Mmpi 2 Essays (Examples)

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The MMPI-2 reports on 10 different clinical scales. Generally, people will be coded based on their two highest single scales. Scale 1 measures hypochondriasis and assess concern over bodily functions. Scale 2 measures depression. Scale 3 measures hysteria. Scale 4 measures psychopathic deviance, which is actually a measure of social deviance and obedience to authority. Scale 5 is labeled masculinity and femininity. Scale 6 measure paranoia. Scale 7 is labeled psychasthenia and measures obsessive/compulsive behavior. Scale 8 is labeled schizophrenia, seems related to reality testing, and is difficult to interpret. Scale 9 is labeled hypomania. Scale 0 measures introversion/extroversion.

The major interpretive implications that must be considered when assessing the results of the MMPI-2 are age, culture, intellectual level, education, and level of functioning. In addition, one must consider the reason that the person is taking the MMPI-2. The test-taker's attitude can impact test results and impact the interpretation of the….

Instrument review: MMPI-2
Balducci, C., Alfano, V., & Fraccaroli, F. (2009). elationships between mobbing at work and MMPI-2 personality profile, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and suicidal ideation and behavior. Violence and Victims, 24(1), 52-67. etrieved from

The article "elationships between mobbing at work and the revised Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventor (MMPI-2) personality profile, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and suicidal ideation and behavior" examines 'mobbing' or bullying at work and the relationship of mobbing to workers' personality profiles, as measured on the MMPI-2. One controversial question surrounding the phenomenon is the degree to which the victim's measured personality traits are the consequence of victimization or the cause. Traditionally, victims have been said to manifest a personality profile typical of a victim of PTSD (such as flashbacks, social withdrawal, nightmares) and thus their symptoms and scores on personality test were seen caused by the mobbing. Previous studies suggested that mobbing caused PTSD in 92% of….

Each scale is intended to forecast what a person will say or do under defined conditions, and to identify individuals who will be described in characteristic ways by others who know them well or who observe their behavior in particular contexts. The scales are set up for convenience into four broad categories, bringing together those having related implications. The underlying logic of the categories is interpretational, not factorial. The four categories are not necessarily intended to constitute psychometric entities (California Psychological Inventory Scales, 2009).
The items on the inventory produce scores for 18 different scales, which are divided into four classes. These classes include: measures of poise, ascendancy, self-assurance and inter-personal adequacy; measures of socialization, responsibility, intra-personal values, and character; measures of achievement potential and intellectual efficiency; and measures of intellectual and interest modes (California Psychological Inventory Scales, 2009).

These two tests are very different in what they are used for.….

Individuals scoring high on this scale are preoccupied about their health, tend to exaggerate symptoms, and are considered to be demanding and immature. Scoring high on this scale is associated with complaints of chronic pain, fatigue and weakness. Individuals scoring low on this scale are held to be: "Healthy, insightful, and optimistic" (MMPI, nd)
Scale Two - Depression: This scale is used for assessing symptomatic depression exhibited as poor morale, no hope for the future and life dissatisfaction. Elevated scores on this scale may mean clinical depression while moderate scores are indicative of an individual with a life that is characterized by poor self-worth and a lack of involvement. (MMPI, nd)

Scale Three - Hysteria: This scale is used for identifying patients who have reacted hysterically to stress. The individual scores on this scale are related to "intellectual ability, educational background and social class." (MMPI, nd) Women and better educated individuals….

In fact, it is important to understand that the MMPI-2 must be administered as a whole and that one cannot consider scores on any one area of the test in isolation from a subject's other results.
Moreover, it is important to recognize that while the scales may carry official names, they do not only measure the suggested disease. For example, the schizophrenia scale appears to measure the degree of alienation that a subject feels from society at large, a number that is going to vary depending on one's role in society. For example, one would expect a healthy minority member to have a higher score of on the schizophrenia scale because minorities are generally more disenfranchised from society at large. Therefore, the tool cannot be properly utilized if the testing clinician is lacking basic facts about the subject being tested.

Moreover, these scales test for a variety of different disorders. Because….

MEASUREMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS Measurements and AssessmentsProblem StatementThe client has a history of mental health issues and has been taking antidepressant medication for her depressed mood. The client has been receiving mental health services for the past 17 years due to her reported mood swings. Ms. Z underwent electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) three years ago. However, her depressive mood persists. The client would like to return to school and complete her four-year degree, but she fears she might not be able to complete the course due to her history of mental health concerns. The client has been referred so that her cognitive ability and severity of the condition can be determined. Before committing to a four-year degree, the client wants recommendations on her ability to focus on the course and determine her chances of completing the course without an issue. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale | Fourth….

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-II)
The MMPI-II Test is utilized in the assessment of the individual's personality characteristics that affect the individual's personal and social adjustment.

Test Publisher

The MMPI-II is authored by S.R. Hathaway and J.C. McKinely MMPI; J.N. utcher, J.R. Graham, W.G., Dahlstrom, A.M. Tellegren, and . Kaemmer and is published by the Psychological Corporation. (Fischer, 2001)

Cost of the Test

According to Lisa Rochford, Ph.D. The cost of having the MMPI-II administered is $150.00 which includes one to two hours hosting the client at the office with scoring and interpretation costs included. (2012)

Test Users Qualifications and Time To Administer the Test

Cherry (2012) states of the MMPI-II test that The MMPI-2 contains 567 test items and takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes to complete. The MMPI should be administered, scored, and interpreted by a professional, preferably a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, who has received specific training in MMPI use."

IV. Review of Standardization Sample


Client Background/History:
Behavioral Observations:

Test esults

Intellectual Testing: The client produced a Full Scale IQ score in the Average ange of intellectual functioning (FSIQ = 102). The results indicate that his Full Scale IQ score is at the 55th percentile compared to his peers (Wechsler, 1997). The client also produced a significant discrepancy on measures of his verbal and nonverbal intellectual skills in favor of his verbal abilities, although both were in the Average ange (Verbal IQ = 111; Performance IQ = 90). Further inspection of his pattern of results on the index scores indicates that the overall pattern of differences between his Verbal IQ and Performance IQ is not due to a significant difference in his verbal and nonverbal intellectual abilities, but to other issues.

First, the client produced equivalent performances on purer measures of his true verbal and nonverbal intellectual abilities (Verbal Comprehension Index = 109; Perceptual Organization Index = 109). Secondly,….

MMPI-II esults:


L (Lie)-Scale

F (Infrequency)-Scale

K (Correction)-Scale

Hysteria Scale

Depression Scale

Hypochondriasis Scale

Psychopathic Deviant Scale

Masculine-Feminine Scale

Paranoia Scale

Psychasthenia Scale

Schizophrenia Scale

Mania Scale

Social Introversion

This individual produced a valid MMPI-II profile with overt attempts to present as being overly virtuous, defensive, or a deviant or an attempt to exaggerate their perceived problems. Individuals with similar scores on the validity scales approach the test in a valid manner but sometimes may display political, social, or religious convictions that could be considered out of the ordinary (Hogan, 2015). The pattern displayed on the validity scales also suggests that these individuals are accurately reporting psychological problems.

Individuals with similar profiles on the clinical scales tend to be anxious and be perceived as high strung or tense. They are often viewed as chronic worriers and these individuals may often ruminate or worry excessively regarding both real and imagined or anticipated situations. Such individuals may try to anticipate potential problems/issues before they occur and then….

The MMPI-2 has been used successfully to detect feigning in neurological and psychiatric control groups (Klein, 2007). As a result, the MMPI-2 is the most frequently used test in forensic psychological testing. There is, however, still substantial "debate which of the four subscales is most useful for identifying malingering" (Klein, 2007). However, one of the MMPI-2's lingering problems is that it is a test where people can incorporate coaching, so that it is somewhat vulnerable to coaching.
The issue of coaching is critical in the forensics environment. This is because the goal of forensic psychology is to use neuropsychological assessment methods to help in some type of legal proceedings. These proceedings can be civil or criminal proceedings. In both civil and criminal environments, the need for accurate diagnosis can be critical to outcomes for the person being tested and for people being impacted by their testing. Moreover, it can be….

Furthermore, they can be potentially inflammatory for the group. The practitioner has to be careful to approach this type of interview differently than he would in an one-on-one interview; instead, at all times the practitioner must be aware of how group dynamics will impact the interview.
MMPI-2 Interpretation of the Profile for Validity and Clinical Scales and the Harris-Lingoes and Si Subscales Score Record

For this administration of the MMPI-2, the protocol appears to be valid. Her VRIN scale core of 66 and TRIN scale score of 58 suggest that she was consistent in her responses. Consistency in responses offers several indications about the test. First, it shows that she could read and comprehend the test items. It demonstrates that she was attentive and non-random in her answering. Therefore, it shows that the test was valid.

It is important to keep in mind that valid does not necessarily mean honest. For example,….

In many instances, the structure of the test can be said to have an alienating impact on respondents as well. To the point, research by Butcher & Hostetler (1990) denotes that "some past objection to the MMPI's length came in part from the frustration that some patients may have felt about the item redundancy (16 items were repeated) or the perceived irrelevant item content." (Butcher & Hostetler, 16) These perceptions may also have contributed to negative performance indices, suggesting that there is an essential need for refinement of such personality testing methods to ensure their universality to the needs of all competent respondents.
orks Cited:

Amstrong, D. (2008). Malingerer Test Roils Personal-Injury Law. The all Street Journal.

Butcher, J.N. & Hostetler, K. (1990). Abbreviating MMPI Item Adminstration. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2(1). 12-21.

Butcher, J.N. et al. (2006). Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolscent. Pearson. Online at

Forensic Psychological Evaluation
Confidential Psychological Evaluation


Gender: Male Date of Report: 05/07/2012

Date of Birth: 10/01/1981 Age

Marital Status: Single Occupation: Unemployed

Race: Caucasian Education: GED

Referred by: Dr., B. Wynter


A Psychiatric Evaluation on May 19, 2006 by Barbara Wynter, License psychologist who is

Clinical administrator of Central Treatment Facility ward 1, 2, 3, was requested to further assist in diagnosis.




DR, B. Wynters

MMPI (Spell out the name Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)

Is a depressive component of scale 6. The items connote extraordinary emotional sensitivity or vulnerability that is dysphonic in tone. These items have a "poor little me" flavor, portraying the self as meek and innocuous, emotionally fragile, incapable of being a threat to others, and perhaps as being entitle to special concern and consideration for one's tender sensibilities. There is an implicit theme of resentment and lack of forgiveness; however, a high scores nurse grudges and are view as injustice collectors.


1). One potential criticism of the MMPI-2 is that although it is only supposed to be scored by a trained professional, the multiple choice "objective" format can lead to cursory diagnosis and analysis.
hile the MMPI-2 is used on many different types of patients, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) "is a series of questions developed to measure the intensity, severity, and depth of depression in patients with psychiatric diagnoses" (BDI, 2009). It is specific to a singular category of diagnosis (depressive illnesses) and is only use on patients with psychological disorders. It consists of 21 questions or items, each with four possible responses on the subjects of depressed mood, pessimism, sense of failure, feelings of dissatisfaction, guilt, desire for self-punishment, self-dislike or self-hared, self-blame, suicidal ideation, frequency of crying, feelings of irritability, social withdrawal, distorted body image, work difficulties, insomnia, fatigue, appetite, weight changes, bodily preoccupation, and sexual desire (BDI, 2009).….

deductive and empirical strategies used in the construction of structured personality instruments, it is important to denote just what the terms deductive and empirical mean and how they relate to tests specific to psychological purposes. Empirical evidence is that which can be demonstrated or proven, and which ultimately exists in the world. Deductive reasoning is a form of logic wherein individuals establish a basic premise or truth, combine it with others for which there is empirical evidence to validate, and then draw conclusions. This type of reasoning determines conclusions based on a top-down approach to reasoning. These respective strategies, then, which frequently are applied in congruence with one another, are highly important for the makeup of structured personality tests. One may even posit the viewpoint that without such strategies, the results of personality instruments would be virtually useless or inconclusive at best.
Define and Describe Deductive

Therefore, when examining the deductive….

2 Pages
Article Review


Mmpi-2 the Protocol Validity of

Words: 571
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

The MMPI-2 reports on 10 different clinical scales. Generally, people will be coded based on their two highest single scales. Scale 1 measures hypochondriasis and assess concern over bodily…

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3 Pages


Instrument Review MMPI-2 Balducci C Alfano V

Words: 933
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Instrument review: MMPI-2 Balducci, C., Alfano, V., & Fraccaroli, F. (2009). elationships between mobbing at work and MMPI-2 personality profile, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and suicidal ideation and behavior. Violence and…

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2 Pages


Psychology MMPI-2 and CPI the

Words: 637
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Each scale is intended to forecast what a person will say or do under defined conditions, and to identify individuals who will be described in characteristic ways by…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Psychological Tests and Measurements Mmpi-2

Words: 2989
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Individuals scoring high on this scale are preoccupied about their health, tend to exaggerate symptoms, and are considered to be demanding and immature. Scoring high on this scale…

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6 Pages


Personality Assessment Inventory Critique MMPI-2

Words: 1904
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

In fact, it is important to understand that the MMPI-2 must be administered as a whole and that one cannot consider scores on any one area of the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Psychology - Testing

Determining Credibility of Psychlogy Tools

Words: 1380
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

MEASUREMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS Measurements and AssessmentsProblem StatementThe client has a history of mental health issues and has been taking antidepressant medication for her depressed mood. The client has been…

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4 Pages


Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Mmpi-Ii the MMPI-II

Words: 983
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-II) The MMPI-II Test is utilized in the assessment of the individual's personality characteristics that affect the individual's personal and social adjustment. Test Publisher The MMPI-II is authored…

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2 Pages


Explanation of WAIS-III and MMPI Results

Words: 501
Length: 2 Pages

Client Background/History: Behavioral Observations: Test esults Intellectual Testing: The client produced a Full Scale IQ score in the Average ange of intellectual functioning (FSIQ = 102). The results indicate that his Full…

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2 Pages

Psychology - Testing

An Assessment of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory II

Words: 408
Length: 2 Pages

MMPI-II esults: Scale T-Score L (Lie)-Scale F (Infrequency)-Scale K (Correction)-Scale Hysteria Scale Depression Scale Hypochondriasis Scale Psychopathic Deviant Scale Masculine-Feminine Scale Paranoia Scale Psychasthenia Scale Schizophrenia Scale Mania Scale Social Introversion This individual produced a valid MMPI-II profile with overt attempts to present as being…

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3 Pages


Clinical Decisions in This Chapter

Words: 937
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The MMPI-2 has been used successfully to detect feigning in neurological and psychiatric control groups (Klein, 2007). As a result, the MMPI-2 is the most frequently used test…

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3 Pages


Professions Often Encounter Significant Challenges

Words: 1063
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Interview

Furthermore, they can be potentially inflammatory for the group. The practitioner has to be careful to approach this type of interview differently than he would in an one-on-one…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Law

Ethics Testing the Ethical Parameters

Words: 340
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

In many instances, the structure of the test can be said to have an alienating impact on respondents as well. To the point, research by Butcher & Hostetler…

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6 Pages


Forensic Psychological Evaluation

Words: 1732
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Chapter

Forensic Psychological Evaluation Confidential Psychological Evaluation IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: Gender: Male Date of Report: 05/07/2012 Date of Birth: 10/01/1981 Age Marital Status: Single Occupation: Unemployed Race: Caucasian Education: GED Referred by: Dr., B. Wynter REASON FOR REFERRAL: A Psychiatric…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Role of Tests and Measurement

Words: 442
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

1). One potential criticism of the MMPI-2 is that although it is only supposed to be scored by a trained professional, the multiple choice "objective" format can lead to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Deductive and Empirical Strategies Used in the

Words: 1367
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

deductive and empirical strategies used in the construction of structured personality instruments, it is important to denote just what the terms deductive and empirical mean and how they…

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