Health Care Provider Essays (Examples)

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Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity
The paper is a critical review of the peer's paper on Health care providers and faith diversity. The aim of peer's paper is to show own base perspective of what care and healing on a Christian, perspective in comparison to Buddhism, Sikh and Native America perspective. The paper states that there is diversity in people and the health care system is not left states that there is an influx of cultural diversity of patients and therefore there is need for the acceptance of the diversity of faith so that there can be adequate holistic care given to patients. The paper gives sufficient evidence for this claim in that it looks at the perspective of healing from a Christian, Buddhism, Sikh and Native America perspective. Under all these the paper gives sufficient evidence of what healing is all about.

Under Christianity, it shows that everything comes….

Health Care Provider Changes and Service Delivery
Healthcare and its finance today has been complicated by many dynamics, including the changing demographic of Western society today. Hence, it is difficult to answer a question about addressing healthcare personnel shortages effectively with "I agree" or "I disagree." There are simply too many intricate factors involved in the dynamics of physician numbers, population demographics and the types of services and specialties in healthcare on offer today. Therefore, while it is true that a more effective doctor-patient ratio has been achieved by involving the services of non-traditional disciplines and other variations of healthcare providers, there is certainly no conclusive response to whether this will be the case in the long-term or even if greater efficacy in terms of matching expertise to patient needs has been, in fact, achieved. In short, the way in which the population is changing in terms of demographics, along with….

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity
Spirituality In Health Care



Mr. Saracouli, your paper addresses the 3 diverse faiths and identifies some of their components of care and healing. These could be developed more. This will give greater opportunity to discuss more specific comparisons and contrasts of these components with those of Christianity, which is a significantly key element of this assignment (as highlighted in the Mod 2 Assignment Assist and Assignment Clarification). The paper (final draft) can be benefitted by weaving in specific comparisons and contrasts within each faith section... As you go along. Consider organizing 3 faiths in separate paragraphs (see Buddhism below). [Review the Faith Diversity Recommended Content Format attached to Mod 2 Announcement.]

Module 2 Faith Diversity Assignment requirements, per syllabus and assignment assist:

* Research three diverse faiths. Yes.

* Compare the philosophy of providing care from the perspective of each of these three faiths with that of the….

("Financial Profile," n.d.)
The long-term debt to equity ratio is when you are looking at the company's ability to finance growth through: increasing their total amounts of debt. When you see a reading of 100%, this is a sign of normal activity in most organizations. The higher that the number moves above 100%, the greater the chances are that they are financing their growth with debt offerings. In the case of St. Francis Care, their current long-term debt to equity ratio has increased from: 100.2% to 108.7% in one year. This is important, because it is showing how the facility has a lower amount of long-term debt equity. ("Financial Profile," n.d.)

However, when you look at the underlying trends of both ratios, it is clear the hospital has been increasing the total amount of debt. Evidence of this can be seen with the decline in: the current ratio and increase in….

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAPHPS)
The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems gives consumers a chance to compare the available health cares around the country and to decide on what care they would want. I will provide a scenario of how HCAHPS score of an organization can be improved. Also included into the method of improvement is a full data as well as impact analysis, a plan and also a timeline.

HCAHPS scores of Jacobi Medical Center

The hospital is situated in Bronx New York. The hospitals HCAHPS scores indicate that 63% of their patients were satisfied that the nurses were able to effectively communicate with them and another 47% of patients indicated that the help always came as soon as they needed it (Hospital Compare). 58% of the patients would recommend the facility and 55% would give the facility a favorable rating, a 9 or a….

Information Technology: Health Care Providers
Being a member of the hiring committee for a high profile position within Company ABC is not an easy job. However, the duty today is to hire a manager that will be over the adolescent mental health acute care unit. After searching the Internet and surfing through social media websites such as YouTube and Facebook for something else, mistakably other information comes up that depicts the first choice candidate that shows information about them in an extremely negative manner. Even though social media does not be used to make final employment results, it can be utilized as an extension of the resume, a conversation appetizer that provides the interviewer a profounder accepting of the candidate. With that being said, this essay will discuss the factors needed to be done in order in deciding how to proceed and the action that needs to be taken.

Treat "Corrupt"….

Spiritual care in the past was not considered to be a part of medicine. However, over time both holistic nursing and the health movement have become increasingly involved with the assessment of the patient's religious needs and care. In every day lives, a lot of patients who enter the hospital have strong spiritual beliefs and want to be treated in the same way. There are also cases that a doctor might not belong to the same religious belief as of the patient so it becomes more difficult for him/her to fulfill the spiritual needs of the patient. Questions arise regarding the role of the nurses in these cases and whether they can fulfill these needs of the ill person (Spiritual Care: The Nurse's Role, n.d.). Identifying this role of the nurses does not mean that the hospital is devaluing the pastor's or the minister's role in the community. It simply….

Faith Diversity
Diversity Faith Expressions

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity

Health care professionals working at different levels meet several patients that belong to different regions of the world and have different faiths. Although, every health care professional has firm belief in his own faith but he should also have the ability to accept the diverse faiths concept. He must respect all religions and should not argue with the patients regarding their spiritual beliefs.

Health care providers meet a variety of people that belong to different cultures and practice different religions. It is the responsibility of the health care professionals to provide sensitive care to all these patients having diverse faiths. Johnston (1990) defines sensitive care as "giving respect and incorporating the basic values of human freedom and religious diversity."

It is also important to remember that even if the background of the patient is similar to that of the health care professional; it does….

Hcahps Scores
HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) is a national survey that asks patients in regards to their experiences during a recent hospital stay Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, Ga.

Compare the scores to state and national averages

Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital when compared to the state and national average, it is clear that they have the highest score with state coming in last. It appears that when it comes to things like nurses and doctors communicating well, they had quite a bit of patients that were satisfied with their experience

Compare the scores to two other hospitals in the region

Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital was compared to Palmyra Hospital and Lee County Memorial hospital. It appears that when it comes to patients experiences with nurses, doctor and staff, Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital had a 10% lead over the other two hospitals. Also, when it comes to being timely &….

The ethical dilemma will then be solved rationally by taking steps to serve as many people as possible, both to build awareness for the healing powers of the practice, and therefore grow my business and to serve those in greatest need.
It is for this reason that the only way that I can see to further both goals is to develop a system of sliding scale payment for those in need, without the means to pay for care all at once and also to offer my services, for five to ten hours per week as a volunteer at a local clinic that provides care to the underserved people in my community. In so doing I will be both building awareness for the power of the art in the medical community and seeking to better serve the whole of the community in which I live. The health of the whole community….

Health Policy Values My personal values and spiritual beliefs are rooted in the catechism I was taught as a young person. My family is Roman Catholic and they taught me that values and beliefs of this church and how they should guide one’s life and actions. Inherent in this system of beliefs is the concept of the Golden Rule, which is that you should do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. In other words, don’t ever treat anyone with disrespect if you yourself don’t want to be disrespected. Likewise, Catholicism teaches that there are two basic rules to live by, which Christ pointed out: 1) love God and keep His commandments, and 2) love your neighbor as you love yourself. These rules basically cover all aspects of life (one needs to know the 10 commandments of course) but in them is a great deal of wisdom….

Healthcare Administration -- New York State Care Act
The New York State Care (Caregiver Advise, ecord and Enable) Act was implemented into law in April this year. The development and enactment of this law is geared toward having a positive effect on caregivers who assist patients and family members recover in the aftermath of hospital admission. The legislation ensures patients in healthcare facilities can assign a family caregiver and the facility provides the designated caregiver instruction and illustrations of medical tasks they are likely to offer their loved ones at home. However, the implementation of this initiative across hospitals such as Winthrop Hospital has been characterized by several challenges that could hinder its effectiveness if not addressed.

New York State Care Act and its Importance/Benefit

There are approximately 2.8 million New Yorkers who offer unpaid care to their loved ones at any given time as well as nearly 1.6 million adult New Yorkers….

Kenyan Healthcare Assessment
Across the globe, manmade and natural calamities are on the rise, occurring almost every single day and having destructive effects on individual people, households and entire communities. People's lifestyles and quality of life are undermined by both minor and major catastrophes. The African continent has long struggled with internal conflicts that have had destructive impacts, threatening its inhabitants' survival. Extensive casualties have resulted from these occurrences. It is an undisputed fact that war and conflict interferes with communities' social, religious, economic and educational dimensions. This section attempts to understand disaster-related emergency preparedness and healthcare scenario in the epublic of Kenya.

Just like a majority of other African nations, Kenya has encountered manmade and natural catastrophes that have led to huge losses of life. One good example would be the 2007-08 post-election clashes. The nation witnessed largely politically-initiated inter-community fights that had immense, large-scale consequences. Hence, its healthcare department….

individual person?
Much of this would be dependent on individual patients, in relation to their mental capabilities and understanding of the aspects concerned with their healthcare. I even support giving minor children a say in their healthcare, at least as far as they can comprehend those aspects and judge sensibly. With increased expert input, they experience greater control and exhibit greater likelihood of wholeheartedly participating and conforming to mandates that help improve their health status. Individuals feel significantly different about their care if healthcare providers allow them to voice their thoughts, feelings, and ideas, instead of being treated like little children or someone with impaired mental faculties, unable to decide aspects of their own healthcare. This forms another reason for my strong support of Do Not esuscitate (DN) orders and living wills. In fact, I even have my own living will specifying precisely what I desire in the event I….

Information on a Person with Chronic Illness: Mr. Barnard WestToday, approximately 300,000 adults in the United States, representing less than 1% of the American adult population, suffer from ankylosing spondylitis, also known as inflammatory back disease (Ankylosing Spondylitis, 2022). One adult American who has lived with this chronic illness for more than 30 years is Mr. Barnard Barney West of Tulsa, Oklahoma, a 70-year-old married Vietnam veteran who is rated 100% service-connected disabled for this condition and multiple others. The purpose of this paper is to provide information on this individual, including a list of his support needs in descending order and a discussion concerning how to implement relevant objectives of the Healthy People 2030 initiative to increase health in similarly situated individuals. In addition, the paper provides a discussion concerning the nursing role from the perspective of an advocate for Barneys acceptance of his ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis as well….

In Zambia, there a number of different ways to access healthcare.  However, we are struggling to answer what the five health care providers are in the country.  There are more than five main hospitals or clinics in Zambia that provide healthcare, only two healthcare ministries, and various types of health workers including doctors, nurses, midwives, clinical officers, technicians, medical teaching staff, medical consulates, and medical licentiates.  If we had to choose the five types of healthcare providers in Zambia, we would probably break them down into those five broad categories: health technicians, nurses, midwives, doctors, and clinical....

I. Introduction
A. Brief overview of Down syndrome
B. Introduction to Down syndrome in Iceland
C. Thesis statement: The recent history of Down syndrome in Iceland has been shaped by advancements in genetic testing and a controversial screening program.

II. Genetic Testing in Iceland
A. Introduction to genetic testing
B. Advancements in genetic testing in Iceland
C. Impact on Down syndrome rates
D. Criticisms of genetic testing

III. Screening Program in Iceland
A. Introduction to screening programs
B. Overview of Iceland's controversial screening program
C. Ethical implications of the screening program
D. Public perception of the screening program

IV. Support for Individuals with....

Understanding Health Policy and Health System

Health Policy

Health policy refers to the decisions, laws, regulations, and plans that guide the organization, financing, and delivery of health care in a society. It encompasses a wide range of issues, including:

Access to care: Ensuring that all individuals have the ability to receive necessary medical services.
Quality of care: Establishing and maintaining standards for the delivery of safe and effective health care.
Financing: Determining how health care is funded, whether through public or private mechanisms.
Health equity: Promoting fair and just distribution of health resources and outcomes across different populations.
Public health interventions: Addressing....

Health Policy

Health policy refers to the decisions, laws, regulations, and guidelines that shape the organization, financing, and delivery of health care services within a society. It encompasses a broad range of issues, including:

Access to care: Ensuring that individuals and communities have the ability to obtain necessary health services, regardless of their income, location, or other barriers.
Quality of care: Establishing and maintaining standards to ensure that health services are safe, effective, and patient-centered.
Cost of care: Managing the financial burden of health care through measures such as insurance coverage, payment models, and cost-control policies.
Health equity: Promoting fairness and....

2 Pages


Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity the

Words: 678
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity The paper is a critical review of the peer's paper on Health care providers and faith diversity. The aim of peer's paper is to…

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2 Pages


Health Care Provider Changes and Service Delivery

Words: 758
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care Provider Changes and Service Delivery Healthcare and its finance today has been complicated by many dynamics, including the changing demographic of Western society today. Hence, it is difficult…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Spirituality

Words: 1146
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Spirituality In Health Care HLT-310V-0104 EMORY DAVIS Mr. Saracouli, your paper addresses the 3 diverse faiths and identifies some of their components of care and healing. These…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Health Care Providers Have Been

Words: 690
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

("Financial Profile," n.d.) The long-term debt to equity ratio is when you are looking at the company's ability to finance growth through: increasing their total amounts of debt. When…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Healthcare Providers and Systems Assessment

Words: 3133
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAPHPS) The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems gives consumers a chance to compare the available health cares around the…

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6 Pages


Health Care Providers in Canada

Words: 1687
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Information Technology: Health Care Providers Being a member of the hiring committee for a high profile position within Company ABC is not an easy job. However, the duty today…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Healthcare Providers and Religion

Words: 2053
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Spiritual care in the past was not considered to be a part of medicine. However, over time both holistic nursing and the health movement have become increasingly involved with…

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4 Pages


Faith Diversity Faith Expressions Health Care Provider

Words: 1354
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Faith Diversity Diversity Faith Expressions Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Health care professionals working at different levels meet several patients that belong to different regions of the world and have different…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Hcahps Scores Assessment of Healthcare Providers

Words: 978
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hcahps Scores HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) is a national survey that asks patients in regards to their experiences during a recent hospital stay Phoebe Putney…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Ethics for Health Care Provider

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The ethical dilemma will then be solved rationally by taking steps to serve as many people as possible, both to build awareness for the healing powers of the…

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4 Pages


Values Beliefs Religion and Health Policy

Words: 1090
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Policy Values My personal values and spiritual beliefs are rooted in the catechism I was taught as a young person. My family is Roman Catholic and they taught me…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Healthcare Provider and Hospital

Words: 1332
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Healthcare Administration -- New York State Care Act The New York State Care (Caregiver Advise, ecord and Enable) Act was implemented into law in April this year. The development and…

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2 Pages


Healthcare Providers and Nurse

Words: 687
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Kenyan Healthcare Assessment Across the globe, manmade and natural calamities are on the rise, occurring almost every single day and having destructive effects on individual people, households and entire…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Healthcare Providers and Health

Words: 973
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

individual person? Much of this would be dependent on individual patients, in relation to their mental capabilities and understanding of the aspects concerned with their healthcare. I even support…

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5 Pages
Admission Essay

Health - Nursing

The Role of Health Care Providers in Treating Ankylosing Spondylitis

Words: 1411
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Information on a Person with Chronic Illness: Mr. Barnard WestToday, approximately 300,000 adults in the United States, representing less than 1% of the American adult population, suffer from ankylosing…

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