Louis Armstrong Essays (Examples)

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Louis Armstrong Jazz Great Jazz
Pages: 6 Words: 1827

On stage or off, he was "endearing, carefree ambiance that contrasted greatly with the bravura exhibitions of technique from earlier decades" (69). By the 1950s, everyone knew who Louis Armstrong was and it is safe to say he was an international celebrity. He was more than just a jazz great -- he was an "icon to musicians and lovers of jazz" (Smithsonian) because of his style and incredible individuality. Armstrong also enjoyed success later in life. In 1964, his version of the song, Hello Dolly, knocked the Beatles out of the number one spot on the record charts. It's a onderful orld is another tune that is popular today because of its message of hope for life and the world, although Armstrong did not write the lyrics to this song.
Louis Armstrong did not dominate the jazz world for 50 years for no reason at all. He remained popular and…...


Works Cited

Feather, Leonard. Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington. The Story of Jazz. London: Barrie and Jenkins Limited. 1975.

Fordham, John. Jazz. New York: Dorling Kindersley Books. 1993.

Gioia, Ted. The History of Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press. 1997.

Shipton, Alyn. A New History of Jazz. New York: Continuum. 2001.

Louis Armstrong the Name That Anyone Who
Pages: 5 Words: 1558

ouis Armstrong, the name that anyone who has hear of jazz knows was crowned the king of jazz. Famous musicians, composers, jazz fans and even those who were ignorant of what jazz was, were amazed to listen to the music performed by this son of one of the poorest and most destitute neighborhoods of New Orleans. The first decade of the twentieth century witnessed the birth of a new king, an artist that would take popular music to a level it had never reached before. Ellis Marsalis would say about Armstrong: "ouis Armstrong is the master of the jazz solo. He became the beacon, the light in the tower, that helped the rest of us navigate the tricky waters of jazz improvisation."
The processions funerals in the streets, the ragtime and the blues of the Delta that could in pubs, taverns and dancehalls accompanied his childhood years and inspired him. New…...


Louis Armstrong Biography. A biography of Louis Armstrong, one of the greatest names in jazz. Retrieved: Nov 23. 2009. Available at: http://www.essortment.com/all/louisarmstrong_rsvy.htm

Louis Armstrong Quotes and Tributes. Louis Armstrong Centennial. Celebrating 100 Years of Satchmo. Retrieved: Nov 24, 2009. Available at:  http://www.satchmo.com/louisarmstrong/quotes.html 

Louis Armstrong: A Cultural Legacy. Retrieved: Nov 24, 2009. Available at:  http://www.npg.si.edu/exh/armstrong/index.htm

Louis Armstrong Because This Was a Poor
Pages: 3 Words: 892

Louis rmstrong because this was a poor, common person who made it to the top of his field. He defeated racism and all of his other problems to get to his goal.
Louis rmstrong was probably the most talented and successful jazz musician in history. His influence and career continues to affect the jazz world today. That is what made him become what he is known to many today in the history of music, a legendary influence upon the craft. He was born on ugust 4, 1901 in the poorest portion of New Orleans. Louis grew up with his grandparents, as his parents were separated. He learned much of what he knew outside of their home.

n interesting early influence on rmstrong's life was the Karnofsky family. He worked for the Lithuanian-Jewish immigrant family who were junk haulers and provided him with odd jobs. They took him in into their home…...


Armstrong was known as America's Ambassador. Armstrong in 1963 scored a big international hit with his interpretation of "Hello Dolly." The number one single knocked the Beatles off the top of the Top 40's charts. He recorded another number one hit in 1968 with "What A Wonderful World." Louis Armstrong's health began to fail. He was hospitalized many times over the next three years, but continued playing and recording. On July 6th 1971, he died in his sleep in his home in Queens, New York. Even to this day, "Satchmo" continues to influence music. His life was one which was well-lived and he made a positive difference not just in the musical world, but is a continuing inspiration for black Americans.


To sum up, I wrote about Louis Armstrong because I find his hard work and determination inspiring. He is proof that anyone can overcome problems with the right ethic and moral values and determination.

Edward Molet Louis Armstrong Ellen Talley Kent
Pages: 2 Words: 593

Edward Molet, Louis Armstrong, Ellen Talley
Kent Lauderdale

Weekly eflection Team Bravo

"The federal Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in 1977 prohibits enterprises from obtaining business by paying bribes to foreign political figures and government officials" (Morley, Hadley, & Saulnier, p. 24-32, 2011). "The Act consists of two main provisions. (1) The Department of Justice enforces the anti-bribery provisions of The Act. (2) The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) enforces the accounting provisions of The Act. Under the act, the prohibition of improper payments occur for three entity types: Payment issuers, domestic concerns (the individuals), and foreign nationals/businesses.

FCPA provisions

The provisions of FCPA require enterprises to identify potential violations of the law, and to identify weaknesses in their internal control and compliance processes. FCPA recommends corporate practice include the development and implementation of stand-alone audit modules for ensuring compliance with anti-corruption practices, and the monitoring of a culture of compliance within corporate subsidiaries and…...



Morley, M., Hadley, R., & Saulnier, B.F. (2011, March). 2011: What lies ahead for anticorruption laws? World Trade: WT100, 24(3), 32. Retrieved  http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/59289935/2011-what-lies-ahead-anticorruption-laws 

Volkov, M. (2010). Navigating through the FCPA minefield, debunking myths, and addressing red flags. Dickinson Wright. Miami, FL: World Compliance. Retrieved http://www.worldcompliance.com/en/resources/white-papers/foreign-corruption-practices-act.aspx

Satchmo The Genius of Louis
Pages: 2 Words: 738

Other performers admired him, and many other coronet players tried to emulate him, but there was only one Louis Armstrong, one music master, one unique singer, and one ambassador of jazz. He was a legend, and many of his musical numbers live on today, including "Hello Dolly," and "What a Wonderful World," which staged a comeback after it was used in the soundtrack for the film "Good Morning Vietnam" (Giddins 5). This book reads more like an homage to Armstrong, rather than a simple telling of his musical life and that may be the book's biggest weakness. It is clear the author is a fan and admirer of Armstrong, his musical talent, and his many accomplishments, and so, it is difficult to find any real criticism of his work or his music here. The author does mention other criticism of Louis, but is skeptical of most of it, and…...



Giddins, Gary. Satchmo: The Genius of Louis Armstrong. New York: Da Capo Press, 2001.

Civil War Most of Us
Pages: 15 Words: 4049

In some ways, the Civil War was the analogue of the Terror for Americans: It was the bloodthirsty incestuous violence that allowed the nation to move onward to a full embrace of democracy, joining itself to Europe as the world began to tip toward democratic ideas and ideals.
White Supremacy

Stephen Kantrowitz's biography of Benjamin Tillman demonstrates how he can be seen as a symbol for an entire cohort of Southerners of his generation, people (mostly but not exclusively men) who could neither understand nor tolerate the new order that had formally instituted itself after Emancipation. They could not understand a world in which black men were suddenly their legal equals. Tillman, and others like him, lived in a world that told them that blacks had to be treated like equals even though many white Southerners did not see their black compatriots as even being fully human.

This set up an internal…...

Dramatic Social and Political Upheaval Following W W
Pages: 6 Words: 1958

Dramatic Social and Political Upheaval Following W.W. I and it's Impact on Composers of the Time
It is difficult to describe the impact of the First World War on the societies, cultures, economies, and technologies of the time; as this devastating conflict had the effect of rapidly transforming all of these in a very short time. The entire world changed as a result of the war, it went from a global monarchy-based imperial system to a modern nation-state system which was socially, economically ad technologically very different. Empires were dissolved and overthrown with governments taking their place. The war had the effect of introducing new technologies, new social structures, new systems of government, and new economic systems to the world. These changes had effects on the people who lived through these times, particularly artists. The world of music was equally transformed during this time, as expressed in the works of…...


Reference List

"Dmitry Shostakovich" In Boosey and Hawkes. Retrieved from  http://www.boosey.com/composer/Dmitri+Shostakovich 

"Igor Stravinsky" In Boosey and Hawkes. Retrieved from  http://www.boosey.com/composer/Igor+Stravinsky 

Mazulo, Mark (2010) Shostakovich's preludes and fugues, contexts, style, performance. New Haven: Yale UP.

Miller, Mark. (1994). Louis Armstrong: A Cultural Legacy. New York: Queens Museum of Art.

Sidney Bechet
Pages: 8 Words: 2899

Sidney echet truly led the life of a jazz musician. He was a supporter of Dixieland Jazz who played the clarinet and was the first person to play Jazz on a Soprano Saxophone. Domineering is a word frequently used to express his music. Various fights showed he had a short temper that reflects in his music. His solos were often soaring and passionate, endlessly inventive, direct rather than ornate. Throughout his life, he never had the discipline needed to play in a regular band; he always preferred to be a soloist and worked in many different bands.
Personal Life

echet was born on May 14, 1897 in New Orleans, Louisiana to a black Creole family. His father Omar was educated in a private school so he spoke and wrote both Creole Patois and English. His mother Josephine was black, but was referred to as a passeblanc. echet grew up in a middle-class…...



Schuller Gunther. Early Jazz: Its Roots and Musical Development. Oxford University Press. 1968.

Chilton John. Sidney Bechet: The Wizard of Jazz. Oxford University Press. 1987.

Larlan Colin. Ed. The Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular Music. Stockton Press.1992.

Collier, James Lincoln. The Making of Jazz: A Comprehensive History. Dell.1979. Marsalis Wynton. Copyright (c) 1997  http://www.jazzradio.org/sidney.htm

History of Music
Pages: 10 Words: 3511

Cool Jazz
A Brief History of Cool Jazz

December 6, 2012, would have marked the ninety-second birthday of pianist Dave Brubeck. The nonagenarian was looking forward to performing at the Palace Theater near his home in aterbury, Connecticut. Sadly, Brubeck died of heart failure just one day shy of the celebratory concert. The concert went on as scheduled, but it was a memorial rather than a birthday party. It is what Brubeck would have wanted. Brubeck was one of the originators of a jazz style that became known as "cool jazz." He was a brilliant pianist who loved to experiment with rhythms and instrumentation in ensemble work. Brubeck never stopped innovating over his long career during which he composed symphonies, classical and religious music, ballets and film scores He valued musical integrity over commercial reward. "You never know what's going to work," he said. "You just go with what you believe in,…...


Works Cited

Dave Brubeck Quartet. 1961. YouTube. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. .

Dryden, Ken. "Take five: The public and private lives of Paul Desmond." All About Jazz.

2 Feb. 2011. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.  http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=17894 >.

Music in Society Asking Whether
Pages: 3 Words: 817

..it has to affect people in predictable ways regardless of particular circumstances" (Linton pp). However, music, says Linton isn't like that because one listener might hear the opening E-minor chorus of the St. Matthew Passion and become grief stricken, while someone else might become bored, and another might find that piece incomprehensible (Linton pp). According to Linton, listening to a particular kind of music does not throw listeners into a trance any more than heavy metal music turns its listeners into sociopaths (Linton pp).
However, even Linton back-stepped a bit when he revealed that there was one area of life in which music apparently had the ability to affect people's behavior, grocery shopping (Linton pp)! Several studies reveal that faster paced music tends to make American shoppers walk down the aisles more quickly than slower paced music (Linton pp).

Apparently Holloway believes that society can be transformed by the cultivation of the…...

Systems Administration v Network Administration
Pages: 5 Words: 1495

The subject matter of systems administration includes computer systems and the ways people use them in an organization. This entails knowledge of operating systems and applications, as well as hardware and software troubleshooting, but also knowledge of the purposes for which people in the organization use the computers.
The most important skill for a system administrator is problem solving. The systems administrator is on call when a computer system goes down or malfunctions, and must be able to quickly and correctly diagnose what is wrong and how best to fix it. In some organizations, computer security administration is a separate role responsible for overall security and the upkeep of firewalls and intrusion detection systems, but all systems administrators are generally responsible for the security of the systems in their keep. (Encyclopedia.com, 2011)

Network Administrator

What is a computer network? According to McGraw Hill Online Learning Center, "a network is two or more…...



Armstrong, L. (1995), Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

Dignan, Ars Technica, Jan 28, 2001, post 305, http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic

Encyclopedia.com - Information Technology- accessed 2011/1/14

Hegel, G.W.F., the Phenomenology of Mind, (1807), translated by J.B. Baillie, New York, Harper & Row, 1967

Richard N Albert's the Jazz-Blues
Pages: 2 Words: 580

7-9). In fact, Armstrong was often viewed as a kind of sell-out or race-traitor of a certain degree by many black musicians (par. 10). This parallels Sonny's brothers attempts to remove himself from Harlem and the stereotypical black life; he strives to be a respectable math teacher and escape his path (par. 10).
In the final section of the story, "contraries" in the jazz motif begin to appear (par. 11). Especially unusual elements in this section are the character of Creole and the piece of music Sonny plays, "Am I Blue?" (par. 11). Creoles are not usually considered representative of the true black experience; as the descendants of French and Spanish settlers who eventually took light-skinned girls as wives, producing the black Creole (par. 12). If this moment is supposed to represent both Sonny's and his brother's return to the community, this character is a strange choice (par. 12). The…...

Music and Mastery of James
Pages: 4 Words: 1151

Brown had succeeded in spite of a terrible start in life and seemingly without making musical compromises" (95). Indeed, he did.
Brown's style has been one that successfully changed with the times. A close look at his songs will reveal how his music evolved with the sounds of the times. Brown drew from rhythm and blues musical influences such as Little Richard and Ray Charles, as these influences are present in his early work. From "Please, Please, Please" to "Living in America," Brown's identifiable sound has never lost his style. His first hit Please, Please, Please" demonstrates sounds that were popular in the late 1950s. In "Papa's Got a Brand New Bag," we hear the earlier influences of the late 50s and early 60s in the lyrics and the guitar riffs.

Brown's career and musical inclinations began to change in the mid-60s, which can be seen in "I Feel Good (I…...


Works Cited

Brackett, David. "James Brown." Grove Music Online. Site Accessed May 19, 2008. http://www.grovemusic.com

Kamien, Roger. Music: An Appreciation. Boston: McGraw-Hill. 2000.

Danielson, Anne. Presence and Pleasure: The Funk Grooves of James Brown. Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press. 2006.

Elliot, Marc. I Feel Good: A Memoir of a Life of Soul: Introduction. New York: Penguin Books. 2005.

La Vie En Rose There
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Just as there is a drastic difference between the Louis Armstrong version of What a Wonderful World, and that of Hawaiian folk singer Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, yet both bring tears to one's eyes, both move straight to the heart, and both are timeless.
So, too, is La Vie en rose. For this analysis, though, it was easier to try to quantify some of the similarities and differences between recorded performances and then hone in on what makes the differing versions so uniquely special. By sticking to female singer with somewhat of a torch song tone, we can get more of a uniquely "french" flavor in the classic:


Genre' Version



Piaf, Edith



French Folk, Torch

946+ several versions

Classic french folk with pining voice, silky vowel sounds and sensuous chord changes

Francis, Connie



At the height of her popularity; less sultry, more in line with her image of the all-American girl.

965- mixed English / French version

Uses tricks of chromaticism…...


1990+; French, large voice, almost operetic, fabulous breath control

Probably the closest to Piaf; the longing tones, the accent, the emotion.

Data Collection and Sourcing - In thinking about this assignment, I was struck by the juxtaposition between quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. While requirements of research may vary between disciplines, and some may prefer qualitative or quantitative methodologies. . In its most basic outline, quantitative data is information that can be measured by numbers or numerical values. Quantitative inquiry is a method that is used in scientific methodology to gather a logical and provable manner of collecting and analyzing data. Qualitative research uses a less numerical and more open ended approach to data -- it investigates the why and how of decision making; whereas quantitative focuses more on the what, where, and when -- which are all numerically measurable. One method is not necessarily better than the other, it is entirely dependent upon the hypothesis that is being tested. Indeed, qualitative research is often used to form the hypothesis and narrow the question prior to studying the data quantitatively. For example, a focus group might be formed with the purpose of looking

Psychological Capital and Learners K-12
Pages: 15 Words: 4962

Physical and mental disorders are often comorbid, reflecting an entire system that is out of balance. A healthy state, both physically and mentally reflects a state of equilibrium and stability that every organism wishes to achieve (Wallace, 2008).When one portion of the system is out of balance, the entire system can be out of balance. The degree to which the system is out of balance determines the degree of the disturbance.
A child that has greater resilience skills can recover from a greater disturbance than a child with little resiliency. Everyone has heard stories of the rich and famous who rose up from situations of poverty and despair to become something great. This is exactly what this research is about. Eriksson's psychosocial model sets up the situation that the person must overcome. Wallace's theory on resiliency provides an understanding of what the child needs to overcome these circumstances to become…...



Anthony, E., Alter, C. & Jenson, J. (2009). Development of a Risk and Resilience-Based Out-of-

School Time Program for Children and Youths. Social Work. 54 (1): 45+. Retrieved from Questia Database.

Brendtro, L. & Larson, S. (2004). The Resilience Code: Finding Greatness in Youth. Reclaiming Children and Youth. 12 (4): 194 +. Retrieved from Questia Database.

Brown, W. (2006). The Value of Role Models in Inspiring Resilience. Reclaiming Children and Youth. 14 (4): 199+. Retrieved from Questia Database.

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