Hygiene Essays (Examples)

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Hygiene as a pivotal method of preventing infection in a health care setting
Hand Hygiene as a Pivotal Method of Preventing Infection in a Healthcare Setting

Carpetti, G.M., Sandri, F., Trridapallli, E., Galleti, S., Petracci, E., & Faldella, G. (2007).

Nosocomial infection in very low birth weight infants. American journal of infection control, 36(6), 430-435.

To increase the chances of survival of VLBW infants, there are continued improvements in neo-natal management. However, the risk of infection during their stay in hospital is especially because they undergo diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. In order to eliminate the infections, and provide more chances of survival, the article suggests that hand washing is the only effective measure to prevent the transmission of microorganisms. In addition, it suggests that it is the most important precaution in infection control. In the study, sixteen VLBW infants, in the "before" period and five others in the "after" period had an infection….

Hygiene Proposal
World Health Organization, (2007) estimates that more than 1.4 million people suffer form one disease to the other and HAI (Health care-associated infections) are the most important infections that occurs globally. In advanced countries, between 5% and 10% of patients acquire one or more infections within the hospitals environment while between 15 and 40% of patients-to-critical-care are estimated to be affected. In the United States, one out 136 patients acquire one or more infection in hospital, equivalent to 2 million cases yearly. In the UK, HAI causes 5000 attributable deaths yearly. There is substantial evidence that hand hygiene reduces the incidence of HAI and hand hygiene is the fundamental action that enhances patient safety. Despite the importance of hand hygiene, there is still an unacceptable low compliance with the hand hygiene policy within the universal healthcare system. (World Health Organization, 2007).

Fundamental objective of this project is to develop….

Hygiene and the Theory of Planned Behavior
Describe the theory and your rationale for selecting the theory

Among healthcare subjects, hand hygiene falls under the theory of planned behavior. The act of engaging in proper hand-washing practices is of foundational importance to providing a safe, healthy and sanitary context for healthcare. However, according to the study by O'Boyle et al. (2001), many healthcare professionals simply do not comply with expectations in this area. This denotes the need for improved behavioral compliance among healthcare professionals. This need underscores the cause for selected the theory applied here. According to O'Boyle et al., "most health care workers (HCs) are aware of the rationale for hand hygiene procedures, yet failure to adhere to guidelines is common." (O'Boyle et al., p. 352)

Discuss how the theory works to support your proposed solution

This theory is particularly useful in moving toward the proposed solution of instituting new strategies for….

Workplace Hygiene
How Hygiene Factors in Job Context Affect Job Dissatisfaction

Everybody has to work and most people identify significantly with their work. It is no secret that occupation is one of the singularly most important factors in most lives. When people are asked about themselves they will generally first talk about who they are in relation to their job, and then about other factors. The workplace then is one of the most important places in the life if an individual, but it can become one of the most stressful also.

In 1959 Frederick Herzberg had been doing research on this very subject since 1957 and he determined that there were a few (five) satisfiers and eleven job dissatisfiers. A company could work to increase the satisfaction of employees because the, rightly, believed that a happy employee is a productive employee. Unfortunately, there were many theories about how to make employees happy, and….

Preventing Disease Through Improved Hygiene:
Low-income children in the Washington D.C. schools

According to a 2011 study published in the American Journal of Infectious Disease Control, simple acts of good hygiene can have a lasting impact upon childhood health and school attendance. This issue is particularly critical for low-income students, for whom attendance at school can have a significant impact upon their future development, given the stresses that exist at home and the positive influence that attending school can provide. School attendance rates for at-risk youth can affect long-term success later on in high school. However, children in this demographic group face tremendous obstacles in getting to school: transportation, a lack of parental support, and also an increased risk of illness at home and at school. Low-income children are at particular risk for respiratory infections, which can be easily spread through inadequate hand-washing and sanitation at school. Combined with old buildings at….

Personal Hygiene

You Stink! What personal hygiene is and how you can get it

Want to look, feel, and smell your best? Then you'll need to master the art of personal hygiene. When you take good care of your body, your friends will notice. You will look better, feel better, and smell better. Personal hygiene might sound like a bore, but it's actually a set of fun practices that should become second nature. Pretty soon, you won't have to think about things like brushing your teeth or washing your feet -- you'll just do them automatically.

Personal hygiene practices are very straightforward and do not involve a great deal of time, money, or energy. The practices might be different depending on your level of physical activity on any given day, how old you are, and whether you are a boy or a girl. egardless, there are some general pointers that can help you to….

Compliance With Hand Hygiene Policies
Compliance hand hygiene policies health care facility ichmond hospital Texas

Compliance with hand hygiene policies in ichmond hospital, Texas

Hand hygiene policies are a plan of action adopted by health care providers that aim at preventing the transmission of infections or microorganisms from a patient to patient or from inanimate objects and surfaces to a patient through the hands of a healthcare provider or any other person dealing with a patient. They are specific hand hygiene practices carried out to reduce the risk of acquiring a hospital acquired infection, also known as nosocomial infections. This protects the patient, the hospital staff and even visitors.

Hand hygiene policies

The policies indicate when the staff must perform the hand hygiene activities; it also states the types of agents that should be used to achieve hand hygiene and any other measures. The policy indicates that:

Hand hygiene should be practiced before and after handling….

Table 1: Motivational Hygiene Theory
Each of the factors that comprise the model is briefly discussed here.

Achievement -- Often defined as the successful completion of a task, this attribute anchors the Motivators area of the Motivational Hygiene Theory model.

ecognition of achievement -- Herzberg meant for this to include recognition from anyone in the organization from a co-worker to a client to a superior. Herzberg mentions in his theories that recognition that combines the verbal and visual are the most effective (Herzberg, 1987).

The Work itself -- Only after a worker has been able to have their Hygiene factors met can they attain the level of satisfaction with the work itself, and this came out of the study of technical professionals cited earlier in this analysis (Backer, 1973).

esponsibility -- elated to the three most critical areas of learning and job achievement which are autonomy, mastery and purpose, responsibility is an intrinsic motivation….

Industrial Hygiene
A large New Orleans Hospital has been affected with a Katrina disaster, which has contributed to evacuation of staffs to Baton ouge. Six weeks after the event, I have been mandated with the responsibility of supervising a team that will return to the hospital since I am an Industrial Hygienist. This team will also be responsible for evaluating the situation and engaging in a plan to re-establish basic medical needs for the staffs involved in the recovery initiative. While the team comprises various leaders of the hospital, the Incident Commander or person in-charge of recovery is looking for guidance on safe entry, safe clean-up procedures, suitable PPE for all recovery employees, and a hazard assessment for the most crucial items. He also needs an assessment of operations that can contribute to acute or chronic health effects, disease, or illness. This process of supervising the team in the recovery effort….

Oral Hygiene Practices -- Pregnant omen
This paper delves into the research that has been conducted on pregnant women with regard to their use of proper oral hygiene practices. The paper is based on the research and findings from an article in the Journal of the American Dental Association (Boggess, et al., 2010).

Oral Hygiene Practices -- Dental Service Utilization -- Pregnant omen

There is ample available literature to justify Boggess' assertion that poor oral practices can lead to loss of teeth, gingivitis, periodontal infection and dental caries. And as Boggess writes on page 553, those oral diseases are found in disproportionate numbers in communities that are in the low-income category, and in communities where ethnic minorities reside. But also, these dental issues are found among pregnant women, in particular among "racial or ethnic minorities and those of low socioeconomic status," Boggess continues (553). The question addressed -- why do available data show….

Oral Hygiene Needs of the

Another caution that exists for people suffering from lupus is to exercise caution before and after receiving dental treatment. Lupus patients could develop serious heart infections from the streptococci that might be released into their bloodstream during routine dental procedures, even bi-annual teeth cleanings (Blau and Schultz, 174). The infection can travel to the heart when the patient has certain other manifestations of lupus, and, if the patient has developed a condition called verrucous endocarditis, then it can be deadly if the streptococci infect the heart (Blau and Schultz, 174). Therefore it is strongly recommended that prior to and following dental procedures and cleanings that lupus patients receive antiobiotics that can help them to be prepared to defend their body against the streptococci (Blau and Schultz, 174-175).

The antibiotic -- usually amoxicillin, or another member of the penicillin family, or erythromycin in cases of penicillin allergy -- is taken an hour….

Doris examined the claim that hand hygiene education and individual feedback on hand hygiene frequency and method enhances hand hygiene frequency and improves nurses’ methodology scores of hand hygiene as stated by Chun et al. (2014). The evaluation entailed using the criteria for examining statistical research to determine whether statistical evidence support the claim. Through the critical appraisal process for statistical analysis by Cohn et al. (2009), Doris demonstrated that the research by Chun et al. (2014) has statistical evidence to support the claim. During the critical appraisal process, Doris examined whether the study met each of the various components in the…[…… parts of this paper are missing, click here to view or download the entire document ]…of the statistical analysis to show how evidence support the claim. In addition, Doris examined evidence relating to hand hygiene frequency when nurses came into contact with MRSA isolated patients. As a result,….

Ethical Misconduct Among Industrial Hygienists in England by Burgess and Mullen (2002). There are a lot of codes of ethics published for ethical hygienists, but surprisingly few articles discussing ethics in the profession. In this article, the authors note that "failure to behave ethically might have serious and possibly fatal consequences," highlighting the need for a greater level of discussion with respect to ethics in the profession. The authors conducted a survey of 43 industrial hygienists, and found that 33 of them had witnessed ethical misconduct.
The authors provided with their survey nine different categories of ethical misconduct, thereby making clear the definition of the term. Some that were found to have occurred were data fabrication, failure to share credit on work, failure to protect confidentiality, criticizing the integrity of another hygienist for one's own gain, and plagiarism. Some of these could result in injury, but many violate the code….

Oral Hygiene Methodology
There is a significant amount of research that shows statistical correlation between oropharyngeal bacterial colonization and the presence bacteria responsible for ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP). Several interventions have been shown as effective in reducing the incidence of VAP, but many have not gained widespread clinical use in a majority of hospitals. esearch does show that the amount of oropharyngeal bacteria present in the mouth and oral cavity has a relationship to the propensity of developing VAP. This is likely due to the lack of appropriate levels of oral hygiene combined with the bacterial colonization of ventilator equipment. We expect that oral and mouth washes regularly administrated that include chlorohexedine will kill bacteria and reduce incidence of VAP infections on ICU patients. The aim of this study will be to survey the efficacy of chlorohexdedine mouth washes in a randomized group of patients who were placed in an ICU….

Becoming Influential

Hygiene in Medical Settings
My message will be on hand hygiene for everyone that comes to the hospital.

Hand hygiene for hospital guests is just as important as it is for hospital personnel. Everyday interactions and activities can lead to exposure to a variety of bacteria that can create illness. In a hospital setting, this means that guests with good intentions towards loved ones can inadvertently make an illness worse or introduce new germs into clinically sanitized environments. Bacteria and other illness causing agents are often picked up from external environments and surfaces and then transported through body parts such as the nose, throat, skin, and hair. Because the hands are one of the most active parts of the body, we also carry germs between our fingers and underneath fingernails. Therefore, it becomes important that everyone wash their hands properly and frequently to decrease the transmission of bacteria and other harmful….

While the concept of a bathing culture may be most strongly associated with the Romans at the time of the Roman Empire, many cultures have placed social, economic, and personal emphasis on bathing in a way that makes the practice as much about culture as it is about hygiene.  Historically, cultures had very different approaches to bathing, with some ancient cultures considering baths dangerous, while others considered them almost sacred.  Even in modern times, cultures take different approaches to the concept of bathing.

You can see the influence of nature on Japanese bathing tradition, which sets it apart....

Infection control specifically refers to stopping the spread of disease in healthcare settings and during health care procedures, such as surgeries.  It is a catchall phrase that refers to a wide variety of behaviors or practices that can result in the elimination or reduction of disease transmission in these settings.  We are happy to provide you with some suggested topics and titles for an essay about infection control.

Essay Topics

Best hygiene practices for pre-surgical prep of skin to prevent surgical-site infections

Does the routine use of masks in non-surgical medical examinations and routines reduce infectious disease transmission....

Cosmetology: A Comprehensive Overview

Cosmetology is the art and science of enhancing the appearance of the skin, hair, and nails. It encompasses various treatments and techniques aimed at improving one's overall physical appearance. This essay provides a comprehensive overview of cosmetology, exploring its history, evolution, different branches, and significance in society.

The History of Cosmetology

Cosmetology has its roots in ancient civilizations, where people used natural ingredients like herbs, minerals, and oils to adorn themselves. In ancient Egypt, for example, women applied kohl to their eyes and wore elaborate wigs made from human hair or wool. In ancient Greece, men and women used....

1. The Impact of School Uniforms on Student Behavior and Academic Performance

Explore the ways in which uniforms influence student behavior, including reducing distractions, fostering a sense of equality, and promoting discipline.
Examine the potential effects of uniforms on academic performance, such as improved focus, reduced tardiness, and increased attendance.

2. The Role of School Uniforms in Creating a Positive and Inclusive School Environment

Discuss how uniforms can help create a level playing field for students from diverse backgrounds, reducing socioeconomic disparities and fostering a sense of belonging.
Analyze the ways in which uniforms can promote a more positive school climate....

8 Pages


Hygiene as a Pivotal Method of Preventing

Words: 3599
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Hygiene as a pivotal method of preventing infection in a health care setting Hand Hygiene as a Pivotal Method of Preventing Infection in a Healthcare Setting Carpetti, G.M., Sandri, F.,…

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6 Pages


Hygiene Proposal World Health Organization 2007 Estimates

Words: 1990
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Hygiene Proposal World Health Organization, (2007) estimates that more than 1.4 million people suffer form one disease to the other and HAI (Health care-associated infections) are the most important…

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2 Pages


Hygiene and the Theory of Planned Behavior

Words: 514
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Hygiene and the Theory of Planned Behavior Describe the theory and your rationale for selecting the theory Among healthcare subjects, hand hygiene falls under the theory of planned behavior. The…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Hygiene Factors in the Workplace

Words: 2893
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Workplace Hygiene How Hygiene Factors in Job Context Affect Job Dissatisfaction Everybody has to work and most people identify significantly with their work. It is no secret that occupation is one…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Hygiene Proposal for Poverty Stricken Kids in Washington DC

Words: 952
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Preventing Disease Through Improved Hygiene: Low-income children in the Washington D.C. schools According to a 2011 study published in the American Journal of Infectious Disease Control, simple acts of good hygiene…

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2 Pages


Personal Hygiene

Words: 760
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article

Hygiene You Stink! What personal hygiene is and how you can get it Want to look, feel, and smell your best? Then you'll need to master the art of personal hygiene.…

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4 Pages


Compliance With Hand Hygiene Policies Compliance Hand

Words: 1030
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Compliance With Hand Hygiene Policies Compliance hand hygiene policies health care facility ichmond hospital Texas Compliance with hand hygiene policies in ichmond hospital, Texas Hand hygiene policies are a plan of action…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Fredrick Herzberg Motivational Hygiene Theory

Words: 1488
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Table 1: Motivational Hygiene Theory Each of the factors that comprise the model is briefly discussed here. Achievement -- Often defined as the successful completion of a task, this attribute…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Case Study on Industrial Hygiene

Words: 1599
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Industrial Hygiene A large New Orleans Hospital has been affected with a Katrina disaster, which has contributed to evacuation of staffs to Baton ouge. Six weeks after the event, I…

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3 Pages
Peer Reviewed Journal

Sports - Women

Oral Hygiene Practices and Dental Services Utilization Among Pregnant Women

Words: 981
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal

Oral Hygiene Practices -- Pregnant omen This paper delves into the research that has been conducted on pregnant women with regard to their use of proper oral hygiene practices. The…

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4 Pages

Health - Nursing

Oral Hygiene Needs of the

Words: 1221
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Another caution that exists for people suffering from lupus is to exercise caution before and after receiving dental treatment. Lupus patients could develop serious heart infections from the streptococci…

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1 Pages


Nurses Hand Hygiene Behavior

Words: 370
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Doris examined the claim that hand hygiene education and individual feedback on hand hygiene frequency and method enhances hand hygiene frequency and improves nurses’ methodology scores of hand hygiene…

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2 Pages

Sports - College

Article Summary Industrial Hygiene

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Misconduct Among Industrial Hygienists in England by Burgess and Mullen (2002). There are a lot of codes of ethics published for ethical hygienists, but surprisingly few articles…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Oral Hygiene Methodology There Is a Significant

Words: 1736
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Oral Hygiene Methodology There is a significant amount of research that shows statistical correlation between oropharyngeal bacterial colonization and the presence bacteria responsible for ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP). Several interventions…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Becoming Influential

Words: 1422
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hygiene in Medical Settings My message will be on hand hygiene for everyone that comes to the hospital. Hand hygiene for hospital guests is just as important as it is…

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