Multiculturalism Essays (Examples)

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Multiculturalism Challenged by New Theories
Pages: 5 Words: 1698

On the other hand, multiculturalism appears to be automatic in conceding division (Werbner, 2006).
In multicultural societies, issues of bias and racism invariably summon political leaders whose base of power is dependent on division. This is contrary with cosmopolitan societies, which considers division unworldly and rude. While one society keeps its opening up its wounds, the other one tends to let its wounds heal by themselves. This means that one society is healthy while the other one is unhealthy. Multiculturalism exists. This has been evidenced by Lebanon and USS. During the Apartheid era, South Africa was based on multiculturalism, whereby power was shared in an uneven manner. It is not necessary that multicultural societies are doomed to fail, but it is common that most of them have cannot withstand the test of time (Werbner, 2006).


Cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism policies have been strong indicators of strong societies. While one reflects the presence…...



Ang, I. & Stratton, J. (1998). Multiculturalism in Crisis: The New Politics of Race and National Identity in Australia. Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 2, 22-41

Delanty, G. (2006). The cosmopolitan imagination: critical cosmopolitanism and social theory. The British Journal of Sociology, 57(1), 25-47.

Leeman, Y. & Reid, C. (2006). Multi/Intercultural Education in Australia and the Netherlands. Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education, 36 (1), 57-72

Rizvi, F. (2008). Epistemic Virtues and Cosmopolitan Learning Radford Lecture, Adelaide Australia 27 November 2006. The Australian Educational Researcher, 35 (1), 13-35

Multiculturalism the Term Multiculturalism Can Be Given
Pages: 6 Words: 1921

The term multiculturalism can be given two broad ways of definition. In its literal meaning, multiculturalism refers to a situation where a certain culture of concern happens to be having more than two cultures in it. Certain communities are known to have more than one culture in them. These are multiculturalism communities. Multiculturalism also has a descriptive definition in which the term is defined as a situation of diversity of culture as depicted by a school, institution, organization, or any other place where members of different cultures are able to come together and coexist as a diversified community. The other definition of multiculturalism is called a normative definition. This definition takes multiculturalism as a body of ideologies and policies, which are used to foster institutionalism or diversity. ith this definition and sense, multiculturalism incurs to a station where people are free to have individual expressions. This definition of multiculturalism reiterates…...


Works cited

Chamoiseau, Patrick, Rose-Myriam Rejouis, and Val Vinokur. Solibo Magnificent. New York:

Vintage Books, 1999. Print.

Hida-yat, S-a-diq. The Blind Owl. Richmond: Alma Classics, 2012. Print.

Modood, Tariq. Multiculturalism. Cambridge: Polity, 2007. Print.

Multiculturalism the United States Is a Multicultural
Pages: 3 Words: 892

The United States is a multicultural nation. Even before the Europeans landed on American shores, the continent was multicultural, as Native Americans are comprised of hundreds of different linguistic and tribal groups. The European settlers in turn came from various European nations: the earliest settlers came from Great Britain and France, and later from Germany and the Netherlands. The international slave trade ushered in several more African ethnic groups, albeit in bondage. During the Industrial Revolution, economic opportunities prompted droves of new immigrants from Europe to move to the United States. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, immigrants from Eastern Europe and Ireland especially added to the multicultural mix that characterized the United States. The great ethnic and cultural diversity that existed at the turn of the last century caused people to start referring to the United States as a "melting pot," where peoples from various nations and…...


Works Cited

'Multiculturalism." Wikipedia. May 2005. Online at .

RCADE. "Maryland Governor Calls Multiculturalism 'Crap.'" Drudge Retort. 12 May 2004. Online at .

'What is Multiculturalism?" 20 Jan 2004. Canadian Heritage. Online at .

Multiculturalism in Healthcare Aim at
Pages: 8 Words: 3020

One study examined the gender roles associated with social supports in nursing home residents. The aim of the study was to link the connection between gender identity and willingness to engage with social supports. The study surveyed 65,838 nursing home residents in Michigan for marital status (including if one was widowed, divorced, or never married), contact with friends and family members, and the engagement or withdrawal from social activity. The study showed more men than women are married (42% compared to 15%), while more women than men are widowed (69% compared to 30%). The results generated preliminary evidence that women tend to retain more contact with friends and family, and also participate at higher levels of involvement than men (Banaszak-Holl, & Copen, 2002). The study marked a significant gender difference regarding social supports, as the large majority of men are married compared to women. Social supports in nursing home…...


Works Cited

Banaszak-Holl, J, & Copen, C. (2002). Gender differences in social support in the nursing home setting. Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy, 17. Retrieved from

Belgrave, L, Wykle, M, & Choi, J. (1993). Health, double jeopardy, and culture: the use of institutionalization by african-americans. The Gerontologist, 33(3), 379-385.

Bird, CE, Lemon, S, & Intrator, O. (2000). Gender differences in nursing home, hospital, and hospice use in the last year of life. Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy, 17. Retrieved from

Castellanos, V. (2007). Food and nutrition in nursing homes. Generations, 28(3), 65-71.

Multiculturalism in American Literature Traditionally American Literature
Pages: 2 Words: 615

Multiculturalism in American Literature
Traditionally, American literature as it is taught in schools, has been comprised of texts composed by white, male, protestant authors who have been accepted into the estern canon. As such, "American" literature has left out huge swaths of the literary tradition of America, simply by failing to qualify it as American literature. However, this has begun to change, as the works of other American cultures begin to gain prominence, and be regarded with the same serious study that has been given to elements of the traditional canon. The concept of an overarching American culture had effectively whitewashed away other forms and styles of literature, composed by incredibly distinct subcultures (Jay 49). However, the study of American literature is now progressing toward a more inclusive, expansive means of embracing is multicultural heritage.

America is composed of a variety of groups, many with their own clear cultures and literary traditions,…...


Works Cited

Jay, Gregory. "The End of "American" Literature: Toward a Multicultural

Practice." College English. 53.3 (1991): 45-62. Print.

Multiculturalism in Harry Potter and
Pages: 5 Words: 1341

Viktor gains importance when he is selected as a Triwizard Champion and this creates tension between Krum and Harry. The two could have allowed tension to grow between them but they are different enough that they do not. Harry does not enjoy the limelight as much as Krum does and the two never attempt to undermine each other. hile Krum is initially angry about Harry's being champion, the two eventually form a friendship. Krum is a gifted athlete while Harry was born to be great; they know and understand this about each other and this is why they are able to be competitors without becoming enemies. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire grows with the characters in that it provides them with opportunities that we all encounter at one time or another. By getting beyond differences, we have a better chance of success than we do if we…...


Works Cited

Blake, Andrew. The Irresistible Rise of Harry Potter. New York: Verso Books. 2002.

Clark, Leilani. "What is it about Harry Potter?" Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2001, 44, 8. GALE Resource Database. Information Retrieved March 14, 2009. 

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. New York: Scholastic Books. 2000.

Multiculturalism the United States of
Pages: 6 Words: 2129

pecifically, it focuses the attention of authorities on persons of a certain race and creed, in direct opposition to the constitution, which guarantees equal rights and opportunities for everybody. As such, the Act is a manifestation of the underlying racial attitudes still very prevalent in the United tates today. Indeed, it once again uncovers what has become invisible in these attitudes: that Americans who believe themselves to be open-minded are willing to give up every basic American principle of equality for the sake of a scape-goat. o, under the Patriot Act, many law-abiding Arabian and Muslim Americans have been targeted, slandered and assumed to harbor terrorist intentions against their country. The Patriot Act, along with the newer Patriot Act II, has therefore been the target of much critical attention. However, the majority of Americans appear to see it as the answer to the problem of terrorism, regardless of its…...



American Civil Liberties Union (2003, Oct. 5). Stop the New Patriot Act. 

Cannon, Lou. (1999, Aug. 30). American Travesty: How justice failed the Rodney King cops. National Review. Online Database:

Galernter, David. (1995, Oct. 9). The real story of Orenthal James - O.J. Simpson murder trial. National Review. Online Database:

Linder, Douglas. (2000). The O.J. Simpson Verdict, 10 years later: the impact and the aftermath. The Jurist.

Multiculturalism in a World Community
Pages: 6 Words: 2155

" In the workforce, this means creating a spirit of cooperation and sharing to get the designated work done and of a quantity and quality that facilitates the company's goals. "Thus, the new workplace structures - in response to the increasingly multicultural workforce - should focus on cooperation and team goals rather than on individual change. Further, communication plays a key role in working with others to achieve company goals, and thus, in the successful corporate shift to a multicultural, cooperative philosophy."
However, a lot of companies are now counting on the diversity of the emerging new world order to be addressed at the academic level, before people emerge into the workforce as adults. "Multiculturalism in education attempts to resolve the conflict between "mainstream" and "other" by preserving individual identity rather than erasing it. Most educational theorists agree that multiculturalism incorporates two features: the promotion of mutual understanding and respect for…...



Elzinga, K., (2001). Southern Economic Journal. Fifteen Theses on Classroom

Teaching, Vol. 68, p. 249. 

Schreiber, E.J. (1996). Muddles and Huddles: Facilitating a Multicultural Workforce through Team Management Theory. The Journal of Business Communication, 33(4), 459+. Retrieved February 27, 2007, from Questia database:

Multiculturalism and Korean Immigration This
Pages: 11 Words: 3243

Still those who stayed in the Los Angeles area formed in solidarity Koreatown even though many were brutalized as being seen connected to the Japanese (Kim and Yu par. 5).
During this time, settling in the United States meant many benefits to the Korean-American. It meant they no longer had to put up with Japanese imposed laws where traditional Korean language and culture was prohibited. In many cases, they could not even use their sur names. It meant they did not have to be made slaves in their own country. Literature suggests as Seong oo Lee and et al. write that Korean-Americans benefited from migration more than their Asian counterparts because they saw opportunity (609). They saw opportunity in the forms of small business and education. ith this in mind, this could be on reason why out of all the Asian immigrants, Koreans seem most prepared for American life (Lee…...


Works Cited

Auster, Lawrence. "How Multiculturalism Took Over America." 9 July 2004: 1+. 28 June 2005

Hurh, Won Moo. The Korean-American Dream: Immigrant and Small Business in New. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1997.

Immigrant Entrepreneurs." Research Perspectives on Migration 1.2 (1997): 10+.

Kang, Connie, K. Home Was the Land of Morning Calm: A Saga of a Korean-American Family. Reading, MA: Perseus Publishing, 1995.

Multiculturalism Multicultural Multiculturalism Is an
Pages: 5 Words: 1602

In addition incentives such as signing bonuses can be utilized to persuade more men to become teachers. As an aspect of such a program male college student will have the opportunity to act as a volunteer in the school's classrooms. In engaging the students the potential teacher will understand the importance of their presence in the lives of children. Te ultimate goal of such a strategy is to create an environment in the school that is conducive to learning for all students.


The purpose of this discussion was to examine multiculturalism as it pertains to gender. The research indicates that the major issues related to gender are gender bias and a lack of male teachers. Gender bias tends to discourage students from functioning outside of perceived gender roles. In addition gender bias can impact the manner in which student and teachers interact with one another. In addition, recommendations were presented from…...



Banks, J.A. Banks C.A.M. (2009) Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Johnson S.P. (2008) the Status of Male Teachers in Public Education Today. Center for Evaluation and Education Policy. 6 (4), 1-12.

multiculturalism. (2010). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved from 

Woodward a. (2001) Gender Bias in Education. Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence. Retrieved from

Multiculturalism Am Lit Multiculturalism in
Pages: 2 Words: 568

While different views of the American experience, then, both of these stories and their authors are quite deserving of their place in the canon.
Edwidge Danticant's "Seven" is similar to "The Third and Final Continent" in terms of plot; an immigrant man that as finally received his green card is preparing for the arrival of his wife. This story is as concerned with the meeting of the husband and wife in their own native country as it is with their reunification in the United States, however, and seems to exemplify more a transcendence of culture than an assimilation or a difficulty assimilating -- not that life as an impoverished immigrant is easy, but it isn't the focus of the story. In "What You Pawn I Will Redeem," Sherman Alexie views assimilation from yet another angle -- not as something that can be transcended, but as something that simply cannot occur.…...

Multiculturalism Is a Term Referring to a
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Multiculturalism is a term referring to a current concern in academic circles. A high school education is considered effective and valuable if it helps the individual be prepared to live in a world of competing ideas and values and to be able to work with people from different backgrounds. As Hugh B. Price notes, the issue is whether a multicultural education is necessary to achieve these goals. This leads Christine E. Sleeter to consider what multicultural education really means.
First, to ask whether multiculturalism is needed in school is not to ask whether there should be a mixture of cultures in school, because this certainly will true as a matter of course. Students from a variety of different ethnic, racial, and even national backgrounds come together in American schools and bring differing values with them. The issue of multiculturalism in schools, however, is a curricular issue as parents ask whether aspects…...

Multiculturalism the Case Study Referring
Pages: 2 Words: 449

" This applies very much in this case. The second multicultural issue in this case, the young man's history of violence and torture, does not necessarily make him mentally ill. Many soldiers after serving violent and dreadful tours in war often bounce back strong from this exposure and become productive members of society, while some do not.
It is therefore extremely important to ensure that this man is aware of the cultural differences within his previous experiences are not helpful in keeping him out of prison in his current status. The Cambodian cultural as a dark and bloody history of genocide and torture within its recent years. Although, this is true within America as well, our culture is considerably more refined and civilized. Any hope of reforming this young man must incorporate some sort of reeducation and retraining into the American ways of life. Until this happens, his psychological health may…...



Bartol, C & Bartol, J. (2004). Introduction to Forensic Psychology. Sage Publications, Inc., 2004.

APA Online: APA Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations

Multiculturalism the Idea of Being
Pages: 2 Words: 718

The other thing Takaki (1993) wants to know is how that process of alienation and domination created in the white man an intense rage that overpowered rationality. He wants to understand why white men, as a generalization, do not want to get along with other cultures and how they arrived at this opinion. There must have been something out there in the world to harden their hearts toward the prospect of good cross-cultural race relations. Whatever it was, or whatever they were, if there was more than one factor, he wants to know what caused it.
The conquering of the Native Americans and the abolishment of slavery all happened a long time ago. There is no reason why anyone of any race should hold a grudge against another race at this point in history, but some still do, and it seems to be largely the white men that are holding…...



Takaki, Ronald. (1993). A different mirror: A history of multicultural America. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co.

Multiculturalism Detroit in 1908 My
Pages: 4 Words: 1635

What money was available went to the downtown area. The neighborhoods were left to rot. y the 1980s many of them looked like war zones. In 1975 my grandmother moved up north to escape the racial tension which had grown quite ugly. My grandmother had four children by that time and one of them was my mother Anna.
My mother never liked it up north. She thought it was boring. As soon as she got old enough she moved back to Detroit and went to Wayne State University.

In 1984 she got a job with the Detroit Fire Department as a licensed paramedic and that is where she met my father. He was a fireman. They both played musical instruments and were in the Fire Department Jazz and. They got married and I was born the next year. Today, Detroit's population is 951,270. The racial make-up is drastically different, though, since…...



Detroit Infra.

Gay, Cheri Y. Detroit Then & Now. Chicago: Thunder Bay Press, 2000.

Georgakas, Marvin et. al. Detroit, I Do Mind Dying: A Study in Urban Revolution. Detroit:

Southend Press, 1998.

why the us is the best country in the world?
Words: 496

Title: Reasons Why the US is the Best Country in the World

The United States of America is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and influential countries globally. As an epitome of democracy, economic strength, innovation, and cultural diversity, several reasons make the US the best country in the world today.

1. Political Stability:
The US boasts a stable political system that upholds the principles of democracy and individual liberties. Its robust system of checks and balances ensures accountability and prevents the concentration of power, making it an attractive destination for both citizens and immigrants.

2. Economic Powerhouse:
The United States possesses the....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on english. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 375

Sure! Here are some essay topics on various aspects of the English language:

1. The importance of learning English as a second language.
2. The evolution and history of the English language.
3. The impact of technology on the English language.
4. The influence of English in the global world.
5. The role of standardized testing in assessing English language proficiency.
6. The benefits and drawbacks of using English as a global lingua franca.
7. The representation and portrayal of English in literature and media.
8. The challenges and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
9. The differences between British English and American English.
10. The role of....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on contemporary issues and the church?
Words: 289

1. The role of the church in addressing social justice issues such as racial inequality, poverty, and immigration.
2. The impact of technology on the church and religious practices.
3. The controversy surrounding LGBTQ+ rights and the church's stance on sexuality.
4. The role of women in leadership positions within the church.
5. The challenges and opportunities of outreach and evangelism in a modern, secular society.
6. The church's response to climate change and environmental stewardship.
7. The intersection of religion and politics in contemporary society.
8. The rise of the "nones" - those who identify as having no religion, and its implications for the church.
9. The....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to political theory?
Words: 529

1. The Concept of Justice in Rawls and Nozick's Political Theory:
- Analyze and compare John Rawls' and Robert Nozick's theories of justice.
- Discuss the implications of their views on social and economic equality.
- Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their respective arguments.

2. Utilitarianism vs. Deontology: A Comparative Analysis:
- Compare and contrast the ethical theories of utilitarianism and deontology.
- Explore the strengths and weaknesses of each theory in terms of their application to political decision-making.
- Discuss the relevance of these theories in contemporary political debates.

3. The Legitimacy of Political Authority:
- Examine different theories of....

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