Minority Students
Review of Cummins' "Empowering Minority Students"
Jim Cummins, professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, considers that the personal and institutional methods of providing instruction to minority students must be redefined to improve their educational performance outcomes. He theorizes that past failures in compensatory and bilingual education has been a result of "bicultural ambivalence" and the current methodology must be reformed to empower minority students by encouraging them to embrace their native language and culture. He believes that this requires improved interactions at three levels: between teacher and student, schools and minority communities, and the cultural groups to the larger society. The framework Cummins proposes to rework the educational institution for the benefit of the minority student involves incorporating the student's language into the school program, encouraging the participation of the minority community with the school, promoting the student's use of language to improve his learning development,…...
empowering minority students with first language different from the language of instruction. The author maintains that despite the development or incorporation of various programs for minority students, it appears that there exists a significant achievement gap between majority and minority students indicating something inherently wrong with the measures adopted so far. The author rejects both the "inadequate exposure" and "linguistic mismatch" arguments because it appears that both have their fair share of merits and demerits. Cummins suggests that we incorporate his theoretical framework in educational programs and instruction methods so minority students can be empowered. His framework consists of four essential steps that he believes "contribute to the extent to which minority students, are empowered or disabled." Cummins suggests adoption of an additive approach rather than a subtractive approach. "Educators who see their role as adding a second language and cultural affiliation to their students' repertoire are likely to…...
This encouragement and the ability to have opportunities are at the heart of what Conchas (2006) is trying to say.
There are many individuals who are for the tracking system, and many who are against it. They all have their reasons, and while most of them are good ones, both sides cannot always be correct. One case raised in favor of tracking is based on the research information that students who are low achievers or have low abilities often benefit from being in a class where other individuals are of the same ability level. While some opponents argue that this does not allow children who are doing poorly to have meaningful interaction with those that are doing well, the research findings state that children who are doing poorly often improve when they are placed in classes that are designed for remedial students. In other words, they need to be involved…...
Chaddock, G.R. (2000). Mixed messages on math as 12th graders falter. Christian Science Monitor. http://csmweb2.emcweb.com/durable/2001/08/03/text/p2s1.html.
Conchas, G. (2006). The Color of Success: Race and High-Achieving Urban Youth. Teacher College Press.
Denevi, E. (2003). Helping White Students and Educators Understand Their Role in a Multicultural Society. National Association of Independent Schools. _id=1.http://nais.org/pubs/ismag.cfm?file_id=933&ismag
Gorman, L. (2003). School style can raise achievement. National Bureau of Economic Research. http://www.nber.org/digest/jul01/w7985.html .
This study has noted that educators are noting better methods to assist these students rather than placing them in special education classes which fail to assist these students in school or across the span of their lifetime endeavors.
Recommendations arising from this review of literature in this study include the recommendation that different methods be utilized in assisting culturally and linguistically diverse students in the school setting. Among these methods are those noted by Knotek (2003) and Craig, Hull, Haggart and Perez-Selle (2000) which involves educators and school counselors assisting in addressing the difficulties faced by these students in the school environment and which may include but are not limited to addressing the needs of students as well as their strengths through strategies of individualized behavior contracts, specialized counseling techniques and culturally appropriate reinforcements that serve to encourage positive behavior on the part of the culturally and linguistically diverse students.
Coutinho, M.J. & Oswald, D.P. (1999). Ethnicity and special education research: Identifying questions and methods. Behavioral Disorders, 24, 66-73.
Oswald, D.P., Coutinho, M.J., Best, A.M & Singh, N. (1999). Ethnic representation in special education: The influence of economic demographic variables. Journal of Special Education, 32, 194-196.
Murtagh, Damien (2003) Investigating the Overrepresentation of Ethnic Minorities in Special Education. Graduate Studies. Online available at: www.lynchburg.edu/documents/GraduateStudies/Journal/MurtaghD.doc
U.S. Department of Education. (2000). Twenty-second annual report to Congress on the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Act. Washington, DC: Author.
Minority Transfers to Four-Year Universities
In California today, over 70% of public school students and 50% of those in community colleges are black and Hispanic and the entire education system suffered greatly because of budget shortfalls in the last three years. Community colleges have an open admissions policy, unlike four-year universities, but also have a high drop-out rate for poor and minority students. According to the UCLA Civil Rights Project, in California, over 70% of minority students in community colleges failed to transfer to four-year universities in six years (Tlatenchi 2012). Most of these students are also low income and from schools that perform poorly at preparing students for university level work, and the education cutbacks have affected them the most, limiting their access to higher education even further. Old affirmative action policies always had the reputation of admitted unqualified students to universities, but new federal rules that still permit race…...
Tlatenchi, Fredy. "UCLA's Civil Rights Project Reports how Minorities can Transfer to Four-year Universities Quicker." Daily Sundial, March 7th, 2012.
Wong, Linda. "Rule Changes That Could Boost Minority College-Going," January 15, 2012. Think USC.
Minorities in the Field of Library & information science
Crossing the language barrier requires more then moving towards the learning stage. Many of the Native Americans, Asian-Americans and African-Americans may have had the urge to adopt quick learning skills. ALA (American Librarian Association) and many such organizations have provided an identity for the minority librarians, giving them a space to overcome their past struggles, which is why a number of people are being enrolled in this program and enlarging their success rate. Opening new doors to recruit minor graduates in the field of Information Science and giving them an insight of new technologies. hile new graduates seek their opportunity and enroll themselves in the freshmen program and prove their credentials.
Minorities in the Field of Library
Information Science
There are millions of Native American Indians, African-Americans, Latin
Americans and Asian-American currently residing in the United States, and the number of immigrants seems to be improving…...
mlaWorks Cited
ALA "60.Minority Concerns," last modified on 9 (Dec 2002), Available at http://archive.ala.org/alaorg/policymanual/minority.html
Jones, F. Reinette, African-American Librarians in Kentucky (University of Kentucky). Available at http://www.uky.edu/Subject/aalibky.html
Moritomo, Toyotomi and Nakanishi, Don, Japanese-Americans And Cultural
Continuity: Maintaining Language Through Heritage (Studies in the History of Education), Garland Publishing (March 1997)
There are, for example, many ways for a student to present an understanding of the causes of the U.S. Civil War" (1999, p. 35).
The research showed high stakes standardized testing approaches are becoming increasingly commonplace in the nation's schools, and the outcome of these testing regimens has enormous implications for the students involved, as well as for their teachers and schools. The research also showed that by formulating standards to match these standardized tests, teachers run the risk of "teaching to the test" rather than providing their students with the type of education that is needed in the 21st century. While they are more complex and difficult to administer, the research also showed that portfolios and other assessment techniques such as capstone projects provide a more comprehensive and accurate way to determine how well students are learning and where they may need help.
Blasi, M. (2005). Standardized tests: A teacher's…...
Blasi, M. (2005). Standardized tests: A teacher's perspective. Childhood Education, 81(4), 242-
Garcia, N. & Fleming, J. (1999). Are standardized tests fair to African-Americans? Journal of Higher Education, 69(5), 471-472.
Neill, D.M. (1999). Transforming student assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 78(1), 34-35.
Sacks, P. (2000). Standardized minds: The high price of America's testing culture and what we can do to change it. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing.
Minority Healthcare Issues in the United States
Minority racial and ethnic groups in the United States have long been subject to disparities in access and deliver of healthcare services (Graham & Dietz, 2011). According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, approximately 33% of Americans self-identify themselves as being African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific American, or Latino (Minority health, 2013). The Kaiser Family Foundation also emphasizes that, "acial/ethnic background is associated with health status, health insurance coverage, and health care access and quality, with people of color consistently faring poorer on many health outcomes" (Minority health, 2013, para. 2).
Although steps have been taken to address these disparities in healthcare outcomes (Smedley, 2006), there remains a lack of consensus among policymakers concerning optimal courses of action (Minority health, 2013). Moreover, many minority members who live in rural American communities remain underserved by the medical profession (Holley, 2013). According to Holley (2013), "This shortage is…...
Graham, G.N. & Dietz, D. (2011, November/December). And quality healthcare for all:
Reducing health disparities in America. Aging Today, 32(6), 5.
Holley, K.A. (2013, February 15). Rural minority student engagement with a healthcare pipeline program. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 28(4), 1-3.
Komen, S.G. (2003, May). Minority women are less likely than Caucasian women to get mammograms. Marketing to Women, 16(5), 10.
Many of the students at the school are intelligent, but they do not know how to put that intelligence to good use, because no one has ever taught them that they are capable of doing many things that they may want to do. Since this is the case, the teachers at the school must be given tools that are practical and can be easily incorporated into what they already do, which will help to stimulate the minds of the students that they work with when it comes to teaching them language literacy. While not an easy task, it is a worthwhile one that should be considered. Children are the future of this country and it seems wrong to neglect any of them, regardless of their race, ethnicity, background, language ability, or mental capabilities.
Those that can be educated should be educated, and ways must be found to ensure that this takes…...
The variations in levels of success of the students that the researcher did find were far more likely to be related to the other variables (i.e. emotional status, peer relationships, preparation for the N program, student/teacher relationships and attitudes of co-workers.). In fact the researcher found that all of the students were able to integrate well into the program as well as the social setting of the school, regardless of their minority status.
Those students who did struggle blamed their problems on a lack of emotional support, time management problems other non-race related variables. In addition, both minority and non-minority students experienced feelings of jealousy from their co-workers who were envious of the fact that the student was advancing his or her career. There were also some difficulties found relating to the nursing skills lab, and certain writing assignments, however these did not appear to be racially influenced either.
Implications for…...
Henle, S.A. (2007) the barriers encountered and the factors that contribute to the success of the minority and non-minority licensed practical nurses in a two-year associate degree registered nursing program, (Doctoral Dissertation) Dowling College, Oakdale, NY. UMI Number: 3295361
Diversity in employment within community colleges seems higher than that of four-year colleges and universities on the national level. Research indicates community colleges engage more actively in recruiting and retaining more women and minorities than that of four-year colleges. Recent literature (within the last five years) explains some of the steps communities and community colleges have taken to become more inclusive. This shows not only that community colleges are willing to hire more minorities and women, but that there is also a climate more accepting of hiring minorities and women.
Community colleges undertake a variety of tasks for the satisfaction and success of their students. That is why diversity in faculty may help community colleges achieve their goals. In an article by Hughes, the author explains the need for community colleges to adapt strategies to not only recruit diverse faculty, but also retain them. He also states the inherent challenge in…...
eview of LiteratureIntroductionTeachers are responsible for students success and achievement. A student who passes well in school has a chance of acquiring numerous opportunities in the global market. However, students who fail in school are likely to fall into poverty or be dependent on others. Hence, teachers are tasked with ensuring that the needs of all students are met. Fortunately, there has been lots of evidence to prove that esponse to Intervention (TI) is an approach that can help us give every student academic support required to effectively learn (Burns, Appleton, & Stehouwer, 2005). TIs fundamental principle is that learning institutions should not wait for students to lag in class for the student to be eligible for special education and offer them the help they need. Instead, learning institutions should offer directed and orderly interventions to all learners as soon as they determine the need.The theoretical framework of esponse to…...
mlaReferencesAspiranti, K., Hilton-Prillhart, A., Bebech, A., & Dula, M. E. (2019). Response to Intervention (RtI) and the Impact on School Psychologist Roles: Perceptions and Acceptance of Systems Change. Contemporary School Psychology, 23(3), 327-337.Barrio, B. L., & Combes, B. H. (2015). General education pre-service teachers’ levels of concern on response to intervention (RTI) implementation. Teacher Education and Special Education, 38(2), 121-137.Batsche, G. M., Kavale, K. A. & Kovaleski, J. F. (2006). Competing views: A dialogue on response to intervention. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 32, 6-20.Burns, M. K., Appleton, J. J., & Stehouwer, J. D. (2005). Meta-analytic review of responsiveness-to-intervention research: Examining field-based and research-implemented models. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 23(4), 381-394.Castillo, J., Wang, J., Shum, K. Z., & Daye, J. Professional Development and RtI: Does PD improve implementation?.Cutler, M. (2009). Response to intervention: A study of practices, beliefs, and procedural changes in one school district. Roosevelt University.Duffy, H. (2007). Meeting the Needs of Significantly Struggling Learners in High School: A Look at Approaches to Tiered Intervention. National High School Center.Fuchs, D., Mock, D., Morgan, P. L., & Young, C. L. (2003). Responsiveness?to?intervention: Definitions, evidence, and implications for the learning disabilities construct. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 18(3), 157-171.Fuchs, L. S., Fuchs, D., & Zumeta, R. O. (2008). Response to intervention. Educating Individuals with Disabilities: IDEIA 2004 and Beyond, 115.Gravois, T. A., & Rosenfield, S. A. (2006). Impact of instructional consultation teams on the disproportionate referral and placement of minority students in special education. Remedial and special education, 27(1), 42-52.Gresham, F. M. (2007). Response to intervention and emotional and behavioral disorders: Best practices in assessment for intervention. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 32(4), 214-222.Johnson, E. S., Smith, L., & Harris, M. L. (2009). How RTI works in secondary schools. Corwin Press.Kratochwill, T. R., & Shernoff, E. S. (2004). Evidence-based practice: Promoting evidence-based interventions in school psychology. School psychology review, 33(1), 34-48.Lipka, O., Lesaux, N. K., & Siegel, L. S. (2006). Retrospective analyses of the reading development of grade 4 students with reading disabilities: Risk status and profiles over 5 years. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39(4), 364-378.Little, T. D., & Rhemtulla, M. (2013). Planned missing data designs for developmental researchers. Child Development Perspectives, 7(4), 199-204.M. K. Lose (2008). Principal Magazine, 87(3), 20–23McIntosh, K., Goodman, S., & Bohanon, H. (2010). Toward True Integration of Academic and Behavior Response to Intervention Systems: Part One--Tier 1 Support. Communiqué, 39(2), 1-14.National Research Council Report: Minority overrepresentation in special education. (2002). Retrieved July 10, 2008, from K., Hagans, K., & Busse, R. T. (2008). School psychologists as instructional consultants in a response-to-intervention model. The California School Psychologist, 13(1), 41-53.Rafoth, M. A., & Foriska, T. (2006). Administrator participation in promoting effective problem-solving teams. Remedial and Special Education, 27(3), 130-135.Reschly, D. J., & Ysseldyke, J. E. (2002). Paradigm shift: The past is not the future.Smith, T. E. (2005). IDEA 2004: Another round in the re-authorization process. Remedial and Special Education, 26(6), 314-319.Sugai, G., & Horner, R. H. (2009). Responsiveness-to-intervention and school-wide positive behavior supports: Integration of multi-tiered system approaches. Exceptionality, 17(4), 223-237.Vaughn, S., Fletcher, J. M., Francis, D. J., Denton, C. A., Wanzek, J., Wexler, J., ... & Romain, M. A. (2008). Response to intervention with older students with reading difficulties. Learning and Individual Differences, 18(3), 338-345.http://ww.nap.edu/catalog/10128.htmlPowers,
, Ellingstad,
Timothy, and Brown, Sandra A. (2006). Adolescent Self-Selection of Service Formats:
Implications for Secondary Interventions Targeting Alcohol Use. The American Journal on Addictions, ol. 15, 58-66.
The authors employed three formats of intervention (individual, group, and website) on youth in four schools over a four-year window of time. The results of this survey (which involved "Project Options") of 1,147 students is that minority teens who willingly sought alcohol services preferred to receive interventions in a private context rather than in group therapy.
Gil, Andres G., Wagner, Eric F., and Tubman, Jonathan G. (2004). Culturally sensitive substance abuse intervention for Hispanic and African-American adolescents: empirical examples from the Alcohol Treatment Targeting Adolescents in Need (ATTAIN) Project. Addiction,
2(99), 140-150.
This article offers a strategy that (in this case) significantly reduced use of marijuana and alcohol in all ethnic groups involved in the project. Some 213 juvenile offenders participated in this research; instituting interventions that were…...
mlaVon Wormer, Katherine, and McKinney, Robin. (2003). What Schools Can do To Help Gay/
Lesbian/Bisexual Youth: A Harm Reduction Approach. Adolescence, 38(151), 409-420.
Von Wormer asserts through this article that because adjusting to heterosexual environment in public schools -- and dealing with the bias that often is in evidence -- is difficult, it is a "major cause of psychological problems" which leads these minorities to alcohol and drug abuse issues.
Moreover, if a student asked to be transferred to a mainstream class he or she did not receive approval. Errors in the U.S. school system have made it possible for African-American students to be involved in bilingual classes. So far, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, but the strange thing is that they've been put to learn alongside Chinese speaking students also involved in bilingual programs. The motive for this is that the only available places that the black students could fill had been in the Chinese bilingual classes. (Chavez & Lyons)
Parents are not willing to accept having their English-speaking children being sent to bilingual classes any more. Students that aren't literate in English or Spanish are being prevented from learning English and from fitting in the American society.
The people that are not fond of bilingual education programs claim that the theory that children have to learn…...
mlaWorks Cited
Krashen, Stephen. "Why Bilingual Education?," Retrieved February 23, 2009, from Ericdigests Web site: http://www.ericdigests.org/1997-3/bilingual.html
Linda Chavez, and James J. Lyons, "Q: Is Bilingual Education Failing to Help America's Schoolchildren?," Insight on the News 3 June 1996, Questia, 23 Feb. 2009 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000358053 .
Mar'a Estela Brisk, Bilingual Education From Compensatory to Quality Schooling (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998) 1, Questia, 23 Feb. 2009 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=14165477 .
Natalie Cerda & Christina M. Hernandez, "Bilingual Education,"Retrieved February 23, 2009, from Bilingual Education Web site: http://www.freewebs.com/cerdahdz/historyofbilingualed.htm
545). By allowing students to speak in the classroom, rather than lecturing students about how intercultural interactions should take place, students from other cultures can bring their own cultural understandings and conceptions to the forefront, rather than passively receive teaching from a professor, or accept a university party line that their university is diverse. "The discourse of multiculturalism is not the voice of ethnic and racial minorities speaking for themselves. It is, rather, the voice of white middle-class education professionals speaking about 'problem' groups," one academic alleges, but through more open-ended discussion and generating student feedback that allows them to infuse their personal cultural and intercultural experiences into the classroom, a more positive conception of intercultural communication can occur (Olneck, 1990, p. 163).
A university setting can be uniquely beneficial to establishing intercultural dialogue simply because it is designed to have structured listening experiences that are then reinforced by outside social…...
mlaWorks Cited
Banks, James a. (1993, June-July). The canon debate, knowledge construction, and multicultural education. Educational Researcher. 22. 5: 4-14.
Flower, Linda. (2003, September). Talking across difference: Intercultural rhetoric and the search for situated knowledge. College Composition and Communication. 55. 1: 38-68
Hoffman, Diane M. (1996, Autumn). Culture and self in multicultural education: Reflections on discourse, text, and practice American Educational Research Journal. 33 (3): 545-569.
Moreman, Robin (1997, April). Multicultural framework: Transforming curriculum, transforming students. Teaching Sociology. 25(2): 107-119.
Defining the Terms in "Exploring the Factors Influencing Student Dropout Rates"
1. Student Dropout
Student dropout refers to the phenomenon where students permanently leave formal education before completing a designated level of schooling. It encompasses individuals who withdraw from school without enrolling in another educational institution or obtaining a diploma or degree.
2. Dropout Rate
The dropout rate is a measure of the proportion of students who leave school before completing a specific level of education. It is typically calculated as the number of students who drop out during a given period divided by the total number of students enrolled at the beginning of....
Institutional and Social Factors Influencing Prejudice on University Campuses
Prejudice, a negative attitude towards a particular group based on their affiliation, remains a pervasive issue in university settings. While individual psychology undoubtedly plays a role, institutional and social factors significantly contribute to the formation and manifestation of prejudice among university students.
Institutional Factors:
University Governance and Policies: Universities' policies and governance structures can perpetuate prejudice. For example, a lack of diversity among faculty and staff can create a sense of exclusion for minority students, leading to negative attitudes towards them.
Curriculum and Pedagogy: The curriculum and teaching methods can either promote inclusivity....
Tailoring Economic Policies for Minority Community Empowerment
Addressing the persistent economic disparities faced by minority communities requires a multifaceted approach that includes tailored economic policies designed to facilitate financial success and stability. Here are some key considerations for policymakers:
1. Access to Capital and Credit:
Establish revolving loan funds and community development financial institutions (CDFIs) to provide affordable and accessible capital to minority-owned businesses and entrepreneurs.
Implement loan programs with flexible underwriting criteria to cater to the unique financial circumstances of minority borrowers.
2. Small Business Support:
Provide grants, technical assistance, and mentorship programs specifically targeted to minority-owned small businesses.
Establish business incubators....
Impact of Financial Problems on SHS Students' School Performance
1. The Economic Burden and its Impact on Academic Success
Explore the ways in which financial hardship places a significant financial strain on SHS students, affecting their ability to purchase textbooks, supplies, and extracurricular activities.
Examine how the financial burden can lead to stress, anxiety, and diminished concentration in the classroom.
Discuss the potential consequences of financial hardship, such as lower grades, increased absenteeism, and reduced participation in school activities.
2. The Social and Emotional Toll of Financial Stress on Students
Analyze the psychological and emotional impact of financial problems on SHS students.
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