Meaningful Use Essays (Examples)

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Meaningful Use

electronic system in the health care system, new ideas and approaches are introduced. Electronic health records are helpful if they are meaningfully used. The concept of meaningful use is explained by many healthcare authorities. The Medicare and Medicaid Incentive Programs offer financial incentives regarding "meaningful use" of certified EH (Electronic Health ecord) technology. This helps improve patient care. The health care officers need to demonstrate that they "meaningfully use" their EHs and meet objectives. AA HITECH legislation also ensures "meaningful use" by skilled professionals (What is meaningful use? n.d.). The professionals that are certified for electronic health record technology are qualified for incentive payments (AHIMA: Quality Healthcare through Quality Information, 2013). AHIMA discusses the criteria for meaningful use. The initial set of standards should be met and the specifications for implementation must be followed. The professionals qualified for incentive repayment for meaningful use of certified EHs include Dentist, Physicians,….

Meaningful Use of Data

program has the potential to revolutionize the way the healthcare industry on many fronts and has implications for nurses, nursing, national health policy, patient outcomes, and population health associated with the collection and use of Meaningful Use core criteria. The primary objectives that lie at the heart of the system is to improve patient outcomes, safety, efficiencies, patient engagement, improved coordination, and public health outcomes in general among many other objectives. There are several components that are included in the electronic health records (EH) initiative and there are also different stages of the implementation (stages 1 and 2). This analysis will provide an overview of the Meaningful Use objectives as well as a discussion about possible inclusions of various criteria that could strengthen the implementation in general.
Overview of the Meaningful Use Program

The U.S. government introduced the Meaningful Use program as part of the 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic….

Meaningful use of data when used together with the best practice and evidence-based practice has the potential to improve health and healthcare for the population. Meaningful use of data greatly affects nurses since they are at the frontline in achieving the goals of meaningful use Mann, 2011.

This paper defines how meaningful use affects nurses and the role of nurses as relates to meaningful use. The paper is divided into four main sections -- the overview of meaningful use, which briefly defines the meaningful use program, the analysis section that describes the implications of meaningful use, meaningful use recommendations that provides evidence-based recommendations whether it is necessary to add more criteria to the program, and the conclusion section that provides a summary of the paper.

Overview of meaningful use

Meaningful use of data refers to using certified electronic health record (EH) or electronic medical record (EM) technology with the aim or improving….

Heubusch (2009), defining meaningful use is important because "it triggers $17 billion in Medicare and Medicaid incentives for the adoption of electronic health record systems." According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, "providers will reap benefits beyond financial incentives -- such as reduction in errors, availability of records and data, reminders and alerts, clinical decision support, and e-prescribing/refill automation." Standards defining meaningful use of EMS technologies must be set for ethical, legal, and fiscal reasons. Therefore, the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) published a series of white papers on the issue.
The nine-part AHIMA white paper series begins with a poorly written overview that does not provide a working definition of terms, offer meaningful use criteria, or any other pertinent data for that matter. Only four pages long, the "Overview of the Meaningful Use Final ule" is practically useless. The second white paper is five pages….

Regular and Regimented Activity Project for Overweight, Obese and |Diabetic Veterans
The Project Committee or team will be composed of:

The Project Manager who designs and develops the project with the team and oversees all activities leading to its completion (ITS, 2015). It is also his task to secure sponsorship and to deal with stakeholders. He handles all communications and reports, takes the risks and addresses the issues incurred in the implementation of the plan. In the overall, he assures that the Project is completed on schedule, as committed and within the budget allotted (ITS).

The Project Team Members are from the different disciplines of the nature of the target of the Project. They have their individual contributions to the Project with pre-arranged specifications from and by the Project Manager (ITS, 2015; Hofstrand, 2015). They are experts or authorities in their respective fields or professions. Some of them are regular members in that….

Healthcae Delivey Systems and Infomatics
Meaningful Use (MU)

Unde the HITECH Act (2009) financial incentives wee offeed to physician pactices and hospitals who adopted cetified electonic health ecod (EHR) systems and used this technology to impove quality, safety, and efficiency in patient cae. This is efeed to as "meaningful use". To eceive incentives, povides must povide evidence they ae meaningfully using thei EHR's by meeting a numbe of identified objectives. Use these links to exploe meaningful use. Go to the HealthIT dashboad site and exploe hospitals that have demonstated Meaningful Use though the Medicae EHR Incentive Pogam.

Link 1: Health IT Dashboad (2015) at

Link 2: (2014). Eligible Hospital and CAH Meaningful Use Table of Contents Coe and Menu Set

Objectives at

OR See Table 1: Stage 1 Meaningful Use Objectives unde Module 4 in Blackboad

1. List the two (2) states that have the lowest demonstated MU ate. Biefly explain (with appopiate….

Technology in Managing Data in Clinics
A Literature eview on the Use of Technology in Managing Data in Clinic

High quality in primary health care can be achieved by revitalizing the primary health care system and programs. Such effort will ensure that citizens have easily accessible high quality health care in an efficient manner. If information technology is used effectively in health care practice, there is a good chance of improving the delivery of primary health care and the accompanying patient outcomes.

Management systems that have to do with facilitation of clinical information are a currency in many health care facilities. There has been a lot of change since the days of Electronic Numeral and Integrator and Computer; commonly abbreviated as ENIAC; this was arguably the first real general purpose computer system set up in 1946. There are a number of clinical information systems that can be used in ICU processes. The….

ationale for the use of life cycle Management at Glazers

LCM (Life Cycle Management) is a framework which manages and scrutinises the performance and sustainability of services and goods. This framework aims to achieve the long-term objectives of the business, and gives less stress on the short-term objectives. For getting a more sustainable value chain, organizations are making use of this framework, which would in turn improve their economic and social performance. Businesses throughout the world are making use of this framework for many purposes, like to improve their standing within the market, to strengthen the relationships with the stakeholders and to produce more environment friendly goods.

LCM urges the companies to look away from their own processes, and focus on activities which are not under the direct control of the company. Such activities include the upstream and the downstream operations that become a part of value chain. In previous days,….

The company has decided that in order to expand globally, it will need to send two expatriates to two different countries. We will need one person in Dubai in order to run our EMEA business, and one person in Hong Kong in order to run our APAC business. This report will present a significant amount of discussion with respect to the business cultures in those cities, in the regions as a whole, and what the company needs to do to ensure a successful expatriate deployment.

The first thing that the company must know is that we cannot send people who have no international experience on this type of assignment. The initial expansion requires people on the ground who understand what they are getting into – they have travelled extensively and done business in the regions in question. The reason for this is that so much rides on these individuals that there….

In critically ill adults (p), how does the daily use of chlorohexidine (I) compared to sterile water reduce VAP (ventilator-associated pneumonia) (O) during hospitalized stay (T)?

oy's Adaptation Model (AM) states that the "nursing process is a problem solving approach for gathering data, identifying the capacities and needs of the human adaptive system, selecting and implementing approaches for nursing care, and evaluation the outcome of care provided" ("Application of oy's Adaptation Model," 2012). This approach seems uniquely well-suited to the question of how to reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia, a common complaint of patients during hospital stays. AM focuses on objective analysis of the problem and attempting to provide solutions which address human needs through a scientific approach to care. The first step of the nursing process is gathering data, in this case determining why pneumonia is so common amongst patients. Next identifying "internal and external stimuli" that give rise to the….

Emotional Intelligence and the Role it Plays in Project Portfolio Management
One of the most important and essential qualities of leadership needed in today's multigenerational business world is Emotional Intelligence (EI). EI is a "people smart" type of intelligence -- it enables an individual to read a person and provide the right kind of emotional feedback and/or responses to that person's needs. Leaders who demonstrate strong emotional intelligence are able to improve project performance because they focus on the individuals within a team rather than simply or exclusively on goals and procedures (Cacamis & Asmar, 2014). EI allows one to be person-centered, oriented towards responding to emotional cues that the other is consciously or unconsciously displaying in their words, behavior, body language, and communications. Effective use of EI can help organizations to promote a stronger workplace culture, stronger teams, and stronger performance overall (Den, Deanne & Belschak, 2012). In a multigenerational….

Performance Management
Create a job description for a retail sales associate. Create an organizational behavior modification (OBM) plan to define a set of three (3) key behaviors that are necessary for job performance.

Job Description for etail Sales Associate

• Greet customers and determine their needs and wants

• Discuss potential merchandise purchase of customers

• ecommend merchandise based on discussion with customer

• Advise customers on utilization and care of merchandise

• Upsell related products or services

• Answer customer questions

• Explained return policies and discounts

• Keep merchandise displays in order

Organizational Behavior Modification Plan (OBM)

Key Performance Behaviors

Greet customers within 5 minutes of entry into sales area (allow time for browsing before contact).

a. Sales associate make mental note of customer response and encourages survey feedback for all completed sales with customers given assistance. Measurement: An on-your-honor system with sales associate fine-tuning approach to customer traffic and perceptions about customer receptivity.

2. Point out the new lines of merchandise and….

Usage of Gothic Cathedral

Gothic Cathedral as Rhetorical Device
Usage of Gothic Cathedral


It is one thing to believe that the structure of Gothic cathedrals were a response to a desire to imbue meaning and particularly a manifestation of faith in a building that was functionally a place of worship, gathering, and the seat of local power. It is quite another to posit, as did Viollet-le-Duc, that the ultimate shape assumed by a Gothic cathedral was a mere rational response to solving structural problems. If the Gothic cathedral is thought to be completely rational in its expression, then it may also be thought of as the only possible expression, given the structural challenges it was designed to solve. Viollet-le-Duc sought correspondence between the materials used in a building with the structure that eventually took shape. He particularly believed that the use of stone to build a cathedral was both rational and functional. With stone, an….

Defining Content

Justifying Methodology

Creating and Curating Content

Linking Methodology to Content Creation

This paper briefly explores the topic of content strategy methodology, including justification for establishing a formal methodology, attributes of good content and how these intersect with the methodology. The concept of content as conversation is examined. New brain science research on the dynamics of conversation is presented as a framework for considering the attributes of good content. Pitfalls of an inadequate methodology of content strategy are discussed in conjunction with the attributes of good content, variables that are more likely to be present in content that is produced according to a comprehensive, thoughtfully developed content strategy methodology.

Defining Content

The discussion commences by focusing on definition of terms and the reasons why the approaches presented matter Experts in the field of content development have a propensity for referring to content as conversation. Content is not, in and of itself, conversation. ather, content….

norm-referenced test is an assessment that produces a score (or scores) that represent an estimate of where the individual stands with respect to a predefined peer group on a particular trait, dimension, or ability (ust & Golombok, 2014). Norm-referenced tests allow for a comparison on whether an individual performed at, above, or below expectation with respect to individuals that are similar to them. For example, traditional IQ tests yield standardized scores with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 (or 16; Sattler & yan, 2009). The standardized score is a score that should be interpreted and not the raw scores. In terms of simple point estimates (single IQ scores) the researcher/clinician can compare the individual performance to the norm -- reference group with respect to the score's deviation from the mean. Comparing individual scores to norm -- reference scores in this manner allows the researcher/clinician to….

2 Pages
Term Paper


Meaningful Use

Words: 648
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

electronic system in the health care system, new ideas and approaches are introduced. Electronic health records are helpful if they are meaningfully used. The concept of meaningful use…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Meaningful Use of Data

Words: 1448
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

program has the potential to revolutionize the way the healthcare industry on many fronts and has implications for nurses, nursing, national health policy, patient outcomes, and population health…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


What Does Meaningful Use of Data Mean for Nurses

Words: 1889
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nurses Meaningful use of data when used together with the best practice and evidence-based practice has the potential to improve health and healthcare for the population. Meaningful use of…

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2 Pages
White Paper


Heubusch 2009 Defining Meaningful Use Is Important

Words: 625
Length: 2 Pages
Type: White Paper

Heubusch (2009), defining meaningful use is important because "it triggers $17 billion in Medicare and Medicaid incentives for the adoption of electronic health record systems." According to the…

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10 Pages


Applying Meaningful Use Principles on Information Management Systems

Words: 3025
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Regular and Regimented Activity Project for Overweight, Obese and |Diabetic Veterans The Project Committee or team will be composed of: The Project Manager who designs and develops the project with the…

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3 Pages


Health Information and Health

Words: 1396
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcae Delivey Systems and Infomatics Meaningful Use (MU) Unde the HITECH Act (2009) financial incentives wee offeed to physician pactices and hospitals who adopted cetified electonic health ecod (EHR) systems…

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2 Pages
Capstone Project

Health - Nursing

Use of Technology in Managing Data in Clinics

Words: 846
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Technology in Managing Data in Clinics A Literature eview on the Use of Technology in Managing Data in Clinic High quality in primary health care can be achieved by revitalizing…

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17 Pages
Research Paper


Use of Life Cycle Costing Management Technique at Glazer's Inc

Words: 4601
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Management ationale for the use of life cycle Management at Glazers LCM (Life Cycle Management) is a framework which manages and scrutinises the performance and sustainability of services and goods.…

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8 Pages

Business - International

using expats to'spearhead global expansion

Words: 2600
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Background The company has decided that in order to expand globally, it will need to send two expatriates to two different countries. We will need one person in Dubai in…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Using Roy S And Neuman S Theories in Nursing

Words: 560
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Theory In critically ill adults (p), how does the daily use of chlorohexidine (I) compared to sterile water reduce VAP (ventilator-associated pneumonia) (O) during hospitalized stay (T)? oy's Adaptation Model…

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15 Pages


Using Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Words: 4903
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Emotional Intelligence and the Role it Plays in Project Portfolio Management One of the most important and essential qualities of leadership needed in today's multigenerational business world is Emotional Intelligence…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Using Mbos to Improve Employee and Organizational Outcomes

Words: 1130
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Performance Management Create a job description for a retail sales associate. Create an organizational behavior modification (OBM) plan to define a set of three (3) key behaviors that are necessary…

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2 Pages


Usage of Gothic Cathedral

Words: 929
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Gothic Cathedral as Rhetorical Device Usage of Gothic Cathedral Viollet-le-Duc. It is one thing to believe that the structure of Gothic cathedrals were a response to a desire to imbue meaning…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Using Methodology to Strengthen Content Strategy

Words: 2149
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Strategy Defining Content Justifying Methodology Creating and Curating Content Linking Methodology to Content Creation This paper briefly explores the topic of content strategy methodology, including justification for establishing a formal methodology, attributes of…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Use of Norm-Referenced Tests

Words: 624
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

norm-referenced test is an assessment that produces a score (or scores) that represent an estimate of where the individual stands with respect to a predefined peer group on…

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