the value of the currency.…

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3 Pages


Exchange Rate and Currency

Words: 905
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Exchange Rate Crisis Exchange rate crises are quite common phenomena in the economic world. From the 1994 Mexican crisis and the 1997 Asian crisis to the 1999 Argentine crisis, currency…

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6 Pages


Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade Flows

Words: 1762
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade Flows Exchange Rate Volatility Impact on International Trade Flows Exchange Rate Volatility Impact on International Trade Flows Bretton oods Trade Flow Trade Flow Responsiveness Commodities The dissolution of the Bretton-oods system in…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Exchange Rate

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

fixed and floating exchange rates mechanisms are the exact opposites of one another, the advantages of one are generally the disadvantages of the other. Anyhow, in order to…

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2 Pages


Exchange Rate Basic Questions

Words: 585
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Currency Appreciate, depreciate Changes in the spot rate of exchange between two countries can occur as the result of a change in the relative interest rates in those countries, a change…

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2 Pages


Exchange Rate Risk Can Be Hedged The

Words: 440
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

exchange rate risk can be hedged. The current cost of the room is £50 per day, which is: 50 * 1.50 = $75.00. For a consumer, the easiest…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Exchange Rate

Words: 1799
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Theoretically speaking, there is only one factor affecting the exchange rate of a country adopting a floating exchange rate regime: the supply and demand of the respective currency on…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Exchange Rate Issues for Deere

Words: 776
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Finance Managing Financial isk including Currency Exchange ate isks Deere and Company are suffering as the string dollar is impacting negative on sales in the Euro zone. The firm is suffering…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Analysis of Foreign Exchange Risk Exposure

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Foreign Exchange isk Management a) What are the causes of UK and Brazilian markets' revenues in Dollars being lower than expected? One of the main causes of the revenue in dollars…

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