Mental Health Essays (Examples)

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It is in the nursing homes job description, that the nursing staff employed should be certified, and be able to perform a number of tasks in order to better understand the patient. This includes an assessment of the patient's mental status and thought process, an understanding of the patient's health concerns, ailments and other physical issues, with an open discussion between the nurse and the patient of anything troubling the patient with regard to their health or treatment plans and/or other mental worries that the patient faces.
If the patient insists on declining medicine, they need to be explained their necessity and adjusted, if the medication is causing some sort discomfort to the patient. The nursing staff should not only himself/herself care for the patient when it comes to their medication and rehabilitation, but also educate the patient themselves. The nursing staff constantly should supervise the elderly, however, if there….

Mental Health Service Reimbursement
How have changes in reimbursement and medications been a major driver in these policy and treatment changes?

As a Chief Nursing Officer, one must be at once informed of the practical, day-to-day challenges of nursing in the field and of the administrative realities shaping the occupation. ith respect to the latter, it is important to understand the implications of insurance, Medicare and coverage terms and conditions. These frequently complex terms will have a direct impact on the experience of providing treatment. This is well demonstrated in a discussion on coverage vagaries relating to mental health treatment reimbursement. Especially with so many changes now taking place in the healthcare field, there is practical value in understanding the emergent conditions of mental health coverage.

The most immediate and impactful change in mental health coverage relates to the historical limitations placed on the scope of treatment reimbursement. Insurance companies first and, consequently,….

Mental Health Policies and Legislation
It is not humane nor is it dignified to allow any living person to live in a florid psychosis; this would be a cruel and odd punishment. In the Australian medical practice, the health laws and regulations dictate that, doing the legal thing in the course of duty is not sufficient, but rather the professional must do what is morally right. In definition, recovery is the process of changing through which an individual improves in their health status and wellness, to live a self-directed life, striving to reach their maximum potential (Turton, Wright & Killaspy, 2010). The essay covers the introduction of the recovery model of care in Australia and the successive impacts it has on the treatment process of the patients: in addition to the impact on the nursing practice. The evolution of the recovery model, however, now presents a chance for the challenged persons….

In the future, this will improve quality and it will reduce the total number of uninsured. This is when productivity and the standard of living will improve by proactively addressing these issues while they are small.

To deal with any potential challenges left behind from the Affordable Care Act requires looking at alternatives which can be augmented with the law. The various options that are available include:

Enacting provisions that apply to immigrants: The figures that were examined earlier in the table titled Immigration Status and the Percentage without any Health Insurance Coverage. They are showing that naturalized citizens and non-citizens do not have any kind of health care coverage. Inside the group of non-citizens are illegal immigrants. According to the Pew Foundation, they determined that the total number of illegal immigrants among this group is accounting for 28% of the population. (Lee, 2012)

Moreover, the Department of Homeland Security determined that….

Mental Health Policy
A healthy body keeps a healthy mind is a universal proverb applicable to people of all times. Mental illness not only harms the person himself but also the ones who are closely associated with him. The number of mentally ill people is increasing across the globe and there is serious need to devise an effective policy to control this situation.

An abusive, compelling and dominating behavior in a dating relationship among the teenage youngsters is termed as dating violence. Students susceptible to dating violence suffer greatly in terms of their academic performance, social and extra-curricular activities. They may show poor results and isolate themselves from colleagues and friends. They may show lack of interest in extra-curricular activities. All these activities are results of poor mental health. Such students have a profound effect on their psyche due to being exposed to some kind of in-home violence in their childhood. They….

Mental Health
Policy Issues in Mental Health and Impact

Mental healthcare is an area of care that has been neglected by policy makers and by the medical community at some point in its history. Examining how the mentally ill have been treated throughout history demonstrates that opinions have changed and people treatment has followed how the general public viewed mental health. At times reformers would make conditions better, but these always seemed to be followed by periods when the mentally ill were treated like criminals. This roller coaster ride of options and opinions seems to be changing currently, and the idea that mental health is as much of a disease as other forms of chronic illness is beginning to take hold with the general public.

Some of the credit for this can be laid at the feet of a greater awareness of how PTSD affects soldiers and other victims of extreme trauma, but,….

Mental health disorder is a continuum ranging from a severe disorder to minor distress of behavior or mind. The prime target of the health initiative is to enhance the social functioning and health of mentally ill persons (Halpern & Kaste, 2013). Oral health problem contributes to quality of life, general health, and self-esteem. Although it might have a minimal priority in the context of depression, the impact of mental health and treatment of oral health need to be addressed.
Dental Consequences of Depression

Studies indicate that high comorbidity and chronic dental pain are the most commonly recognized dental implications. Literature on chronic pain and depression extends to describe the reciprocal relation between depression and dental pain. Decreased motivation and energy, coupled with negative self-opinions associated with depression might cause a detrimental effect on oral hygiene habits and adherence to treatment interventions (Kandel, 2012). Depressed patients frequently have minimal interest in basic self-care….

The ultimate solution is comprehensive mental health coverage, a solution which must be achieved on a political level. Full Circle Health is already striving to do so, as part of its political advocacy work. However, until then, one possible solution would be to employ individuals specifically to work helping patients negotiate the complex health care bureaucracy and to work with insurance agencies, government organizations, and private charities to ensure funding. Ideally, these individuals would be paid staff members, employed to work as advocates for funding and to work with insurance companies, to help with paperwork and to submit appeals, when necessary, if funding was threatened. If there is no budget for additional paid staff, volunteers could be employed, however the issue of confidentiality regarding mental health care records must be strictly observed. Paid and volunteer positions would be trained in the health care insurance industry's language, and provide needed and….

Mental Health Legislation
Critical Appraisal of ecent Mental Health Legislation and its Effect Upon Service Users and Carers

In recent years, we have seen a renewed government interest in public health. The everyday coming amendments and suggestions show that achievement of a healthy individual in society is not just related to medical treatment. It also shows that social, environmental and economic surroundings play an important part to determine levels of illness and disease (DoH, 1999). Before mid-twentieth century, majority of the moderate mental disorders were not taken seriously to treat and only people get assistance from their general physician and from family, friends, and clergy

." The care of people with serious mental illness was a state responsibility, provided in custodial mental hospitals for people who could not safely be cared for by themselves or their families...the segregation of such people in isolated custodial institutions probably contributed to the stigma associated with disorders….

Mental Health Care System

Mental Health Care System
The mental healthcare system in the United States is historically fractured. A "silo"-based foundation precludes correlation between varied and integral systems that, collectively, offer a range of services to treat the whole patient. The President's ew Freedom Commission on Mental Health roused the debate of the mental health community and rallied them around one goal: providing thorough, coherent, and appropriate treatment to Americans with mental health and substance abuse problems. Particularly needy for this form of collected care is one demographic in particular: teens dealing with drug abuse and alcohol problems. The substance-abusing teen is caught between many cracks: between child and adult, the mental health system and juvenile justice. The ever-developing mental healthcare system in the United States is restructuring to address this failure, approaching the teen from both SAMHSA and affiliated programs as well as through the Justice Department, using individual, family, and developmentally-appropriate forms….

It promised to be a very important resource to the primary care setting, but at present, the performance has not been considerable and there have been lack of funds and local consensus, which thwart its implementation (Pidd).
Shared Care etween GP Practices and Community Health Teams

This initiative aimed at developing cooperative partnership between these teams as well as establishing systems for proactive, structured care at the practice level (Pidd 2004). Implementation has similarly been problematic. When effected, it would insure the engagement and involvement of the key staff in GP practice and local community mental health teams; a participative, facilitated process for the shared care conceptual framework; joint working groups to develop shared care agreements; and a shared understanding of priorities for improvement. Meanwhile, pilot studies conducted on personal medical services identified five factors, which could enhance successful quality improvement. These were effective collaboration with community and secondary care, effective….

Parents of children with psychological problems are often highly stressed, emotionally and economically, and many have observed that dealing with state bureaucracy can feel like a 'full job' in and of itself. The Case Management Service addresses this problem.
Of course, getting appropriate screening in the first place is essential: children with mental difficulties or learning disabilities, if not properly assessed by a professional, may simply be labeled 'bad' children. This is why all Californian children can be screened at relatively young ages for mental health complaints through the Preschool 0-5 Program. This program facilitates mental health screening, evaluations, treatment and consultation in childcare facilities, pediatrician's offices, and in other environments where children are likely to receive care or treatment (Children's Services, 2010, iverdale).

iverdale's mental health services are supported with a combination of state and county funding. However, according to the Department of Mental Health Services Website (2010) due to….

Mental Health
Providing patients with mental health problems with the proper care can be a difficult task. There are also many ethical issues that often arise in caring for patients who are mentally ill. The case of Rocky Bennett is a prime example of the ethical dilemmas that can arise when arriving for this particular population. These dilemmas can also be compounded when racial discrimination is involved. The purpose of this discussion is to examine issues related to the delivery of mental healthcare using the Rocky Bennett case as an example.

Delivery of community and health services

Mental illness is still a taboo subject in many communities throughout the world. As such the delivery of delivering community and mental health services can be difficult. Ethical issues abound in the field of mental health because of the sensitivities involved when treating patients who are mentally ill. The major issues are often associated with maintaining….

By not complying with the medical treatment, they are making a statement about their own identity and how it is in their hands, not in their parents or the doctors'. Thus, compliance becomes associated with giving in. Moreover, many teens are worried about the medication itself. For example, "A teen may be wary of the side effects from the prescribed medication, and taking the prescribed medication may validate the teen's condition," (MassGeneral Hospital for Children 2009). By taking the medication, they are validating their disorder, which they may want to ignore. Thus, noncompliance serves as a method of denial -- denying the existence of the very disorder itself.
There are several ways that compliance can be increased. All parties involved should hold some responsibility for increasing compliance with treatment. Therefore, doctors especially should take time to adjust treatment to the teen's life in order to provide the greatest level of….

The attitude of parents which came across as more authoritative, uncompromising, uncooperative and unaffectionate does result in higher levels of depression in the subject. Even though parental authority was required for disciplining the adolescents, it was the accentuated sort of antagonistic authority that resulted in higher levels of depression as well as increased the possibility of clashes and irritation. The fact of the matter is that in most occasions when the adolescent did not respond simultaneously to the overt and hesitant disapprovals and authority of the parents, it decreased with the passage of time.

Apart from these confined parenting approaches there were some peripheral, indirect and distant parenting approaches that brought about depressive inclinations in the adolescent as well. One of these indirect factors was the personal happiness and contentment of the parents within their own relationship or familial or financial situation. While positive growth of this child was also dependent….

Many people have suggested reasons that obesity remains prevalent in Salford, UK.  The low level of adult physical activity is believed to be the primary cause, but it is important to recognize that childhood obesity is also a factor in Salford.  In addition, one must compare other health measures in Salford to the rest of the UK to get a full picture.  In general, Salford is simply less healthy than the English average, with higher rates of adult smoking, smoking-related deaths, alcohol-related hospital stays, mental health conditions, dementia, and learning disabilities.  This seems to be directly linked to issues....

7 Pages


Mental Health Aged Care Mental

Words: 2439
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

It is in the nursing homes job description, that the nursing staff employed should be certified, and be able to perform a number of tasks in order to…

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2 Pages


Mental Health Reimbursement and Med Changes

Words: 573
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Mental Health Service Reimbursement How have changes in reimbursement and medications been a major driver in these policy and treatment changes? As a Chief Nursing Officer, one must be at once…

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10 Pages


Mental Health Policies and Legislation it Is

Words: 3144
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Mental Health Policies and Legislation It is not humane nor is it dignified to allow any living person to live in a florid psychosis; this would be a cruel and…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Mental Health the Recent Changes

Words: 3922
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In the future, this will improve quality and it will reduce the total number of uninsured. This is when productivity and the standard of living will improve by…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Mental Health Policy a Healthy Body Keeps

Words: 1679
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mental Health Policy A healthy body keeps a healthy mind is a universal proverb applicable to people of all times. Mental illness not only harms the person himself but also…

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10 Pages


Mental Health Policy Issues in Mental Health

Words: 3002
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Mental Health Policy Issues in Mental Health and Impact Mental healthcare is an area of care that has been neglected by policy makers and by the medical community at some point…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Mental Health Disorder Is a Continuum Ranging

Words: 1394
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Mental health disorder is a continuum ranging from a severe disorder to minor distress of behavior or mind. The prime target of the health initiative is to enhance the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Mental Health Organization Mental Health

Words: 1695
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The ultimate solution is comprehensive mental health coverage, a solution which must be achieved on a political level. Full Circle Health is already striving to do so, as part…

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9 Pages


Mental Health Legislation Critical Appraisal of Recent

Words: 3818
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Mental Health Legislation Critical Appraisal of ecent Mental Health Legislation and its Effect Upon Service Users and Carers In recent years, we have seen a renewed government interest in public health.…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Mental Health Care System

Words: 3252
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mental Health Care System The mental healthcare system in the United States is historically fractured. A "silo"-based foundation precludes correlation between varied and integral systems that, collectively, offer a range…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Mental Health and Primary Care

Words: 3532
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It promised to be a very important resource to the primary care setting, but at present, the performance has not been considerable and there have been lack of…

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2 Pages


Mental Health Riverdale CA Mental

Words: 625
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Parents of children with psychological problems are often highly stressed, emotionally and economically, and many have observed that dealing with state bureaucracy can feel like a 'full job'…

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7 Pages
Case Study


Mental Health Providing Patients With Mental Health

Words: 2453
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Case Study

Mental Health Providing patients with mental health problems with the proper care can be a difficult task. There are also many ethical issues that often arise in caring for patients…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal


Mental Health Teens and Mental

Words: 1938
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

By not complying with the medical treatment, they are making a statement about their own identity and how it is in their hands, not in their parents or…

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8 Pages


Mental Health the Technological Developments

Words: 2683
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

The attitude of parents which came across as more authoritative, uncompromising, uncooperative and unaffectionate does result in higher levels of depression in the subject. Even though parental authority was…

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