International Essays (Examples)

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International Training and Development
International training and management development are amongst the well-known themes of business management structures. The remarkable work of different researchers on the significance and implementation of these theories is used by Multinational Enterprises (MNE's) to some extent. However, MNE's have failed to adopt the entire essence of this theme and only bits and pieces of this culture have been implemented. This paper is a representation of the conjectures on this subject and the way they have been implemented in practical world. Using the existing research work, this paper highlights the difference between the applications and philosophies of this in academic and practical world. No matter how hard one tries to bridge the gap between the two, a crack always increases the distance. International training and management development is an important tool to deal with the side effects of globalization. As companies extend their boundaries outside their homeland,….

International Commercial Arbitration
As the limitations among nations reduce, and the intricacy associated with worldwide industrial dealings improves, the organic result created is one which clashes with the increasing standards that are typically enclosed inside the limitations of a single legislation as well as impacts individuals all over the globe. Consequently, the actual events associated with cross-border industrial controversies possess an array of choices for adjudication of the controversies: (1) resort to the courtroom that belongs to them under the standardized legislation; (2) resort to the courtroom of the adversary's legislation; or even (3) resort for an out-of-court discussion board.

The groups that align in the worldwide industrial accords or contracts generally select the 3rd choice that signifies international arbitration, as a way associated with solving their own feasible upcoming controversies because, a minimum of within rule of arbitration, arbitration offers several benefits more than transnational litigation:

(1) A good arbitral tribunal is….

International Lending and Financial Crises
There has been remarkable growth in the gross and net external positions and international capital flows in the last two decades. This represents growth of nearly three times among industrialized or developed countries and has led to large effects on the valuation of asset price and exchange rates have also changed considerably with these countries having larger external assets and liabilities. This increase in international capital flows has led to increased interest in understanding the concepts and forces that drive capital flows and their effects on the economy, especially at macro level. Most of what is known about these international capital flows is within risk-free bond trading only. By presenting an analysis of the empirical reasons for the international financial crisis and the role of the International Monetary Fund using what is known about international capital flows, it is possible to understand why these crises are….

International Business Law -- ecognition
International ecognition Law -- ecognition

The number of states in the world map is constantly increasing. In the beginning of 20th century it was fifty five, in the middle it touched the figure of seventy five and by 2005 it soared up to 200 in total (Crawford, 2006). With increase in number of states, the concept of state recognition is also emerging on the international platform, where the states are recognized as an entity or legal authority. The concept has gained much importance by virtue of its consequences. It has been formally defined as a process which enables state governments to face the changes taking place internationally (Grant, 1999). The change can either be creation of new state or change in its internal situations and foreign relations.

The concept of state recognition is emerging in International Law primarily because of producing significant results. Meeting required qualifications is not….

Despite offering particular benefits to post-conflict nations, increased levels of help following civil war also comes with negative upshots that entails a rise in fraud and jeopardizing one of the basic objectives of peacekeeping.
Corruption affects the peacebuilding process, institutions and people in a given nation. For instance in Herzegovina and Bosnia, corruption affected the operation of Bosnian judicial institutions (Kahler, 2013). Moreover, the strategy adapted to address fraud in Bosnia that entailed reforming judicial system, dismissal regimes and discipline were not tactical enough but responsive in temperament. The international society claimed that the reforms should be domestically led and owned where resulting rules should echo the accessible cultural and legal paradigms.

United Nations Peacekeeping and Corruption

According to Gold (2005), the United Nations is not a compassionate, but an inefficient world body. Gold asserts that the United Nations has instigated the rise and spread of global chaos. For instance, between 1999….

International Organizational Structures
Companies engaging in global business ideally adopt business structures/models that give a significant competitive edge over other worldwide companies. Four of the major structures/models employed globally focus on Product, Geographic Area, corporate Functions or specific Customer groups (also known as "verticals"). Research shows that specific business adopt one or more of these models based on corporate circumstances and with varying degrees of success.

Global Product Structure/Model and Example

Global Product Structure configures business divisions along product lines. Allowing each division manager to handle all aspects of production and distribution for his/her division's product, the system also makes the product division manager fully responsible for worldwide success of his/her division's product. Global Product Structure is a commonly used framework because it provides several key advantages, given here in no particular order of importance. First, by controlling all functions of production and distribution for his/her product, the division manager is better able….

International Financial Contagion in Currency Crisis
The authors in the Journal of International Money and Finance argue that market crises seem to spread from one country to another in a kind of "contagion" (Caramazza, et al., 2004). Why does this happen? They wonder first of all what makes one crisis "…spill over to others," and moreover, the factors that might account for the "…temporal clustering of crises" appear to break down into four areas of concern.

First, when a financial glitch occurs in one country -- like the increase in U.S. interest rates in the 1980s, which contributed to the 1994-95 Mexican peso crisis -- it is considered a "common shock" and deserves close observation; secondly, if a country depreciates its currency, that act can negatively impact its trading partners (Caramazza, 53). The third aspect references the fact that investors quickly rid themselves of their assets when a crisis occurs, contributing to….

International Financial Crises and the IMF
Demand failures are a major economic problem, and one that cannot necessarily be addressed by cutting interest rates as once believed. Small economies, such as those known as the Asian "tigers" are not invulnerable to international speculation. They may, in fact, resist cutting their interest rates -- raising them instead in an effort to keep their currencies from collapse. Failed economies financed poor investments with huge debt, and when the markets turned on their currencies -- causing them to plummet -- the foreign debt value grew astronomically causing an enormous number of companies to fail. The International Money Fund quickly identified the source of the crises as deeply structural and requiring fundamental financial reforms. Some pundits argue that the IMF should have focused more on the panic and less on reforms. Indeed, the variable performance of Korea (which rolled over debt) and Malaysia (which imposed….

It also creates consumer loyalty thereby ensuring dominance in the international market.

Branding helps to create consumer attachment to products Myers H., 2004.

Samsung electronics gives more meaning to products and customer through branding its products. Branding according to umelt (1991)

brings in the aspect of trust, loyalty and excellent value to customers. To venture in the international market branding is important for sustainability and survival Finch P., 2004.

It is also an innovative way of improving the customers' experiences in using products and reserving identifying with the products. Branding by Samsung has ensured that customer identification of the products is easy and they can easily accord a value on the product.

Overview of Samsung's Strategy

In choosing its preferred internationalization strategy Samsung electronics deploys emphasis on three major aspects. These aspects give a summary of strategies discussed earlier. They include Adaptation, Aggression, arbitrage (AAA triangle).

Adaptation is concerned with specific market condition where aspects of….

International Advertising

International Marketing
Czinkota urges those he consults for as well as the readers to cultivate awareness about themselves and about their assumptions. Czinkota communicates the reward and the utility of considering ideas outside the realm of established assumptions. A basic assumption that Czinkota asks us to consider is the international marketing industry has not changed or is not changing as rapidly as other industries. His first main argument of the article is that the international marketing industry has made many shifts during the 21st century. He also presents the connections between domestic economic activity and international marketing. Increased awareness is helpful and relevant in any industry. Professionals of any industry should be aware of their assumptions and seek ways to strategize outside of them. His point about the connection between economics and marketing is very interesting. His statement is intuitive and simple, yet innovative. Any economic activity has affects that ripple….

The management layer helped keep all the local leadership in line. Here, the case study states that: entrepreneurship was in the company's DNA. But professional management practice had been needed for the company to deliver increasingly large and complex projects" (Williams & Davis, 2011, p 13). It became more and more important to focus on strategies that would structure the company to efficiently operate, while continuing to foster the creativity that drove it forward in the first place.
There are several ways the company can remain nimble and innovative enough to compete along with constantly emerging technology, despite its maturing organizational structure. The primary importance is a structure which relies on local leadership. Having locally centered power will allow the company to adapt as it needs to in a very diverse global marketplace. Infusion needs to focus on not falling into the trap of old molds, where the international business….

International Accounting

International Accounting
The Dupont analysis identifies three key equity value drivers. These are operating efficiency, asset use efficiency, and financial leverage. Operating efficiency is measured by the (net) profit margin, asset use efficiency by total asset turnover and financial leverage by the equity multiplier (Investopedia, 2013). Operating efficiency is clearly one path to healthy returns, because firms with higher margins are more likely to earn profit. They can withstand price shocks in their industries as well, allowing them to earn profit even under adverse circumstances. The total asset turnover represents the degree to which the company's assets contribute to profits. hile the first two are good for the value of the firm as a whole, the equity multiplier reflects how much of the firm is actually owned by the shareholders. Thus, the equity multiplier is critical to the Dupont formula in order to determine how the company's performance drives equity value….

International Monetary System and Exchange ate Policies
A report/essay: chapter 17, multinational companies. select topic research write: Multinational vs. domestic financial management exchange rates international trade international monetary system exchange rate policies trading foreign exchange european monetary union interest

rate parity/purchasing power parity international capital structures.

The international monetary system and exchange rate policies

International Monetary systems

These are a set of rules and that regulate how international trade and payments are handled. It facilitates the exchange of capital, goods and services among countries. However, this system does not have a physical presence but, it consists of interlacing rules and procedures and is influenced by the market of foreign exchange. An example of an international monetary system is the International monetary fund. These interlacing rules and procedures are referred to as exchange rate Policies.

Exchange rate policies

These are rules that officials of public finance from different nations have developed and put in place and, they modify….

International Financial Markets and Institutions:
Throughout the globe, today's landscape of international financial market and institutions has continued to experience several changes that require practitioners to examine new models. The need for practitioners to examine new models that are relevant to the state of these markets and institutions has also been necessitated by the recent events that contribute to financial crises, which have been very dramatic. Actually, the recent financial crisis has had significant impacts on the financial institutions and markets resulting in the need for changes. International financial markets and institutions have become an important aspect of economies because they affect daily life. This is primarily because they involve the huge flow of different types of funds in the entire economy that in turn impact the profits of businesses, production of goods and services, and economic well-being of countries. In some cases, the events in these institutions and markets become….

International HM -- Women on International HM assignments
International HM has gained a lot of importance in the last few years, thanks to globalization and the opening up of many economies. It is more complex than domestic HM and this can be attributed to six factors, namely, the increased number of activities such as taxation, relocation and orientation; need for a broader understanding and perspective of different nations, the higher role of H managers in the personal lives of employees to ensure they are happy and satisfied, dealing with the cultural changes of a diverse workforce, higher risk and extensive influence of factors that are beyond the control of H managers (Dowling, Festing & Engle, 2008).

In the context of such a situation, international assignments have assumed greater importance and more people are traveling to foreign countries as a part of their job. A closer analysis of international assignments would show that….

An endangered species is a species that is on the brink of extinction.  Species can be endangered in two ways.  First, its habitat could be threatened in a way that makes extinction likely if no change is taken.  Second, the species could have experienced a significant decline in population that is likely to lead to extinction. In the United States, determination of whether a species is endangered is made by either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service, but designations vary from country-to-country.  Internationally, the International Union for Conservation of Nature makes....

9 Pages

Business - Management

International Training and Development

Words: 3474
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

International Training and Development International training and management development are amongst the well-known themes of business management structures. The remarkable work of different researchers on the significance and implementation of…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

International Commercial Arbitration

Words: 3434
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

International Commercial Arbitration As the limitations among nations reduce, and the intricacy associated with worldwide industrial dealings improves, the organic result created is one which clashes with the increasing standards…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


International Lending and Financial Crises

Words: 2157
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

International Lending and Financial Crises There has been remarkable growth in the gross and net external positions and international capital flows in the last two decades. This represents growth of…

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8 Pages

Business - Law

International Business Law -- Recognition International Recognition

Words: 2705
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

International Business Law -- ecognition International ecognition Law -- ecognition The number of states in the world map is constantly increasing. In the beginning of 20th century it was fifty five,…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


International Political Economics The Impacts

Words: 4412
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Despite offering particular benefits to post-conflict nations, increased levels of help following civil war also comes with negative upshots that entails a rise in fraud and jeopardizing one…

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6 Pages


International Organizational Structures Companies Engaging in Global

Words: 2272
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

International Organizational Structures Companies engaging in global business ideally adopt business structures/models that give a significant competitive edge over other worldwide companies. Four of the major structures/models employed globally focus…

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3 Pages


International Financial Contagion in Currency Crisis the

Words: 1074
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

International Financial Contagion in Currency Crisis The authors in the Journal of International Money and Finance argue that market crises seem to spread from one country to another in a…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


International Financial Crises and the IMF

Words: 2842
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

International Financial Crises and the IMF Demand failures are a major economic problem, and one that cannot necessarily be addressed by cutting interest rates as once believed. Small economies, such…

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9 Pages


International Strategic Management Project Overview

Words: 2893
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Assessment

It also creates consumer loyalty thereby ensuring dominance in the international market. Branding Branding helps to create consumer attachment to products Myers H., 2004. Samsung electronics gives more meaning to products…

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3 Pages
Article Review

Business - Advertising

International Advertising

Words: 763
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

International Marketing Czinkota urges those he consults for as well as the readers to cultivate awareness about themselves and about their assumptions. Czinkota communicates the reward and the utility of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


International Entrepreneurship Infusion International Entrepreneurship

Words: 1258
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The management layer helped keep all the local leadership in line. Here, the case study states that: entrepreneurship was in the company's DNA. But professional management practice had…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


International Accounting

Words: 965
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

International Accounting The Dupont analysis identifies three key equity value drivers. These are operating efficiency, asset use efficiency, and financial leverage. Operating efficiency is measured by the (net) profit margin,…

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4 Pages


International Monetary System and Exchange Rate Policies

Words: 1065
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

International Monetary System and Exchange ate Policies A report/essay: chapter 17, multinational companies. select topic research write: Multinational vs. domestic financial management exchange rates international trade international monetary system exchange…

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8 Pages


International Financial Markets and Institutions Throughout the

Words: 2559
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

International Financial Markets and Institutions: Throughout the globe, today's landscape of international financial market and institutions has continued to experience several changes that require practitioners to examine new models. The…

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4 Pages

Sports - Women

International HRM -- Women on International HRM

Words: 1468
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

International HM -- Women on International HM assignments International HM has gained a lot of importance in the last few years, thanks to globalization and the opening up of many…

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