Identity Development Essays Examples

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Article Critique Kornienko, O., Santos, C. E., Martin, C. L., & Granger, K. L. (2016). Peer influence on gender identity development in adolescence. Developmental psychology, 52(10), 1578.
I. Statement of the Problem
a. Research Topic
The topic of the research is the impact of peer influence on the development of gender identity amongst adolescents
b. Research Question and Hypothesis
The article investigates peer influence on gender identity through the use of panel data on gender identity and friendship networks gathered from students in the 7th and 8th grade from an ethnically diverse public middle school. The main hypothesis of the study is that adolescents would alter their gender identity self-concepts to become akin to their friends and that such effects would take place even when network selection impacts were controlled. The second hypothesis of the study is that stronger peer influence effects on between-gender dimensions of gender identity than within-gender dimensions of gender identity.
II. Review of Literature
The authors….

Erikson's Theory Of Identity Development
Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development was meant to provide society with a better understanding of the stages that an individual experiences across his or her life. Even with the fact that the first four stages described by Erikson are essential in a person's upbringing, it is only after these stages that he or she actually comes to understand society as a whole and starts to express interest in getting actively involved in the social order. It is actually probable that the first four stages are meant to prepare an individual to accumulate the experience needed for him or her to become a part of society.

The fifth stage provides the individual with the task of achieving "a sense of identity -- both who he or she is and what he or she will be" (Theories of personal development 254). While the individual was accustomed to simply….

Identity Investigation

Identity Investigation
According to David Scott (2009) traditionally, White men, as well as other men, are socialized to equate self-worth with economic terms. They are taught to function at all costs and to be in control. These power issues are linked to the salience of their race and gender. In American culture people are ranked on their proximity to the normal referents of society: White, male, middle-class, Christian, heterosexual, and able-bodied persons. The current economic conditions, along with the constant pressure to live up to the masculine stereotype, such as no emotions and family provider continue to be ripe for ongoing oppression and racism by White men in the work place. As unemployment rises, White men are losing jobs and finding it harder to secure employment. These conditions can lead to frustration and anger by White men who are becoming disillusioned by the American dream. This paper will be an examination….

Clt Comm
Identity and Intercultural Communication

This paper will briefly explore the concept of identity as it relates to intercultural communication. It is important for one to understand the many factors that influence the development of an identity. It is these factors that make each and every one of us an individual and unique in personality. These factors include such elements of character like age, gender, race, religion, class and culture that help decide one's point-of-view when communicating. For the purpose of this paper, it is safe to assume that individually each of us has acquired different methods of communicating due these factors. The paragraphs below will explore how these factors influence communication across cultures.

In order to better understand, intercultural communication, one must first understand the concept of identity. Only then will one begin to realize that much of how we see ourselves has a direct relationship with communication and the different….

Identity in Emerging Adulthood

Title an exploration of employment selection behaviors and the link to identity development.

Area of study

This study considers the employment selection behaviors of emerging adults. Employment selection is a critical element of the development process. It influences and structures the ability to take care of oneself in the present and the future. However, more significantly employment is an indicator of independence and display of the ability to commit to a usually a long-term experience. Independence and commitment are skills that in adulthood can establish the way in which one lives. In this framework, employment can be viewed as one of the indicators that reflect an individual's development in these areas. This is beyond the individuals self-perception that they are not adults (Nelson et al. 2000).

In the modern context, self-determination requires the individual to have some form of employment and access to legitimate forms capital not for developmental or….

The practices significantly support the development of the immigrant children. The research indicates of the children experiencing interactions that are complex. This is with the respective peers when engaging in creative activities inclusive of gross motor and language arts (Donald et al., 2007). The creative activities reflect on open-ended aspects with the resultant stratification in shaping the initial academic progress of the immigrant children possibility. The application of the developmentally suitable practices in the primary setting of the immigrant children society positively influences the outcomes of the children (Donald et al., 2007).

The challenge faced in defining the developmentally fit strategies emphasizes on the child-centered approaches. The approaches relate to the developmental theory with the society directed instructions originating from the behaviorist perspective of the immigrant children. As a result of the theoretical course from which the child-centered practices derives, they reflects on the synonymous view with the appropriate practices. The….

George's marriage to Ella is his second one; his first wife was from an arranged marriage in Pakistan that left him unhappy. Yet he was able to incorporate aspects of development theory within his own life to find a new wife who he is (mostly) pleased with in a Western environment, and even owns a successful fish and chips restaurant. In his romantic life and in his economic life, George is able to evince some of the best qualities of development theory and modernization by taking his best assets and (literally) marrying them with those from a Western society to update and contemporize his life and his source of income.
However, what George does not take account of is the fact that he must allow the same degree of leniency from his religion and tradition that he permitted himself in marrying Ella to his children. In this sense, East is….

Identity Who Ami Who I

In essence I am a very gregarious person with many friends. I enjoy the company of others and I am especially devoted to my family. I feel that family life is the core of the positive aspects of modern civilization. On the other hand I am also very concerned about social ills, homelessness and the contravention of basic human rights that occur daily in our word. Another area of concern that defines me as a person is my concern for the environment and the damage that has been done to our ecosystems by what I see as the exploitation and greed of a few.

In short, I am a concerned individual who views personal growth and identity as something that carries with it a responsibility towards others and the world around us. I feel that while it is important to be personally ambitious, success should not come at the expense of….

Aspects of identity that might have been denied or denigrated because of colonial mentalities can resurface and be admired. Discourse on gender and social class has also deepened and enabled identity constructions to flourish outside the confines of proscribed gender roles. Culture changes, and so too does identity. The values placed on identity aspects like religion have shifted too, making religion a less salient part of people's identity. On the other hand, sexual orientation and gender identity have both become more important. Gender roles have changed to such a great degree as to transform the definition and meaning of family, love, or sex.
Therefore, a number of issues affect the way we understand and create identities. Academia reflects broader changes in social values and norms. In some cases, academia inspires those social and political transformations. Regardless of the directions of the relationship between academia and social values, the two interact….

Student Social Identity Development
How and hy Students Develop a Social Identity

hat is meant by Student Development?

Author Nancy J. Evans notes that the phrase "Student Development" too often becomes simply a vague catchphrase that has little application to college students' lives and learning. Student Development embraces the psychosocial, cognitive-structural, and social identity of students in postsecondary settings (Evans, et al., 2009).

In the quest for self-direction, students universally seek a social identity as well as an education that can propel them into meaningful, successful careers.

Evans, N.J., Forney, D.S., Guido, F.M., Patton, L.D., and Renn, K.A. (2009). Student Development in College: Theory, Research, and Practice.

Introduction to Training Session

Clearly college and university students already have an identity when they enroll in classes, although their more mature individual identity in the social milieu will evolve with time. This training session embraces the question of how and why a student's social identity develops. It offers insights….

Ethnic Self Identity

According to Phinney and Alipuria (1987), ethnic self-identity is the sense of self that an individual feels; being a member of an ethnic group, along with the behavior and attitudes with that feeling (p. 36). The authors point out that the development of ethnic identity is an evolution from the point of an ethnic identity that is not examined through an exploration period, so as to resonate with a specified and attained ethnic identity (p. 38).

Ethnic identity refers to a feeling, attitude and identification of one with the behavior and character of people of a specified culture and cultural ethos. They often have a common origin, values, beliefs, practices, customs and other commonalities. Therefore, as opposed to the race concept in which the physical traits are the main controlling factor, ethnicity relates to the common values, beliefs and concepts help by a group of people (Yeh & Huang, 1996).

Ethnic Minority….

Self Identity

Cheesman (2002) conducted a study on Karen identity in the Union of Myanmar with regards to historical and social conditions. The study found that Karen identity is a relatively difficult identity because individuals from this ethnic background do not have a common language, material attributes, religion and culture. While most of the existing assessments of this ethnic identity have been carried out in Thailand, it is largely influenced by historical and social conditions in the Union of Myanmar. Based on a review of contemporary Myanmar, people of Karen identity are seemingly virtuous, illiterate (uneducated), and oppressed. Many aspects relating to this identity appear to emphasize inferiority and subordination mostly because of mythology and modifications by the elite. Similar to the Union of Myanmar, Karen identity was brought by political dynamics and created by elite groups in the society.
The information provided in the article is accurate with regards to the role….

Infant Physical, Cognitive and Social Development
One of the most important aspects of a child's physical, cognitive and social development is motor skills development. In this case, an infant is expected to master fine and gross motor skills in order for him/her to effectively explore the surrounding environment/world. Gross motor skills are considered as large muscles movements such as arms and legs whereas fine motor skills are considered are movements of smaller groups of muscles like hand and wrist. Berk & Meyers (2016) have developed a table that provides a list of gross- and fine-motor skills milestones in different stages of an infant's development. As an 11-month old infant, David has relatively developed necessary and anticipated motor skills based on the milestones listed in the table. He has fairly developed nearly all motor skills expected of infants his age and seems to be progressing well in motor skills development. David's parents….

A widely quoted and interesting functioning definition has been provided by Geert Hofstede who suggests that culture should be considered as software of a person's mind. He is reported to have said that each individual possesses certain patterns and forms of contemplation, emotions and possible acting that they have probably acquired during their life (Hofstede and Hofstede, 2005).
Most of these patterns have been obtained through their early childhood experiences as those are the time when an individual is most likely to acquire learning and build on it. Just the way a computer regards its "thought processes" and functioning as its software, the patterns or formations of thinking, experiencing and carrying out psychological processes in an individual can be referred to as the software program of the mind (Hofstede and Hofstede, 2005).

However, this does not imply, most definitely that individuals are supposed to function or behave as a computer does.….

Identity and Identity Construction
Identity is socially constructed, a process that begins at an early age. Child rearing practices at home and school and community socialization begin the process of identity construction (Rogoff, 2003). As the individual constructs his or her own identity, exogenous forces also shape that individual's identity such as reactions to the way a person's appearance. For visible minorities, belonging to closely-knit communities in small groups can greatly enhance the process of identity construction, particularly for minority youth (Bratt, 2015). This remains true throughout the young person's life, including the person's transition from adolescence into young adulthood. Adolescence remains the critical point of identity construction, holding "a special role in virtually all cultures as a time of transition between childhood and adulthood," (Cauce, Cruz, Corona, & Conger n.d., p. 14). Therefore, it makes sense to focus on adolescence and young adulthood when investigating biculturality among Muslim American youth.


Identity: Exploring the Multifaceted Construct of Self

The Evolution of Identity in a Digital Age

The influence of social media on self-perception and identity formation
The challenges and opportunities of online self-expression
The blurring of boundaries between the digital and physical self

The Impact of Culture on Identity

The role of cultural norms and values in shaping individual identity
The influence of ethnicity, race, and gender on self-development
Identity negotiation in multicultural societies

The Intersection of Identity and Privilege

The concept of interlocking identities and their impact on one's experiences
The interplay of power, inequality, and marginalized identities
The challenges and responsibilities associated....

I. Introduction
A. Definition of counselor identity
B. Importance of counselor identity in the counseling profession

II. Personal characteristics of a counselor
A. Empathy and compassion
B. Non-judgmental attitude
C. Active listening skills

III. Professional skills and knowledge
A. Counseling theories and techniques
B. Ethical guidelines and professional boundaries
C. Cultural competence and diversity awareness

IV. Roles and responsibilities of a counselor
A. Facilitator of change and personal growth
B. Confidentiality and privacy maintenance
C. Collaborating with clients and other professionals

V. Challenges and ethical considerations in counselor identity
A. Self-care and managing personal biases
B. Maintaining boundaries while building rapport with clients

2 Pages

Gender / Sexuality

Peer influence on gender identity development in adolescence

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Article Critique Kornienko, O., Santos, C. E., Martin, C. L., & Granger, K. L. (2016). Peer influence on gender identity development in adolescence. Developmental psychology, 52(10), 1578. I. Statement of the Problem a. Research…

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2 Pages


Erikson's Theory of Identity Development

Words: 570
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Erikson's Theory Of Identity Development Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development was meant to provide society with a better understanding of the stages that an individual experiences across his or…

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2 Pages


Identity Investigation

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Identity Investigation According to David Scott (2009) traditionally, White men, as well as other men, are socialized to equate self-worth with economic terms. They are taught to function at all…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Identity and Intercultural Communication

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Clt Comm Identity and Intercultural Communication This paper will briefly explore the concept of identity as it relates to intercultural communication. It is important for one to understand the many factors…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Life Span Interviews Identity in Emerging Adulthood

Words: 1171
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Identity in Emerging Adulthood Identity Title an exploration of employment selection behaviors and the link to identity development. Area of study This study considers the employment selection behaviors of emerging adults. Employment selection…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Identity Formation as Multidimensional Concept

Words: 2625
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The practices significantly support the development of the immigrant children. The research indicates of the children experiencing interactions that are complex. This is with the respective peers when engaging…

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6 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Development Theory Immigrant Problems Identity

Words: 1938
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

George's marriage to Ella is his second one; his first wife was from an arranged marriage in Pakistan that left him unhappy. Yet he was able to incorporate…

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2 Pages


Identity Who Ami Who I

Words: 808
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In essence I am a very gregarious person with many friends. I enjoy the company of others and I am especially devoted to my family. I feel that family…

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1 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Identity Is This Explanation Sufficient

Words: 321
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

Aspects of identity that might have been denied or denigrated because of colonial mentalities can resurface and be admired. Discourse on gender and social class has also deepened…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Student's Necessary Steps Toward Social and Scholastic Development

Words: 895
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Student Social Identity Development How and hy Students Develop a Social Identity hat is meant by Student Development? Author Nancy J. Evans notes that the phrase "Student Development" too often becomes simply…

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7 Pages

Ethics and Morality

Ethnic Self Identity

Words: 2394
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction According to Phinney and Alipuria (1987), ethnic self-identity is the sense of self that an individual feels; being a member of an ethnic group, along with the behavior and…

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4 Pages

Sociology - Race

Self Identity

Words: 1304
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Cheesman (2002) conducted a study on Karen identity in the Union of Myanmar with regards to historical and social conditions. The study found that Karen identity is a relatively…

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3 Pages

Psychology - Developmental

Child Adolescent Development

Words: 1576
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Infant Physical, Cognitive and Social Development One of the most important aspects of a child's physical, cognitive and social development is motor skills development. In this case, an infant is…

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10 Pages


Culture and Identity the Combined

Words: 4601
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Article

A widely quoted and interesting functioning definition has been provided by Geert Hofstede who suggests that culture should be considered as software of a person's mind. He is…

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4 Pages


Muslim Youth Identity in biculturalism america

Words: 1369
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Identity and Identity Construction Identity is socially constructed, a process that begins at an early age. Child rearing practices at home and school and community socialization begin the process of…

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