George Washington Essays (Examples)

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George Washington & Slavery George
Pages: 5 Words: 1969

He also ordered that the " be taught to read and write; and to be brought up to some useful occupation..." And they are to be "comfortably clothed and fed by my heirs while they live..."
ashington also wrote in his will that he "...expressly forbid the Sale, or transportation out of the said Commonwealth, of any Slave I may die possessed of." He did order the immediate freedom of "my Mulatto man illiam...for his faithful services during the Revolutionary ar."

Another article from the Papers of George ashington found in the University of Virginia digital materials indicates that while ashington managed his own plantations (when he was not at war or serving as president) "...and was well acquainted with the strengths and weaknesses of individual slaves. He was not impressed with them as a labor force," fretting in some of his correspondence about their "irresponsibility and indolence" (Twohig, 1994). That…...


Works Cited

Hirschfeld, Fritz. 1997. George Washington and Slavery: A Documentary Portrayal. Columbia,

MO: University of Missouri Press.

Mack, Dwayne. 2006. Book Review: An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. Journal of Black Studies 37 (2): 320-321.

Mazyck, Walter H. 1932. George Washington and the Negro. Washington, D.C. The Associated

George Washington Took the Oath of Office
Pages: 7 Words: 2424

George ashington took the oath of office to become the first President of the United States of America on April 30, 1789. Yet his influence on the history and development of the United States and on its office of President started some 35 years earlier, when, as a young man, he led a small force of militia men into a battle later called a massacre. Had one only this beginning to go on, one would likely not expect to find that the rash military leader who broke the rules of war to kill a few French military scouts would become both the storied, inspiring general who led the Continental Army to win the American Revolutionary ar, and the thoughtful, fair-minded political leader who would set careful precedents that have allowed the United States Presidency to become one of the most powerful political positions in the world today. As both the…...


Works Cited

Hannaford, Peter. The Essential George Washington. Images from the Past: Bennington, VT, 1999.

McDougall, Walter A. Freedom Just Around the Corner. HarperCollinsPublishers, New York, 2004.

New York Times. "Wilson Follows Washington's Lead." February 22, 1915. 

Pederson, Charles. The French and Indian War. ABDO Publishing Co, North Mankato, MN, 2010.

George Washington There Have Been Many People
Pages: 7 Words: 1997

George Washington
There have been many people in American history who have dedicated their lives to the people and progress of the nation, and perhaps none are more notable than our very own one dollar bill - George Washington, who not only conjures up images of freedom and democracy, but of also the birth of America; a founding-father who was the first to govern the people under their own flag.

George Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Va., in 1732, the eldest son of Augustine Washington, and his second wife, Mary all Washington (Encyclopedia, 42).

George never received more than a basic education, despite living a good life on a Virginia farm. Nevertheless, he displayed an ability and interest in mathematics, which led him to becoming a surveyor for Lord Fairfax at the tender age of sixteen.

George's father had died when he was eleven, and his half-brother Lawrence had taken it upon himself…...



Thanksgiving Proclamation"

Reprinted in The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series, v. 4, September 1789-January 1790. (Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 1993),131-32.

The Will of George Washington"

Reprinted in The Papers of George Washington, Retirement Series, vol. 4, April - December 1799. (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1999), 477-492.

George Washington Gomez Book Critique
Pages: 4 Words: 1292

Mexicans were treated as an inferior class and an inferior race of people, in both the rhetoric of the nation and in the actual physical subjugation and displacement they were threatened by as a community. Thus, individuals such as Gualinto came to regard themselves as inferior, or the 'part' of themselves that was Mexican, as inferior.
Such external threats created internal, psycholgical ideological impingements in the vulnerable hearts and minds of young people like Gualinto. He becomes eviserated with self-hatred and feels he must chose between whiteness and success and Mexicanness and failure. The racially polarizing and divisive rhetoric of the Agnlos not only injures the Mexican community in colonially exploitive fashions, rendering them into a nation of colonized peoples vs. The Anglo colonizers, but also creates divisions within the community itself and within the hearts of its people as it steals away the great resource of the revolutionary, ideological…...


Works Cited

Paredes, Americo. George Washington Gomez: A Mexicotexan Novel. Houston: Arte Publico, 1990.

George Washington University Provides One
Pages: 2 Words: 579

" The faculty possesses expertise in addressing current issues and not simply historical or archaic problems. This assures the students at George Washington are relevant and cutting edge. Success in the new dispensation requires that individuals are not only knowledgeable but also knowledgeable in postmodern phenomena. This experience is cultivated and sponsored at George Washington.
The campus life at the University is remarkable. This is the result of the integration of the university with the life and atmosphere of Washington, D.C. One of the tantalizing features of the Mount Vernon Campus is the wooded acreage on which the Campus sits. The university has woven a tapestry of revitalizing green amidst the buildings and halls. This balance provides a serene environment for study and restfulness when necessary. The proximity of the university to city life also allows students to participate in the events of the capital. This particular option holds great excitement…...

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson
Pages: 5 Words: 1485

However, Washington's experience in the Revolutionary war engendered in him, along with his adjutant Alexander Hamilton, deep concerns about the weakness of the Federal Government. Also, Washington, being a general, was very observant of material conditions throughout the nation, particularly infrastructure.
Unlike Jefferson, Washington travelled extensively, for business and pleasure, and saw many pockets of America that Jefferson did not see. He held a particular fascination with the American interior, which was still largely a frontier region at the time. He saw huge commercial potential in the resources of the more fertile West. However, he also noted a lack of ambition and work ethic among the inhabitants. He attributed this to the abundance of land and fertility of the soil.

Thus, the American interior would have to become "Americanized" with the values of industry and self-sufficiency before it could realize its full potential.

The Role of eliefs in Internal Improvement Projects

The first…...



Larson, J. (2001). Internal Improvement. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

Maier, et. al. (2006). Inventing America. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.

Larson, 3

Larson, 2001, p. 9

George Washington and His Marriages
Pages: 4 Words: 992

George ashington's Marriage
George ashington was above common and ordinary, marked by birth and breeding directly descended from the great kings of the Scots, Malcolm II and III, through the thane Gospatrick, with lineage including a Plantagenet connection and ties to the Anglican Church ( majority of the ashingtons' prosperity came through marriages in the male line to wealthy widows, bringing increased landholdings and greater status ( ashington was the first ashington in the colonies and his oldest son Lawrence produced the father of George, born in 1732. Family estates included akefield in estmoreland County, Ferry Farm neat Fredericksburg and Mount Vernon near Alexandria (

hen George's father died, he left Mt. Vernon to his half brother Lawrence, where George spent much time ( married Anne Fairfax whose brother, illiam, owned the Belvoir plantation near Mt. Vernon and it through this connection that ashington met George Fairfax's wife, Sally ( was extremely…...


Works Cited

Eady, Brenda. "Did they or didn't they?" People Weekly. January 23, 1984.

George Washington." The SAR Magazine. Winter 1999 Vol. XCIII. No. 3.   12-03-2003). .(accessed

George Washington the Husband." accessed 12-03-2003).

Martha Dandridge Custis Washington."   accessed 12-03-2003). 

George Washington the First President
Pages: 6 Words: 2001

On page 124 of his book, Hirschfeld published a post-war letter from ashington to Marquis de Lafayette, a Frenchman of African ethnicity, who had served the general very well in the Revolutionary ar (the French were allies of the Americans against the British). Lafayette had written to ashington on February 5, 1783, congratulating the general on winning the war. Lafayette referred to ashington as "…my dear General, my father, my best friend who I love with an affection and respect…" (Hirschfeld, p. 123). Clearly, ashington learned a lot about the black man during the war -- and had earned respect therein. Lafayette added that it would be a good idea now that the war was over to "free the Negroes." ashington responded in April 5, 1783, saying he would be "happy to join you in so laudable a work…" (Hirschfeld, p. 124).

ashington and Illness: Dr. Michael L. Cheatham writes in…...


Works Cited

Cheatham, Michael L. "The Death of George Washington: An End to the Controversy?" the

American Surgeon. Vol. 74. (2008): 770-774.

Countryman, Edward. "Getting to Know George Washington." Southwest Review Vol. 94, No. 2

(2009): 132-146.

George Washington Before the Presidency
Pages: 10 Words: 3089

Not only did King George remove the self-government rights of the American colonists, but he also reduced those colonists to a status that was even lower than his loyal British subjects (Harvey & O'Brien, 2004). They did not even have the same rights has the average and common British citizen. Some of these rights that the Americans suddenly found themselves lacking were rights to appropriate taxation, trial by jury, and control over their own homes so that soldiers who needed to sleep somewhere for the night during wartime could not simply barge in and insist that they would sleep there through the night (Harvey & O'Brien, 2004). Basically, because of King George's revocation of the American rights to self-government, the American people no longer had any rights at all, and were once again controlled solely by the British (Richardson, 2003). It seems likely that King George was trying to punish…...


Works Cited

Ferling, John. 2000. "Setting the World Ablaze: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and the American Revolution." Oxford U. Press.

Hacker, Louis M. 1940 "Economic and social origins of the American Revolution."

Harvey, Tamara and O'Brien, Greg, ed. 2004. "George Washington's South." U. Press of Florida.

Richardson, C. 2003. "The causes of the American Revolution.

George Washington Man of Honor or Man
Pages: 5 Words: 1886

George ashington:
Man of Honor or Man of Shame?

hen most people think of George ashington they imagine a noble man of almost mythical proportions. Indeed, to many of ashington's contemporaries, as well, the former President of the United States was commonly considered to be " ... A man of unquestioned integrity (Halstead, 1997)." This is perhaps even more the case in modern times, partly due to the efforts of numerous biographers over the years since his death. Not only did they make a veritable science out of capitalizing on tales of his legendary goodness, as well as his symbolic role as the embodiment of "American virtue (Halsted)," but they seem to have also "struck a chord" with a deep need in the collective American psyche to imagine the beginnings of this nation as an event steeped in nothing but noble division to the ideals of liberty. Be that as it may,…...


Works Cited

David Halstead. "George Washington." Ameslab. Web site. 1997. Retrieved on November 28, 2004, from

George Washington His Excellency Writing
Pages: 6 Words: 1663

This makes the book quite inspiring for younger people. ashington certainly experienced a lot in his young age. hile he did not receive the advanced education that most U.S. presidents enjoy today, he saw many things in battles that the most hardened of us would not be able to take. Such experiences early in life, Ellis infers, are what made George ashington the leader he was later to become. This is not to say that Ellis presents a romanticized version of George ashington's youth; rather, he bases his analysis on hard facts - most of which originated from ashington's own quill.
Joseph J. Ellis's His Excellency: George ashington is a book I would most certainly recommend to anyone interested in learning more about one of our country's most important forefathers. It is an inspiring look into the innermost life of a man who is frequently held up as a model,…...


Works Cited

Ellis, Joseph J. His Excellency: George Washington. New York: Vintage, 2004.

Mt Rushmore and George Washington's Role
Pages: 6 Words: 1936

Traveling in Search of Americas HistoryTour 1The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was created by Maya Lin. The historical event that it honors is the Vietnam War and those who died or went missing as a result of their sacrifice in the war. This war is significant because it was so controversial at home, and the monument honors those who gave their life for the war. It is one of the most famous war memorials in the world. The war was meant to contain communism in Asia. It was unpopular at home, however, because of the draft and the fact that people did not understand why the US was fighting a war in Vietnam that had nothing to do with America. People burned their draft cards and protested the government, especially when it turned out that the US was lying about the death toll. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was a way to…...



Food that Built America. 

Museum and Memorial. Retrieved from 

National Women’s Hall of Fame. Retrieved from 

Tour the Capital. Retrieved from

George Washington and Army
Pages: 5 Words: 1556

George ashington: The First American Hero
Today, George ashington is an American icon, a symbol of patriotism, strength, and humility. His honesty has become the source of legend, to the point that it is easy to forget that he was a real human being with significant political and military accomplishments. Perhaps what is equally surprising about ashington as the durability of his image is the fact that he was just as beloved in his own era. Death sometimes erases some of the more unflattering aspects of a historical figure's legacy from the collective memory but ashington was always revered, even in life. In fact, many of his contemporaries wished to make him a king after he helped secure American independence, an honor which he refused. Instead, he went on to become the nation's first Chief Executive.

George ashington first came to political prominence in colonial America due to his military leadership during…...


Works Cited

Kladky, William P. "Continental Army." Mount Vernon. Web. 24 Feb 2017.

Knott, Stephen. "George Washington: Life Before the Presidency." Miller Center of Public

Affairs, University of Virginia. Web. 24 Feb 2017.

Remini, Robert. A Short History of the United States. HarperCollins, 2009.

George Washington University's Sonography Bachelor's
Pages: 2 Words: 511

Nevertheless, my passion for medicine remained which led to applying to the Technology Institute of Pharmacy at the university. Unfortunately, due to conditions beyond my control, I requested a transfer to the Nursing Institute at the university, yet because of my brother's failing health, I was forced to remain at home to care for him. Things changed in 2001, when I came to the U.S., knowing that I had a much better chance there to fulfill my dreams of becoming a medical specialist. Soon after, I registered at Northern Virginia Community College to major in science and after working full-time to pay for my studies, I am now in my last semester at NVCC, aiming for an Associate in Science which hopefully will open the door to pharmacy school. Overall, by obtaining a pharmacy degree, I could not only help people in the U.S. But also my own people in…...


My initial interest in pursuing a degree in the medical field came about when my brother developed a very serious disease. This event prompted me to wonder about his medical future regarding treatment in the form of surgery or chemotherapy, and due to the fact that we were living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where I was born and raised, the prospects of my brother finding adequate treatment and care for his disease were rather poor. As a result, I decided to create the foundations for a career in medical science. Part of this required that I take the Ethiopian School Living Examination. In 1994, after competing against 167,000 other high school graduates, I received a passing score which made me eligible to attend Addis Ababa University; however, since Ethiopia follows the command economy, I ended up in social sciences rather than in my chosen field of medicine.

Nevertheless, my passion for medicine remained which led to applying to the Technology Institute of Pharmacy at the university. Unfortunately, due to conditions beyond my control, I requested a transfer to the Nursing Institute at the university, yet because of my brother's failing health, I was forced to remain at home to care for him. Things changed in 2001, when I came to the U.S., knowing that I had a much better chance there to fulfill my dreams of becoming a medical specialist. Soon after, I registered at Northern Virginia Community College to major in science and after working full-time to pay for my studies, I am now in my last semester at NVCC, aiming for an Associate in Science which hopefully will open the door to pharmacy school. Overall, by obtaining a pharmacy degree, I could not only help people in the U.S. But also my own people in Ethiopia. While a student at NVCC, I served the Ethiopian Community Development Council by providing outreach services for refugees seeking health assistance.

In conclusion, my personal desire is to expand and enhance my knowledge in the pharmacy field and thus be able to provide my services to communities in the U.S. And abroad, particularly in Ethiopia. Therefore, I am looking forward with much relish to participating in GWU's Sonography Bachelor's Program.

George Washington the Indespensable Man
Pages: 4 Words: 1397

Its effects would have impact on the political decisions of all future generations; any mistake could have had disastrous consequences for the ones to come. Regarding the matter, the president at some point wrote to James Madison that given the historical circumstances and precedents his presidency constituted, he preferred that all decisions be made on a moral basis.. Washington couldn't have been more right; for instance, his refusal to serve a third term, in 1797 became common practice until today. The norm states that no other president could seek power for more than two terms.
His huge burden derived not only from the great amount of social changes that were to take place and not only from the laborious political measures and laws that had to be adopted; as first president of the newly-born nation, he was also to become the symbol of the ones he presided over.

People have always…...



Gregg, Gary L. II and Spalding, Matthew. "Patriot Sage, George Washington and the American Political Tradition." Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books,1989

Middlekauf, Robert. "The Glorious Cause, (The American Revolution, 1763-1789)." London:Oxford Press, 2005

Morgan, Edmund. "The Meaning of Independence." Charlottesville:University of Virginia Press, 1976

Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia,

the founding fathers essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 535

Thesis Statement: The Founding Fathers of the United States were a remarkable group of individuals who, despite their diverse backgrounds and often conflicting views, came together to create a new nation based on the principles of liberty, equality, and self-government. Their vision and determination laid the foundation for a vibrant and enduring democracy that has served as a model for countless nations around the world.


The Founding Fathers of the United States were a diverse group of individuals who came from different backgrounds, had different experiences, and held different beliefs. However, they shared a common goal: to create a new nation....

What role did key figures play in shaping American history?
Words: 289

American History is a vast and complex subject that encompasses the struggles, triumphs, and evolution of a nation. From the earliest Native American societies to the present day, the history of America is a story of conflict, growth, and change. In this essay, we will explore key events, figures, and movements that have shaped the course of American history, from the colonial era to the modern age. By examining the challenges and accomplishments of the past, we can gain a deeper understanding of the values and ideals that have defined the American experience. Join us on a journey through time....

What role did key figures play in shaping American history?
Words: 569

Key Figures in Shaping American History
Throughout the annals of American history, exceptional individuals have emerged as pivotal figures, steering the course of events and leaving an indelible mark on the nation's trajectory. Their leadership, vision, and unwavering determination have shaped the very fabric of the country, from its inception to its present day.
George Washington (1732-1799): The Father of the Nation
As the first President of the United States, George Washington played a paramount role in establishing the young republic. His unwavering leadership during the Revolutionary War earned him the moniker "Father of the Nation." As President, he presided over the formation....

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