Gender Equality Essays (Examples)

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This does not mean, however, that money is not important, because having enough money for female recruitment and scholarships allows many more women to excel at sports programs at many different colleges and universities.
Some female coaches have also encountered difficulties when they speak out about perceived wrongdoing when it comes to the distribution of money (Fish, D1). Even though Title IX required gender equity, there are many places where this has not happened and women are still concerned with punishment if they complain. Since Title IX has not been enforced in many schools across the country this has made many people wonder whether there will ever be equity when it comes to gender, race, and other issues, and this problem is not just for colleges and universities.

It also extends to high schools and middle schools as well, where children should be taught that everyone is equal and deserves to….

Gender equality is not just a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. The concept of gender equality entails equal access to opportunities and resources for individuals regardless of their gender, and it challenges the stereotypes and norms that perpetuate discrimination and inequality. In my community, much like in many parts of the world, the pursuit of gender equality is ongoing, characterized by triumphs in some areas and persistent challenges in others.
For instance, education has been a significant battleground for gender equality, showing promising strides toward parity. In my community, both male and female students are now equally represented in primary and secondary education, thanks in part to policies and programs aimed at encouraging girls education and retention (UNESCO, 2018). School curricula have been adapted to remove gender biases, and scholarships have been specifically tailored to support girls who are at risk of….

This paper will examine variations in gender inequality based on educational levels (and, subsequently, approximately on socioeconomic status) in case of the following three countries: America, Indonesia and the Netherlands, which are characterized by highly disparate female employment, societal welfare and family policies and circumstance. For every country, female hourly pay rates and employment rates for distinct educational levels are compared, besides work hours and employment rates for males with the same educational level. It is broadly hypothesized female employment increases with higher educational qualification; increased employment of qualified females results in improved gender equality in terms of pay, housework and job (Evertsson, England and Reci). How is employment anticipated to differ with educational level among females? The conflicting factors of income and opportunity cost have been put forward by economic theory. Better educated females can earn more. Therefore, for such women, opportunity costs linked to unemployment (i.e., the monetary loss….

Gender Equality in Japan

Japanese omen
Gender Inequality in Japan

Social change is often slow. This is especially true concerning the shift of traditional gender roles in any society. Historically, however, once these roles do begin to change, women in specific seem to bear the brunt of the stress that these changes necessarily cause. Indeed, a vacuum seems to form where old societal rules once stood, and it is often women that find themselves unsure, unsupported, and floundering in the new, uncertain reality. In specific, the rapid changes that have occurred in Japanese society are an excellent example of this phenomenon, for changes in the roles of Japanese women -- where independent dreams, work, and identities are becoming more and more acceptable in theory, nonetheless still leave them charged with the full and untempered gender burdens of centuries past -- burdens of the "good wife," mother, and woman. In short, they are left with an impossible….

A Path Toward Progress

In the tapestry of our community, gender equality is an intricate thread that weaves together the fabric of social justice and individual empowerment. As citizens, we have a collective responsibility to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their biological sex, have equal opportunities and rights in our society (World Economic Forum, 2021).

One aspect of gender equality in my community is the equal access to education for boys and girls. This is crucial for breaking down gender stereotypes and ensuring that individuals have the skills and knowledge to succeed in life. In schools, girls and boys are encouraged to pursue subjects that traditionally may have been seen as appropriate for only one gender (United Nations, 2015). This approach fosters a culture of respect and equality, while also preparing our youth for a diverse and competitive world.

Equally important is the economic empowerment of women. In our community, there are….

Gendered Power and Parenting
Parenting styles can be incredibly diverse and come in many different ways. Many of us who are parents recognize a lot of the decisions we make as reflections of our own parents. For better or worse, our parenting styles have been greatly influenced by our parents, our culture, and our society. This paper aims to focus on some of the scholarly work that has been done in order to analyze different parenting styles, and also to observe the influences of the parental behavior on the child.

How do the article journals compare and contrast to the class readings?

Two separate child-care models were discussed in the first article. There is the more traditional approach in which the mother takes on the majority of the child-care responsibility while the father steps back and focuses on being a provider. The second model shows an equal collaboration between both partners in child-raising.….

Women's ights
Although women have seen substantial progress as a group in the United States due to the women's rights movement, globally women still struggle to attain parity with men, particularly in the resource-poor developing world. Although women have assumed politically prominent leadership positions in the U.S., Germany, Canada, and other major national powerhouses, overall, females have struggled to attain parity with men in the world community as a whole. Globally, women make up "just 17% of parliamentarians" and "over the past 25 years only 1 in 40 women were peace agreement signatories" (Inequality statistics. 2014 Womankind Worldwide). There are significant health disparities regarding women's health: for example, "99% of maternal deaths occur in developing countries, with women continuing to die of pregnancy-related causes at the rate of one a minute" and while "women produce up to 80% of food in developing countries" they are "more likely to be hungry than….

(2003, p. 136)
Other manifestations of kastom also indicate the concept's gender-related impact on a modern Pacific state. For example, Gregor and Tuzin (2001) cite the kastom communities of South Pentecost as a good example of how male-dominated societal practices have been used to maintain the status quo. Described by Gregor and Tuzin as "a tiny traditionalist enclave in a pervasively Christian country," these authors report that "there are still tenacious patterns of sexual segregation -- exclusivist men's houses, or mal, separate from the household im and commensal separation therein, with men's and women's cooking fires" in South Pentecost (2001, p. 178). These long-held beliefs that have assigned Vanuatun men the long end of the social stick have somewhat morphed the original kastom concept into a more modern version that remains centered on protected the status quo. In this regard, Gregor and Tuzin emphasize that, "Such gendered patterns of spatiality….

Gender Equality: The United States versus the United Kingdom Introduction
The United Kingdom is often called the mother country of the United States. However, in some ways, the countries still differ, including in their measures of gender equality. Perhaps the most notable example can be found in the leadership of the United Kingdom. Unlike the US, the UK has already had a female head of state, in the form of Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May, and before that the UK was led by female monarchs as heads of state. The US has lacked such a female figurehead at such a prominent position, though Hillary Clinton did come close to securing the White House in 2016, and several female Congresswomen have risen to prominent positions, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. Presidential hopeful Joe Biden has said on record that he will pick a female VP as his running mate,….

The women's rights movement today is a powerful and influential force that continues to fight for gender equality and justice in all aspects of society. From reproductive rights to equal pay, women around the world are coming together to demand a more equitable and inclusive world.

In recent years, the MeToo movement has shed light on the pervasive issue of sexual harassment and assault in various industries, leading to a call for accountability and systemic change. Women are no longer staying silent about their experiences and are demanding that perpetrators be held responsible for their actions.

Additionally, the fight for reproductive rights and bodily autonomy remains a central issue for women's rights activists. Access to safe and legal abortion, contraception, and comprehensive healthcare services are essential for women to have control over their own bodies and to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Moreover, the gender pay gap continues to be….

More than 30 years ago, the United Nations (UN) held the first Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women known as CEDAW (Ramdas, Janus, 2011). Since that time, nearly every single member nation of the UN has shown its support for the convention by ratifying the treaty associated with the convention and resolving to work with other member nations to ensure that gender equality is reached across the entire globe. What is surprising, however, is that the U.S. is not one of the member nations to support CEDAW. It is one of only 6 of the 191 UN member nations to have yet to ratify CEDAW. For more than three decades, the U.S. has failed to sign on to the treaty, while so many other countries around the world have acted with conviction to end gender discrimination. The story in the U.S. is one where discrimination….

The Women's Movement and the Right to Vote in England Who Led the Suffragettes in England in the 20th Century
After release from prison for militant suffragette activities (breaking windows, burning buildings), Christabel Pankhurst gave England to know that she was in no way mollified or subdued. Her recording of a speech asserting that now is the time for women to have the right to vote was made and disseminated and will serve as the text for analysis in this paper. The women’s suffragette movement of the early 20th century was pivotal in signaling a change in the political tide; it ushered in a new era for women’s rights, representation and social and political status. It set the wheels in motion for the subsequent waves of feminism and woman’s empowerment that swept across the Atlantic to the US. The movement was helmed and steered by a group of women who understood that….

society without families, the basic needs of people in that society would have to be addressed by the State or whatever authority or system of government is in place. Children would be cared for by administrators put in place by the governing authority, whether chosen on a local scale -- by the community -- or at a much larger centralized level. Training and values would be instilled through state-run education systems, and the child's need for love and care would have to be fulfilled through surrogacy, with peers and/or guardians put in place to provide the emotional and cognitive stimuli associated with love/care. Parents would meet the needs of their growing children by supplying them with basic necessities (food, shelter, clothing) but would have no say in education, love, affection, interaction, etc. -- normal actions associated with family life. The types of adults that this society would create would….

Gender Equality in Arabia

Gender Equality in the Gulf Problem Description
Historically, there has been a marked dearth of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the countries compromising the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which include Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. There are a number of reasons responsible for this situation. Firstly, these countries are all predominantly Muslim. Traditional gender roles (and stereotypes) largely exist in Islam and in countries which adhere to this faith as their national religion. Women are supposed to remain covered up in their raiment and relegated to domestic roles. The problem is that women account for approximately 50 percent of the population in the GCC countries, yet only constitute approximately 25 percent of the labor force in those countries (World Bank). Therefore, these countries are disadvantageously affected in certain aspects of economics and society because of the lack of female contributions in both of these areas.


The gender-based sexual double standard is logically indefensible on any level.

Piercing the thin veil of justifications offered supporting it requires little more than substitution of the identity of the subjects in any hypothetical or analogy based on the premise. Nevertheless, it persists throughout most of American culture, and sadly, its manifestations in the Western World are infinitely more benign than the cruelty it inspires elsewhere. Ultimately, its roots lie both in the usefulness of rationalization for justifying the truly immoral pursuit of sexual conquests by deception, and (likely) male psychological fears of sexual inadequacy whose details far exceed the scope of this essay.


Baker, ., Elliston, F. (1998) Philosophy & Sex. Buffalo: Prometheus

Committee on the College Student, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. (1966). Sex and the College Student. New York: Atheneum

Geddes, D.P. (1954) an Analysis of the Kinsey eports on Sexual behavior in the Human Male and Female. New York:….

To tackle a three-page essay on the meaning of freedom for enslaved people in the United States, it is very important to keep in mind that there was no single idea of freedom.  The condition of slaves varied tremendously throughout the United States.  Some slaves lived near urban areas and had relatively high amounts of personal autonomy as well as exposure to free people of color, while other slaves were in isolation on plantations and may not ever encounter free people or color or even regularly encounter slaves held captive on other plantations.  In addition, men, women,....

Yes, there are several news topics related to adversity that would make for a compelling essay subject. Here are a few examples:

1. The COVID-19 pandemic: You can explore how people worldwide faced numerous adversities due to the pandemic, such as health challenges, economic struggles, mental health issues, and social isolation. You can discuss stories of resilience, innovative solutions, community support, and lessons learned.

2. Climate change and natural disasters: Write about the adversity faced by communities affected by natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, wildfires, or droughts. Discuss the challenges of rebuilding lives, adapting to new circumstances, and finding sustainable solutions to....

1. Explain the concept of the Forms in Plato's philosophy and discuss its significance in his understanding of reality.

2. Compare and contrast Plato's views on education with contemporary educational practices.

3. Analyze Plato's theory of justice as articulated in his Republic and consider its implications for contemporary society.

4. Discuss the role of women in Plato's ideal society as outlined in The Republic and evaluate his views on gender equality.

5. Explore the concept of "philosopher-kings" in Plato's political philosophy and assess their suitability as rulers.

6. Examine Plato's belief in the immortality of the soul and consider its implications for his ethical and....

1. The Impact of Social Structure on Career Choices

2. Exploring Social Hierarchies in the Workplace

3. How Social Class Influences Occupational Opportunities

4. Gender and Social Structure in the Workplace

5. The Role of Education in Job Placement and Social Mobility

6. The Intersection of Race and Social Structure in Employment

7. Social Networks and Job Advancement

8. Social Status and Occupational Prestige

9. The Effects of Economic Inequality on Job Opportunities

10. The Evolution of Social Structure and its Impact on the Job Market
11. Power Dynamics and Social Stratification in the Workplace
12. The Stigma of Low-Status Jobs in Society
13. Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Gender Equality in Career....

2 Pages
Term Paper


Gender Equality Has Been an

Words: 673
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This does not mean, however, that money is not important, because having enough money for female recruitment and scholarships allows many more women to excel at sports programs…

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8 Pages

Gender Equality in the Community

Words: 2229
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender equality is not just a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. The concept of gender equality entails equal access to…

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7 Pages

Gender / Sexuality

Gender Equality in the United States Netherlands and Indonesia

Words: 2331
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

This paper will examine variations in gender inequality based on educational levels (and, subsequently, approximately on socioeconomic status) in case of the following three countries: America, Indonesia and the…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Gender Equality in Japan

Words: 2740
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Japanese omen Gender Inequality in Japan Social change is often slow. This is especially true concerning the shift of traditional gender roles in any society. Historically, however, once these roles do…

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10 Pages

Gender Equality in My Community

Words: 2761
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

A Path Toward Progress In the tapestry of our community, gender equality is an intricate thread that weaves together the fabric of social justice and individual empowerment. As citizens, we…

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7 Pages


Gender Equality and Inequality in Parenting

Words: 2678
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Chapter

Gendered Power and Parenting Parenting styles can be incredibly diverse and come in many different ways. Many of us who are parents recognize a lot of the decisions we make…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Global Issue Women's Rights and Gender Equality

Words: 1564
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Women's ights Although women have seen substantial progress as a group in the United States due to the women's rights movement, globally women still struggle to attain parity with men,…

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8 Pages

Sports - Women

Standards of Gender Equality Are

Words: 2485
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Assessment

(2003, p. 136) Other manifestations of kastom also indicate the concept's gender-related impact on a modern Pacific state. For example, Gregor and Tuzin (2001) cite the kastom communities of…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Gender / Sexuality

Gender Equity in the Workplace

Words: 2429
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gender Equality: The United States versus the United Kingdom Introduction The United Kingdom is often called the mother country of the United States. However, in some ways, the countries still differ,…

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5 Pages

Womens Rights Movemement Today

Words: 1253
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction The women's rights movement today is a powerful and influential force that continues to fight for gender equality and justice in all aspects of society. From reproductive rights to…

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3 Pages


Guaranteeing Equal Pay for Women

Words: 1108
Length: 3 Pages

More than 30 years ago, the United Nations (UN) held the first Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women known as CEDAW (Ramdas, Janus, 2011).…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Deeds Not Words Emotional Appeals and Argumentation Theory in the Suffragette Movement

Words: 3256
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Women's Movement and the Right to Vote in England Who Led the Suffragettes in England in the 20th Century Introduction After release from prison for militant suffragette activities (breaking windows, burning…

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3 Pages

Gender and Sexuality

Political Correctness and Society

Words: 872
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

society without families, the basic needs of people in that society would have to be addressed by the State or whatever authority or system of government is in…

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3 Pages

Gender / Sexuality

Gender Equality in Arabia

Words: 937
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender Equality in the Gulf Problem Description Historically, there has been a marked dearth of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the countries compromising the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which include…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender-Based Sexual Inequality Gender Equality

Words: 1500
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" Conclusion: The gender-based sexual double standard is logically indefensible on any level. Piercing the thin veil of justifications offered supporting it requires little more than substitution of the identity of the…

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