Maker Essays (Examples)

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Pinto Automobile Makers Are Responsible
Pages: 6 Words: 1813

Unfortunately, many companies and industries have not learned from the mistakes of the Ford company; as this is an issue that continues to happen with a number of large companies. A prime example of an industry that continues to use a cost benefit analysis even when it involves human life is the airline industry. Many companies within the industry have known in the past that some parts of the planes that were being manufactured were defective and could result in crashes and ultimately death. Yet they still allowed these planes to be used. They, like Ford, did not take into consideration the lasting impact of still allowing these products to be used even when they were found to be defective. For instance, it has taken Ford many years to overcome the decisions and choices it made in regard to the Ford Pinto.

The purpose of this discussion was to evaluate…...



Ford Pinto. (n.d.) Retrieved May 6, 2006 from; 

Leggett C. (1999) Te Ford Pinto Case: The Valuation of Life as it Applies to the Negligence-Efficiency Argument. Retrieved May 6, 2006 from;

Policy Makers With Information Regarding the Potential
Pages: 5 Words: 1420

policy makers with information regarding the potential savings in safety of Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) (Oei, 2005). The problem and opportunity is presented with, "In many countries in Europe accidents and casualties related to speeding are a manifest problem" (Oei, 2005). And, "Police lack the manpower to contain the problem, as well as, infracture measures are unpopular, costly, and time consuming" (Oei, 2005). The authors present the purpose of this study is "to review other types of measures that are effective" (Oei, 2005), which would include types of ISA. The main objective is to provide information regarding the potential savings of ISA, which is important for decisions concerning more research to be conducted.
ased on reviewing the conclusions, the research questions answered were: How can ISAs save on safety? How do the ISAs effect driver perceptions, behavior, and acceptance? How are the calculations of average speed reduction validated? The data…...



Key, J.P. (1997). Module R14 Qualitative Research. Retrieved from Oklahoma State University: 

Oei, H.L. (2005, May 2). Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA), Speed behavior, Safety effect. Retrieved from Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) and Road Safety: 

Qualitative Research Design. (n.d.). Retrieved from

AB Inbev Is the World's Largest Maker
Pages: 10 Words: 3283

AB InBEV is the world's largest maker of alcoholic beverages and they have other interests (such as bottling for other beverage makers) which increases their overall revenues. Because the company has a business plan which includes operational efficiency, a strong financial matrix, well-trained and knowledgeable employees and a customer-first focus, they have been able to maintain and even gain market share during difficult economic times. ith unique strategic capabilities that have positioned AB InBEV as the leader, it is possible to see the company be an even larger part of the beverage industry in years to come.
The latest quarterly report for AB InBEV (3rd quarter 2010) shows that the company continues to see a rise in revenues across the board[footnoteRef:1]. Although some high end products (mainly high-dollar spirits and specialty beers) have taken a hit in the market[footnoteRef:2], AB InBEV has been mostly insulated from this outcome because of their…...


Works Cited

AB InBEV. "Interbrew and AmBEV Establish InterbrewAmBev: The World's Premier Brewer." Anheuser Busch (2004). Accessed February 20, 2011 from 

AB InBEV. "Dream & Deliver: Annual Report 2009." Anheuser Busch (2009). Accessed February 20, 2011 from 

AB InBEV. "Guide to Our Business." Anheuser Busch (2009). Accessed February 20, 2011 from 

AB InBEV. "Unaudited Interim Financial Report." Anheuser Busch (June 30, 2010). Accessed February 20. 2011 from

Marketing Different Computer Makers Take
Pages: 4 Words: 1239

In each of the four Ps, Hewlett Packard does not do a fantastic job of differentiating its product. The product may be superior to that of some competitors, but the price does not convey that. In addition, the distribution is mainstream through the same channels most of its competitors use. The promotions lack a distinct look and feel as well, with the messages not varying much from those of HP's main competitors. There is certainly nothing of the level of differentiation found in Apple's spots, which have their own distinct look and feel.


Both companies have enjoyed considerable success in the personal computing industry. It is likely that Apple's promotions are more effective, but this assessment could reflect that the goals of Apple's promotions are clear. Apple seeks to create a strong brand image and with that brand loyalty. By those measures, Apple has been exceptionally successful. The success manifests more…...


Works Cited: (2011). Retrieved April 5, 2011 from 

"Happy Baby." (2010). YouTube/HP. Retrieved April 5, 2011 from 

Kahney, L. (2002). Apple: It's all about the brand. Wired. Retrieved April 5, 2011 from 

No author. (2010). Acer and HP grow market share in Q4, Apple holds steady. Electronista. Retrieved April 5, 2011 from

Drug Manufacturers and the Threat of Me Too Drug Makers
Pages: 2 Words: 645

Patent Exclusivity
I would propose modifying the development and/or regulatory review processes to help reverse the trend towards "me too" drugs by overhauling the system that allows for drug companies to "chemically rejigger an oldie but goodie, craft a new name, mount a massive advertising campaign and sell the retread as the latest innovative breakthrough" (Mattina, 2015). The overhaul would require companies to show how their new "innovation" is different from a previous drug and what makes it more beneficial. These re-inventions of the wheel allow companies to skate past competitors who heavily invest in actually innovative drug developments by reaping the spoils of their labor after simply altering a chemical or two and claiming the innovation for themselves. In order to level the playing field and make it more of a fair practice for every company, there needs to be a system of reporting that validates and justifies the changes…...



DiMasi, J., R. W. Hansen, H. G. Grabowski, 2003 "The price of innovation: new estimates of drug development costs," Journal of Health Economics 22: 151-185.

Mattina, J. (2015). Impact of 'me-too' drugs on health care costs. Forbes. Retrieved from

Makers of Angels for Women
Pages: 5 Words: 1393

If we look at one of the absolutes, such as abortion in cultures in which choice is at least generally available about reproductive options abortion is at least relatively unstigmatized and access to it is legal and there are no significant economic barriers, a woman may still have religious or ethical or emotional reasons why she would perceive abortion negatively.
A woman, for example, who has suffered through a number of miscarriages of wanted pregnancies may find herself for various reasons unable or unwilling to carry a pregnancy to term. In such a case, having an abortion may be the right choice for that woman but may still be very painful.

In general, the ways in which sexuality and fertility shapes a woman's relationship with self -- as well as with family and the larger community -- is largely determined by the degree of choice that she has over having her…...



Hooks, B. (2000). Feminist theory: From margin to center (2nd ed.). Brooklyn, NY: South End Press.

Kesselman, a., McNair, L.D., & Schniedewind, N. (2008). Women images and realities: A multicultural anthology (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

Disciple-Maker's Message in All Likelihood
Pages: 4 Words: 1441

The interpretation of "spiritual truths" can largely influence how a disseminator selects a particular message, and can also be a particular lesson taught to disciples -- to aid them in their own ability to interpret spiritual understanding. This intrinsic sense of what is necessary to be communicated to an audience (Mitchell, 2010) should also be taught to an audience itself, so that it can understand and become closer to the spirit of God -- which is one of the main goals of virtually any disciple-maker's message.
y utilizing the aforementioned sources to impart this particular message -- to help further the understanding of the voice and spirit of God for disciples, so that they may heed and live a life in accordance to it -- it then becomes necessary to utilize the proper form to communicate this message. Of the four most widely used forms of communicating a message (the…...



Barna, George. Growing True Disciples: New Strategies for Producing Genuine Followers of Chris.t Colorado Springs: WaterBrook Press. 2001.

Bloomberg, Craig, 1st Corinthians NIV Application Commentary. Michigan: Zondervan. 1995.

ESV Bible. "1 Corinthians 1-2, 2 Peter 1, and Romans 15-18." Crossway.   / (accessed November 10, 2011). 

Mitchell, Dr. Michael. Leading, Teaching, and Making Disciples. (Kindle Locations 6432-6459). Bloomington: CrossBooks. 2010. Kindle Edition. Chapter 9

Hit Projects and Decision Makers Describe an
Pages: 2 Words: 503

HIT Projects and Decision Makers
Describe an example of a HIT project implemented at your organization and analyze how that project was identified and moved forward.

One of the most commonly used health information technology (HIT) systems currently in use throughout America's medical industry is the SigmaCare electronic medical records (EM) system. After being implemented within my organization over three years ago, the SigmaCare EM system provided immediate enhancements to the hospital's overall ability to process patients efficiently while producing positive patient outcomes. Administrative and operational tasks were expedited through the use of SigmaCare's proprietary esident Data Exchange (DX) software, which allows for the creation of real-time links between hospital departments to eliminate redundant data entries. The process of implementing SigmaCare's EM system throughout the hospital was orderly and organized, guided by the collaborative efforts of administrators and mangers utilizing the SigmaCare Orientation eadiness Engagement (SCOE) program, which equips hospitals to prepare…...



Madsen, M. (2010). Knowledge and information modeling. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 151, 84-103.

Peleg, M. (2011). The role of modeling in clinical information system development life cycle. Methods of Information in Medicine, 50(1), 7-10.

Philip, A., Afolabi, B., Adeniran, O., Oluwatolani, O., & Ishaya, G. (2010). Towards an efficient information systems development process and management: A review of challenges and proposed strategies. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 3(10), 983-989.

Szydlowski, S., & Smith, C. (2009). Perspectives from nurse leaders and chief information officers on health information technology implementation. Hospital Topics, 87(1), 3-9.

Rt for Decision-Makers in Respiratory Care May 2008
Pages: 2 Words: 580

T for Decision Makers in espiratory Care
X for COPD

Craig osebrock, MD, and James Donohue, MD

T for Decision Makers in espiratory Care

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an inflammatory-linked condition associated with airflow limitations to the lung tissue of a patient. Numerous disease states can be linked to the condition including asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and triggers associated with the presence of inflammatory inhalants. Epidemiologically, the strongest causative factor in COPD globally is cigarette smoke (Lopez, 2006). The authors present the prescription pharmacological factors associated with COPD treatment focusing on clinical pharmacology, clinical data and meta-analysis data to demonstrate treatment options and effectiveness. The primary recommendation for COPD management is cessation of smoking and avoidance of tobacco and nuisance particles. Following a discussion of smoking cessation, the authors discuss the types and use of pharmacotherapy in treating COPD.

Table 1 within the publication describes the recommendations for managing COPD with pharmacological approaches. The…...



Lopez AD, Mathers CD, Ezzati M, Jamison DT, Murray CJL, eds. (2006) Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors. New York: Oxford University Press; Washington, DC: The World Bank.

Issue Stories

RT: For Decision Makers in Respiratory Care - May 2008


Bad Decision Makers Comparing and
Pages: 2 Words: 691

People may expect their decisions to be put into immediate action, and if they are not, then again, resentment and a lack of unity are created within the organizational fabric.
Democracy is important, but also effective praxis. "Remember, consensus is not about everyone agreeing on one idea, but in ensuring that the process to reach a solution is universally understood to be valid. It is support for implementing any action or resolution that is key to its success. You are interested in not only the best possible solution, but also the one that will be most successful in implementation, through communication and consideration of the impact on all staff members." (Schachter, 2006, p.1)

Thus, motivation is thus a tricky, delicate process and how to motivate people must be a key part of selecting the right decision, not merely because an idea is factually correct. hen engaging in a long, hard effort,…...


Works Cited

Blue Letter Bible. Online Searchable Bible in Various Translations. Retrieved 11 Nov 2006 at 

Robbins, Stephen: Judge, Timothy (2006) Organizational Behavior. 12th Edition

New York: Pearson.

Schachter, Debbie."The importance of good decision making." Information Outlook.

Decision-Makers and Managers in Health Care With
Pages: 8 Words: 3235

decision-makers and managers in health care with efficient course of action that give them opportunity to advance the quality in health cares by involving in designing and implementation. The analysis centers on certain people who have a strategic duty for quality based on capacity building tool in health care quality. This approach is adapted is because of the perceptive that there is an enormous amount of willingness and action for quality improvement locally in many countries but this move is carried out in an insufficient policy and strategic environment in many occasion. The practice suggested here gives opportunity to decision makers and managers to only focus on the component of quality they decide on. There could be further influence for quality in restructuring the care delivery in transversely settings in some countries, not like others which prefers to begin with the activities of patient safety. Objective for that reason…...



Committee on Quality of Health Care) in America, Institute of Medicine. Washington, DC, USA (2001) Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century National Academies Press;

Kelley E, Hurst J. (2006) Health care quality indicators project. Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, (OECD Health Working Papers, No. 23). This OECD project uses the same multidimensional framework for quality that is used in this document.

Leatherman S, Sutherland K., (2004) Quality of care in the NHS of England. British Medical Journal, 328:E288 -- E290.

World Development Report. (2004) Making services work for the poor. Washington, DC, World Bank,

Bad Decision Makers Contrasting Good
Pages: 2 Words: 737

Consumers, being human, have whims that cannot be assessed with financial data, or even predicted by the best of marketing departments.
This is also true of motivating individual employees. After all, an organization is only as good as its people. Thus, a good manager, will not merely look at the bottom line but also what motivates employees on an individual and intuitive basis. Often this is reflected in personal, anecdotal experience, rather than pure data. For example, challenges rather than ease spur some employes on, for other employees it is recognition of their wisdom, experience, or commitment to the organization. "I can excel or I can do the bare minimum. It makes no difference. I get paid the same. hy do anything above the minimum to get by?" said one disgruntled employee. (Judge & Robbins, 2006, p. 238) This employee, a teacher, felt that her school district did not solicit…...


Works Cited

Blue Letter Bible. Online Searchable Bible in Various Translations. Retrieved 11 Nov 2006 at 

Finance must excel now, more than ever: with continuous business volatility now a fact of life, the CFO must have a finance organization that can help to drive adaptive decision-making and overall company performance." (2002) CFO: Magazine for Chief Financial Officers. September 2002. Retrieved 11 Nov 2006 at 

Robbins, Stephen: Judge, Timothy (2006) Organizational Behavior. 12th Edition

New York: Pearson.

Operate a Cappuccino Maker Unscrew
Pages: 2 Words: 531

After about a minute, espresso will drip through the coffee holder into the carafe. At this point, if you wish to steam milk for a cappuccino, latte or macchiato you should begin steaming the milk.

Place the amount of milk you desire into a small carafe (not provided). Position the carafe of milk such that the steaming wand is inserted into the milk. Then, turn the steam knob located on the upper right hand side of the cappuccino machine until you hear steam emerging and see the milk begin to bubble. Keeping the wand inserted into the milk at all times, move the milk up and down. For best results, bring the tip of the steaming wand near the surface of the milk to introduce air into the milk. Then, when the milk carafe begins to feel warm in your hand, turn the steam knob to the off position. Remove the…...

Renowned Film Makers of This Century Federico
Pages: 6 Words: 1730

renowned film makers of this century Federico Fellini. Fellinni was born in Rimini on 20 January 1920. He was the son of Ida Barbiani who was of Roman origin and his father was Urbano who was a travelling salesman. Even while he was in high school, Fellini became famous as a caricature artist and this helped him get the job of a film promotional artist at the Fulgor cinema.
His directorial career was dotted with many accolades, several Oscar winning movies and almost all his films were critically acclaimed. The more famous films that were directed by Fellini were La strada - which won an Oscar and was among the first films in a series of films that sealed his place amidst the greatest of the film makers. Other famous films by the director were Le notti di Cabiria- an Oscar winning film, La dolce vita- won the Palme d'Or…...

Policy-Related Suggestions E G Education Legal
Pages: 3 Words: 1208

By delving into and categorizing the different treatments, ocial psychologists test and arrive at conclusions of socially helpful interventions and treatments. Other professionals such as social workers and therapists can then incorporate these treatments in their practices whilst policy makers can formulate laws (if applicable) incorporating them into the institution.

A) select one that makes use of the distinction between automatic cognitive-processes and controlled processing, and by using that article explain why that-distinction is important in current social psychological research. Are the methods-used to measure these two processes different? If so, how and why? (Do not-forget to cite the title of the article.)

Payne (2006) dwells on implicit and instinctive bias that compels people to make snap judgeship. These judgments can sometimes be dangerous and self if not socially destructive such as race stereotypes that can lead people to see a weapon where none exists and can result in faulty and harmful…...



Brewer, M.B., Brown, R..J., Gilbert, D.T., Fiske, S.T., & Lindzey, G. (2003). The handbook of social psychology. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Fiske, S.T., & Neuberg, S.L. (1990). A continuum of impression formation, from category-based to individuating processes: Influences of information and motivation on attention and interpretation, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 23, 1-74.

Legault, L. et al. (2011) Ironic Effects of Antiprejudice Messages: How Motivational Interventions Can Reduce (but Also Increase) Prejudice Psychological Science 22(12) 1472

Oskamp, S. (2000). Multiple paths to reducing prejudice and discrimination, Psychology Press: U.S.

Can you help me an essay outline and essay title about invent technology that would transform a country’s society?
Words: 726

This is a very interesting topic.  Near the end of each year, Lux Research posts a list of transformational technologies to watch in the following year, which might be a good place to start if you are looking for ideas about a specific technology.  However, those are going to be technologies that are already invented.  Inventing a technology that would transform society in a specific country would require an intimate understanding and knowledge of a country’s culture, geography, religion, history, infrastructure, and natural resources; identifying a problem that it has; and combing up with a novel invention....

Need help with this essay topic \"What are the major issues in the Legislation process the lawmakers need to follow?\"
Words: 349

Analyzing the issues in the legislation process depends on where the legislation is being written.  Lawmakers in different countries have to follow different processes to create law.  Even within countries, legislators may follow different legislative processes in different states or provinces. 

Generally, a law starts out as an idea.  A lawmaker realizes that there is a problem that needs to be addressed and that can be handled through legislation.  They may realize this on their own through their research, because a lobbying or special interest group come to the lawmakers with the issue, or because another....

Writing an essay and need to explain genre theory, describe the conventions and attributes of the genre in the movie Harriett, 2019?
Words: 559

Genre theory refers to the use of familiar themes and ideas as a way of signaling to the audience what to expect from a work of fiction. Genre theory can be used in various types of fiction and is often discussed when talking about both literature and movies. Genre theory can provide a good springboard for analysis of a particular work, because works can exemplify genres, deviate from genres, or even flip genres completely upside down.  As fictional works have developed, genres have become more specific.  Genres were initially very broad, both....

I need to know how to write a position paper on mediation course?
Words: 376

Mediation is one of the most popular forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).  While there are many benefits to mediation and other forms of ADR, including reduced costs for both parties, more rapid resolutions, and the decision-makers ability to consider principles outside of the legal principles involved, there are times when mediation is not the best solution.  If we were writing a position paper on mediation and mediation education, we would focus on domestic violence scenarios and why mediation is not a proper dispute resolution procedure in cases....

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