Multiple Sclerosis Essays (Examples)

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Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis
Samira Ghaniwala

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease caused by activated T cells that gain entry into the central nervous system. The injury results from inflammation and T cell destruction. There are typical symptoms that co relate with the area involved. There are also remissions and relapses which can be triggered by certain factors. Diagnosis of the disease requires visualization of the lesions in the central white matter, on an MI, Treatment is based on immunosuppressants and steroids to combat inflammation.

"Multiple sclerosis is an acute inflammatory disease that causes focal demyelination of the brain and spinal cord; it also causes axonal loss." (Poser, 2011)


In multiple sclerosis activated T. lymphocytes enter the blood-brain barrier and initiate central nervous system inflammation, by recognizing myelin derived antigens as foreign, on the surface of the central nervous system's antigen presenting cells, the microglia. The resulting inflammation releases cytokines which initiates destruction of the oligodendrocyte-myelin….

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease. It affects the brain and spinal cord, and damages the covers that insulate the nerve cells. When these covers are damaged, the nervous system experiences a breakdown in communication. This causes a wide range of symptoms and signs that can affect numerous areas of the body. Mental and physical problems appear, along with a host of psychiatric issues in some patients. Multiple sclerosis can affect people very differently, and take more than one form. In most people, neurological problems occur and become permanent, although symptoms may come and go in the earlier stages of the disease.
Description of the Disease

In people with multiple sclerosis, the covers of the nerve endings become inflamed and damaged. This can be caused by infections and other environmental factors, but genetics have been believed to play a role, as well (Ascherio & Munger, 2007). Signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis….

) between 20 and 50.
Studies have shown that people with multiple sclerosis who exercise:

c.) have less fatigue

How many people in the United States are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis every week?

A b.) about 200 ("Take the FDA Consumer")

Dealing with Depression

As depression is reportedly the most common psychiatric disorder in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, those caring for MS patients who express any sort of suicidal ideation should be closely monitored and referred for a psychological evaluation. Frequently, MS patients experiencing bouts with depression or suicidal thoughts are not assessed, under assessed, and/or consequently not diagnosed. Unlike some of the other aspects accounting MS, yet similar to some MS, depression can be effectively treated. Numerous reasons contribute to MS patients experiencing depression, according to allin. These may include:

The psychosocial effects of MS disability.

The direct effect of lesions on brain structures that are involved in regulating and maintaining mood state

The untoward effects of interferon….

Its priorities are intergenerational programs for older but active citizens, which support independent living. These include housing, access to work, education, training and leisure, transition planning for younger disabled people and local action for the stigma of mental health problems (Department of Health p 8).
National Multiple Sclerosis Society

NMSS was organized in 1946 by those who want to do something about MS now (NMSS, 2010). They work together towards a world free of MS through a 50-state network of chapters. They do this by funding worthwhile research, initiating change through advocacy, facilitating professional education and providing programs and services for people with MS and their families so they can move forward. to-date, NMSS has extended vital support and personalized services to more than 350,000 people with MS, their families, friends and colleagues. In 2008 alone, it has spent $136 million for programs and 440 research projects around the world. Programs….

Once the nerve fibers are damaged, the nerve impulses that travel to and from the brain and spinal cord are interrupted, causing the variety of symptoms that can occur.
Most people with MS learn to manage the disease and continue to have satisfying, useful, and positive lives.

Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms vary widely, depending on the amount of damage and which particular nerves are affected. People with severe cases of multiple sclerosis may lose the ability to walk or speak. MS can be difficult to diagnose early in the course of the disease because symptoms often come and go -- sometimes disappearing for months (Mayo Clinic Staff).

Although MS can occur at any age, it most often begins in people between the ages of 20 and 40. Women are more likely to develop multiple sclerosis than are men (Mayo Clinic Staff).

MS signs and symptoms may include: Numbness, tingling, pain or weak points in….

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is, in basic terms, an inflammatory condition whereby an individual's immune system attacks, and causes damage to the protective sheath covering the nerves (also referred to as myelin) thereby disrupting normal communication between the spinal cord, the brain, and the rest of the body. Myelin provides some form of cover to the nerves, and when it is damaged, nervous axons, which are responsible for the conduction of impulses, do not function effectively. Moreover, with continued loss of myelin, the nerves become more prone to damage, and gradually deteriorate, causing the patient to develop symptoms as a result of lost or diminished impulses. The symptoms experienced will depend on the nerves affected, as well as the extent of damage. It is estimated that around 400,000 persons in the U.S. suffer from MS.

The actual cause of MS is yet to be discovered; however, most theories describe it as an….

Which type of sense has been damaged by the smoking?
That would be a special sense. Special senses are those that have specialized organs devoted to them. This would include vision, hearing, balance, taste and smell. These senses have the eyes, ears, nose and tongue that assist in execution of the use of these senses.

5).Which of the following functions is most likely to be performed by the visual association area?

nswer: When a person "sees" the shape of the visual image. The mind sees an image as parlayed to him/her by his eyes working together with his/her mind.

6). Night blindness could be caused by a variety of factors. Some people are born with night blindness while others suffer night blindness, also known as nyctalopia, due to malnutrition or injury to the eye. nother cause is unsuccessful refractive eye surgery. Yet another cause is a deficiency in vitamin a, or retinol, that….

Medication of Multiple Sclerosis
This study aimed to calculate the prevalence of adherence to therapy among multiple sclerosis patients in King Khalid University Hospital, in addition to find the relationship between adherence to therapy among multiple sclerosis patients and some important factors.

Studies on adherence to medication of multiple sclerosis provide important data about patient adhering to their medications with respect to the patient medication-taking behavior, factoring in the different demographic characteristics. In turn, this helps future planning on how to make certain that multiple sclerosis patients adhere to medication and treatment advised to them. The demographic characteristics taken into consideration in the case study include age, gender, level of education, employment status, marital status, income level, and residence. The data is analyzed in terms of making a comparison between low adherence and high adherence to medication by using these particular demographic characteristics as differentiators (Koskderelioglu et al., 2015).

The results of….

Accordingly, Brichford (2008) would indicate that "while doctors used to recommend that people living with MS avoid exercise entirely due to fear of aggravating symptoms, now there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that regular exercise not only improves quality of life for people with multiple sclerosis, but that it may also help ease symptoms and minimize the risk of certain complications down the road." (Brichford, 1) in this case, all evidence seems to suggest that exercise will be a crucial part of a multidisciplinary approach to addressing the subject's condition.
This means that in addition to a physician who can help to identify limitations in this area, a physical therapy and rehabilitation team must make up part of the treatment management strategies. This is endorsed in the research by Carcione, which denotes that "referrals to other professionals, such as a physical therapist, who can help create a….

• Questions refer to the paper Mi S, Hu B, Hahm K, Luo Y et al., (2007) LINGO-1 antagonist promotes spinal cord remyelination and axonal integrity in MOG-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Nat Med;13(10):1228-33.

MOG-induced murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an experimentally-induced disease. In what ways does it model the 'outside-in' theory of multiple sclerosis? Your answer must name the correct antigens and cell types involved in the process (3 marks).

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) involves both neurological and immune components (Mi et al., 2007). EAE is formed from the CD4+ T cell -- mediated immune response targeted at specific proteins within the central nervous system (CNS) which provides a model of multiple sclerosis (MS) (Week 10 Lecture Notes). The research to date indicates that loss of the Nogo receptor -- interacting protein LINGO-1 moderates EAE by altering the generation and the infiltration into the CNS of encephalogenic T cells that….

Visual-Cognitive Processing Deficits in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is thought to be an autoimmune disorder which affects the central nervous system. According to the National Pediatric MS Center, in MS, myelin is lost in multiple areas, leaving scar tissue called sclerosis. When myelin or the nerve fiber is destroyed or damaged, the ability of the nerves to conduct electrical impulses to and from the brain is disrupted, and this produces the various symptoms of MS. One of these symptoms is cognitive dysfunction. According to the National Pediatric MS Center, approximately 50% of individuals with MS will develop problems with cognition. While the disorder is typically diagnosed in individuals between the ages of 20 and 30, approximately 5% of the cases diagnosed are children (National Pediatric MS Center). Additionally, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society reports that 2% to 5% of adult patients with MS report having symptoms prior to age….

" (SPN, 1) This is to suggest that there are drug therapies available which could significantly improve the quality of life and expectancy for the patient at the center of this case study. However, these are also fundamentally less cost effective measures and approaches which would certainly not be available to those with limited or lacking insurance coverage.
Cost effective ways of contending with Multiple Sclerosis therefore tend increasingly to be those methods which detect the condition early and begin limited therapy that can head off its severity at the pass. According to the source provided by the MS Network, "the aim of multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment should be to stabilize patients on a low disability (low cost) level at an early stage of the disease utilizing a cost-effective therapy." (Infonicks, 1) Naturally, this is not always possible. Indeed, in the case of the patient in question, it is clear that….

risk of development and progression of Multiple Sclerosis with the different CD 24 polymorphisms: V/V, a/a and a/V.
To assess the expressivity of various gene polymorphism on T cells.

To check any tendency in the development of Multiple Sclerosis within family members and different ethnic groups.

Materials and Methods:

The study checked the single nucleotide polymorphism in a population of Multiple Sclerosis patients and controls. These patients were diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, using the Mc Donald criteria. The short nucleotide polypeptide was recognized by using PC-FLP, using primers, and tests were applied to check for differences in observations between the groups.

The studies established a link between CD 24 and the development of Multiple Sclerosis and its progression.


The etiology of multiple sclerosis involves interplay between genetic and environmental factors. It is a disease of northern Europeans and occurs less frequently in other racial groups. The lifetime risk of multiple sclerosis in northern Europe is….

egularly using a diet from which foods are eliminated that are known to produce hives and other skin eruptions and asthmatic attacks shows no relationship with MS; b) Kousmine diet. This low-fat, low-concentrated sugar, high-fiber diet, supplemented by vitamins A, D, E, C, and B. complex does not indicate any scientific evidence in being effective in treating MS; c) Gluten-Free diet that excludes wheat and rye should be considered ineffective in MS treatment; d) aw food, Evers diet that contains only natural and unprocessed foods, including a daily intake of germinated wheat, should be considered ineffective in MS treatment; and e) MacDougal diet, which combines a low-fat and gluten-free diet and adds supplements of vitamins and minerals, indicates no scientific evidence of being effective. MS specialists recommend that patients follow the same high-in-fiber, low-in-fat diet that is recommended for all adults. 2) Exercise:
There are some possibilities for treating MS….

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis or MS refers to an autoimmune, chronic condition which impacts physical movement, function and sensation. The problem sets in following neuron insulation destruction (i.e., myelin sheath destruction) within an individual’s central nervous system (CNS) (Cengage Learning, 2013). Symptoms of the disorder start showing up at early adulthood, greatly impacting patients’ domestic, social, and professional lives. As the absence of myelin retards action potential conduct, the disorder is manifested as performance impairment, having a potential destructive influence on patient behavior. MS often entails a relatively progressive onset of behavioral deficiencies and neurological symptoms (Hoang & Shepherd, 2010).
Multiple Sclerosis and Nervous System
Chronic, advancing cognitive deterioration within multiple sclerosis has been ascribed to a neuro-pathological, neurodegenerative disease process (in other words, diffused brain atrophy and axonal destruction). Additionally, atrophy and white matter lesions are known to play a significant part in cognitive dysfunction among individuals diagnosed with MS; however, latest….

Mayo Clinic is known for its innovative medical treatments and research initiatives in a variety of areas, including:

1. Regenerative medicine: Mayo Clinic is a leader in regenerative medicine, using stem cell therapy and other advanced techniques to help patients heal from injuries, diseases, and other conditions.

2. Individualized medicine: Mayo Clinic is at the forefront of personalized medicine, using genetic testing and other advanced tools to tailor treatment plans to each patient's unique genetic makeup.

3. Cancer research: Mayo Clinic has a strong focus on cancer research, developing new treatments and therapies to improve outcomes for cancer patients.

4. Neurological research: Mayo Clinic....

5 Pages
Research Paper


Multiple Sclerosis

Words: 1330
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Multiple Sclerosis Samira Ghaniwala Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease caused by activated T cells that gain entry into the central nervous system. The injury results from inflammation and T cell…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Multiple Sclerosis

Words: 1504
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease. It affects the brain and spinal cord, and damages the covers that insulate the nerve cells. When these covers are damaged, the nervous…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Multiple Sclerosis Etiology Multiple Sclerosis

Words: 3721
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

) between 20 and 50. Studies have shown that people with multiple sclerosis who exercise: c.) have less fatigue How many people in the United States are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis every…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Multiple Sclerosis Whole-Brain Disease Multiple

Words: 2355
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Its priorities are intergenerational programs for older but active citizens, which support independent living. These include housing, access to work, education, training and leisure, transition planning for younger…

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3 Pages


Multiple Sclerosis This Is a

Words: 789
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Once the nerve fibers are damaged, the nerve impulses that travel to and from the brain and spinal cord are interrupted, causing the variety of symptoms that can…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Multiple Sclerosis Causes Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment

Words: 1026
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is, in basic terms, an inflammatory condition whereby an individual's immune system attacks, and causes damage to the protective sheath covering the nerves (also referred to…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Multiple Sclerosis the Disease Multiple

Words: 846
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Which type of sense has been damaged by the smoking? That would be a special sense. Special senses are those that have specialized organs devoted to them. This would…

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6 Pages
Multiple Chapters


Multiple Sclerosis and Medication

Words: 1936
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Multiple Chapters

Medication of Multiple Sclerosis This study aimed to calculate the prevalence of adherence to therapy among multiple sclerosis patients in King Khalid University Hospital, in addition to find the…

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3 Pages


Sedentary Behavior in Multiple Sclerosis

Words: 950
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Accordingly, Brichford (2008) would indicate that "while doctors used to recommend that people living with MS avoid exercise entirely due to fear of aggravating symptoms, now there is…

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11 Pages


Innovations in Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Words: 3269
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Neuroscience • Questions refer to the paper Mi S, Hu B, Hahm K, Luo Y et al., (2007) LINGO-1 antagonist promotes spinal cord remyelination and axonal integrity in MOG-induced…

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4 Pages
Article Review


Visual Cognitive Processing Deficits in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis

Words: 1308
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

Visual-Cognitive Processing Deficits in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is thought to be an autoimmune disorder which affects the central nervous system. According to the National Pediatric MS Center,…

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2 Pages


MS Case Costs Multiple Sclerosis

Words: 680
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

" (SPN, 1) This is to suggest that there are drug therapies available which could significantly improve the quality of life and expectancy for the patient at the center…

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10 Pages
Article Review


Link Between CD24 Gene and Multiple Sclerosis

Words: 3037
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Article Review

risk of development and progression of Multiple Sclerosis with the different CD 24 polymorphisms: V/V, a/a and a/V. To assess the expressivity of various gene polymorphism on T cells. To…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Words: 2099
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

egularly using a diet from which foods are eliminated that are known to produce hives and other skin eruptions and asthmatic attacks shows no relationship with MS; b)…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Multiple Sclerosis

Words: 761
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis or MS refers to an autoimmune, chronic condition which impacts physical movement, function and sensation. The problem sets in following neuron insulation destruction (i.e., myelin sheath…

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