Intel Corporation Essays (Examples)

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Intel Corporation

Intel was able to show the PC companies the ways in which their microprocessors would be beneficial and the PC companies knew that the products would be of high quality because Intel had a good reputation. Overall this type of strength has assisted the company greatly in promoting and selling its products.

6. Manufacturing Efficiencies- One of the major strengths of the company is that is has a close relationship with the enegineers that are responsible for building the equipment that Intel uses to manufacture its products. The case study explains

"Due to its scale, Intel enjoys considerable leverage over equipment suppliers. I some cases Intel will design a new machine itself and then have equipment vendors manufacture it. In others, Intel works closely with vendors on the design of a piece of equipment. As a result, Intel itself holds hundreds of patents relating to the process manufacturing semiconductors. Whenever equipment is….

Typically ne entrants are formed from mergers and acquisitions of existing competitors and their continued attempts to dominate the higher-volume, lower price segments of the market.
Competitive Rivalry

The entire industry is characterized by its very high level of competitive rivalry, between not only global competitors who compete on semiconductors and microprocessors, but also on entire board-level products including motherboards and networking equipment circuitry. This translates into a heavy emphasis on time-to-market and the ability to create product designs that can quickly be turned into new products and product line extensions over time.

Company Analysis

In analyzing the company's inherent strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a SWOT analysis framework has been defined. eginning with the company's strengths, Intel has exceptional market position and branding awareness in the microprocessor market. It has strengthened this position with its innovative use of cooperative advertising programs for PC manufacturers standardizing on their processors, and for channel resellers….

Competitive Pricing Pressure and Globalization

Intel's ability to execute the three platform strategy and gain market share as a result is highly dependent on growth into China and India, two nations the company faces entrenched, low-cost competitors. Specifically in China, Intel faces competitive threats from Lenovo, a household brand in that nation, and the compounded competitive challenge of AMD-based systems in these geographies (Einhorn 2006). One of Intel's strategic errors was relying purely on production efficiency to gain cost advantages to compete directly with low cost rivals. Now with a market-centered platform plan, Intel can be more selective in its responses to pricing pressure and the overall product introduction strategies. In 2006, Intel launched more products ever before in the company's history (Business Week 2007) and also specifically defined an entirely new organizational approach to responding to special pricing requests from dealers and distributors throughout their distribution channels. The result has….

Source: Intel 2007 Annual eport

However the company's budgets are undisclosed to the general public, Intel emphasizes on the increasing value of the &D Department. For instance, a decade ago, this budget had a value of $2.5 million; by 2008, the value had more than doubled, reaching $5.8 million

Source: Intel 2007 Annual eport

The process of budget planning within Intel is briefly explained in the following quotation. "The company's budget and planning process commences with a segment-level evaluation - which as noted above excludes share-based compensation - and culminates with the preparation of a consolidated annual and/or quarterly budget that includes these non-GAAP financial measures (gross margin, research and development expenses, marketing, general and administrative expenses, operating income, income tax expense, net income and EPS). This budget, once finalized and approved, serves as the basis for allocation of resources and management of operations. While share-based compensation is a significant expense affecting the….

Accounting and Finance: Financial Statement Analysis Project
Intel Corporation is situated in California and is regarded as one of the major innovators and trailblazers in the creation and advancement of technology. Intel was founded in the year 1968 and in the year 1970, the company finalized its initial public offer (IPO) and became a publicly traded company. It trades as INTC in the NASDAQ stock exchange. This project seeks to provide a comprehensive look at the annual report of Intel Corporation and compares it with the industry in which it operates. The paper will consist of an analysis of the company's financial statements and will be in relation to the business setting and the industry in which it operates.

SWOT Analysis


One of the strong suits of Intel is the great focus and emphasis on continuous innovation, research and development (&D). According to statistical figures, Intel was the highest spender in &D which….

Intel SWOT Analysis
The following is an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of Intel Corporation. What is noteworthy regarding this company is their ability to continually reinvent themselves beginning with esearch & Development (&D) processes and strategies first, then emanating to all other areas of their value chain (West, Iansiti, 2003). This has led to Intel surviving many generations of technology shifts while competitors less agile have either been consolidated into other companies or exited key markets (aynor, 2011).


The following are the key strengths of Intel Corporation. First, they have the most comprehensive product line of microprocessors of any technology components company globally, which gives them the ability to quickly move into entirely new markets and dominate them (West, Iansiti, 2003). Second, Intel is exceptionally skilled at creating alliances and partnerships that serve as strong catalysts of innovation, greater market adoption (as the alliance with Microsoft did….

Intel Capital - the Berkeley Networks Investment" in analysis, questions answered: 1) Why Intel Berkeley Networks form partnership? 2) Did firm achieve goals? If, ? If, ? 3) What
Intel Capital: The Berkeley Network investment

The Intel Corporation is the largest company in the industry of computer microprocessors and its success has been based on a strong managerial model which emphasized not only the technical aspects -- such as resource management or operational efficiency -- but also the non-technical aspects of the business, such as the role played by the staff members in attaining overall corporate objectives, or the importance of learning and development to achieving pre-established goals.

The partnership with Berkeley represented the perfect mechanism by which Intel could develop and expand both its technical skills, as well as its non-technical skills. In other words, Intel would benefit from the technical expertise of the Berkley staff, and would also create an….

al.). What emerges then is an agile, values-based platform for optimizing organizational structure for quality management. All of these factors taken together are designed to also provide Intel with the ability to move quickly to attain the benefits of Moore's Law as well.
Intel Manufacturing's Use of Metrics to Manage Quality and Compliance

Intel Manufacturing's Compliance and Quality Management initiatives are heavily centered on the Six Sigma DMAIC and the Total Quality Management (TQM) techniques and methodologies (English, 2004). The collection of metrics that are generated from the Six Sigma DMAIC, TQM and Compliance initiatives include capacity utilization, yield measurements, Defect Parts Per Million (PPM), and Voice of the Customer (VoC) feedback from the DMAIC process. Additionally there are scorecards generated of reliability and durability measures. All of these factors are critical during the New Product Development and Introduction (NPDI) process. Overlaying quality to the NPDI process provides Figure 2.

Figure 2: NPDI….

Intel's Annual Report

Investments may be classified into the following categories: Trading assets, Available-for-sale investments and Non-marketable equity securities and other investments. Certain marketable debt and equity securities are considered trading assets. They are subject to exchange rate and interest rate modifications, so the generated risk is mitigated through the use of derivative instruments.
The 'available-for-sale' includes another category of marketable debt and equity securities. These investments are reported at fair value on the balance sheet with unrealized gains and losses recorded in stockholders' equity, net of tax. If the securities are sold, their cost is calculated using a specific identification method. The gains and losses incurred as a result of selling debt securities are recorded in interest and other (net value). Should the available-for-sale investments be equity securities, they would be recorded in gains (losses) on equity securities. However, every decrease of the value of such securities (stocks) has to be considered permanent….

" (Goettler & Gordon, 1) and according to the research produced above in the source by GS, AMD actually saw its market share decline across the same sample period.
This denotes the relatively monolithic nature of the microprocessor industry. This also denotes an extremely attractive field from Intel's perspective. Horn (2009) advises using Porter's Five Forces as a way of understanding Intel's role within its market. Here, Horn notes that "Michael Porter's five forces analysis determines the attractiveness of an industry based on bargaining power of the supplier and buyer, threat of substitutes, threat of new entrants, and rivalry among existing competitors. In the microprocessor industry, buyer bargaining power, new entrants, and rivalry are all strong forces while supplier bargaining power and threat of substitutes are weak forces." (Horn, 1)

It is thus that we consider those forces which are acknowledged as determinant in the industry. Horn points to buyer bargaining power….

Creating Sound Technology-Focused Initiatives for Intel

Intel, a manufacturer and designer of microprocessor chips, is one of the leading technology companies critical in the global evolution of electronic products. But how so? What strategic initiatives are in place that allows Intel to execute its business strategy, remain competitive in an ever-growing competitive market, and continue to innovate? If Intel's strategies are in place, how do they propel Intel's products that will create new opportunities, new innovation, and the next generation of microprocessors?

This paper analyzes the strategies that Intel currently has in place, core competencies that feed those strategies, and how those strategies lead to product innovation and protection with the ultimate goal of creating technology-focused initiatives that Intel should be engaged in. The emphasis for Intel is to be able to adapt to a changing (and sometimes chaotic) industry, thus technological revolution must always be around the corner for Intel,….

Financial Analysis
ationale for choosing the company for which to invest

The company selected for this financial research report is Intel Corporation. The rationale for selecting this company is because Intel is considered to be one of the major pioneers and forerunners in the field of technology. Intel Corporation dominates about 80% of the market share that is made up of microprocessors.

atio analysis

It is imperative to note that the financial statement of a company alone offers limited understanding and insight into the performance of the company itself. So as to attain a much profound and richer comprehension of what is going on within a company, there has to be a relevant basis of comparison. Comparison can include making an analysis of financial ratios of the company as well as the industry benchmarks it offers the stakeholders, with tools to detect any strength and weaknesses of the company. This in particular can be….

AMD Processors
AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) is a Sunnyvale, California-based semiconductor manufacturer. The Company designs, manufactures and markets digital integrated circuits that are used in desktop and mobile PCs, workstations, servers, communications equipment and consumer electronics. Over the years, AMD has emerged as the only credible competitor to Intel Corp -- and has shipped more than 240 million PC processors worldwide since it was founded in 1969. This Report investigates the current product offerings by AMD, discusses their compatibility, and compares the performance of AMD processors with Intel Processors.

Current AMD Product Offerings

AMD is currently involved in the design, manufacture and marketing of Desktop, Mobile, Server, and orkstation processors.

Desktop Processors: AMD offers the full range of processors -- from the high-end 64-bit to the low-priced "budget" processor for the desktop PCs.

AMD Athlon 64: It is currently the Company's most advanced (8th generation) processor for desktop PCs and is advertised by….

2). The company has demonstrated this effect time and again as it enters new, standardized product categories, such as network servers, workstations, mobility products, printers and other electronic accessories; in fact, almost 20% of every standards-based computer system sold in the world today is a Dell: "This global reach indicates our direct approach is relevant across product lines, regions and customer segments" (Dell at a glance, 2007, p. 3).
Today, Dell competes on a global basis, and it manages its business through three key geographic segments as shown in Table 1 below:

Table 1.

Dell Geographic Business Segments.

Geographic Segment


The Americas

This business unit accounted for about 64% of the $56 billion the company earned in revenues in 2005 (Allison, 2006). This market region includes the U.S., Canada, and Latin America (Dell Annual eport, 2006); one Dell executive, Lawrence Pentland, was recently assigned control of the operations in Latin America. Within the Americas, the….

Boy Scouts of America Have

(BSA's Policies On Homosexuality)
The Boy Scout of America's policy on homosexuality has been revised multiple times with the most recent revision taking place in 2012.

Because of their position against homosexuality, the Boy Scouts of America have been subject to four separate lawsuits: Curran v. Mount Diablo Council of Boy Scouts of America, 952 P.2d 218 (1998), Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, 530 U.S.640 (2000), Chicago Area Council of Boy Scouts of America v. City of Chicago Commission on Human Relations, 748 N.E. 2d 759 (2001), and Boy Scouts of America v. District of Columbia Commission on Human Rights, 809 A.2d 1192 (2002). In each of these cases, homosexual men who were stripped of their leadership positions within the Boy Scouts sued the organization for discrimination and claimed that their civil rights had been violated. However, in each of these cases, it was determined that the "Boy Scouts asserts….

15 Pages
Case Study

Education - Computers

Intel Corporation

Words: 4271
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Case Study

Intel was able to show the PC companies the ways in which their microprocessors would be beneficial and the PC companies knew that the products would be of high…

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8 Pages

Education - Computers

Intel Corporation Has Progressed From

Words: 2905
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

Typically ne entrants are formed from mergers and acquisitions of existing competitors and their continued attempts to dominate the higher-volume, lower price segments of the market. Competitive Rivalry The entire…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Intel Corporation Between Its Revised

Words: 1007
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Competitive Pricing Pressure and Globalization Intel's ability to execute the three platform strategy and gain market share as a result is highly dependent on growth into China and India, two…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Intel Corporation Budget Assessment of

Words: 1256
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Source: Intel 2007 Annual eport However the company's budgets are undisclosed to the general public, Intel emphasizes on the increasing value of the &D Department. For instance, a decade ago,…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Financial Statement Analysis of Intel Corporation

Words: 2239
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Accounting and Finance: Financial Statement Analysis Project Intel Corporation is situated in California and is regarded as one of the major innovators and trailblazers in the creation and advancement of…

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2 Pages


Intel SWOT Analysis the Following Is an

Words: 812
Length: 2 Pages
Type: SWOT

Intel SWOT Analysis The following is an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of Intel Corporation. What is noteworthy regarding this company is their ability to continually…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Intel Capital - The Berkeley Networks Investment

Words: 599
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Intel Capital - the Berkeley Networks Investment" in analysis, questions answered: 1) Why Intel Berkeley Networks form partnership? 2) Did firm achieve goals? If, ? If, ? 3)…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Intel Quality System Handbook the

Words: 1125
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

al.). What emerges then is an agile, values-based platform for optimizing organizational structure for quality management. All of these factors taken together are designed to also provide Intel with…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Intel's Annual Report

Words: 1354
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Investments may be classified into the following categories: Trading assets, Available-for-sale investments and Non-marketable equity securities and other investments. Certain marketable debt and equity securities are considered trading assets.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Intel's Dominance of the Microprocessor

Words: 642
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

" (Goettler & Gordon, 1) and according to the research produced above in the source by GS, AMD actually saw its market share decline across the same sample period. This…

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10 Pages


Intel Creating Sound Technology-Focused Initiatives for Intel

Words: 2849
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Intel Creating Sound Technology-Focused Initiatives for Intel Intel, a manufacturer and designer of microprocessor chips, is one of the leading technology companies critical in the global evolution of electronic products.…

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5 Pages


Financial Analysis Rationale for Choosing the Company

Words: 1641
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Financial Analysis ationale for choosing the company for which to invest The company selected for this financial research report is Intel Corporation. The rationale for selecting this company is because Intel…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Compatibility of Microprocessors

Words: 2045
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

AMD Processors AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) is a Sunnyvale, California-based semiconductor manufacturer. The Company designs, manufactures and markets digital integrated circuits that are used in desktop and mobile…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Organizational Technology Plan for Dell

Words: 3563
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

2). The company has demonstrated this effect time and again as it enters new, standardized product categories, such as network servers, workstations, mobility products, printers and other electronic…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Boy Scouts of America Have

Words: 1125
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

(BSA's Policies On Homosexuality) The Boy Scout of America's policy on homosexuality has been revised multiple times with the most recent revision taking place in 2012. Because of their position…

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