John Smith Essays (Examples)

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John Smith Founding the Virginia Colony
Pages: 5 Words: 1465

John Smith Founding the Virginia Colony
John Smith

John Smith founding Virginia Colony

Barbour,(1969) a historian whose studies mostly have been on the Virginia colony and its' earliest founder, describe John Smith as a fellow author, explorer and an English solider, who before his death in 21st June, the year 1631 was knighted by Prince Bathory of Transylvanian for defeating and killing the Turkish commanders. Barbour further ads on that John Smith would be remembered in centuries to come for is active participation in founding the first English permanent settlement at Jamestown, Virginia in the Northern part of America.

According to studies and researches conducted by Benjamin (2008) the myth or story that John Smith founded Virginia colony can be traced back to the year 1606 when two companies from England namely the Plymouth company and the London company were charted by the then ing James the first to set voyage and colonize the…...


Kupperman, K., Indians & English: Facing Off in Early America. Cornell University Press: Ithaca: 2000, p 297

Lemay, J. Did Pocahontas Save Captain John Smith? Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1992, p. 25.

Milton. G., Big Chief Elizabeth: The Adventures and Fate of the First English Colonists in America: Macmillan, New York, 2001.p 34-79

John Smith Operates His Personal Attorney Service
Pages: 2 Words: 927

John Smith operates his personal attorney service, which for tax purposes the limited liability company (LLC) and treated as a partnership. A partnership's income and expenses are to be reported on the U.S. eturn of Partnership Income, Form 1065, on an annual basis. If there is more than one owner to John Smith's business, each partner will pay the income tax by filing a Form 1065 Schedule K-1, Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. This form will identify the income, expenses, and other items, as well as how much is distributed to each partner's share in accordance with their agreement (, 2011).
John Smith is also curious as to how the $25,000 of prepaid expenses will be treated on his federal taxes. The federal government considers business expenses as those that are the cost of operating a trade or a business. Because these costs were used in the operation of…...


References (2010, January). Amended U.S. individual income tax return. Retrieved February 8,

2011 from  

John Smith and William Bradford
Pages: 7 Words: 2847

That means that out of every five children who are now living in the United States, one lives in poverty. That is one too many. This is just unacceptable. Poverty does not only have a direct effect on the financial backing for these children and their families, but it has much higher physical, social, and emotional complications. Children who grow up poor, as a result have had worse access to medical care than someone who has grown up under better financial circumstances, so they are more likely to get sick and stay sick for longer, since they cannot get decent health care right away.
This problem needs to be fixed before a generation of impoverished children lose out on what is equally and rightfully theirs as American citizens. Education should be equally accessed, and a proper future should be attainable by all children, regardless of their financial situation. It is…...

John Smith's Account of Jamestown
Pages: 2 Words: 600

His nagging wife is his only real misery. Everyone else seems to admire Rip for his simple nature and honest character. However his wife cannot see these qualities and this leads to disharmony at home causing Rip Van Winkle to go to a jungle, drink some strange beverage and fall asleep for two decades.
When he wakes up the world he left is no longer a domain of George III but has become part of American federation. Now Winkle becomes a sign of old world for everyone and people listen to his story with great interest. Winkle was initially disoriented because of the loss of his old world but gradually realizes the beauty of this world where no nagging wife existed. He was not concerned about the larger politics. He was only happy about deliverance from "petticoat government"; a form of government he had endured for many years before he…...

Captain John Smith Was John Smith a
Pages: 2 Words: 765

Captain John Smith
as John Smith a writer that scholars and researchers today can rely on for an accurate recounting of history? Can his account of events be trusted? hat were his strengths and weaknesses as a writer? hat is the reason that he writes in the third person? These are questions that will be addressed in this paper.

According to scholarly research that has been published about Smith and about his writing, he was not a very good writer and indeed he plagiarized in many of his writings, although it is also true that in some instances he mentioned the name of the author that he had "borrowed" from at the end of the piece. He would sometimes mention the author he was copying from at the end of the writing, but readers cannot know exactly what text he stole from whom because he did not footnote or otherwise make clear…...


Works Cited

Emerson, Everett H. (1971). Captain John Smith. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc.

Smith, Bradford. (1953). Captain John Smith: His Life & Legend. New York: J.B. Lippincott


Vaughan, Alden T. (1975). American Genesis: Captain John Smith and the Founding of Virginia. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

Smith's General History Captain John
Pages: 5 Words: 1546

However the text was also written to promote both the New World colonies and Smith himself, and these strains often appear stronger than the push towards historical objectivity. It could be said, then, that the real purpose behind the writing of the General History was to advance Smith's own career and image back in England, rather than to provide other people of his day an accurate description of life in the New World. It could also have been motivated as a defense of colonial efforts, as there are several mentions of bettering certain "savages" by exposing them to English culture and Christianity, as well as other feature of European society that Smith sees as superior (Smith, 328).
Because of these ulterior motives, this text cannot be entirely trusted. Its basic depiction of life in the New World and the specific events mentioned can generally be regarded as reflecting the truth,…...

John Barry & 8230 THOUGH Much of
Pages: 3 Words: 1172

This was the break that got Barry in movie music, and clearly this was a perfect genre for the talented musician and songwriter.
Barry was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1998 and another honor he received was to be named "Officer of the Order of the British Empire" in 1999 (Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television, 2011).

If anyone wants proof of the genius of John Barry, all one needs to do is "…close your eyes and think of the film 'Born Free'. The first thing that comes back to you is the music," according to Don Black, who was Barry's lyricist "…for many of the past 50 years" (Mail Online). "He was passionate about his work" and he "had a way of connecting emotionally with a story," Black explained.

In 2000, Barry told the New York Times, "I like to score the inner feelings of a character -- get…...


Works Cited / Bibliography

Billboard "Brit Film Composer John Barry Collecting Honors." Retrieved April 22, 2013, from .

Biography in Context. "Barry's sexy theme gave 007 swing: composer's dangerous, dark vibe still guides the latest Bond scores." Retrieved April 22, 2013, from


Black, Don. "Bond viveur: 007 composer John Barry's huge appetite for love, lunches and glorious music." Mail Online. Retrieved April 22, 2013, from .

John 5 13-21 Passage -- John
Pages: 10 Words: 3508

Gnostics believed that they belonged to the "true church" of an elect few who were worthy; the orthodox Christians would not be saved because they were blind to the truth.
Part E -- Content - if we then combine the historical outline of the "reason" for John's writings with the overall message, we can conclude that there are at least five major paradigms present that are important in a contextual analysis of John.

John 5:13 - I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. This seems to point that John saw a clear difference between those who believed in Jesus as the Son of God, but were unsure about eternal life. However, if we look back at other parts of his Gospel, we do find repetition of this theme. In John 1:5-7, for…...



Raymond Brown, "Does the New Testament Call Jesus God?" Theological Studies.26: 1,


Clark, N. Interpreting the Resurrection. (London: SCM Press, 1967).

Hamilton, James. God's Indwelling Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments.

John Locke Political Thought on
Pages: 15 Words: 4766

S. Constitution as offering much protection but instead view it as being the responsibility of the states to provide protection for private property owners. In the event that the courts "...continue to abdicate their role as the protector of individuals rights, then big government and powerful corporations will continue to run roughshod over the property interest of small landowners." (Liles, 2006, p.372)
Liles holds that the legislature being allowed a leeway that is so constitutionally broad in defining the protections afforded to private property effectively "...defies the necessary checks and balances implicit in our system of government." (p.372) Part of the problem appears to be that the definition applied to 'public use' has become quite lenient over the years and while it in the beginning meant that "the public must own property" it now has been construed to mean that "private parties can own the land so long as the land…...



Restoring Our Heritage of Property Rights (2006) Mackenzie Center for Public Policy. Online available at: 

Hansen, David (2007) Kelo v. New London: Economics and Ethics. 2007. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte North Carolina. Online available at: 

Liles, Brett D. (2007) Reconsidering Poletown: In the Wake of Kelo, States Should Move to Restore Private Property Rights. Arizona Law Review. Vol. 48:369. Online available at: 

Kelo, et. Al v. City of New London, Connecticut, et al. In the Supreme Court of the United States. No. 04-108. Washington DC 22 Feb 2005. Online available at:

Smith & Wesson S& w Is
Pages: 17 Words: 5119

In this segment S&W competes with Beretta from Italy, Heckler & Koch from Germany and Fabrique Nationale from Belgium. The most dominant competitor in this segment is Glock of Austria, which sold 50,000 Glock Model 19 pistols to Iraqi Security Forces without the consent and approval of U.S.-based collation command or the U.S. Congress. Glock, in refusing to cooperate with the U.S. military, has opened up a significant opportunity for S&W in government markets based on the conflict Glock has created and the preference of Congressional members to buy from domestic suppliers.
Available Substitute Products

There is an abundance of substitute products as the handgun marketplace is fragmented with nine different manufacturers, each with between 5% to 14% market shares. Glock and their innovation in polymer pistols and firearms revolutionized the industry in the 1980s, yet S&W was able to regain their market share by working with distributors, dealers and key…...


References for Assignment #3:

Form 10-K (2006) - Smith & Wesson Form 10-K Filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 14, 2006. Accessed from the Internet on November 13, 2006 at 

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms BATF (2005) - Accessed from Research provided to the public from this agencies' website on November 14, 2006:

BusinessWeek (2005) - Top 100 Global Brands Scorecard. BusinessWeek Online. Data Provided by Interbrand. Part of the Innovation Metrics Series. Accessed from the Internet on November 20, 2006 from

John Rawls the Theory of
Pages: 2 Words: 801

Liberal equality is another principle that was propagated by awls and focuses on the removal of artificial obstacles or man made obstacles as opposed to the natural liberty principles. awls here argues for the removal of inequalities which act as disadvantages to some people and this can be achieved trough giving them a just share of the primary goods the society has to offer. This principle neglects the natural endowments natural disadvantages. Another philosopher, onald Dworkin therefore argues that even if these social primary goods are assembled yet the people with natural disabilities are not given some form of insurance, then they would still be disadvantaged (Matthew Clayton, n.d:8).

The concept of democratic equality deals with liberty and equality. It brings into perspective the basic freedoms and rights like those of speech and assembly among the others. It states that each individual should be accorded these in order to ensure the…...


Robert Cavalier (2012). John Rawls: A Theory of Justice (1971). Drury College. Retrieved October 10, 2012 from 

Leif Wenar, (2012). John Rawls. Retrieved October 10, 2012 from 

Matthew Clayton, (n.d). Liberal Equality and Ethics. Retrieved October 10, 2012 from

John Maynard Kenyes John Maynard
Pages: 7 Words: 2169

The events led to a situation in which the power was distributed between the people and the governmental structures in the meaning that the federal decisions were continually subjected to pressures. The government gradually lost its powers and the direct result was that of increasing levels of uncertainty within the societies. Uncertainty as such came to be a constant of the general life as well as the specific life of the economical and political fields. And this new element -- or at least newly identified element -- could not be neglected. In Keynes's words, uncertainty is recognized as the "inescapable companion to the human condition" (Keynes, 2006).
Aside the realization of uncertainty, Keynes's interest in the element has also opened the doors to the identification of the means in which to best address uncertainty in such a manner that it is managed and it generates a limited negative impact upon…...



Atkinson, G., Oleson, JR., T., 1999, Commons and Keynes: their assault on laissez faire, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 32, No. 4

Cameron, J., Ndholvu, T.P., 1999, Keynes and the distribution of uncertainty: lessons from the Lancashire cotton spinning industry and the great general theory, Review of Social Economy, Vol. 57, No. 1

Harcourt, G.C., Riach, P.A., Keynes, J.M., 1997, A "second edition" of The general theory, Vol. 2, Routeldge, ISBN 0415149436

Holt, R.P.F., Pressman, S., 2001, A new guide to post Keynesian economics, Routledge, ISBN 0415229820

John Locke Employment -- the Morality of
Pages: 3 Words: 1353

John Locke
Employment -- the Morality of the Contract between Employee and Employer

Before entering into a contract for employment, an employees' first concern is usually to gain a living wage, then to gain experience in a particular profession, and perhaps finally to gain advancement within a particular corporate structure, industry, or trade. An employer's main concern in hiring an employee is usually if the employee can perform the job the employee is being hired to perform, if he or she will be deserving of the wage he or she is will be paid, and if he or she will stay for the necessary hours and period of time. However, once the employee has made a commitment to work and the employer has made a commitment to pay the employee for a period of time, the relationship and ratio of obligations invariably grows murkier. hat obligation does the employer have to the…...


Works Cited

Franklin, Benjamin "From the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" Retrieved on April 5, 2005 at .

Franklin, Benjamin. "Benjamin Franklin, How I became a printer in Philadelphia" 

Locke, John. "Two Treatises of Government" (1690) Retrieved on April 5, 2005 at .

Winthrop, John "A Modell of Christian Charity" (1630) Retrieved on April 5, 2005 at .

John Ciardi Faces
Pages: 6 Words: 1851

John Ciardi was born in Boston in 1916. The child if immigrant parents, he attended college in an era when college education was still considered a privilege rather than an expected part of American life. College was the path to a better career, and a path toward making something of the person so that they could give back to society. For Ciardi, he was able to use his college education received from Bates College, Tufts College, and then a master's degree from the University of Michigan in 1939 to do both.
The Midwest has a particular flavor to life that is somewhat lost in the high society of the East coast. Life is about life, not the social trappings that are used to fill our lives with entertainment and intrigue. Some poets of Ciardi's time, such William Carlos Williams, took the impressionism of the time to abstract extreme. The words became…...



Ciardi, J. Dialogue with an Audience. John Ciardi; J.B. Lippincott, 1963.

Ciardi, J. Mid-Century American Poets. Twayne, 1950.

Howell, L. John Ciardi talks about forte and foible NPR Radio and Television Transcript. 03/17/2001.

Simpson, J. Simpson's Contemporary Quotations, Compiled by James B. Simpson. Houghton Mifflin Company. Quote taken from - On Bread Loaf Writers Conference, Reporter, 26 Oct 63

John Locke Was the Type
Pages: 4 Words: 1355

Locke combined the rational, deductive theory of Rene Descartes and the inductive, scientific experimentalism of Francis Bacon and the Royal Society. He gave the estern world the first modern theory of human nature and a new synthesis of the individualistic concept if liberty and the theory of government that was emerging out of the debates over natural law." (Locke 2003) look at Locke's early life shows why his thinking was so well rounded. He first was trained in an area of study that would have led him to become a 'man of the cloth' but instead of choosing that direction he turned to medicine as a field of study. Eventually he was granted the right to practice medicine, and did so, but also began to study in his quest to become a member of the Royal Society. Much of his training had to do with the manner of mankind's attempts…...


Works Cited

Hollis III, Daniel W. (2006) Biblical Politics of John Locke, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp 205-207

Langley, Raymond J. (1998) Locke, John 1632-1704, Encyclopedia of World Biography, Bourgoin, Suzanne M. (ed), 2nd Ed. Detroit: Gale Research,   Accessed February 17, 2007 -,

Locke, John 1632-1704 (2003) Discovering Biography. Online ed. Detroit: Gale

  Accessed February 17, 2007 ,

How can I capture attention with a blend of professionalism, skills, and humor in my introduction?
Words: 530

Crafting an Impactful Introduction: Blending Professionalism, Skills, and Humor
An introduction serves as the first impression you make in a professional setting, be it a job interview, presentation, meeting, or social event. It is an opportunity to showcase your professionalism, highlight your skills, and forge a memorable connection. To achieve this, a blend of professionalism, skills, and humor can be an effective strategy. Here are some guidelines to help you craft a compelling introduction:
1. Maintain Professionalism and Credibility:
Your introduction should convey a sense of professionalism and credibility. Begin with a formal greeting, clearly state your name, and provide your title or....

What is the impact of Jurisprudential analysis on Sierra Leone\'s Cybercrime Act?
Words: 757

1. The Jurisprudential analysis of Sierra Leones Cybercrime Act highlights the importance of legal principles and reasoning in interpreting and applying the law in the context of digital offenses.

2. By examining the Cybercrime Act through a jurisprudential lens, one can better understand the underlying philosophy and values that inform the legislation, shedding light on the intended legal outcomes and societal impacts.

3. Jurisprudential analysis helps to clarify the scope and limitations of the Cybercrime Act in Sierra Leone, allowing for a deeper exploration of the legal rights and responsibilities of individuals in the digital realm.

4. Through jurisprudential examination,....

What key elements are found in prison standard operating procedures according to literature reviews?
Words: 841

< p >Key elements found in prison standard operating procedures include policies and guidelines for the management of inmates, staff training and development, safety and security measures, emergency response protocols, health and medical services, disciplinary procedures, and facilities maintenance. These procedures are designed to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the prison while ensuring the safety and well-being of both inmates and staff. In terms of inmate management, standard operating procedures outline the procedures for intake, classification, housing, and programming of inmates. This includes policies for assessing the needs and risks of individual inmates, assigning them to suitable housing....

How has Christianity influenced modern society and cultural norms?
Words: 305

1. The impact of Christianity on modern society cannot be overstated, influencing everything from laws to social norms.

2. From art to music, Christianity has left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape of the world.

3. The principles of Christianity have played a key role in shaping the ethical framework of modern society.

4. The values espoused by Christianity have helped shape our understanding of charity, compassion, and forgiveness.

5. The spread of Christianity has not only influenced religious beliefs but also politics, economics, and social structures.


  • The Impact....

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