Nascar Essays (Examples)

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NASCA from an OD Consultant perspective:
The National Association for Stock Car Auto acing -- NASCA established by Bill Frank (Senior) in the year 1947 is the sanctioning body for controlling stock-car racing and is the prime spot for providing information on car races, drivers, teams and industry events to its fans. NASCA works from the Daytona Beach, Florida considered the seat of auto racing having its offices across Mexico, Los Angeles, Toronto, New York, Bentonville Ark, Charlotte, Concord and Conover N.C. It is from these locations that NASCA approves 1500 races in over 100 tracks across 35 U.S. states, Canada and Mexico. NASCA's Governing Body prepares the rules, manages the events and ensures that the drivers adhere to the rules. Significantly, it controls the major racing series and selects a new Champion after the completion of every season. (Harris, 2012)

Considering a sport, NASCA is a diversity of racing series wherein….

The spectators predominantly making up the genre of who buys heavy machinery, tools, or other such products are found common in the areas where NASCAR is most popular.
A brand can be determined directly by its advertising in terms of its entire scope because the type and distribution of advertising can dictate the products salability and consumer base. For example; one may conclude that Egg-Nog is a holiday brand simply because it is only advertised during a certain time of year. udweiser is synonymously known for its Super owl commercials, which in-effect has given it an association as a 'mans-beer' or a commonality of such conglomerations components.

Sponsorship for a product helps to create demand for that product in several influential ways. In terms of NASCAR, sponsors are most interested in selecting a car and driver that is much more likely to be a winning car/driver. This is not only because….

From that meeting, the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing was born, and France, nor anyone else at that meeting could have envisioned what NASCAR has become today (History pp).
The first NASCAR-sanctioned race was held on Daytona's beach course on February 15, 1948, however, it was 1949, when what is now the NASCAR inston Cup Series, the premier racing division in America, was born (History pp). There were eight events held in 1949, and less than a year later, the country's first asphalt super-speedway at Darlington Raceway in South Carolina opened its doors for the new division (History pp). Characters became heroes, and names like Lee Petty, Fireball Roberts, Buck Baker, Herb Thomas, the Flock brothers, and others became as well-known to race fans as illie, Mickey and the Duke were to baseball fans (History pp).

In May 2004, after forty-five years of hosting two races in NASCAR's major….

10). Branding a sport means picking the focus and emphasizing it. For instance, "Nissan ranks high on the shopping list," since "we know what triggers a consumer's desire beyond price point alone" (Ibid. p. 13) When Nissan is out there on the race track, the consumer focuses on it as he or she never would anywhere else.
When Tony Stewart climbed the 20-foot fence to be with his fans after winning at Daytona International Speedway, Joe Gibbs took advantage of the moment. "It also turned out to be a marketing opportunity," and Home Depot, the sponsor of Stewart's team, placed full-page ads in newspapers throughout the country. "Hey Tony,' the ad read. 'We have ladders'.... And sales rose by a double-digit percentage in the immediate aftermath" (Poole, p. 1).

The ad showed Stewart climbing up the fence at Daytona. Then it was used to promote a weekend sale on ladders and….

functionality is apparent when we compare http://nascar.comand sights are vastly different in terms of content, color, layout, and design. NACAR is all about speed and no doubt the site designer attempts to convey speed through visuals and graphic design. Even the page loading is fast. The brand character of the NACAR website is straightforward and clear, whereas the Weather Network's brand character is more ambiguous. Because weather is such a broad subject and is in itself a neutral thing, tells less of a story than does. ends up feeling a little colder and dryer than
The website communicates speed, celebrity, and excitement, all characteristics of the sport itself. The competitive nature of stock car racing demands a bright, engaging site and the designer succeeds at creating a fast-paced online environment. Yet the plethora of multimedia content and color does not outdo the core content….

One of the common issues that all major sports are dealing with is effectively promoting themselves. In the case of NASCA, Horse acing and Professional Golf; there are specific strategies that are utilized to reach out to the target audience. To understand how this is achieved requires looking at the audience profile for each sport. This will be accomplished by: examining demographic, promotional strategies, the promotional mix and how to apply these tools. Together, these elements will provide specific insights as to how each sport has been able to effectively reach out to their core audience.


NASCA is focused on males and females who are between the ages of 15 to 60 years old. In general, the audience is from a middle class background and is located in suburban areas. The kind of promotional strategy that is being utilized in a pull-based philosophy. This is when advertisers will spend tremendous….

Management class 494, I Executive Summary case title Nascar: A Branding Success. Marketting Strategy book O.C. Ferrel, I international student, I write summary formal words make an international student essay IA, I sounds weird write Executive summary a I write.
NASCA executive summary

NASCA, short for The National Association for Stock Car Auto acing, is a relatively small size firm, but which also has an increased importance within the national and international auto racing events. The success of the organization is based on several key features, including the dedication of the staff members to high quality operations and services, the wide reach of the company outside the geographic borders, but also, the strength of its marketing approach.

The marketing team of NASCA is highly skilled and qualified, and, along the years, has produced some of the more successful measures to attracting the attention of the audience, as well as its trust and loyalty.….

Military Recruiting

Sports-elated Military ecruiting Initiatives Today
armed forces have traditionally had a lot to offer for new entrants into the job market, but in recent months, these benefits have increasingly been insufficient to sell the idea of military service to young people during a time of war. In response to this shortfall in recruiting levels, military recruiters have resorted to a number of alternative approaches to marketing military service as a viable option to qualified candidates. To determine the current initiatives being used by military recruiters today, this paper will provide a review of the military's use of sports, specifically racing such as NASCA and NHA for recruiting purposes. An examination of the effectiveness, associated costs, and the history of these sports-related initiatives will be followed by a summary of the research and an assessment of current and future trends in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Background and Overview.

At a time when the….

One example is Life after Loss: A Practical Guide to Renewing Your Life after Experiencing Major Loss by Bob Deits (2004), but there are many suitable books of this nature. I would expect this student to read this book very eagerly because of the subject matter and the practical significance to his life. I might also recommend counseling for this student to address possible issues related to depression based on his obvious circumstantial risk factors. I would consult with his family as well to better understand the student and also to impress on them the importance of being sensitive to his feelings but not to the extent that they allow him to escape his academic responsibilities on a long-term basis.
4. What about the kid who seems disinterested in anything except NASCAR or rock music?

There are several possible approaches in this case; my choice would probably be based on other….

Leadership is a term that can mean many things to many people in many situations. It can refer to a sergeant in the U.S. Army leading his men through minefields to track down enemy combatants in Afghanistan. It can mean the fastest car in a NASCAR race and it can allude to the young man in a Sunday School class who takes over competently when the regular teacher is unable to be present.
When discussing leadership it is helpful to use examples of people who showed leadership in various ways. The best-selling book by Michael Abrashoff (It's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy) offers a wonderful glimpse into how a captain took over a Navy ship that was ranked very low in its capabilities because of a number of serious problems with personnel, with equipment, and obviously with leadership.

In Abrashoff's book the author reviews the….

The analysis cited above continues to describe the ways in which corporate "life" (in the sense of how many different individuals and entities are vital to the running of a corporation in the current climate):

Businesses today must be consumer, profit, and publicly oriented. Only a few years ago, the first two would have sufficed. But, in support of our dualistic argument regarding the marketing concept, that is -- creating exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives more effectively and efficiently than the competition -- Philip Kotler (2000) has labelled marketing as inappropriate in a world of environmental deterioration, population expansion, world hunger and poverty, and neglected, under-funded, and business-like social services. Thus, marketing as exchange has been augmented by the need to preserve or enhance consumer and societal well being, too. Increasingly, this extends beyond 'seeming' to the needed 'substance' of corporate social responsibility.

The above touches on both dynamics of….

d.). This de-institutionalization of the company will help bring the IMAX experience to new movie goers. To further broaden their appeal, IMAX has diversified their movies as well.
IMAX's second part of their business strategy centers on bringing more Hollywood movies to their large format screens. Whether it be remastering previously released films or simultaneously new films, IMAX has worked hard to expand their audience from those who typically enjoyed the unique IMAX documentary films that started the company. Costs of conversions of existing films has reduced significantly, at $22,5000 to convert a standard two-dimensional film and $45,000 to convert a 3-D film ("IMAX: Larger," n.d.). These 3-D films are also a part of the company's current business strategy.

Technological development to improve movie goers' experience as well as differentiate their product from other traditional theaters is a primary focus of IMAX's business strategy. The company has committed both financial and human….

United States Army Do to

Hearing loss is very case specific because one person who has hearing loss or impairment may be able to hear certain sounds or be completely deaf.
Impairment entails something is not working as well as it should but there may still be some basic functioning. Hearing loss can go by many terms such as deaf, deafness, or hard of hearing. All could be one and the same situation but as pointed out, each individual is suffering from their own individual illness or situation and may or may not be comparable to any other hearing loss situation.

Although this report focuses on hearing loss as it is associated to military service, it is important to note that in the United States; approximately three of every thousand newborns are born with some type of hearing impairment thus making it one of the more common birth defects in our nation. This entails that there….

Bucket List
Life is ephemeral in nature. In life, occurrences, situations, and circumstances are constantly changing. It is through these changing circumstances that opportunities arise. These opportunities provide life with excitement and wonder. To better enjoy life, a plan of activities is often needed to ensure that an individual doesn't become entrapped by the natural progressions of life. Negative aspects such as complacency, boredom, or animosity towards others can quickly turn life into a struggle. To avoid and alleviate many of these pitfalls, the creation of a personal bucket list is helpful. My list for instance, includes many aspects in which I am personally passionate about. This list, although incomplete, will provide ample excitement and reprieve from the daily rigors of life. Below are my bucket list and the reasoning behind each activity.

Travel to all seven continents volunteer / help out and make a difference.

The world is a diverse place. As….

satisfaction scores do not seem necessarily low or high and they illustrate many interesting trends. For example, there are many fluctuations that are evident. One example is that it appears that the overall satisfaction with appliances has slowly decreased from a high of 85 in 2000 to a low of 80 in 2008. It would be interesting to investigate the reasons in which appliances received higher ratings in 2000 than in the rest of the years. The appliances rating in 2000 was actually the highest rating of any of the different categories provided. It could be the case that after 2000, companies began to implement cost cutting strategies that reduced the quality of the appliances; or it could also represent a statistical error or a poor quality data set. However, it would be impossible to determine why the decrease occurred without further investigation.
I don't think that companies should ever….

1. The Evolution of the Automobile Industry: From Horseless Carriages to Electric Vehicles
2. The Impact of Automobiles on Modern Society: Transportation Revolution or Environmental Hazard?
3. Automotive Safety: Innovations and Challenges in Creating Safer Cars
4. The Role of Autonomous Vehicles in Shaping the Future of Transportation
5. The Economics of Owning a Car: Calculating Costs and Benefits
6. Car Culture and Identity: Exploring the Symbolism of Automobiles in Popular Culture
7. The Environmental Consequences of Automobile Emissions: Can Electric Cars Save the Planet?
8. The Psychology of Car Preferences: Exploring the Factors that Influence Car Buying Decisions

4 Pages
Research Paper


NASCAR From an OD Consultant Perspective The

Words: 1529
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

NASCA from an OD Consultant perspective: The National Association for Stock Car Auto acing -- NASCA established by Bill Frank (Senior) in the year 1947 is the sanctioning body for…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

NASCAR the National Association for

Words: 1211
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The spectators predominantly making up the genre of who buys heavy machinery, tools, or other such products are found common in the areas where NASCAR is most popular. A…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


NASCAR in November 2004 NASCAR

Words: 3162
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

From that meeting, the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing was born, and France, nor anyone else at that meeting could have envisioned what NASCAR has become…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Advertising and NASCAR and Advertising

Words: 2068
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

10). Branding a sport means picking the focus and emphasizing it. For instance, "Nissan ranks high on the shopping list," since "we know what triggers a consumer's desire…

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3 Pages


Functionality of the Nascar com Website

Words: 1264
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

functionality is apparent when we compare http://nascar.comand sights are vastly different in terms of content, color, layout, and design. NACAR is all about speed and no doubt…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Businesses One of the Common Issues That

Words: 635
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Businesses One of the common issues that all major sports are dealing with is effectively promoting themselves. In the case of NASCA, Horse acing and Professional Golf; there are…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Management Class 494 I Executive Summary Case

Words: 587
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Management class 494, I Executive Summary case title Nascar: A Branding Success. Marketting Strategy book O.C. Ferrel, I international student, I write summary formal words make an international student…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Military Recruiting

Words: 1455
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sports-elated Military ecruiting Initiatives Today armed forces have traditionally had a lot to offer for new entrants into the job market, but in recent months, these benefits have increasingly…

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2 Pages


Motivating Reluctant Readers a Girl

Words: 623
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Assessment

One example is Life after Loss: A Practical Guide to Renewing Your Life after Experiencing Major Loss by Bob Deits (2004), but there are many suitable books of…

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3 Pages


Leadership Is a Term That Can Mean

Words: 807
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership is a term that can mean many things to many people in many situations. It can refer to a sergeant in the U.S. Army leading his men through…

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38 Pages


Corporations Send Out Messages Constantly

Words: 10552
Length: 38 Pages
Type: Dissertation

" The analysis cited above continues to describe the ways in which corporate "life" (in the sense of how many different individuals and entities are vital to the running of…

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10 Pages
Case Study


Imax Case Study Imax's General

Words: 3389
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Case Study

d.). This de-institutionalization of the company will help bring the IMAX experience to new movie goers. To further broaden their appeal, IMAX has diversified their movies as well. IMAX's second…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


United States Army Do to

Words: 7293
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hearing loss is very case specific because one person who has hearing loss or impairment may be able to hear certain sounds or be completely deaf. Impairment entails something…

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5 Pages


Bucket List Life Is Ephemeral in Nature

Words: 1447
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Bucket List Life is ephemeral in nature. In life, occurrences, situations, and circumstances are constantly changing. It is through these changing circumstances that opportunities arise. These opportunities provide life with…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

M& m's and 100 Customer Satisfaction

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages

satisfaction scores do not seem necessarily low or high and they illustrate many interesting trends. For example, there are many fluctuations that are evident. One example is that…

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