Leadership Essays (Examples)

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A leadership essay is any essay that focuses on the topic of leadership.  These essays can take a number of different formats and are often heavily-dependent on their prompts.  For example, you may be asked to write about various theorie...

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Leadership Portfolio
Political tactics are essential for quality leadership. It is important to be tactful in all situations, and to understand the confounding variables that can impact communication clarity. Politics refers to skillful communications and strategic decision-making. Compromises are critical to good politics. For example, we were working with a large team of over 25 people. Each person had a clearly defined role, but there came a time when egos started to clash. As the leader, I was able to skillfully deflect the attention from the personal ego clashes and help the team members refocus on their shared objectives and goals.

I have had other situations that did not flow as smoothly, and which required extra political sensitivity. Issues related to race and gender often come up and disturb the political order in meetings. Men tend to dominate discussions, leading to situations in which women do not offer enough input. A male-dominated….

Leadership, Team Building & Communication
Leadership theories continue to evolve as the complexity, nature and scope of organizations shift from command-and-control structures to more agile frameworks for managing change. The pace of disruptive innovation is accelerating, forcing reliance on the latest theories of leadership to keep organizations competitive in rapidly changing markets. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate the traditional, contemporary and emerging leadership theories and interpersonal forms of power. Unifying these factors by defining the profile of the ideal leader is also completed in this analysis, highlighting the most effective leadership characteristics and patterns in their specific roles. An organization has been selected, Cisco Systems, to evaluate these theories against. In addition, organizational stressors are also discussed in addition to strategies to managing them so an organization can still attain optimal performance. The five conflict management styles are also discussed in addition to potential barriers to communication, with….

Leadeship is the pocess of diecting the behavio of othes towad the achievement of some geneal objectives. Effective leadeship is vey impotant fo molding a goup of people into a team, shaping them into a foce that seves as a sustainable business benefit. Effective leades have an inspiational vision. Foethought and change expectation is thei hallmak. Leades know how to make people function in a joint fashion, and how to inspie them to excel thei pefomance. Leades also know how to balance the individual team membe's quest with the goal of poducing synegy, a esult that exceeds the sum of individual contibutions. Leades necessitate that thei team membes sacifice the quest fo pesonal best in concet with the team (Kotelnikov, n.d.).
Relationship between pesonality and leadeship and team success

The amalgamation of leadeship style and pesonality type appeas to meld into a psychological mixtue that poduces the ethos of a leade. Leades….

Leadership Theories
The role of leadership in business organizations

Many leadership theories have been applied, in different organizations, to help in attainment of the objectives of the organization. Leadership theories are many, but the most common include the trait theory, which assumes that different people inherit the qualities and also traits of leadership and later suit for the position of leadership. The characteristics related to the trait theory are behavioral and personality characteristics. There is also the contingency theory, commonly known as the modern theory, which explains that leadership changes with the environment and its situation. A style of leadership could be successful in a certain situation, but very unsuccessful in another. No leadership style is, therefore, convenient in all situations. What determines success is the leadership style, the qualities of the followers and the prevailing situation. The other fundamental theory of leadership is the behavioral/functional theory, which believes that all the….

Leadership is defined as the procedures that individuals use as authority over others to achieve an objective. The action also provides direction in a manner that makes an organization more coherent and cohesive.
Three-Skill Approach

This approach refers to three skills including human, technical, and conceptual, which form the fundamental personal skills required in leadership. Technical skills involve proficiency in and knowledge about some defined activities or work. It includes analytical ability, competence in a specialized area and the ability to use required techniques and tools. The skills play an integral role in the production of the intended products and services. Human skills are related to the ability to work with things and other people. These are commonly referred to as people skills that allow leaders to work effectively with peers, subordinates, and superiors. A leader who has expertise in interacting with others will determine the successful completion of tasks. Conceptual skills….

Leadership Theories and Approaches

According to Kurt Lewin, all leaders fall into three basic categories: autocratic, participative, and democratic. I would describe my current supervisor as basically autocratic in her demeanor, although in a moderately benevolent way. I work as a respiratory therapist in a hospital. My supervisor must ensure that patients are seen in a timely fashion, and that all medical personnel comply with basic safety regulations. She oversees scheduling of the various personnel who work on the ward, and is in charge of dealing with any conflicts that might ensue between employees and also between employees and patients.

My supervisor tries to be fair, but her 'word is law.' This is partially because she is dealing with the potential for serious complaints, if hospital dictates are not followed. It is essential that patients are treated in a respectful manner. Also, there are certain protocols that must be followed to ensure….

Leadership in Telecommuting Teams
Leading a Changing World In paper, exploring emerging topic challenge leadership changing world work. Choose a specific topic Module 12.4 Landy Conte (2013). Provide overview topic, including: - Why chose topic - Why topic important study leadership, field I/O psychology, career; - And a review research articles focusing topic.

Telecommuting is increasingly becoming a concern for teams in organizations around the world. Many organizations have virtual teams because they are cheaper for the company and allow the employees to work in locations where they are comfortable. However, leading team members in a telecommuting environment is a challenge for leaders because it is difficult for them to handle team members who are in different locations, and sometimes even different time zones. Without employees having assigned workspaces or a common office where they can meet, it becomes difficult to schedule meetings. Basic leadership activities such as solving issues for organizations….

By integrating aspects of transformational leadership into his leadership, Alonso would have inspired his crew to follow him while also becoming leaders by themselves. However, this could have only been made possible if his thoughts, feelings, and actions were consistent. As a leader of change Alfonso should have shown some element of connection to himself, the world, and the people around him and be grounded in reality. He ought to have come up with a vision and communicate it with passion and purpose (Covey, 2007). He should have paid personal attention to the crew members in a way that engages them and generates trust and commitment. He should have genuinely cared about the crew members, what they wanted, and how he could serve them instead of admonishing them in public. As a transformational leader, Alfonso ought to have been curious, open to new ideas, and learn constantly. In this….

Leadership Effectiveness

Leadership Effectiveness

Leadership Qualities

Effective Leader

Sir ichard Branson

Branson Leadership Style in Terms of Leadership Models

The for Framework Approach


Human esource


Symbolic Framework

The Three-Stage Model of Effective Leadership

Effectiveness of Branson's Leadership Style in U.S. today 7

Leadership Styles Making Branson a More Effective Leader

Authoritarian Leader

Development of a Global Team

Applying Branson's Leadership Qualities at Work

This paper is designed to analyze the importance of good leadership. How good and effective leaders are made and how effective leadership can lead to the establishment of global team for the successful accomplishment of tasks. It describes the effective leadership style of Branson in terms of the effective leadership model. It describes which leadership styles can make Branson's leadership style more effective. How Branson can develop and lead a global team for a major project and how one can apply Branson's effective leadership style at work.

Leadership Effectiveness

Effectiveness leadership is one of the key elements in the success of a group or company….

This boss was lazy. Simply put, where Uncle Gail was prepared not only to do his job but to make sure everybody else was doing theirs as well, this boss at Hardee's was unwilling to even do his own job, much less help anybody else.
The entire crew hated him for that. Many newcomers were there for their first-ever job, and some were new to the country. Most of us had problems at some point during our work there, usually at the beginning, but this boss had no time for any of us, except to criticize when we did something wrong. Nobody ever improved, and quite frankly the restaurant was floundering as a result. hen the manager cannot inspire people, cannot direct them to do the things that need to be done, and is unwilling to help make the people around him better, to me that is poor leadership. I….

How effective leaders design their behaviors is important, because it essentially rubs off onto the group they are inspiring. This can be conducted through using motivation as a way to mold the behavior of the group to the most optimal level (House & Aditya 1997). Yet, there are a number of potential limitations within this theoretical structure as well. Mainly, under behavior theories of leadership, if a leader, or manager, does not behave well, they will prove an ineffective leader. Moreover, the research shows that a number of behavior theories popular today fail to explicitly "specify the boundary conditions" for invoking particular "behavior manifestations" (House & Aditya 1997 p 416). This shows that there is limited research and evidence to illustrate how leaders can utilize behavioral theories to successfully invoke the very exact type of behavior they are looking for from within the group. Finally, behavioral theories are often….

Leadership Philosophy

Leadership Philosophy

A leadership philosophy can be described as the way we perceive ourselves as leaders. Not only our actions are guided by this philosophy but it also alters our behaviors and moulds our thoughts. Both internal and external forces are responsible for influencing our individual philosophies. By changing one's philosophy regarding leadership, one can definitely change himself/herself as a leader. Leadership philosophies can change an individual once he/she starts to analyze and understand his/her personality and individual characteristics within the context of leading.

Leadership Philosophy

Intellectually, it is imperative for this generation to understand the role and function of leadership as leading is that skill which is considered as most necessary in this contemporary era. The simple reason behind acquiring this understanding and skill is that leaders, without no doubt, play a major role in helping people shape their lives. Leaders not only define business and the subsequent practices for its development….

Leadership Values of a Mentor
Leaders are born and made in the characters and values they own in the course of managing, planning, controlling, and directing their subjects. The values and principles of these vital leaders of the social order offer the necessary supervision to the development of the nation or community they manage. The traits of a leader are critical in developing his or her values within the management period. These valuable traits play a tremendous role in the lives of the subjects who look upon the guidance and leadership of their leaders. The perception of attacking the future life changes when such traits undergo implementation in the lives of those who are subject to the authority. Leaders such as Obama, Clinton, Biden, and McCain are extraordinary individuals depending on the character traits that help define their leadership tactics. Their leadership qualities are closely related to the traits of the….

Leadership Style and Traits

Leadership Style and Traits
Leadership Styles and Traits

Captain D. Michael Abrashoff was one of the graduates from U.S. Naval Academy and he was also an assistant of military as a former secretary of defense. Though in 2001 he left his profession of navy and turned to a founder of grassroots leadership. (arr, Frumi, 2002)

After leaving that, he wrote a book on his management styles that he followed up throughout in his entire profession. This research paper is all about leadership styles and traits followed by Captain Michael Abrashoff during his naval services and the principles he used in changing the direction of ship and motivation of sailors.

At the time when he took a charge over the ship, it was like a business that has all the related equipments and machineries but only the productivity is lacking so in order to get that productivity he took some initiatives and actions and get….

Leadership of David Petraeus

The Leadership and Legacy of General David Petraeus

David Howell Petraeus, born November 7, 1952, is a former American military and public official. He served as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from September 6, 2011, until his resignation on November 9, 2012. Prior to his assuming the directorship of the CIA, Petraeus was a four-star general serving over 37 years in the United States Army. His last assignments in the Army were as commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Commander, U.S. Forces Afghanistan (USFO-A). His other command assignments include serving as the 10th Commander, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM), and as Commanding General, Multi-National Force-Iraq (MNF-I). As commander of MNF-I, Petraeus oversaw all coalition forces in Iraq.

Petraeus has a B.S. degree from the United States Military Academy, from which he graduated in 1974 as a distinguished cadet in the top 5% of his class.….

We are assuming that your question is how you critically explore how the ideas of leadership and partnership practice would help you to address the challenges in corporate social responsibility.  Many people are uncertain how to write a critical review or critical evaluation, because the approach is somewhat different than what you would find in standard lower-level academic writing.

To write a critique, it is important to understand that the academic definition of critical is not the same as the lay definition of critical.   For the layperson, the word critical tends to be negative. However, from an academic....

To write a 2-to-3 page paper on the challenges that leaders face in modern organizations, you want to start by thinking about the challenges.  A 2-to-3-page paper is the standard length for a five paragraph essay, and that model can easily be expanded to a six paragraph essay.  So, you are going to need the structure of an introduction, 3 or 4 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.  For the body paragraphs, we would suggest identifying a key challenge for each paragraph.

While there are many different, specific challenges that leaders can face, there are three broad categories of....

3 Pages
Research Paper


Leadership Portfolio Political Tactics Are Essential for

Words: 904
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Leadership Portfolio Political tactics are essential for quality leadership. It is important to be tactful in all situations, and to understand the confounding variables that can impact communication clarity. Politics…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Leadership Team Building and Communication

Words: 1951
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership, Team Building & Communication Leadership theories continue to evolve as the complexity, nature and scope of organizations shift from command-and-control structures to more agile frameworks for managing change. The…

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6 Pages


Leadership Is the Process of Directing the

Words: 1913
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadeship is the pocess of diecting the behavio of othes towad the achievement of some geneal objectives. Effective leadeship is vey impotant fo molding a goup of people into…

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8 Pages


Leadership Theories the Role of Leadership in

Words: 2434
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership Theories The role of leadership in business organizations Many leadership theories have been applied, in different organizations, to help in attainment of the objectives of the organization. Leadership theories are…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Leadership Is Defined as the Procedures That

Words: 1386
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership is defined as the procedures that individuals use as authority over others to achieve an objective. The action also provides direction in a manner that makes an organization…

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3 Pages


Leadership Theories and Approaches Leadership According to

Words: 918
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership Theories and Approaches Leadership According to Kurt Lewin, all leaders fall into three basic categories: autocratic, participative, and democratic. I would describe my current supervisor as basically autocratic in her…

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4 Pages


Leadership in a Changing World

Words: 1119
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership in Telecommuting Teams Leading a Changing World In paper, exploring emerging topic challenge leadership changing world work. Choose a specific topic Module 12.4 Landy Conte (2013). Provide overview topic,…

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10 Pages
Case Study


Leadership Case Study Michael Alfonso

Words: 2936
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Case Study

By integrating aspects of transformational leadership into his leadership, Alonso would have inspired his crew to follow him while also becoming leaders by themselves. However, this could have…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Leadership Effectiveness

Words: 1506
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Leadership Effectiveness Leadership Leadership Qualities Effective Leader Sir ichard Branson Branson Leadership Style in Terms of Leadership Models The for Framework Approach Structural Human esource Political Symbolic Framework The Three-Stage Model of Effective Leadership Effectiveness of Branson's Leadership Style in U.S.…

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4 Pages


Leadership a Philosophy of Leadership

Words: 1243
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This boss was lazy. Simply put, where Uncle Gail was prepared not only to do his job but to make sure everybody else was doing theirs as well,…

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3 Pages


Leadership What Makes a Good

Words: 913
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

How effective leaders design their behaviors is important, because it essentially rubs off onto the group they are inspiring. This can be conducted through using motivation as a…

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3 Pages


Leadership Philosophy

Words: 856
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership Philosophy PHILOSOPHY A leadership philosophy can be described as the way we perceive ourselves as leaders. Not only our actions are guided by this philosophy but it also alters our…

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10 Pages


Leadership Values of a Mentor

Words: 3247
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership Values of a Mentor Leaders are born and made in the characters and values they own in the course of managing, planning, controlling, and directing their subjects. The values…

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13 Pages
Research Paper


Leadership Style and Traits

Words: 3665
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Leadership Style and Traits Leadership Styles and Traits Captain D. Michael Abrashoff was one of the graduates from U.S. Naval Academy and he was also an assistant of military as a…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Leadership of David Petraeus Leadership the Leadership

Words: 1311
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Leadership of David Petraeus Leadership The Leadership and Legacy of General David Petraeus David Howell Petraeus, born November 7, 1952, is a former American military and public official. He served as Director…

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