Golf Essays (Examples)

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Golf Company the Calloway Golf Website States
Pages: 6 Words: 1706

Golf Company
The Calloway Golf website states that their aim is pure in that they are "always looking to raise" their game and as well stated is that each day the company searches for "Pure innovation and performance." (2011) The Calloway Golf Company offers a 'wide range of products, each with advanced technology nd a variety of options suited to every type of player. Callaway Golf's specific 'Mission Statement' is as follows:

"Callaway Golf Company is driven to be a world class organization that designs, develops, makes, and delivers demonstrably superior and pleasingly different golf products that incorporate breakthrough technologies, and backs those products with noticeably superior customer service. We share every golfer's passion for the game, and commit our talents and our technology to increasing the satisfaction and enjoyment all golfers derive from pursuing that passion." (, 2011)


Callaway Golf's vision statement is as follows:

'One good shot it not enough, so…...

Golf Course on Residential Property
Pages: 5 Words: 1529

S. also.
The fact that the development of golf courses is included in large real estate projects is an important factor that companies must take into consideration. This is because this factor influences the costs of the companies that develop such projects, but also the prices of properties of homeowners in such regions. The costs of developing these large real; estate projects are also reflected in the value of subscriptions to these golf courses. This influences the purchasing behavior of customers interested in this activity. Therefore, it is important to understand the fact that golf courses have numerous implications in sport management.

In addition to this, it is important to identify the influence of gold courses in different types of such projects. Specialists in the field have determined that the types of real estate projects that include golf courses are represented by residential subdivisions built along existing golf courses, residential developments around…...


Reference list:

1. Nicholls, S. & Crompton, J. (2007). The Impact of a Golf Course on Residential Property Values. Journal of Sport Management. Retrieved September 19, 2012.

Acquisition of Callaway Golf Company
Pages: 7 Words: 2344

This further reduced to $549 million in 2012. The reason behind this decrease is was a subsequent decrease in revenues and reduced nerd sales. The cost of selling goods is proportional to the revenues and an increase in latter directly impact the former. No direct inference could be made from COSG statistics.
Gross profit: Gross profit of Callaway Golf Company peaked in FY 2009 when it was recorded to be $365.5 million whereas in 2008, it was reported to be $349 million. In FY 2010, the gross profit of the company was $312 million that dropped to $284 million in FY 2012. This indicates that in FY 2013, the gross profit of the firm may remain equaling to the 2012 mark. eduction in net sales of the company during these years impacted other aspects of company's financial performance. The company has gradually got its gross profitability reduced due to reasons…...



Beria, P., Niemeier, H.M., & Frohlich, K. (2011). Alitalia -- the failure of a national carrier. Journal of Air Transport Management, 17(4), 215-220.

Bloomberg. (2013). Callaway Golf Company (ELY:New York). Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Retrieved from: 

Callaway. (2013). Corporate Governance. Retrieved from: 

Goldstein, R., Ju, N., & Leland, H. (2001). An EBIT-Based Model of Dynamic Capital Structure*. The Journal of Business, 74(4), 483-512.

Learning to Play Business Golf
Pages: 25 Words: 8157

Yet the fundamental skills of the game require strictly hands-on learning. Merely learning the rules does not prepare one to actually play the game. The game is learned through repetition of physical movements, for example on the driving range or the putting green. Golf swings are learned by training muscles to behave in a certain way consistently - the book element of that is minimal.
The soft skills that one must learn to play business golf are another problem. This is represented in the concept of interpersonal intelligence. I understand that I can read about selling and developing strong business relationships, but the execution of the theories requires making strong interpersonal connections, and that is not something that can be learned from a book.

There is another aspect to achieving success at business golf, one that is not directly related to specific skill sets that I need to acquire, but that…...



Duke, Scot. (2008) Business Golf Investment. IBGS. Retrieved August 1, 2008 at 

This article outlines the quantifiable benefits of business golf, and the importance of viewing business golf as a long-term strategy. The article was useful for illustrating specific examples of business golf success and explaining some of the mechanics of that success.

Armstrong, Thomas. (2000). Multiple Intelligences. Thomas Armstrong. Retrieved August 1, 2008 at 

This article outlines Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. These are the different ways in which humans relate to the world, the theory being that each person has a degree of each intelligence, but that they will all be in a unique proportion in each individual. This helped me better understand my learning style, and the ones that would be required to help me learn business golf.

Theory Callaway Golf Canada Callaway
Pages: 8 Words: 2358

A Statement and Analysis of the Major Options for solving the Problem:

Is the MPT program effective enough to make the Company operate with the most competitive standing in the industry or not? The financial and human resource requirements for this program will decide how much focus the Management should give on it.

The main problem for the Company's Management is to know the effectiveness of this program. According to Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, (2007); the effectiveness of some business strategy is best evaluated from its results. The only way to get the desired outcomes is to provide the best quality products complemented by the best customer services. Callaway Golf Canada wants to provide the best possible value-added services to it every customer. The best option to solve the aforesaid issue and to ensure the success of this program is to arrange the relevant training and development sessions for the MBC teams.…...



Farley, J., (1964). Why Does "Brand Loyalty" Vary our Products? The Journal of Marketing, American Marketing Association, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 9-12

Hitt, M., A., Ireland, R., D., Hoskisson, R., E., (2007). Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, 7th Edition, Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western

Kotler, P. Brown, L. Burton, S. Deans, K. Armstrong, G. (2010). Marketing. 8th Edition. U.S.: Prentice-Hall

Kotler, P., (2010). Principles of Marketing: A South Asian Perspective, 13th Edition. India: Pearson Education

New Golf Ball Tracker Differentiation Analysis Tracker
Pages: 4 Words: 1562

New Golf Ball Tracker
Differentiation Analysis: Tracker

Product. Tracker fits with the new technological footprint of multiple applications on a single mobile device. The performance of chip-fitted golf balls has been defined and accepted in the marketplace. Tracker effectively eclipses previously dedicated ball-tracking devices employing DIF and digital scanning/tracking.

Placement. SkyCaddie SG5 GPS, which was once available as a dedicated GPS device, is now available as an application for Androids. Placement of Tracker will be congruent with this trend; however, threat of substitution is great. This is evident given the constellation of golf-related applications, such as range finding, driving distance, and score-keeping, tracking pro-tours, GPS course maps, and pro-advice. Integration of applications is standard, and barriers to entry are roughly equivalent across applications.

Price. Tracker's affluent target market is unlikely to prefer low-end glasses to locate their lost golf balls. Tracker requires purchase of chip-fitted balls, with pricing points in the range of quality…...



BallFinder Scout. (2006, April 24). Gizloco [Web]. Retrieved!169088/golf-ball-finder-goes-hitech 

Hanlon, M. (2006, March 22). The BallFinder Scout electronic goofball finder, Gizmag. Retrieved 

LaPedus, M. (2005, January 25). Radar golf claims breakthrough with RFID golf balls. Information Week. Retrieved   / showArticle.jhtml?articleID=57703713 

Lindsay, R. (2005, January 28). Back to chips, [Web].Retrieved

Science of Revenue Management for Golf Environment
Pages: 7 Words: 2565

Science of Revenue Management fo Golf Envionment
The Science of Revenue Management:

Revenue Management -- RM is the appopiate application of infomation systems and picing stategies to assign the pecise capacity to the befitting custome at the ight location and at the ight time. Its use has spanned a wide ange of industies and is outinely applied to the ailine and hotel industy. Its use is cuently being extended to golf couses as the ultimate objective of RM is ensuing that the entepise geneates the maximum possible pofits taking into account the pesent custome demand and pice sensitivities. Application of RM techniques would ensue that cetain businesses equipped with sales foce ae able to augment evenue and pofitability as it offes an innovative pocedue to calculate maketing pefomance in a fesh and ceative manne. The technique also gives a baseline fo measuing the specific asset value of Sales Executive's time. Besides, it…...


reference: Siguawa, Judy A; Kimesb, Sheryl E; Gassenheimerc, Jule B. (2003) "B2B Sales Force productivity: Applications of revenue management strategies to sales management." Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 32, no. 2, pp: 539 -- 551.


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You +1'd this publicly. Undo Acemicrotech. (n. d.) "Yield Management and the Golf Industry"

Retrieved 6 November, 2012 from

Ethnology of Golf
Pages: 5 Words: 1510

Ethnology of Golf
Golf makes an interesting topic for an ethnology study because it brings people together who may belong to different subgroups and joins them in a new group, that of "golfers." Playing golf has rules for the game, but there are also social rules about how to behave while playing the game. Sometimes those who belong to the group called "golfers" assume a common background among all the players, and sometimes that assumption is misplaced.

For my study interviewed two men who play golf at a local golf club. The two men are friends and often play together. One man is 34 and a graduate of Washington University. He is married with one child. He has played golf since he was 12, and is Caucasian. The other man is named George. He is 32 and a graduate of Stanford University. He was on the Stanford golf team and has…...


I asked Henry and George separately if they knew about that. Henry did not know, and although he feels he knows George fairly well, he did not know that golf had been played by Blacks for generations. Then I asked Henry. He did not know that a Black man had invented the golf tee, but he knew that Blacks had been playing golf, nearly invisibly, for the last century. His father had friends, all Black, who also played golf, and many of them had been taught to play by their fathers. I asked George if the women in his family played golf. He looked a little puzzled and said he knew of no female in his family with an interest in golf. In Henry's family, however, his wife, his sister and his mother all play golf.


Avery, Sandra; Emert, Brandon; Hogan, Rico; Scarboro, Allen; and Wells, Keith. "Trimming the Greens and Mastering the Course: Newspaper Accounts of African-Americans and Golfing in the Home of the Masters." Department of Sociology, Augusta State University, Augusta, Georgia. Accessed via the Internet 6/20/05.

Beta Golf the Beta Group
Pages: 2 Words: 580

he start-up is a disaster for a boutique firm which has an "investment process that develops ideas and concepts" (Katz, L. et al., 2005). Beta would play a huge role in the marketing, distribution, and branding of this new firm, and even with "the recruitment of a management team with significant experience in the golf industry" (Katz, L. et al., 2005) the risk of misdirection and misallocation of capital are too great. Additionally, the competition in the industry would prove troublesome to advance a fledgling company, despite the models of Callaway and Odyssey. he acquisition also has a similar problem, notably that Beta would be entering the industry as a competitor to existing club companies, and would have responsibility to "try to revitalize the brand by introducing a new product line which incorporated Beta's HXL technology" (Katz, L. et al., 2005). his option presents too much financial commitment, some 60…...


The start-up is a disaster for a boutique firm which has an "investment process that develops ideas and concepts" (Katz, L. et al., 2005). Beta would play a huge role in the marketing, distribution, and branding of this new firm, and even with "the recruitment of a management team with significant experience in the golf industry" (Katz, L. et al., 2005) the risk of misdirection and misallocation of capital are too great. Additionally, the competition in the industry would prove troublesome to advance a fledgling company, despite the models of Callaway and Odyssey. The acquisition also has a similar problem, notably that Beta would be entering the industry as a competitor to existing club companies, and would have responsibility to "try to revitalize the brand by introducing a new product line which incorporated Beta's HXL technology" (Katz, L. et al., 2005). This option presents too much financial commitment, some 60 million dollars over three years to "revitalize a former leading golf brand" (Katz, L. et al., 2005).

Of the remaining options: licensing or the original equipment manufacturer model (OEM). The OEM model constitutes another foray into manufacturing which Beta has done, but is not necessarily their best of use of capital or resources, however, this option at least does not require Beta to run a golf business. The license model would be ideal because it presents the least financial risk with the greatest benefit "a six to ten percent royalty" (Katz, L. et al., 2005) depending on exclusivity. The license model also plays to Beta's strengths: ideas and research and development, and presents little actual exposure of the firm's balance sheet or cash flow to the golf industry.


Economics Analysis of Sandals La TOC Golf Resort and SPA
Pages: 3 Words: 1341

resort our group chose is named "Sandals St. Lucia La Toc."
Market structure of the main hotels and amenities - What sort of competition is there within the resort?

Hotels of all different categories? Or mainly 3 * hotels causing quite a lot of competition at this level? Is it mainly international hotel chains or privately owned hotels? What effect would you expect this competition to have on prices in the resort?

The Sandals La TOC Golf esort & Spa - Luxury All Inclusive is set on the beach and possesses hundreds of acres of the beautiful Caribbean sand. It is also not too far from the George F.L. Charles Airport, sitting as it does on the northwest tip of St. Lucia. It has been rated highly (between four to five stars -- by many content tourists.

The resort offers a 9-hole golf course, 9 restaurants, three pools, unlimited land and water sports…...



Caribseek (Tuesday, Dec 18th, 2012) News Caribbean Tourism Organization To Arrange Meetings With Regional Ministries And Technical Officials To Tackle Aviation Issues


US News. Travel. Sandals La Toc Golf Resort & Spa

Hbt Sct and Junior Golf
Pages: 4 Words: 1625

Building social skills and character in young children of all ages, genders and socioeconomic backgrounds through junior golf programs.
Underserved youth have a difficult time finding themselves, discovering what they want to do in life. They may come from a bad neighborhood, live in a problematic household, and often endure large amount of stress on a daily basis. Some can handle it just fine, while others cannot. One thing that is noted at least in America, is the growing obesity epidemic hitting impoverished areas.

Children and teens are growing up not going outside, not participating in any kind of physical activity, and developing health problems, mental problems frequently related to low self-esteem and lack of socialization skills. It is difficult at times for any youth to engage in something meaningful. This is especially true for children coming from a low socioeconomic status household. They may not find they can go outside and…...



Ar-yuwat, S., Clark, M., Hunter, A., & James, K. (2013). Determinants of physical activity in primary school students using the health belief model. Journal Of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 2013(6), 119. 

Bean, E., Whitley, M., & Gould, D. (2014). Athlete impressions of a character-based sports program for underserved youth. Journal Of Sport Behavior, 1-10.

Campbell, J., Cothren, D., Rogers, R., Kistler, L., Osowski, A., Greenauer, N., & End, C. (2011). Sport fans' impressions of gay male athletes. Journal Of Homosexuality, 58(5), 597-607. 

Kulesza, M., Grossbard, J., Kilmer, J., Copeland, A., & Larimer, M. (2014). Take one for the team? Influence of team and individual sport participation on high school athlete substance use patterns.Journal Of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 23(4), 217-223.

Literature Review Junior Golf
Pages: 5 Words: 1800

Junior golf programs provide a level of learning that instills confidence, ability, and aptitude to those who participate. Social cognitive theory provides a framework from which to advance a deeper understanding of learning and development. From communication and observation, youth who participate in junior golf programs formulate a sense of fairness, competitive spirit, and confidence that transcends the sport and continues on to school and other aspects of participants' lives. Along with learning, improving physical health via exercise can lead to positive changes both mentally and physically as seen in the Health Belief Model. This literature review aims to connect both social learning theory and the health belief model to the efficacy of junior golf programs and provide examples from previous studies that show the benefits of providing at-risk youth a positive outlet like sports.
Effect of Sports Programs on Children/Teens Health

Perceived Barriers of Physical Activity

The health belief model helps identify…...



Ar-yuwat, S., Clark, M., Hunter, A., & James, K. (2013). Determinants of physical activity in primary school students using the health belief model. Journal Of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 2013(6), 119. 

Bean, E., Whitley, M., & Gould, D. (2014). Athlete impressions of a character-based sports program for underserved youth. Journal Of Sport Behavior, 1-10.

Campbell, J., Cothren, D., Rogers, R., Kistler, L., Osowski, A., Greenauer, N., & End, C. (2011). Sport fans' impressions of gay male athletes. Journal Of Homosexuality, 58(5), 597-607. 

Kulesza, M., Grossbard, J., Kilmer, J., Copeland, A., & Larimer, M. (2014). Take one for the team? Influence of team and individual sport participation on high school athlete substance use patterns.Journal Of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 23(4), 217-223.

Business Marketing 2009 Nchi Golf
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Further, getting the e-mail addresses of everyone that attended in the previous years and sending them invitations is also critical. A full PR plan that relies on social networking technologies is also critical (Bernoff, Li, 2008). Appendix I: Web 2.0 Technologies provides an overview of the social networking applications that can be used as part of the marketing strategy. As part of the social networking marketing strategy, a Facebook page will be created, blogs created by touring golf professionals who will be playing, and a Twitter account to update those following the event online.

Marketing Strategy Component


Website and Facebook Development


Series of advertisements in Columbus. OH newspaper


Production of 60 second commercial for public television


Champion for Children Program Sponsorship Strategy


Banner Advertising on Local Columbus, OH Sites





Marketing Strategy Component

Website and Facebook Development - Using local web developer Wolf Creative (Cincinnati) to create a Facebook page and microsite to promote the event in addition…...

Business Plan for Main Golfing Outlet Company
Pages: 8 Words: 2264

usiness Plan for Main Golfing Outlet
Company Description

Keys to Success

Products and Services

Marketing Plan

Marketing Focus

Retail Market

Target Markets

Web Success

Golf is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of size, shape, or age. For this reason, it has become one of the most popular sports and leisure activities in the United States. Main Golfing Outlet aims to target audiences of all ages, groups, skills and genders. Main Golfing Outlet chooses only the most technologically advanced golf clubs to sell to our valued customers.

We are aware that there are many stores and websites that sell golfing merchandise. However, they do not cater to golfers of all skill levels and backgrounds. At Main Golfing Outlet, improving customers' games is our only business. We are dedicated to selling our customers the best products for their individual needs. With many years of experience, and a gentle approach in an unhurried environment, we will coach our…...



Bhide Amar (1996), The Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Answer, Harvard Business Review, Boston

Jr., Robert V. Delaney (1986), How to prepare an effective business plan, Amacon, New York.

Rich, Stanley R & David E. Gumpert (1985), How to write a Winning Business Plan, Harvard Business Review, Boston

Seaman, D. (April, 1995). Tap Into the Billion Dollar Golf Market: The Chiropractic Economics of Golf. Economics.

Exemplary Damges Clay Carpenter a 48-Year-Old Golfer
Pages: 3 Words: 1012

Exemplary Damges
Clay Carpenter, a 48-year-old golfer in Fort Worth, Texas, was stabbed in the leg with a golf club during a brawl over whether one group could play ahead of another one on the course. He suffered a life-threatening injury when his femoral artery was punctured and sustained massive blood loss, and is in danger of losing his leg. The police were investigating the incident and criminal charges may be filed, although collecting for civil damages could be difficult since no insurance claims are involved. If a car accident had occurred then automobile insurance would have covered damage and injuries, while property insurance would have been in factor if the owners of the golf course had been responsible. In this case, though, the only legal remedy is through the law of torts related to assault and battery. A plaintiff will be able to bring a personal injury lawsuit, but the…...



Duffin, K. (2012). Golf Isn't Supposed to Be Dangerous, Is It?

Big Bird Tree Services v. Gallegos. (2012). S.W.3d -, 2012 WL 966063 (Tex.App.-Dallas) Court of Appeals of Texas, Dallas. BIG BIRD TREE SERVICE, Appellant v. Julian GALLEGOS, Appellee. No. 05-10 00923 CV. March 22, 2012. On Appeal from the 298th Judicial District Court, Dallas County, Texas, Trial Court Cause No. 07-02008-M.

How do I write a paper explaining why Sir Arthur Conan Doyle related to Sherlock Holmes?
Words: 347

Sherlock Holmes is probably the most famous fictional detective in the English language.  Known for his keen observational skills and ability to put together facts, Sherlock is still considered a genius detective.  In fact, the ultimate detective continues to inspire mystery fans, everywhere.  However, his creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle famously had a love-hate relationship with Holmes.  In fact, he believed Holmes was preventing him from pursuing other characters in his writing and even killed him (and his mortal enemy, Moriarty) in a story, only to bring Holmes back to meet readers’ demands.....

How can a golf business attract a younger demographic to the sport?
Words: 295

1. Offer discounted rates or membership packages specifically for younger players to make the sport more accessible and affordable for them.

2. Host events or tournaments geared towards younger players, such as glow-in-the-dark night golf, themed costume contests, or music festivals.

3. Utilize social media platforms to promote the business and engage with younger audiences through creative and visually appealing content.

4. Partner with local schools or youth organizations to offer golf clinics or training programs for young players.

5. Offer innovative technology and amenities at the facility, such as virtual golf simulators, drone delivery services, or modern clubhouse amenities.

6. Create a welcoming and....

How can a golf business attract a younger demographic to the sport?
Words: 560

Attracting a Younger Demographic to Golf: Innovative Strategies for a Lasting Legacy

The allure of golf has traditionally been associated with an older, affluent clientele. However, the future of the sport depends on attracting a younger generation of enthusiasts. Golf businesses must adopt innovative strategies to engage and captivate this emerging demographic. Here's a comprehensive guide to attracting a younger audience to golf:

1. Enhance the Golfing Experience:

Create shorter, faster-paced formats: Offer variations such as 9-hole courses, speed golf, or glow-in-the-dark experiences to cater to limited time constraints and attention spans.
Upgrade technology: Integrate GPS tracking, smartphone apps, and virtual reality....

\"How can golf businesses differentiate themselves to attract more customers in a competitive market?\"
Words: 358

There are several ways that golf businesses can differentiate themselves to attract more customers in a competitive market:

1. Exceptional customer service: Providing top-notch customer service can set a golf business apart from its competitors. This includes being attentive to customers' needs, greeting them with a friendly smile, and going above and beyond to make their experience memorable.

2. Unique offerings: Offer unique amenities or services that are not available at other golf courses, such as themed events, special packages, or exclusive access to certain facilities.

3. Social media presence: Utilize social media platforms to showcase the golf course, promote events, and engage....

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