Health Assessment Essays (Examples)

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Health Assessment of Environmental Processes Assessment of
Pages: 2 Words: 894

Health Assessment of Environmental Processes
Assessment of environmental processes includes agents and factors that may cause injury, illness, or death. Choose one of the following age groups: toddler, preschool, and school-age child. List some of the most frequent causes of injuries, illness, or death at the age level. Discuss and describe safety concerns specific to the age, listing the most common causes of injury, illness (acute or chronic), trauma, and death for the age level. Describe how health promotion and health prevention interventions can be incorporated into parent and child teaching.

Among the various age cohorts which are most susceptible to the adverse health consequences of environmental processes, the demographical data indicates that school-age children are especially prone to the effects of external factors. Within a collection of scholarly articles entitled Children's Special Vulnerability to Environmental Health isks, researchers William Toscano, Jr. And Erica L. Fishman begin by stating conclusively that "children…...



Sexton, K., Greaves, I.A., Church, T.R., Adgate, J.L., Ramachandran, G., Tweedie, R.L., et al., (2000). A school-based strategy to assess children's environmental exposures and related health effects in economically disadvantaged urban neighborhoods. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 10, 682 -- 94. Retrieved from 

Sher, L. (2004). Preventing suicide. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 97(10), 677- 680. Retrieved from 

Shain, B.N. (2007). Suicide and suicide attempts in adolescents. Pediatrics, 120(3), 669-676. Retrieved from 

Toscano, Jr., W., & Fishman, E.L. (2004). Children's special vulnerability to environmental health risks. Healthy Generations, 4(3), 1-12. Retrieved from

Health Assessment Nursing Mike -
Pages: 3 Words: 969

MI however, should be avoided in patients that may have implants in the brain or cranium (NGI, 2006). While unlikely in a pediatric patient, if evidence that such a device cannot be confirmed through conversation with relatives, CT imaging and X-ay imaging may be the best tools to assess damage to the brain and surrounding regions. adio imaging will also provide assessment and evaluation of cervical spine fractures should they exist.
The risk factors in this patient's condition include possible concussion and internal bleeding, in and around the head, but also of internal organs that may have experienced damage on impact during the car accident. For example, the patient may start vomiting due to excitement or abdominal injury (NICE, 2003). Assessment should include diagnoses of irrational behavior. While fear and distress are likely to be present, other emotions that seem out of the ordinary should be noted during assessment when…...



National Collaborating Centre for Acute Care. (2003, June). Head injury: triage, assessment & early management of head injury in infants, children & adults. London: National Institute for Clinical Excellence, NICE. P. 248.

NGC. (2006) Head injury: triage, assessment, & investigation. National Guideline

Clearinghouse, Available:

Health Assessment the Eight-Year-Old Child
Pages: 2 Words: 737

The child of this age often has a strong desire to feel independent and competent, and while the dependence on insulin may be frustrating, showing the child how to administer his or her medication with adult supervision (using an orange or a doll) may be one important way to create a reinforcing sense of autonomy.
A child of this age is likely to be interested in understanding why things are right and wrong, and making the child understand that the diabetes is not a 'punishment' is important.

Social development

Children of this age have an intense need to feel a sense of belonging, including playing with others as part of a group. Eating and food issues will invariably arise at times. The child's different dietary needs may make him or her feel less a part of a group, and less like everyone else. Children of this age are often impatient and the…...


Works Cited

Destefanis, Joyce & Nancy Firchow. (2007). Developmental milestones: eight-year-old.

Schwab Learning. Retrieved 3 Jul 2007 at 

Keith, Kimberly. (2007). the-eight-year-old. Retrieved 2 Jul 2007 at

Health Assessment Part 1 There
Pages: 4 Words: 1646

She has mentioned that she has a lot of friends at school, which signifies that she has created a relationship with her new world of school -- including friends, teachers, and the school activities and culture. She is very independent at school and at home. She is sometimes defiant with her mother and she has made some unkind remarks to her father, which he appears to ignore. She isn't afraid to say what is on her mind.
Renata 34 years old. Renata misses her life in Mexico as well as her family. She is missing the relationships with her mother and father and the rest of her extended family. She is happy to give her children a better life here in the States, but she says she thinks that they are missing out on other important familial relationships. She is not sure if this is worth it, but her husband…...

Health Assessment in Nursing Practice
Pages: 3 Words: 1125

Nutritional Assessment
The two identified patients are a child, ten years old, and an adult, 81 years old. Good health is a necessity in all ages and for all people today. It is necessary to have an account of awareness and practice that ensures the body is in a good state of health, sustainable at all times.

Even with the differences in the age differences, good health requires a good state of nutrition, regular check, and activity for sustainability.

Nutritional assessment for a ten-year-old boy

The boy is ten years old. He does not show complete signs of good health. He is malnourished n some way, and depicting signs of physical and mental weakness. The boy has an overall weight lower than the expected, with a height lower than the expected. The boy has a body mass index lower than the calculated within the Z score. There is the presence of malnutrition at a…...



Bowling, Tim. Nutritional Support for Adults and Children: A Handbook for Hospital Practice. New York: Radcliffe Publishing, 2004. Print

Gibson, Rosalind S. Principles of Nutritional Assessment. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Print

Lee, Robert D. and Nieman David C. Nutritional Assessment. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2012. Print

Wilson, Susan F and Giddens Jean Foret. Health Assessment for Nursing Practice - Pageburst E-Book on VitalSource5: Health Assessment for Nursing Practice - Pageburst E-Book on VitalSource. New York: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2012. Print

Analyzing Family Health Assessment
Pages: 4 Words: 1693

Health Assessment
Family Health Assessment

This paper reflects upon the wellness diagnosis of my uncle's family. There are four family members in this family, consisting of parents (2 individuals), son and daughter. The report includes a questionnaire based upon the 11 health patterns and an analysis of their overall family health with nursing diagnosis.

The summary of the findings of the 11 heath patterns is described below:

The values and health perception of the family is below the standards healthy criteria since the mother of the family is suffering from severe defining of Vitamin D, the father suffers from diabetes and severe stomach problem and none of the children go to the gym.

The family does not consume alcohol but the father smokes on a regular basis. The family cannot be considered as 'healthy eaters' since they eat junk food twice or thrice a week. The mother considers herself a little overweight since she has…...

Community Health Assessment Major Risk Factors Identified
Pages: 4 Words: 1301

Community Health Assessment
Major risk factors identified in the assessment

A close look at the assessment reveals that there is no formal cardiology, oncology, and orthopedic programs alhough a couple of orthopedic cardiologists and surgeons maintain privileges at the health facility. While the clinic lacks cancer specialists, a team made out of eight medicinal oncologists, and two radiation oncologists have demonstrated interest to affiliate and create a new cancer program. The premier orthopedic groups of the community are found truly near rival facilities making it awkward for them to perform more than infrequent surgeries at Community Hospital, yet a few practices intend to open branch work places close to the hospital (Hospital blue book 2010). Cardiologists on staff confine their action to performing consultations for doctors whose patients have been admitted to the hospital. Because of the absence of a diagnostic lab laboratory, they request just noninvasive examinations like echocardiograms, stress tests,…...



Hospital blue book. (2010). Atlanta, Ga: Billian Pub.

American Hospital Association. (2009). American Hospital Association guide to the health care field. Chicago, IL: The Association.

Joint Commission Resources, Inc. (2008). Reducing the risk of patient harm resulting from falls: Toolkit for implementing national patient safety goal 9. Oakbrook, IL: Joint Commission Resources.

Community Health Assessment for Los Angeles County
Pages: 6 Words: 1800

Community Health Assessment for Los Angeles County California
The Selected Community

The state of California is geographically divided into three coastal regions. Southern California is bounded by Mexico in the South and the central valley to the North. Los Angeles county is in the middle portion of the region and it has features that also define its boundaries. The county is situated in a large valley that resides along the Pacific coast and is surrounded by mountain ranges. Though a relatively small area geographically, it contains a large and diverse population.

The people of Los Angeles county are among the most culturally and ethnically diverse groups in the country and their healthcare and safety needs reflect this. Nearly 10 million people live in the area which equates to almost 2,500 people per square mile. Of course, this is an urban area, which presents specific problems, and it is a densely populated urban area…...



Census Bureau. (2011). State and county quick facts: Los Angeles County, California. Retrieved from

LA County Unemployment. (2012). LA county unemployment guide. Retrieved from

Los Angeles Almanac. (2011). Homelessness in Los Angeles County. Retrieved from 

Public Health. (2012). Emergency preparedness and response program. Retrieved from

Gordon's Functional Health Assessment for Children &
Pages: 4 Words: 1098

Gordon's Functional Health Assessment for Children & Erickson's Developmental Stages
This study will use Gordon's Functional Health Assessment for Children and Erickson's Developmental Stages and list normal findings in an assessment and potential problems a nurse would discover in an assessment of the ages groups including toddlers, preschool age and school age children. This work will compare and contrast identified similarities and differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups and will summarize how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children vs. adults. Considered will be spirituality and cultural differences.

Gordon's Functional Health Assessment

Gordon's functional health patterns are described as "an expression of the bio-psychosocial integration." (Nursing Guide, 2012) Functional patterns are influenced by "biological, developmental, cultural, social, and spiritual factors." (Nursing Guide, 2012) Patterns that are dysfunctional may indicate disease or potentially developing disease. Included in Gordon's functional health patterns are the following:

(1) Health…...



Erikson's Developmental Stages and Gordon's Functional Health Patterns (2012) Kirkwood Edu. Retrieved from:

Gordon's Typology of 11 Functional Health Patterns for Assessment. (2012) Nurses Guide Retrieved from: 

Ricci, Susan Scott and Kyle, Terri (2008) Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. Wolters Kluwer Health. Retrieved from:

Wellness the Personal Health Assessment
Pages: 3 Words: 888

Fifth, the person admits his or her faults to the higher power and to others, usually through the group meetings of the twelve-step program. The sixth step simply asks the person to "become ready" to release the "defects of character" discovered through Step Four, while the seventh step entails humbly petitioning the higher power to remove the defects of character.
Step Eight is similar to Step Four: the person makes another inventory, this time a list of persons he or she had wronged in the past. Included in step eight also is becoming willing to make amends to those people listed. While working through step nine the person actually makes amends, except in extreme circumstances when to do so would cause the other harm. In other words, making amends should not be done out of self-interest but out of a genuine need for forgiveness. Tenth, the individual commits to a…...

Sexual Health Assessment Across the
Pages: 12 Words: 3515

A sampling of 32 adult unmarried women aged 18 to 39, not currently pregnant or desiring to be and who recently engaged in sexual intercourse without the use of effective contraception. Half of them were white and half were African-American. Young adult women belonged to this broad age-range group. The 146 reasons given were categorized into four, namely method-related, user-related, partner-related, and cost/access-related. This result suggested the need for multidimensional interventions in effectively reducing the rate of unintended pregnancy (Nettleman et al.).
Side effects and health-related concerns deterred contraceptive use in many respondents (Nettleman et al., 2007). They experienced these side effects themselves or related to them by friends or family. They avoided a particular method because it did not work for them or for someone they knew. Their erroneous perception needs to be corrected by accurate information not only on an individual level but also through social networks of…...



Avis, N. et al. (2009). Longitudinal changes in sexual functioning as women transition

through menopause: results from the study of women's health across the nation.

16 (3): pp 442-452, Menopause: the North American Menopause Society. Retrieved on January 19, 2010 from 

Cox, E (2008). Intimate partner violence among pregnant and parenting women.

Community Health Assessment Corinth Alcorn County Mississippi Community
Pages: 4 Words: 977

Community Health Assessment: Corinth/Alcorn County, Mississippi
Community Health Assessment

Description of the Core Community

The lowest temperature ever recorded in Mississippi - a quite brisk -19° -- was recorded on January 30, 1966, in Corinth. But except for this rather anomalous example of extreme conditions, this city in Alcorn County is not particularly extreme. It is, in fact representative of other small cities across Mississippi and indeed across the entire South.

According to statistics provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, the city spans slightly over 30 square miles in area, with over 99.5% of the territory being land and the rest (.43%) water.

Corinth is a city that to some extent lives on the glory (and the tragedy) of its past, for its position at the juncture of a number of different railroads during the Civil War made it an important site during that terrible conflict and hundreds of thousands of soldiers drawn from both…...

Congested Cardiac Failure Health Assessment
Pages: 7 Words: 2099

Evident diaphoresis would further support the CHF diagnosis.
The nurse should then concentrate her physical examination on the heart itself. Ausculation of the heart should be performed carefully with a stethoscope. In performing the assessment, the nurse should listen to normal heart sounds first before trying to identify murmurs on the patient (Anon., 2010). The aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid and mitral valves should be ausculated to identify the rate and rhythm of any murmurs or other irregularities.

While these primary assessments help to provide a general view of the patient's symptoms, the real severity of CHF is measured according to the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). This measures the fraction of blood that is pumped out of the left ventricle of the heart and determines the degree of congestion (Karapolat et al., 2008). This measurement can be determined by performing a transthoracic echocardiography. A normal ejection fraction lies between 50 -- 70%.…...



1. Blinderman CD, Homel P, Billings JA, Portenoy RK, Tennstedt SL, 2008. Symptom Distress and Quality of Life in Patients with Advanced Congestive Heart Failure. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 35(6), pp.594-603.

2. Jarvis, C, 2009. Physical examination and health assessment: First Canadian Edition. Toronto, Ont: Elsevier Canada.

3. Karapolat et al., 2008. Effect of dyspnea and clinical variables on the quality of life and functional capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure. Chinese Medical Journal, 121(7), pp592-596.

4. Adult Cardio-Respiratory Assessment. Adapted from First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, 2006. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care. CRNBC Janurary 2010/Pub. 780.

Martin's Family Functional Health Assessment
Pages: 4 Words: 1619

Family Health Assessment
The development of appropriate health care plans for a person and his/her family sometimes require the use of family health assessment, which is an important component in the nursing process. Family health assessment is significant in the nursing or health care process because it helps in upholding family health. One of the most commonly used methods for family health assessment is a functional health pattern assessment that was introduced by Gordon. This model provides a holistic mechanism for family health assessment given that health patterns are classified in 11 categories (Hooper, 1996, p.238). The summary presented in this paper is a family health assessment based on questions listed in the previous pages across the 11 health patterns. The health assessment was carried out on Martin's family, which consists of a 50-year-old father, 46-year-old mother, and 4 children named Amos, Josh, Maureen, and Victor. The summary of findings also…...



Hooper, JI. (1996, October). The Family Receiving Home Care: Functional Health Pattern

Assessment. Home Care Provider, 1(5), 238-43.

Weber, J.R. (2005). Nursing Diagnoses (Wellness, Risk, and Actual) Grouped According to Functional Health Patterns. Retrieved August 24, 2014, from 

Questions for Martin's Family

Donna S Health Assessment Paper
Pages: 8 Words: 2697


The purpose of this genogram is to carry out the health assessment of the client health and wellness. The name of the client is Donna. M, a female patient, aged 49. The patient is a registered nurse, however, her father was no more living, and had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when he was 60 years and older before he died. Fig 1 reveals the genogram of the patient.

Fig 1: Donna's Genogram

Her mother is still alive and has been diagnosed with high cholesterol. Moreover, the patient has a living two brothers, two sisters, a son, and two daughters. Her son has been diagnosed with ADHD during her childhood and her daughter has been diagnosed with brain cancer and depression when she was an adolescence.

The maternal grandfather was no more living and had kidney disease when he was 60 years of age. The maternal grandmother had died and been…...



Houghton, P. M., & Houghton, T. J. (2009). APA the easy way (2nd. Ed.). Flint, MI.: Baker College.

Jarvis, C. (2012). Physical examination and health assessment (7th Ed.). Philadelphia, Pa.: W.B. Saunders.

Jarvis, C. (2012). Student laboratory for physical examination and health assessment (7th Ed.). Philadelphia, Pa.: W.B. Saunders.

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to evaluation of pregnancy patients at dentistry?
Words: 642

Essay Topic 1: The Role of Oral Health Assessment in Evaluating Pregnancy Risks and Outcomes

Discuss the link between poor oral health and adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth and low birth weight.
Explore the importance of comprehensive oral health examinations during pregnancy, including periodontal assessments and caries screening.
Analyze the benefits of early detection and treatment of oral health issues in mitigating pregnancy risks.

Essay Topic 2: Evaluating the Efficacy of Prenatal Dental Care Interventions

Review the various prenatal dental care interventions available, such as oral hygiene instructions, fluoride applications, and sealants.
Conduct a systematic literature review to assess....

How will you outline an educational campaign to promote healthy lifestyles in young adults?
Words: 457

Educational Campaign Outline to Promote Healthy Lifestyles in Young Adults
Target Audience: Young adults aged 18-25
Goal: Increase awareness, knowledge, and adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviors among young adults.
Increase awareness of the importance of healthy eating, physical activity, sleep, and mental well-being.
Enhance knowledge of evidence-based recommendations for healthy lifestyles.
Empower young adults to make informed decisions and adopt positive behaviors.
Create a supportive and motivating environment for healthy lifestyle choices.
1. Multi-Channel Communication:
Utilize social media platforms, websites, and mobile applications to disseminate information and engage with young adults.
Collaborate with influencers and community leaders to reach a wider audience.
2. Educational....

How can the integration of textual and facial features enhance emotion recognition?
Words: 582

I. Introduction

       A. Brief explanation of emotion recognition

       B. Importance of facial expressions and text in emotion recognition
II. Textual Feature Analysis

       A. Use of natural language processing techniques

       B. Sentiment analysis of text data
III. Facial Feature Analysis

       A. Facial key point detection and tracking

       B. Facial expression recognition using deep learning
IV. Fusion of Textual and Facial Features

       A. Advantages of combining text and facial features

       B. Methods for integrating text and facial data
V. Emotion Recognition Models

       A. Ensemble models for combining textual and facial features


How do advanced practice nurses contribute to improving patient outcomes in healthcare settings?
Words: 522

Advanced Practice Nurses: Catalysts for Enhanced Patient Outcomes in Healthcare Settings

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) are highly educated and specialized nurses who play a pivotal role in improving patient outcomes within healthcare settings. Their advanced clinical knowledge, diagnostic capabilities, and prescriptive authority empower them to provide a comprehensive range of services, enhancing the efficiency, accessibility, and quality of healthcare delivery.

1. Expanded Scope of Practice and Independent Care:

APNs possess a broader scope of practice compared to traditional registered nurses, enabling them to independently assess, diagnose, and manage patient conditions. This expanded role allows APNs to:

Order and interpret diagnostic tests
Prescribe medications....

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