Golden Ratio Essays (Examples)

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Golden Ratio

One of the applications of Fractal is seen in respect of Seirpinski's Triangle. It is initiated as a triangle and the new iteration of it generates a triangle with the mid points of the other triangles of it. Another illustration of fractal is Koch Snowflake. It initiates with a triangle and go on adding triangles to its trisection points that exert outward points for all infinity. (Chaos Theory and Fractals)
Platonic Solids:

Platonic Solids indicates to the polyhedron where all the faces are congruent regular polygons. Evidentially, same number of faces converges at every vertex here. (the Platonic Solids: The University of Utah) the platonic solids are also known as regular solids or regular polyhedra and taken to be the convex polydedra with same number of faces consisted of convex regular polygons. Euclid in the last proposition of the Elements afforded to prove exactly five such solids like cub, dodecahedron, icosahedron,….

Con Agri Golden Agri Is

The company also believes that vertical integration is critical to driving added value, by improving efficiency and by ensuring higher quality end products. It also views its research capabilities, its management team and its in-house seed supply as strengths from which it can draw competitive advantage. That said, the company appears to have a lack of cost control, which is a key weakness. In addition, it lacks diversification away from the palm oil business, with soybean oil being a relatively small component of its operation. Another weakness at Golden Agri is the lack of brand development. It has a large number of end-use products but many of these lack powerful, established brands. The company likely needs to offer more marketing support, as it has not competed in the retail sector long enough to build brand strength.
III Conclusion

There is no harm in Michael buying shares of Golden Agri, but to….

The twenty-one pieces of the work, minus the Overture, are divided into two acts, 8 pieces in the First Act, and 13 in the Second. 8 to 13 is an example of the Golden Ratio. There are also 49 entrances in The Magic Flute, divided up as 19 in Act I and 30 in Act II. This too is an example of the Golden Ratio. Furthermore, the Overture contains a division between 81 bars and 130, yet another Golden Ratio.
Golden Ratio is thus contained within Golden Ratio, an image of the endless repetition of the primordial forms. Each individual part of the Creation is complete unto itself. One can take apart the Cosmos and find perfect miniature "worlds" that can be put back together to form a coherent whole. According to the Classical canon of art, the human body is built upon the Golden Ratio. By drawing lines through….

6. The rabbits will never die.

The question was how many male/female rabbit pairs will be there after a year or 12 months?

When the experiment begun, there is a single pair of rabbits.

After duration of one month, the two rabbits have mated though they have not given birth. As a result; there is still only a single pair of rabbits.

After duration of two months, the initial pair of rabbits will give birth to another pair. There will be two pairs.

After duration of three months, the initial pair will give birth again, the second pair mate, but do not give birth. This makes three pair.

When four months will elapse, the original pair gives birth, and the pair born in the second month gives birth. The pair that is born in month in the third month will mate, but will not give birth. This will make two new pairs, thereby making a total….

Modern Art

Modern Art
A primary concern of fauvism is the presence of strong colors. Fauvist works have relatively wild brushstrokes. The subject matter of fauvist painters is simple and often abstract. Fauvism is heavily influence by postimpressionism and pointillism. In "Woman with a Green Stripe," the viewer can distinguish between each color because of the brushstrokes. The portrait is simply of a woman, making a neutral face. The colors are stark and the painting is not realistic though we can still make out the subject. The water beneath the bridge is several colors in "London Bridge." There is not much distinction between the buildings of the background. This is not an exact replica of the London Bridge, yet again, we recognize it clearly. The painting is almost just a semblance of simple shapes and not an urban landscape.

ouault and Nolde both paint works of Jesus. In ouault's work, Jesus is often alone.….

The impact architecture has on a society's spirit cannot be underestimated.
The Future:

Architecture it returning to nature oriented design. Many examples exist of which "The Water Garden" office complex of Santa Monica, CA is an excellent representative. Its focal point is a man-made lake with islands connected by curving walkways. The lake offers a relaxing workday intermission for thousands of office employees. This design by McLarand, Vasquez & Partners was the named the 2005 International Office uilding of the Year (TOY) (available ( office towers provide 1.25 million square feet of office space yet the emphasis is on the human element. The towers are characterized by gently curving edges that evoke images of waves and watercourses.

Various hotels in Las Vegas now emphasize water as part of its entertainment theme. For example the famous ellagio "dancing water fountains" are attractive and relaxing. Water as a source of relaxation explains the popularity….

Affirmative Action
Ever since the upheavals of the 1960s precipitated a fundamental change in the way the United States regards civil rights, the notion of affirmative action has been regularly discussed and misunderstood throughout the national discourse. Requirements that certain employers enact affirmative action plans began with an executive order on the heels of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII of which specifies that employers may not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The executive order requiring that certain employers take affirmative action has subsequently been misunderstood to mean something other than it really does, because this order is nonetheless constrained by Title VII. By examining precisely which employers must maintain affirmative action plans and what those plans require them to do, one may understand the extent and limitations of affirmative action and how it relates to Title VII.

Before considering affirmative action plans….

One of the more popular analytical methods that is used with MT4 that is used to coordinate share trades is based on the Fibonnaci series (each number in this series except one is the product of the preceding two numbers; i.e., 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 & #8230;). This Fibonacci series is used in quantitative trading systems such as MT4 to help traders modify their investments in real-time as the market changes as described further below.
2- Fibonacci

The Fibonacci series can be found throughout nature in the way a pinecone grows when viewed from above or the patterns in a seashell such as the nautilus. Humans have a natural affinity for the Fibonacci series which is also known as the "Golden atio" because it provides an aesthetic that is pleasing to humans (Gelet, 2009). Also pleasing to humans is the power of the Fibonacci series to help manage Forex….

Considering this belief into account for the discussion of math and poetry, through the general observation and understanding, it is observed that math and poetry constitute the form of art also. The other instance of symmetry in math is proof. Math looks for an elegant proof above one which established the identical outcome through contradiction or examination of a lot of cases. The same thing is applicable in case of poetry. In case one is desirous of having a good poem, it is important that one must develop a style and follow the particular style across. Poetry as well as maths is two very distinct themes, nevertheless the same are found to be similar in formation and structure. Understanding math as a poem solves a lot of problem. When math is looked as a poem, it is observed that calculating is the same as a finding a pattern in….

In addition, both governments and churches began to grow suspicious of the group, probably because of the "organization's secrecy and liberal religious beliefs" (Watson, 2009). As a result, Portugal and France banned Freemasonry; in fact, it was a capital offense to be a Freemason in Portugal (Watson, 2009). Moreover, "Pope Clement XII forbade Catholics from becoming Freemasons on penalty of excommunication" (Watson, 2009). Feeling pressure in Europe, many Freemasons decided to flee the Old World and travel to the European colonies scattered throughout the world, most notably, America.
Influence on America

Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of the Freemasons and American history understands that, whatever resistance the Freemasons met with in Europe was not to be found in America. The Freemasons set up lodges in Boston and Philadelphia, and some of the founding fathers, including Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. More importantly, the Freemasons are reported to have played a….

However, starting from this, Leonardo was able to use this conclusion in his mathematics work and "rationalize irrational geometry of square root of 2."
The rationalization mentioned in the previous paragraph is not only related to the proportions that exist between the different body parts, but also to the easiness with which the square and circle can be constructed and how these two perfect geometric shapes are correlated. As such, the drawing initially starts with the square. If rotated by 45 degrees, the square will result in a vertical geometric projection of itself. The difference between the extremity of the projected square and the side of the initial square will form the diameter of the circle. Calculated in palms, the area of the circle is 660 palms, while the area of the square is 576 palms. This makes for the differences between the two areas 84 palms, important because of….

Usage of Gothic Cathedral

Gothic Cathedral as Rhetorical Device
Usage of Gothic Cathedral


It is one thing to believe that the structure of Gothic cathedrals were a response to a desire to imbue meaning and particularly a manifestation of faith in a building that was functionally a place of worship, gathering, and the seat of local power. It is quite another to posit, as did Viollet-le-Duc, that the ultimate shape assumed by a Gothic cathedral was a mere rational response to solving structural problems. If the Gothic cathedral is thought to be completely rational in its expression, then it may also be thought of as the only possible expression, given the structural challenges it was designed to solve. Viollet-le-Duc sought correspondence between the materials used in a building with the structure that eventually took shape. He particularly believed that the use of stone to build a cathedral was both rational and functional. With stone, an….

isk Management and Legal MattersTable of Contents1. Introduction2. Company Description3. Business SWOT Analysis4. Entrepreneurial Competencies5. Conclusion6. Business Strategy 2a. Entrepreneurial Strategy and Goalsb. Business Strategyc. Missiond. Visione. Valuesf. Idea vs. Opportunityg. Experience and Opportunitiesh. Potential and High-Potential Businessi. Future Opportunities and Changes7. isk Management8. Insurance9. Intellectual Property10. Business Legal Formisk ManagementThe isk Management table below outlines potential challenges the business might encounter and also describes the strategies to address them. Potential issues it highlights include not meeting the 24-hour installation promise, facing reduced demand during economic downturns, competitors copying the unique selling proposition, and technological advancements potentially making professional installations obsolete. To counter these, the business plan is to maintain a buffer of plumbers, diversify services, focus on brand building, and stay updated with technological trends. This table thus serves as a blueprint for the company as it manages risk.iskMitigation PlanFailure to deliver on the 24-hour installation promiseMaintain a buffer….

M2Global Technology Ltd. has a specific metric that determines CEO and managerial pay based upon a combination of financial returns, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
Stock options with restrictions that cannot be 'cashed out' for a number of years, or forms of equity that are dependant upon long-term goals also reduces the incentive for CEOs to quickly and artificially boost stock prices. They ensure that the CEO has a real, financial stake in the long-term health of the company. There is also growing agreement that hefty, unrestricted severance packages send the wrong message to CEOs -- and golden parachutes are also highly unpopular amongst ordinary shareholders.

But as important as these incentives may be, perhaps the best prescription for success is a good choice of a CEO with a managerial style is a good 'fit' for the company culture. A CEO who wishes to succeed and foster his or her reputation in….

Fargo NYSE Wfc Following the

The liabilities are subject to reserve requirements, however. This means that the bank cannot have more financial assets than it has liabilities. So debt utilization is an entirely different animal in the banking industry than it is in conventional industries.
Therefore, typical debt utilization ratios are of little relevance. Interest coverage is tied to liquidity, and is therefore not measured for banks. The debt-to-equity ratio is measured, however. For ells Fargo, this is 3.01. For Bank of America it is 3.97. The industry average is 3.28. The significance of this metric in the banking business is that the higher the ratio, the riskier the business. Another measure is the leverage ratio. This is at ells Fargo 12.0, versus 9.7 at Bank of America and 14.7 overall. Thus, both of these companies are less highly leveraged than the industry as a whole. ells Fargo has a lower debt-to-equity ratio indicating lower….

6 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Mathematics

Golden Ratio

Words: 2649
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One of the applications of Fractal is seen in respect of Seirpinski's Triangle. It is initiated as a triangle and the new iteration of it generates a triangle…

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6 Pages
Case Study


Con Agri Golden Agri Is

Words: 1921
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

The company also believes that vertical integration is critical to driving added value, by improving efficiency and by ensuring higher quality end products. It also views its research…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Numerology in Baroque and Classical

Words: 2281
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The twenty-one pieces of the work, minus the Overture, are divided into two acts, 8 pieces in the First Act, and 13 in the Second. 8 to 13…

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9 Pages

Education - Mathematics

Modeling Real-World Data With Sinusoidal

Words: 2604
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Journal

6. The rabbits will never die. The question was how many male/female rabbit pairs will be there after a year or 12 months? When the experiment begun, there is a single…

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5 Pages

Art  (general)

Modern Art

Words: 1543
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Modern Art A primary concern of fauvism is the presence of strong colors. Fauvist works have relatively wild brushstrokes. The subject matter of fauvist painters is simple and often abstract.…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Architectural Manifesto for the 21st

Words: 1464
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The impact architecture has on a society's spirit cannot be underestimated. The Future: Architecture it returning to nature oriented design. Many examples exist of which "The Water Garden" office complex…

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4 Pages


Affirmative Action Ever Since the Upheavals of

Words: 1322
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Affirmative Action Ever since the upheavals of the 1960s precipitated a fundamental change in the way the United States regards civil rights, the notion of affirmative action has been regularly…

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10 Pages
Web Content


Foreign Exchange Forex the International

Words: 2716
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Web Content

One of the more popular analytical methods that is used with MT4 that is used to coordinate share trades is based on the Fibonnaci series (each number in…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal


People Working Out Math Constitutes

Words: 1925
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Considering this belief into account for the discussion of math and poetry, through the general observation and understanding, it is observed that math and poetry constitute the form…

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20 Pages

American History

Freemasons Contributions to Today's Society

Words: 6522
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

In addition, both governments and churches began to grow suspicious of the group, probably because of the "organization's secrecy and liberal religious beliefs" (Watson, 2009). As a result,…

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4 Pages


Vitruvian Man the Concept of

Words: 1302
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

However, starting from this, Leonardo was able to use this conclusion in his mathematics work and "rationalize irrational geometry of square root of 2." The rationalization mentioned in the…

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2 Pages


Usage of Gothic Cathedral

Words: 929
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Gothic Cathedral as Rhetorical Device Usage of Gothic Cathedral Viollet-le-Duc. It is one thing to believe that the structure of Gothic cathedrals were a response to a desire to imbue meaning…

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2 Pages


Risk Management for a Small Business

Words: 696
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

isk Management and Legal MattersTable of Contents1. Introduction2. Company Description3. Business SWOT Analysis4. Entrepreneurial Competencies5. Conclusion6. Business Strategy 2a. Entrepreneurial Strategy and Goalsb. Business Strategyc. Missiond. Visione. Valuesf. Idea…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Ignoring the Worst Examples of

Words: 444
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

M2Global Technology Ltd. has a specific metric that determines CEO and managerial pay based upon a combination of financial returns, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Stock options with restrictions that…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Fargo NYSE Wfc Following the

Words: 4604
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The liabilities are subject to reserve requirements, however. This means that the bank cannot have more financial assets than it has liabilities. So debt utilization is an entirely…

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