Group Project Essays (Examples)

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For the purposes of directing ex-offenders "from darkness to light," we felt that the first and most important step was to introduce the inmate population to the wealth of resources already existing in the community. Community Partners in Action, the Catholic Charities Resettlement Program, and Families in Crisis each offer specific ways to help inmates upon release. Yet rather than suddenly thrust pamphlets at inmates when they leave prison, they need to have time to digest their situation and think about possibilities for their future. Mending family ties and preventing family problems remains a primary concern and the services we investigated offered counseling and mediation. Spiritual intervention can also help ex-offenders find meaning and purpose in their lives as well as the support of a strong and grounded community. Finally, offering avenues for fruitful and rewarding employment improves the ex-offenders sense of dignity, increases compassion throughout the community, and reduces….

The more training, emotional support, education, and basic needs are offered by the community, the easier it will be for offenders to rebuild their lives without crime.
Our intervention program helped draw attention to the real need for stronger connections between corrections institutions and communities, as well as between former offenders and community members. While our small-scale project might not solve the root causes of crime or recidivism, our community action does benefit all members of the community by increasing awareness of the services available.

V. Conclusion

Relationship building is a core theme of our research. We believed that correctional facilities need to maintain strong ties with community outreach organizations. We also believe that individual members of the community including business owners need to engage in meaningful dialogue with both the Department of Corrections and community outreach organizations. Former offenders also need a social support network when they are released. Our findings….

Group Project Participated, Effective a Team Member
Participation in a group project, behaviors, effectiveness and solution of arising issues

The basic step required the constitution of our team so that each could get roles to play in the project. As a member, the assembly of the right and performing team proved a real test. However, the attribute of tolerance and accommodation of different personalities promoted an understanding that led to a working team. The team constituted personalities from different fields, as; thus, opinions had a wide range of variance.

The expression of positive teamwork during the undertaking of our project proved a major step towards the realization of the set down project objectives. The different members involved contributed high quality performances towards the project. This led to each member succeeding at a personal level. The basic success contributed to group work success; hence the quality of the project realized improved.

Problems and ideological….

group project upload group developed a situation analysis a selected company culminating a SWOT analysis. This current situation company a marketing perspective.
In recent decades, companies throughout the world have based their existence and profit on the defiance of competition and the constant improvement of their marketing techniques and strategies in order to ensure their place in the consumer's choice as well as in the overall market segment. The role of the marketing strategy is in this case one of the most important in the overall strategy of company promotion because it should provide the necessary tools for creating an individual identity of products, lines of production and customer preference.

Coca Cola is one of the most well-known brands in the history of commercial marketing through the products it has put on the market as well as the approaches is has taken in time, since its beginnings in the 19th century.….

Quality Control Group Project
Company Overview

US Airways Group Inc. is one of the major U.S. airline companies that delivers air transportation services for cargo and passengers. The company is the 5th largest airline company in the United States as being measured by available seat miles and revenue passengers. The U.S. Airways Group was formed in 2005 through its merger with former U.S. Airways Group and American West Holdings. The company scheduled passenger services for approximately 3,100 flights daily to more than 200 communities in the United States, Europe. Canada, Mexico, Central & South America, and the Middle East. U.S. Airways is owned by the U.S. Airway Group with headquarter in Tempe, Arizona, and the company uses 1,818 U.S. Airways Express and 1,210 U.S. Airways Mainline for its daily flight operation. The U.S. Airway is a member of Star Alliance Network that utilizes fleet of 285 regional jet, 346 mainline jet aircraft….

However there ecological concerns associated with this water supply.
The other source is not potable (too much salt) and would need to be distilled. Furthermore it may need to be pumped to the surface.

You may need to find out what the water pressures and temperatures of both sources of water are for these artesian basins. This information should be available from government sourses. Google the names of the basins to find out.

The warm water under pressure could possibly be used for pumping the saline non-potable water to the solar still or through the solar still. In addition since this warm water is a source of energy it could also be used for preheating the water used in the solar still.


The type of olar till, i.e. direct or indirect heating of water by solar energy.

The physics involved for circulating water and air.

Double or single glazing.

Trough type concentrators?


Kuwait Sample
Summary of Kuwait's macroeconomic performance

Kuwait much like most of the developed world has undergone significant change. This change has occurred in both social and economic matters. Aspects that once plagued the nation are now being abated by policies that increase productivity and enhance economic activity. Much work still remains for the nation however, as disparate views often conflict with proper policy. After Kuwait gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1961, the state's oil industry saw unprecedented economic growth. Oil production during the following decades nearly doubled. Oil during these periods, was primarily exported to other developed nations including the United States and Japan. As time passed, Kuwait gained a strong competitive advantage in oil and petroleum-based products. This advantage, ultimately allowed the country to flourish during the 1980's and 90's. However, as will be discussed later in the document, economic concentration of petroleum-based products created a dependency for….

Power of Groups
The experience with group work this time around was decidedly mixed. There were elements of this situation which typified the worst of working with others in groups. Still, there were other parts of it that hinted at the true power of collaborating with others in a work environment. As such, it was a great learning experience and one which suggests that there are some definite benefits to gain from collaborative efforts in general.

Lack of Communication

Perhaps this experience was so mercurial because it was a small group to begin with. There were only two other participants in the author's group: Tonya and Jimmy. Jimmy proved as reliable as Tonya was unreliable; these group members were dichotomous in their effort, enthusiasm, and value they contributed to this project. Perhaps the tone was set for this group project after the initial meeting, which was pivotal in and of itself for the….

Group Motivation and Evaluation
Group Motivation Inventory

I work very hard in my group.

I work harder in this group than I do in most other groups.

Other members work very hard in this group.2

I am willing to spend extra time on group projects.

I try to attend all group meetings.4

Other members regularly attend group meetings.

I often lose track of time when I'm working in this group.

Group members don't seem to mind working long hours on our project.2

hen I am working with this group, I am focused on our work.

10.I look forward to working with the members of my group.2

I enjoy working with group members.

Group members enjoy working with one another.3

I am doing an excellent job in my group.

I am doing better work in this group than I have done in other groups.4

The other members are making excellent contributions to this group.2

I am willing to do whatever this group needs in order to achieve our….

Group Motivation Inventory
Motivation can be defined as the various ways used to make people or a group of people to become more interested and committed to their work. Scholars' termed motivation to be more of sociological and psychological concept as it is relying on human behavior and how they relate to one another. Group motivation is an important aspect in group dynamics since most groups purely rely on motivation to be able to work together efficiently Xiangli, Solmon, Tao, & Ping, 2011.

Motivation can be derived from various things and because of that, each and every group member derive his/her motivation from different sources, which without their, existence results in differences in attitude and contribution levels to the group's projects or tasks. In the recent group motivation assessment, we carried out, I got to discover how I view group participation and some of the issues that affect both mine and other….

ut the truth is it boils down to one thing: Teamwork and Unity. With it everything comes along, sense of responsibility, accountability and concern.
Team is a cooperative unit composed of people with complimentary skill committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approach to which they hold themselves mutually accountable. It is essential that each member is willing to work in unity and should any differences arise, find a way to resolve them.

The success of the team is the success of each member. However, one bad seed included which may cause its failure will not be reflected on that individual alone but the whole team may suffer.


Marc J. Mackert, M.S. Group Functions and Development. Retrieved April 18, 2007 from

Dawn Steinward. (1999). Analysis of Group Progress. Retrieved April 19, 2007 from

The Leadership Handout Series - Stages of Group/Team Development. Retrieved April 18, 2007 from

Work Group Development. (2006).….

Project Execution

MEDCOM's attempt to identify a more efficient project management model that can optimize functionality across the organization, particularly with respect to project managers and to the flows throughout MEDCOM. This process is a transformational process, because of several reasons.
MEDCOM has identified the problems it faces. These problems include "the lack of perceived information and expertise and bureaucracy of the environment" (Kashiwagi, Sullivan, Sullivan, Kashiwagi, (2008). It has also decided that change is in order and change implies a transformational process. MEDCOM aims to become an entity that is more effective and efficient and it looks to different ways in which this can be done. As part of the transformational process, one has both the proposed final objective (becoming a more efficient organization) and the steps to reach that objective (the recommendations that this paper will make for MEDCOM). With all these elements, the assessment is that this project is….

Group Orientation

Facilitation Project: Laying the Groundwork
According to the management theorist Bruce Tuckman, all groups go through an inevitable process of forming, storming, norming, and performing (Chapman 2015). The first stage of formation is when members of the group get to know one another and are tentatively establishing their roles. In many ways, this is the most important step of group development, given that a good beginning can help shorten the rocky storming period and ensure that the group members learn to trust one another and focus on their goals relatively quickly.

The group setting in which I chose to conduct my facilitation exercise was that of a business setting, involving a recently-formed project team. The team was made up of individuals from a number of different departments, so while they were all acquainted with one another, they did not know one another very well, nor have a good sense of one another's….

Evolution of the Group/Team over the Term
Group Dynamics

Group Structure, Leadership, and Communication

Intra-group Conflict

Korn-Ferry Assessments

Peer Evaluation

Summary and Lessons Learned

The significance of teamwork in today's workplace cannot be overemphasized. With workplace tasks becoming increasingly complex, teamwork tends to facilitate faster task execution and an atmosphere of inclusion. Based on concepts and theories learned throughout the course as well as Korn-Ferry assessments, this paper provides my own reflection of the Group Consulting Project experience. The group project involved conducting the OB process for Nova Southeastern University College of Pharmacy. The reflection particularly focuses on how the group evolved over the term, dynamics that occurred between group members and within the group, conflict management, as well as group structure, leadership, and communication.

Evolution of the Group/Team over the Term

Tuckman's group development model demonstrates that groups develop in four major stages: forming (establishment of the group and defining its purpose); storming (conflict and competition emerges); norming….

Next, the facilitator will pose an introductory question that will stimulate brainstorming by engaging students in the "why" of their involvement in the group (Bouassida et al., 2006). Next a transitory question will lead to examination of the problem at hand, where the members of the group attempt to answer key questions including (1) what is the foundation of the problem (2) what tools are available to solve the problem (3) what are the most probable outcomes of a problem given the information provided (Bouassida, et al., 2006).

Bouassida et al. (2006) provide the rationale for this protocol, suggesting it enables group members to participate in a manner that allows greater collaboration and verification of the results. This form of focus group enables each member to participate on an equivalent basis. The outcome will result in rapid resolution of complex problems including those presented in the future to students at….

## Thesis Statement:

Professional communication, encompassing both content and presentation, plays a pivotal role in effective knowledge dissemination, fostering meaningful interactions, and establishing credibility and trust among diverse audiences.

## Elaborated Thesis Statement:

1. Content:

- Thoughtful Construction: Professional communication demands the crafting of well-structured, coherent, and informative content.
- Accuracy and Credibility: Ensuring accuracy, currency, and reliability of information enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of the communicator.
- Audience-Centric Approach: Tailoring content to the specific interests, knowledge level, and needs of the target audience maximizes engagement and comprehension.
- Clarity and Conciseness: Utilizing clear, concise, and jargon-free language ensures that the intended....

1. The future of online education: How will it continue to evolve and shape the way we learn?
2. The impact of online education on traditional classroom learning
3. The benefits and challenges of online education for students of all ages
4. The role of technology in improving online education
5. Online learning platforms: A comparison of popular options
6. The importance of teacher training in online education
7. The accessibility of online education for students with disabilities
8. Online education: A solution for rural and remote communities
9. The effectiveness of online education in preparing students for the workforce
10. The impact of online education on student motivation....

1. Create a safe and supportive classroom environment where students feel comfortable asking questions without fear of judgment or criticism.

2. Model active questioning by asking thought-provoking questions yourself and encouraging students to do the same.

3. Provide opportunities for students to engage in discussions and group activities that require them to ask questions and seek clarification.

4. Encourage curiosity and inquiry by posing open-ended questions that prompt students to think critically and creatively.

5. Teach students how to ask effective questions by providing guidance on how to formulate clear, specific, and relevant inquiries.

6. Use technology and multimedia resources to stimulate interest and spark....

1. Educate myself on inquiry-based learning: I will start by reading books and articles on the topic, attending workshops or training sessions, and collaborating with colleagues who have experience with inquiry-based learning.

2. Create a supportive environment: I will set up my classroom in a way that fosters curiosity, exploration, and collaboration. This may include creating inquiry stations, providing access to a variety of resources, and encouraging students to ask questions and explore new ideas.

3. Incorporate inquiry-based learning into lesson plans: Instead of relying solely on textbooks and lectures, I will integrate inquiry-based learning activities into my lessons. This may involve....

5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Group Project Our Group Undertook

Words: 1500
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For the purposes of directing ex-offenders "from darkness to light," we felt that the first and most important step was to introduce the inmate population to the wealth of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Group Project in Addition to

Words: 1096
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The more training, emotional support, education, and basic needs are offered by the community, the easier it will be for offenders to rebuild their lives without crime. Our intervention…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Group Project Participated Effective a Team Member

Words: 737
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Group Project Participated, Effective a Team Member Participation in a group project, behaviors, effectiveness and solution of arising issues The basic step required the constitution of our team so that…

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8 Pages

Business - Advertising

Group Project Upload Group Developed a Situation

Words: 2285
Length: 8 Pages
Type: SWOT

group project upload group developed a situation analysis a selected company culminating a SWOT analysis. This current situation company a marketing perspective. In recent decades, companies throughout the world…

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15 Pages


Quality Control Group Project Company Overview US

Words: 3903
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Quality Control Group Project Company Overview US Airways Group Inc. is one of the major U.S. airline companies that delivers air transportation services for cargo and passengers. The company is the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

EWB Group Project and Presentation

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However there ecological concerns associated with this water supply. The other source is not potable (too much salt) and would need to be distilled. Furthermore it may need to…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

History - Israel

Economics of the UAE Assessment Group Project

Words: 1987
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Kuwait Sample Summary of Kuwait's macroeconomic performance Kuwait much like most of the developed world has undergone significant change. This change has occurred in both social and economic matters. Aspects that…

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2 Pages


group Project experiences today

Words: 602
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Power of Groups The experience with group work this time around was decidedly mixed. There were elements of this situation which typified the worst of working with others in groups.…

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4 Pages


Group Motivation and Evaluation Group Motivation Inventory

Words: 1219
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Group Motivation and Evaluation Group Motivation Inventory I work very hard in my group. I work harder in this group than I do in most other groups. Other members work very hard in…

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5 Pages


Group Motivation Inventory Motivation Can Be Defined

Words: 1781
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Group Motivation Inventory Motivation can be defined as the various ways used to make people or a group of people to become more interested and committed to their work. Scholars'…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Group Development Our Group's Experiences

Words: 1515
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ut the truth is it boils down to one thing: Teamwork and Unity. With it everything comes along, sense of responsibility, accountability and concern. Team is a cooperative unit…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Project Execution

Words: 1369
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

MEDCOM's attempt to identify a more efficient project management model that can optimize functionality across the organization, particularly with respect to project managers and to the flows throughout…

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2 Pages


Group Orientation

Words: 641
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Facilitation Project: Laying the Groundwork According to the management theorist Bruce Tuckman, all groups go through an inevitable process of forming, storming, norming, and performing (Chapman 2015). The first stage…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Group Dynamics and Conflict

Words: 1341
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Evolution of the Group/Team over the Term Group Dynamics Group Structure, Leadership, and Communication Intra-group Conflict Korn-Ferry Assessments Peer Evaluation Summary and Lessons Learned The significance of teamwork in today's workplace cannot be overemphasized. With workplace…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Group Protocol for Adolescents -

Words: 1719
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Next, the facilitator will pose an introductory question that will stimulate brainstorming by engaging students in the "why" of their involvement in the group (Bouassida et al., 2006).…

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