Holistic Medicine Essays (Examples)

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Holistic Medicine
While there are many over-the-counter (OTC) medicines that work to treat the common cold, premenstrual syndrome, insomnia and many other illnesses, most conventional medications simply mask symptoms and may inhibit the body's natural ability to heal itself, according to Dworkin (1999). However, herbs and vitamins have a tendency to be gentler on the body and often enhance the body's natural recovery process. For this reason, many people are swapping their OTC medicines for holistic medicines.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann discovered holistic medicine in the early 1800's. The doctor believed that medicine practiced during this time was barbaric and sought alternatives, experimenting on his family and friends. Hahnemann discovered that large dosages of herbs increased symptoms so he decreased the dosage and discovered that the symptoms decreased and usually ceased (Smith, p. 10).

Upon his discovery, the popularity of holistic medicine was incredible, particularly because most patients resisted modern techniques of medicine. This….

When the state of Florida enacted licensure laws, those who had been working in nutrition counseling before 1988 were permitted to apply for the designation licensed nutrition counselor (LNC). In order to designate that they are licensed in the state of Florida, LNC's may utilize the words nutrition counselor, licensed nutrition counselor, nutritionist, or licensed nutritionist in association with their names or places of business. Before 1988, there was no law that controlled the practice of nutrition counseling, LNC's may have been extremely competent or totally incompetent in the area of nutrition counseling. People who decide to use the services of an LNC will need to ask about their training background and education in order to establish whether or not the person is competent to practice. No matter what their background, LNC's must obtain continuing education units in order to keep their license to practice in Florida (Bobroff, 2009).

A nutritionist….

This is inherently different from the effort to promote health by simply avoiding sickness. In this context, one may view the lack of health at five levels:



Overt disease

Death or dying (osch, n.d.).

While we would normally tend to view these as progressive and more severe stages of illness, they might be accorded equal weight on a holistic scale which measures total health. Another distinction that follows from the above is the difference between normal and average. Most of our recognition of disease is based upon an observation of an abnormal finding. There is little question that such a deviation suggests illness, but it is an error to assume automatically that a normal finding implies health. Normal values are generally determined from surveys of Americans presumed to be healthy. Many of them, however, are afflicted with hypertension, ulcers, arthritis, or obesity, or have habits that are anything but healthy. What is….

They are also associated with drug abuse and addiction, which can increase HIV risk through needle sharing and through decreasing the likelihood that safer-sex practices (such as condom use) will be used." (A Positive Life Aids Service Organizations, 2009)
VII. Management

The individual who is newly diagnosed with HIV infection should provide a history that is complete followed by a physical examination to check for clinical manifestations of the disease. It is critical to determine CD5 cell counts and plasma HIV-1-RNA levels for the purpose of establishment of the prognosis and informing the decision whether to begin antiretroviral therapy. The treatment regimen consists of combination antiretroviral therapy. The initial emphasis in newly HIV-diagnose patients should be "on counseling with regard to the disease process, limiting the risk of secondary transmission, ensuring that there is proper support for the patient, and building a trusting relationship between the patient and the caregiver." (Hammer,….

Clinical vs. Academic Study in Medicine
One of the most fascinating subjects of today is undoubtedly medicine, and all the science, pactice, o theoy that comes with it. It is vital fo new doctos to become accustomed quickly with suoundings in a hospital, fo example, and to know how to teat patients o diagnose them in a matte of minutes; but it is also vital fo them to have a base of academic knowledge on which to ely at all times. These two factos, then, can help shape an individual as a physician and ende him o he capable o incapable of being successful in the field. This pape will thus speak about why both clinical and academic studies ae necessay fo a successful medical caee, as well as what balance can be stuck between the two to ensue optimal leaning.

The best illustation of the long-going debate on pactice vs.….

Sustainable Distibution fo Essential Medicines in Emeging Makets
Business Case Backgound

The Sustainable challenge

Cuent distibution climate of Cue Phamaceutical

The gowing impotance of the emeging makets

Baies to gowth

Pocuement and Distibution

Challenge to oveall sustainability in phamaceutical companies

Patneships utilized in emeging makets and essential medicine distibution

Suggestions of patneships effective in essential medicine distibution

Data gatheing in essential medicine distibution

Sustainable distibution fo essential medicines in emeging makets

Business Case Backgound

This epot addesses the ole phamaceuticals play in emeging makets. Many people have associated these makets as havens fo explosive futue gowth, but thee ae also seious challenges to be faced. The epot will discuss what views investos, stakeholdes, and company executives hold on emeging makets. Thee ae thee pobable significant factos that may sway thei stance. Fist, the efoms ecently made by the govenment egading phamaceuticals and the obligations of multinationals esulting fom the efoms. Second, the diection that shall be taken by the expanding healthcae maket and….

disparities original "medicine chest" clause Aboriginal Treaties Canada, failure Canadian government meet health care Aboriginal people today
Policy Change for Improvement

The aboriginals of Canada comprise of the indigenous people who are within North America, but dwell in the boundaries of Canada. Nevertheless, people have continuously view them discriminatively. This is what has led to the formulation of numerous policies, which will favor the aboriginals and make them feel part of the Canadian society. Although this is the case, the policies, some of which are applicable, have not yielded much success. Owing to this, there is a need for policy improvement in an effort to attain some of the essential needs such as healthcare (Walkerman and Humphreys, 2002).

In so doing, the aboriginals will access healthcare, and subsequently feel as part of the society. Notably, aboriginals are present in many other parts of the Western world, and the treatment is similar; discriminated.….

" Prescription drugs invade the markets today only to mask the symptoms of disease instead of preventing disease from happening. In this back-end approach to fighting disease instead of preventing it from occurring in the first place, pharmaceutical companies have profited at the expense of society." (Karel M.)
There is therefore also the feelings and the growing suspicion that prescription drugs are controlled by large pharmaceutical corporations and these influence practitioners and the health care industry. Modern medical practitioners are also "... subject to persuasion from drug manufacturers and rely on them for their information, despite their obvious bias to use their drugs." (Karel M.) This is an area that has been severely critiqued in allotropic health care; namely the fact that modern medicine is dominated by large drug companies which to a large extent are more concerned with their profit margins than with the quality and the ultimate effectives….

The patient was able to discontinue taking pain killing medications after only a few treatments.
I have also come to realize the importance of the psychological and social aspects of treatment in addition to the traditional physical aspects. In traditional medicine, these issues are handled by distinct specialists, while I believe they should also be considered in tandem during medical treatment. I believe that a patient's mental state can affect how well the patient responds to medical treatment and their ability to follow their physician's recommendations.

While professionals in medical care are responsible for their patient's health, the patients themselves are ultimately in the best position to take responsibility for their own well being. This is why I appreciated the role of the D.O. In educating patients about the external factors that affect their health such as the environment, stress, exercise and diet. In this way, patients can take a more….

Allopathic Osteopathic
Allopathic approaches in medicine dominate how healthcare is administered in the United States in today's society. Osteopathy has made some gains in popularity over the decades but it is well established that the majority of today's doctors practice and employ an allopathic approach towards healing their patients. The purpose of this essay is to explore the possible differences in society if allopathic medicine did not develop as the dominant profession but was bifurcated into equal proportions of MDs and DOs.

Salzberg (2010) suggested that medical doctors and DO's are not the same thing and a certain deficiency of training is present in doctors of osteopathy. He wrote " are they equal? Well, not quite. Osteopathy started out as little more than pseudoscience, based on the mistaken idea that manipulations of the skeleton and muscles -- massage, basically -- would cure disease. It was invented by Andrew Still in 1874, who….

Health and Medicine

Health and Medicine
Twenty-Five Years of HealthCare

There have been numerous changes in the field of healthcare over the past twenty-five years. Many of these have occurred behind the scenes in areas such as regulation and documentation requirements. Others are obvious, such as advancement in medicines and technology. All have some degree of impact on the delivery of healthcare to the patient. Most have an impact on the cost of healthcare delivery. hat area of change has made the greatest difference in the eyes of a long-term healthcare professional and what does the future have in store?

One healthcare professional, a nurse who is currently working as the Director of Nursing in a skilled nursing facility, thinks that the greatest area of change has been in patient education. Her opinion is that "we used to know it all and patients were simply the recipients of our care." She continued to describe the accepted….

Folk Beliefs: Health and Healing
There are many different kinds of “folk”—and they are typically defined by regional or geographical background, which determines to some extent their heritage, culture, traditions, norms, customs and beliefs. For example, the Appalachian folk have different customs and beliefs when it comes to health and healing than “folk” from Deep South or “folk” from the rural Eastern European countryside.

Some similarities in cross-cultural folk / traditional healing practices are the tendencies to self-medicate and to use homeopathic drugs—i.e., home-made ointments or treatments for illnesses that more modern patients would go to a doctor for. These include using an onion for an ear ache or using food to treat an illness of the body. Food is actually a treatment method that spans many cultures and can be found in traditional Asian culture as well as in folk culture in the U.S. Variations exist but they are also informed….

The largest difference exists in the basis of the Western holistic treatment and the basis of Ayurveda. Western holistic treatments are based on TCM or 'Traditional Chinese Medicine'. The key components of TCM are as follows:
Qi (pronounced like "chee") - this is the vital energy necessary for life (blood, body fluid)

Zang-Fu - the internal organs; and Jing-Luo: - this governs the meridian and collateral systems of the body. (rown, 2001)

Practitioners of TCM also used a system referred to as "The Eight Principles" which are used to categorize illness or disease. These eight principles are comprised of "four pairs of polarities, including:



deficiency/excess; and Yin/Yang." (rown, 2001)

These principles are stated to determine:

1) Disease location;

2) the nature of imbalance;

3) the presence of a pathological (disease) factors; and 4) the strength of the body's own energies. (rown, 2001)

Summary and Conclusion

Ayurvedic medicine is much older than the holistic systems of treatment being used in….

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet thus correspond to the seven chakras located along the spinal column." (Fuller 242) Crystal therapy is therefore based on the control and manipulation of these energies so that there is the "correct" or appropriate and balanced amount of this energy in each of the chakras.
The most touted of New Age healing techniques has been the use of crystals. Enthusiasts claim that because rock crystal is almost entirely devoid of color, it is an almost perfect capacitor of divine white light. Explanations of exactly how crystals wield their healing powers vary from practitioner to practitioner. Some maintain that the unique properties of crystals make them excellent receptors of metaphysical energies.

Fuller 242/3)

rief history of crystal therapy

As has already been mentioned, the history of this form of therapy is to be found in many historical documents and in myths, stories and records from the….

Hispanic Culture and Beliefs
The Hispanic culture is rich and vibrant, but there are struggles that those outside of the culture may not realize. One of these is with seeking out and receiving healthcare services. Many Hispanic people wait too long to get healthcare. For some, it is because they are not in the United States legally and they fear deportation. However, for the large number of Hispanic people who were born in the U.S. Or who are otherwise in the country legally, it is mainly cultural concerns that keep them from seeking treatment. They are often distrustful of other cultures, and the men in the Hispanic culture are a proud group who believe they can handle issues themselves. Of course, this is a generalization. Not every Hispanic person fits this particular stereotype of their culture. Beliefs about healthcare and the seeking of that care, as well as how they feel….

6 Pages
Term Paper


Holistic Medicine and Holistic Healing

Words: 1642
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Holistic Medicine While there are many over-the-counter (OTC) medicines that work to treat the common cold, premenstrual syndrome, insomnia and many other illnesses, most conventional medications simply mask symptoms and…

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2 Pages

Medical and Medicine - Holistic Medicine

Holistic Medicine Holistic Nutrition Consultant Legal

Words: 628
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

When the state of Florida enacted licensure laws, those who had been working in nutrition counseling before 1988 were permitted to apply for the designation licensed nutrition counselor (LNC).…

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20 Pages
Research Proposal


Future of Holistic Medicine Holistic

Words: 6156
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This is inherently different from the effort to promote health by simply avoiding sickness. In this context, one may view the lack of health at five levels: Dissatisfaction Discomfort Disability Overt disease Death…

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6 Pages


HIV & Holistic Medicine The

Words: 1601
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

They are also associated with drug abuse and addiction, which can increase HIV risk through needle sharing and through decreasing the likelihood that safer-sex practices (such as condom…

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2 Pages


Clinical vs Academic Study in Medicine One

Words: 719
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Clinical vs. Academic Study in Medicine One of the most fascinating subjects of today is undoubtedly medicine, and all the science, pactice, o theoy that comes with it. It…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Sustainable Distribution for Essential Medicines

Words: 3831
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Sustainable Distibution fo Essential Medicines in Emeging Makets Business Case Backgound The Sustainable challenge Cuent distibution climate of Cue Phamaceutical The gowing impotance of the emeging makets Baies to gowth Pocuement and Distibution Challenge to oveall…

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8 Pages


Disparities Original Medicine Chest Clause Aboriginal Treaties

Words: 2533
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

disparities original "medicine chest" clause Aboriginal Treaties Canada, failure Canadian government meet health care Aboriginal people today Policy Change for Improvement The aboriginals of Canada comprise of the indigenous people…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Allopathic Medicine Outweigh the Risks

Words: 4631
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" Prescription drugs invade the markets today only to mask the symptoms of disease instead of preventing disease from happening. In this back-end approach to fighting disease instead…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Exposure to Medicine Have Only

Words: 560
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The patient was able to discontinue taking pain killing medications after only a few treatments. I have also come to realize the importance of the psychological and social aspects…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Allopathic Osteopathic Allopathic Approaches in Medicine Dominate

Words: 667
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Allopathic Osteopathic Allopathic approaches in medicine dominate how healthcare is administered in the United States in today's society. Osteopathy has made some gains in popularity over the decades but it…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Health and Medicine

Words: 1174
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Health and Medicine Twenty-Five Years of HealthCare There have been numerous changes in the field of healthcare over the past twenty-five years. Many of these have occurred behind the scenes in…

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1 Pages


Folk Medicine and Traditional Customs

Words: 304
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Folk Beliefs: Health and Healing There are many different kinds of “folk”—and they are typically defined by regional or geographical background, which determines to some extent their heritage, culture, traditions,…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Ayurveda and Western Science Compare

Words: 1946
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The largest difference exists in the basis of the Western holistic treatment and the basis of Ayurveda. Western holistic treatments are based on TCM or 'Traditional Chinese Medicine'.…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Crystal Therapy Crystal Healing and

Words: 3700
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet thus correspond to the seven chakras located along the spinal column." (Fuller 242) Crystal therapy is therefore based on the…

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2 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Healthcare Beliefs in the Hispanic Culture

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Hispanic Culture and Beliefs The Hispanic culture is rich and vibrant, but there are struggles that those outside of the culture may not realize. One of these is with seeking…

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