Lance Armstrong Essays (Examples)

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Lance Armstrong Doping Scandal Standards of Praise
Pages: 3 Words: 936

Lance Armstrong Doping Scandal
Standards of Praise: Lance Armstrong as Role Model

Role models exemplify our aspirational achievements that represent the best of what is within our grasp. As children learn by observing the norms by which to govern their own actions, they look to exemplary individuals that demonstrate the virtues of human character. Recognizing that role models are also human and imperfect, witnessing a crestfallen role model compels the question of what principles govern our views of who constitutes an exemplary individual. Lance Armstrong's recent formal striping of his seven cycling titles is the most recent case of how we elevate the individuals that surpass the challenges that are beyond the reach of the ordinary, however with certain implied conditions (Macur).

Lance Armstrong's situation presents a case of contrasts, in which a man afflicted with testicular cancer personifies the frail condition associated with treatment, yet reverses his fortunes to achieve a monumental…...


Works Cited

Baseball Almanac. "61 Home Runs by Roger Maris." 2012. Baseball Almanac Website. 9 December 2012 .

Macur, Juliet. "Lance Armstrong Is Stripped of His 7 Tour de France Titles." 22 October 2012. New York Times Web site. 9 December 2012 .

Sports Reference LLC. "Babe Ruth Player Page." 2012. Baseball Website. 9 December 2012 .

-- . "Roger Maris Player Page." 2012. Website. 9 December 2012 .

Lance and the Shield Most Americans Have
Pages: 5 Words: 1462

Lance and the Shield
Most Americans have some vague idea of who Sitting Bull was - some image that can be dredged up out of memory of a solemn man, sitting very upright, with all the cares of a people written across his face.

But most of us do not have any comprehensive sense of what his contributions were to his own people or to the American nation as a whole. Robert Utley helps fill in the gaps in our collective memory with The Lance and the Shield: The Life and Times of Sitting Bull. The book is an example of what is often called "new history" in that the style is quite literary. Utley has also written, at least to some extent, from the perspective of the Lakota Sioux: This is not an entirely objective portrait of Sitting Bull. However, this should not be interpreted to be a criticism of Utley…...

Sports Illustrated -- Lance Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1644

One of the most pressing problems with the doping incidents is that punishment is so lax in many arenas. The WADA recommends a two-year ban from the sport, but increasing the time could reduce the number of doping incidents. An athlete might be less likely to turn to performance enhancing drugs of any kind if they knew they could face a ban for life, or a five-year or more ban from their chosen sport. Laws regarding the use of banned substances should be reviewed and updated so they are the same for each sport, and so they increase the culpability of the players involved. Since many of these athletes serve as heroes and role models to the children of the world, they owe it to them to come clean, stay clean, and support stricter enforcement in their specific sports. Lance Armstrong, in his comeback maneuver, could serve as a…...



Editors. "Anti-Doping Expert Promises to Test Armstrong for 'Everything'." 2008. 26 Sept. 2008. 

Murphy, Austin. "Armstrong Returns With a New Team and a Winning Cause." Sports Sept. 2008, 26 Sept. 2008.

IT's Not About the Bike
Pages: 3 Words: 1045

Lance Armstrong
How can anyone find a hero these days? With sports stars going on steroids and getting in fights, politicians being arrested for shady dealings, teachers having affairs with students, and so on, it is very difficult to find positive role models. After reading It's not about my bike: My journey back to life, I have now found a person worthy enough to become a hero. Against all odds, Lance Armstrong accomplished what everyone believed to be the impossible. After beating cancer, he become the best ever Tour De France winner.

In his book, Armstrong accepts us, the readers, into his daily life. Nothing is sugar coated and omitted for the fainthearted. In the early pages, we are fortified with his strength and will. We begin to see the support he has in his single mother's unending efforts to improve her family's life as well as Armstrong's early days of racing.…...

Athletes and Crime What Situations Can You
Pages: 1 Words: 301

Athletes and Crime
hat situations can you think of where an amateur or professional athlete was charged with a crime, or in your opinion should have been charged with a crime, for physical conduct beyond the rules of the game?

There are a number of professional athletes that have barely escaped legal prosecution for their criminal behavior. One example that illustrates this point well is Lance Armstrong. The world renowned cyclist was at the top of his profession for many years. However, during his reign as the world's top cyclist he was using performance enhancing drugs that were illegal. Not only did he take them himself, but he also pressured other cyclist that belonged to his team when he was representing the United States to take them as well. He was basically the advocate for the use of illegal drugs for team USA that competed in a number of events.…...


Works Cited

Gibson, O. (2013, February 6). Lance Armstrong could still face criminal charges in America. Retrieved from The Guardian:

Discretion in Relation Emphasis to White
Pages: 10 Words: 2897

This is one of the reasons that the United tates upreme Court has noted the difficulty in distinguishing common crime from the "gray zone of socially acceptable and economically justifiable business conduct.
Prosecutors are not eager to 'overcriminalize' and the practice of too readily extending criminal law to areas of which it is not suited is known as "overcriminalization."

For these reasons, the statues of white-collar crimes are broad and fuzzy. And the task, therefore, of defining crime and penalties falls firstly to the prosecutors and then to the court. In the 1980s, the prosecutors read the white collar statutes broadly and the courts were expected to set the perimeters of criminal labiality. There is wide scope however of criminal liability under these white collar statutes.

Is this fair?

For decades, academicians have been calling for change in this, what they see, as unjust and partisan system. To them, the system contains at…...



Bureau of Justice Statistics, United States Department of Justice, Dictionary of Criminal Justice Data Terminology 215, 1981

Justia. U.S. Supreme Court "Braswell v. United States, 487 U.S. 99, 115," 1988 

Fallone, B (2012) "Prosecutorial Discretion in the John Doe Investigation" Marq. Univ. Law School blog. Web.

Effective or Ineffective Trait Leadership
Pages: 7 Words: 2386

Trait Leadership
Definitions / Descriptions of Trait Leadership

According to Peter Northouse's book, trait leadership focuses on identifying several qualities: intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity and sociability. Published in 2009, Northouse's book (Leadership: Theory and Practice) goes into great detail as to what constitutes trait leadership and what behaviors and values do not qualify vis-a-vis trait leadership. Northouse isn't alone in providing narrative that defines and describes trait leadership. A University of Cincinnati publication (Army Leadership Traits & ehaviors) explains that leadership trait theory focuses on a leader's: a) values and beliefs; b) personality; c) confidence; and d) mental, physical, and emotional attributes (

In the book The Anatomy of Leadership (West, 2000), the author asserts that trait leadership "makes the assumption" that there are "distinctive physical and psychological characteristics" -- above and beyond standard leadership -- that account for the effectiveness of a leader. Those traits include "height, attractiveness, intelligence, self-reliance, and creativity…"…...



Bazerman, Max H., and Tenbrunsel, Ann E. 2011. 'Ethical Breakdowns,' Harvard Business Review. Retrieved January 10, 2013, from .

Dowie, Mark. 1977. 'Pinto Madness,' Mother Jones. Retrieved January 10, 2013, from .

Gioia, Dennis A. 1994. 'Pinto Fires and Personal Ethics: A Script Analysis of Missed Opportunities', in The Ford Pinto Case: A Study in Applied Ethics, Business, and Technology, D. Birch and J. Fielder, Eds. State University of New York: Albany, NY.

Leggett, Christopher. 1999. 'The Ford Pinto Case: The Valuation of Life As It Applies To The Negligence-Efficiency Argument,' Retrieved January 10, 2013, from .

Attribution Example Exercises and Worksheet
Pages: 2 Words: 598

Attribution Errors
Finding and fixing wording and positioning errors in attributions

Review the "ine Guidelines for Wording and Positioning Attributions" on Page 82 and 83 of your textbook. Then, in each of the following sentences, identify and fix any attribution errors you find. If a sentence doesn't include any errors, simply indicate this in the text box.

"I saw people running. Then a big guy in a yellow hat swerved and smashed into me and I didn't see anything else," Szelensky said.

I saw people running. Then, I say a big guy in a yellow had that swerved and smashed into me. I was unable to see anything else besides that.

"A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier," H.L. Mencken, one of the most famous journalists of his time, said.

H.L. Mencken, a famous journalist, is known as saying "A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant…...


No apparent issues.

11. "For the first time and these are no longer rumors, or insinuations, these are proven scientific facts someone has shown me that in 1999, (cyclist Lance) Armstrong had a banned substance called EPO in his body," Tour de France director Jean-Marie Leblanc told the French newspaper L'Equipe. "When I gave those samples, there was not EPO in those samples. I guarantee that," Armstrong responded.

"For the first time and these are no longer rumors, or insinuations, these are proven scientific facts someone has shown me that in 1999, (cyclist Lance) Armstrong had a banned substance called EPO in his body," Tour de France director Jean-Marie Leblanc told the French newspaper L'Equipe. .Armstrong responded by saying "When I gave those samples, there was not EPO in those samples. I guarantee that."

Recurrence of Cancer Psychosocial Impact
Pages: 4 Words: 1578

(2009, March). omen's Health Law eekly, 34. Retrieved March 1, 2009 from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1651848781).
CNSs need skills in mental health. (2009). Cancer Nursing Practice, 8(1), 6. Retrieved March 1, 2009, from ProQuest Health and Medical Complete database. (Document ID: 1651343051).

Lance Armstrong Foundation. (2009). Official ebsite.

Retrieved March 1, 2009.

Heyman, Patrick & Sandra olfe. (2001). Neuman's System's Model. University of Florida.

Retrieved March 1, 2009, at

Okamura, Masako Shigeto Yamawaki, Tatsuo Akechi, Koji Taniguchi, & Yosuke

Uchitomi. (2005). Psychiatric disorders following first breast cancer recurrence:

Prevalence, associated factors and relationship to quality of life. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35(6), 302-9. Retrieved March 1, 2009, from ProQuest

Medical Library database. (Document ID: 876421851).

Quinlin, Patrick. (2001). Beating cancer with nutrition. Nutrition Times Press.

Pengelly, Michele & Diana Purnell. (2009). An audit of levels of psychological support referrals for cancer patients. Cancer Nursing Practice, 8(1), 34-38. Retrieved March 1, 2009 from ProQuest Health and…...


Works Cited

Agnew, Thelma. (2009). Acting with confidence. Cancer Nursing Practice, 8(1), 18-20.

Retrieved March 1, 2009, from ProQuest Health and Medical Complete database. (Document ID: 1651343111).

Baker, Maggie Koerth-Baker. (2008). The power of positive thinking: Truth or myth?

Special to LiveScience. Retrieved March 1, 2009.

Shimano Is a Japanese Company
Pages: 2 Words: 556

he most effective of these strategies were those related to sales. In general, all things go from being attainable to a select few, to mainstream, to a degree of specialization in which fragmentation naturally occurs. raining sales people to recognize and account for this fact and simplify their sales rap was definitely needed.
he primary strength of Shimano was its 2005 sales. his was bolstered by the popularity of Lance Armstrong and by the dedication of specialized, cycling enthusiasts. Its strength was also in recognizing change before it comes. his prescience included knowledge of the impending cycling decline and a knack for creating trends.

he primary weakness of Shimano was that it was too deeply entrenched in th specialized world of cycling. It had virtually forgotten about the casual cycler. Its weakness was also that as a cycling parts manufacturer, it had limited input as far as setting industry-wide trends.

he principle…...


The primary weakness of Shimano was that it was too deeply entrenched in th specialized world of cycling. It had virtually forgotten about the casual cycler. Its weakness was also that as a cycling parts manufacturer, it had limited input as far as setting industry-wide trends.

The principle opportunity this organization faced was tapping into the plethora of U.S. denizens who did not ride bikes. As such, the organization could potentially tip the balance of the nature of the cycling industry, by changing it from one of specialized enthusiasts to average, recreational users.

The main threat was the fact that during the midway point of the first decade of the 2000's, Lance Armstrong was retiring. Additionally, the number of casual bicycle users had declined sharply. The actual cycling industry itself had grown smaller. Moreover, it was based on specialization, which alienated the common, layman interested in cycling or in buying a bike.

Bally Total Fitness Is a
Pages: 5 Words: 1822

The NFC eb site is out of date (offering February deals in April) and when a user clicks on "FAQS" a box comes up, "Coming soon!" The NFC doesn't say how many facilities it has, and seems to be hyping its invitation: "…Come in today, you won't regret it!" The NFC claims its facilities "surpass our competitors" -- but how?
Conclusion / Recommendations for Bally. If Bally was really interested in a new marketing strategy, they would use the latest obesity data from CDC and other reliable sources to their benefit. They could guarantee that if you follow our nutritional and exercise program you'll lose weight. There are reality TV shows on weight loss and Bally could certainly get into that genre as well. The company needs to provide some sort of meaningful pledge to lure Americans into their stores -- and that meaningful pledge should take into account things…...


Works Cited

24-Hour Fitness. "About Us." Retrieved April 12, 2010, from .

Bally. "The Leader in Fitness / Our Fitness Approach / Frequently Asked Questions / Bally

Financing -- Today's Best Fitness Opportunity." Retrieved April 12, 2010, from .

Centers for Disease Control. "Obesity and Overweight." Retrieved April 12, 2010, from .

Tradeoff Society Faces Is Between
Pages: 6 Words: 2018

Productivity can also be influenced by tax cuts. Cutting taxes can enable consumers to buy more goods and services, and enable companies to produce more and to invest more in their enterprises. Productivity can also be limited or enhanced by regulation. In the short-term, less regulation tends to increase productivity but makes prices and wages less stable. In the long run, not enough regulation can have a counter-productive effect, as occurred with the lack of regulation over the banking industry and the subsequent credit crisis of 2008. Deregulation and a failure of oversight can also incentivize corruption

Productivity can be formally regulated through price ceilings and floors. Price ceilings tend to discourage production, given that prices that are artificially too low can make it impossible for sellers to meet demand. Price floors can encourage too production, given that producers are guaranteed a specific minimum price for their output, but can also…...


Works Cited

"Gross Domestic Product." Economic productivity article from Hutchinson Encyclopedia. 

"Price ceilings and floors." Investopedia. October 15, 2009.

Competitive Balance Sanderson Allen R
Pages: 4 Words: 1367

272). However, the authors do not include a counterbalance to such arguments -- longer seasons also can result in viewer attrition of interest, the competition from other sports beginning while the season sprawls on, and the anger of fans if they feel that their team has been unfairly treated by new rules.
The authors do acknowledge there are also psychological facilitators of interest in sports besides win-loss competition, and could have treated this critical issue with greater depth. The hope that the underdog will triumph can create a psychological perception of competition that occasionally, as in the case of the recent SuperBowl between the undefeated New England Patriots and the New York Giants, is substantiated in fact, especially in the selective memory of sports fans (Sanderson & Siegfried, 2003, p. 261). The local desire to have a winning team and fan loyalty will also factor into the success of creating…...

4P's Marketing Mix Nike Marketing Mix Nike
Pages: 4 Words: 1397

4P's Marketing Mix
Nike Marketing mix

Nike as a company was initiated by two visionaries from Oregon, Bill Bowerman and a runner at that time for the University of Oregon Phil Knight. They were then working together in athletic with Knight being the runner supervised by Bill. Bill saw the endless possibilities that existed within people in terms of sports potential and it was with this that they set the tone for the company in 1972. This has remained the inspiration that runs the company to date and keeps the employees of the company from one generation to the other motivated to uphold the motto of the company (Nike, 2011). The company has grown from being a U.S. based footwear distributor to a mega world supplier of athletic shoes, equipment and apparel whose dominance is unrivalled in the entire globe.

The goal of the company is to have a legacy of innovative thinking…...



China CSR Map, (2011). Nike Sports (China) Co., Ltd. Retrieved November 23, 2011 from

Matthew Forney, (2004). Marketing: How Nike Figured Out China. Retrieved November

23, 2011 from,9171,995462,00.html 

Marketing Mixx, (2011). Marketing Plan for Nike. Retrieved November 23, 2011 from

Why Is Emmitt Smith Important to Our Culture
Pages: 10 Words: 3449

Emmitt Smith

I have been a big fan of the Dallas Cowboys and especially Emmitt Smith for many years. For example, one of the most difficult moments in my appreciation of sports occurred when the Dallas Cowboys released Smith and he ended up on a lackluster Arizona Cardinals. This was after he had just surpassed the late great alter Payton to become the number one rushing running back in the history of the National Football League. "They are the two most punitive judgments that can be handed down for a running back: Too small, too slow. And yet that was the harsh assessment of Emmitt Smith, 5-foot-9 and 199 pounds, by the pro-scouts although he was an All-American at Florida. That same Emmitt Smith who skittered and stutter-stepped his way past the NFL rushing record held by his idol, alter Payton, and finished with 18,355 yards." (Schwartz) There are some who…...


Works Cited

Edensor, Tim. National Identity, Popular Culture and Everyday Life. Oxford: Berg, 2002.

Gonzalez, John. "Smith Blarney." Dallas Observer October 17 (2002): Retrieved on 22 Apr. 2005, from .

Owens, Kerry. "Cowboys." St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. 2002 ed. Retrieved on 22 Apr. 2005, from .

Rich, Wilbur C. The Economics and Politics of Sports Facilities. New York: Quorum, 2000.

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