Nurse Anesthetist Essays (Examples)

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The findings in this study suggest that understanding collective learning processes contributes to knowledge about technology adoption and organizational innovation, an area of research that has been conducted almost exclusively using an organization-level lens. Our study suggests an important role for a group-Level lens, with attention to how interdependent team members view a technology and the nature of the challenge it presents. How a technology is framed can make the challenge of learning compelling and exciting rather than threatening and painful. This study also calls attention to the role of team leaders rather than the role of senior management in leading change...they suggested that face-to-face leadership and teamwork can allow organizations to adapt successfully when confronted with new technology that threatens existing routines. These findings suggest the potential to impose an additional challenge on surgeons -- and other team and project leaders, who already carry the weight of many burdens.….

Nurse Anesthetist:
An overview of the profession and its future outlook

To become a certified nurse anesthetist (CNA) requires a registered nurse to obtain an advanced degree beyond that of the undergraduate level. "Nurse anesthetists (CNAs) are registered nurses with specialized graduate-level education in anesthesiology who provide anesthesia services ordered by a physician, dentist, or podiatrist, and are certified by the BN [Board of egistered Nursing] in this specialty" ("Advanced Practice Nurses," 2015). CNA duties encompass sedation; coordinating treatment care during the process of anesthesia administration, and also palliative care. "Anesthesia practice consists of all accepted anesthesia techniques including general, epidural, spinal, peripheral nerve block, sedation or local" ("Advanced Practice Nurses," 2015).

Although the educational demands are considerable upon nurse anesthetists, this field is one of the most lucrative within the health professions. These professionals can expect to devote 6 to 7 years to obtaining their degree but the average salary ranges from….

Nurse Anesthetist
Anesthesiologists are charged with monitoring the vital life functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and breathing as well as pain control for surgery patients. Additionally, they assist patience with pain relief after surgery, during child birth, or in response to illness that present chronic pain. Nurse anesthetists, the longest standing nurse specialty group in the United States, have delivered anesthesia care for nearly 150 years. The development of nurse anesthesiology was a major factor in the advancement of the field of surgery in the United States. In the late 1800's the high rate of morbidity due to poor anesthetic practices increased the demand for clinicians who specialized in anesthesiology. Prior to the formal development of this field, little training was given to the person administering the anesthesia, who was more or less an extra pair of hands for the physician whose attention was thus divided between the….

Nurse Anesthetist's Practice In Many Delivery Models Of Care
Nurse anesthetists across the nation have administered anesthesia to people for a century and a half -- long before it became a doctor specialty. Conventional training occurred in military or hospital-based programs ranging from some months to even years in length. Surgeons strongly supported Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) practice rights and abilities, and continue to do so. Dr. George Crile, Cleveland Clinic Foundation's founder and general surgeon was targeted in 1912 by physicians in Ohio, via the state's Attorney General and Medical oard, owing to his advocacy of nurse anesthetists. Dr. Crile, together with the Lakeside Hospital he worked in, was threatened with physician payment and hospital appropriation finance withdrawal, for his support of nurse anesthetist training and employment. Following a lengthy struggle that lasted 5 years, the doctor and his hospital tasted victory in their nurse anesthetist advocacy. Crile's leading….

Certified Registered Nurse nesthetist
Educational and professional needs to do the job

You will find many compelling causes of minority nurses who opt for graduate education and niche nursing certifications. Obtaining these qualifications paves the way to some wide new range of rewarding and expert career guides and paths along with opportunities of leadership and management opportunities ranging from high-end nursing professor roles as well as nurse researcher to vocations such as nurse specialist, nurse anesthetist, nurse executive, and much more. In addition, the Institute of Medicine's (IOM's) in a recent study, known aslso as landmark for the year 2010, asserted that the way forward for Nursing: Leading Change, Evolving Health requires each and every nurse to "achieve greater amounts of education and training" and "attain competency in specific content areas" to be able to respond better in the current and quickly changing healthcare atmosphere (Chwedyk, 2012).

However the IOM study also underscores….

Nurse Anesthetist
Job Description

Nurse anesthetists provide anesthesia to patients, relieving the pain of childbirth and of surgeries for over a century in America. It's a job which requires anesthesia to be given before, during and/or after surgery. Nurse anesthetists have to be ready and competent to handle a wide range of intense situations, making this particular career path more intensive than other fields in nursing. These professionals offer anesthesia in conjunction with surgeons, anesthesiologists and other healthcare professions.

The scope of their practice is heavily nuanced and includes the following: engaging in the preanesthetic assessment along with all consultation and diagnostic studies (, 2010). Being responsible for obtaining all preanesthetic medications, and getting all informed consent for anesthesia (, 2010). The nurse anesthetist is the one who needs to create the entire anesthetic plan, while initiate the anesthetic technique, while engaging in all noninvasive and invasive monitoring techniques for the anesthesia,….

Drug Shortage on Anesthesia Providers
The rate of drug shortage has risen from 70 (2006) to 211 (2011). In the year 2012, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported over 225 drug shortages. These shortages affect anesthesiologists, in particular. According to the GAO (Government Accountability Office), central nervous system (CNS) drugs and anesthetics constitute 17% of total shortages; they also come under the categories of drugs regularly experiencing highest shortage frequency (Orlovich & Kelly, 2015). Eventually, drug shortage adversely impacts patients' safety. Numerous factors contribute to drug shortages, including disrupted supply of raw materials, lean inventory from producers to hospitals, and increasingly complicated international supply chain. FDA-implicated reasons for shortage include the novel Unapproved Drugs Initiative and failed inspections. A recent House Oversight Committee blamed FDA overregulation considerably. Critical supply producers are shut down due to insufficient documentation and technical breaches having marginal impact on safety. Clearly, the resultant….

H..1247 -- Improving Veterans Access to Quality Care Act of 2015
The Improving Veterans Access to Care Act (H..1247) sponsored by epresentatives Sam Graves (-MO) and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) (hereinafter alternatively "the Act"), is intended to reduce existing delays in healthcare delivery being experienced by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) (Smith, 2015). The provisions of the Act would extend full practice authority to certain advanced practice registered nurses (APNs), including nurse midwives, clinical nurse specialists, nurse practitioners, and certified registered nurse anesthetists in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care facilities regardless of the state in which they are located. To date, the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), the Association of Veterans Affairs Nurse Anesthetists (AVANA), more than 50 nursing organizations, as well as veterans service organizations, the Military Officers Association of America, the Air Force Sergeants Association, the American Association of etired Persons (AAP) together with more than 75….

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

2201 Sweeney Drive

Clinton, Pennsylvania 15026

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is in response to an article that appeared in your newspaper on July 13, 2016 by the president of the Pennsylvania Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Ann Culp, entitled "CNAs battle tested." The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced its intentions to provide full practice authority for its advanced practice registered nurses (APNs) to improve the accessibility and quality of care provided our nation's heroic veterans. In response to this announcement, a number of national organizations, including the American Nurses Association, the Federal Trade Commission, the American Hospital Association, the American Association for etired Persons and the obert Wood Johnson Foundation have all joined in supporting….

Nurse's ole As esearcher
The nurse plays a unique role as a researcher. This involves them focusing on the latest treatment options, how they affect patients and the best times specific techniques should be utilized. Moreover, they must understand the numerous side effects of different therapies and how this will affect the patients they are working with. These areas help them to serve as confidant in comprehending how and when to apply certain procedures. (Allan, 2005)

At the same time, the nurse will understand the psychology, customs, behavior and biological factors which are contributing to a host of conditions. This enables them to comprehend the challenges patients are going through and the lasting impact this is having on them. When this happens, they can reduce suffering and improve their ability to cope with the issues they are facing. These insights will help patients to make a full recovery with reduced chances for….

There are a number of significant differences between in the art of teaching nursing skills at the university level and the art of teaching nursing skills at the community level. The educational opportunities are similar at both types of institutions but the demands on faculty are different at each level.

Current literature shows that "approximately 42% of students enter community colleges with reading, writing, or math skills below the college level' (Cohen, Brawer, 2003) and therefore many of these students "need basic skills preparation in remedial-developmental courses" (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2003). The need for basic skills preparation is evident of many students entering college, but especially so for those who are entering at the community college level. Many of these students have not gained acceptance into the larger universities, or have the desire to hone their educational skills before tackling the demanding requirements of four-year colleges and universities. This….

Advance Practice oles in Nursing
The Main oles Within Advanced Practice Nursing

Nurse Practitioners

They are charged with the responsibility to provide primary health care for clinics, hospitals and similar settings. They diagnose and treat common illnesses and immunize, examine the patients and deal with high blood pressure cases among others (Macdonald, Schreiber & Davis, 2005).

Certified Nurse-Midwives: They are the ones that give gynecological care and prenatal attention to the normal women with little or no health complications. They assist the women deliver in a range of places including hospitals, homes, clinics and health centers. They also give postpartum care (Macdonald et al., 2005).

Clinical Nurse Specialists: They are the ones involved in specialty areas such as neonatal, oncology, cardiac, pediatric, gynecological nursing or obstetric service (Macdonald et al., 2005).

Certified egistered Nurse Anesthetists: They provide and administer over 65% of all anesthesia administered to patients every year. They are also the only ones who….

Nursing Doctoral Business Proposal
The benefits of staffing Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP) as ANP Case Managers

A Nurse Practitioner (NP) is a registered nurse educated and certified to operate autonomously and collaboratively in an advanced and comprehensive medical responsibility. The practitioner has several additional roles under which they are to conduct diagnostic investigations, prescribe medications and undertake referrals to specialist clinical medications. esearch suggests that when nurses undertake prescription roles, it can result to increased efficiency, maximization of resources, and improve patient access to medicines and enable nurses to provide timely and extensive care packages (Cashin, Buckley, Newman & Dunn, 2009). In the advanced practitioner context, the roles that exist include the Clinical Nurse Specialist, the Certified Nurse Midwife, the Nurse Anesthetist and the Nurse Practitioner.

On the other hand, an Advanced egistered Nurse Practitioner (ANP) is also a registered nurse who possesses professional knowledge base, intricate decision-making skills and clinical capabilities for….

Nursing Degrees

The ADN vs. The BSN:

A comparison of both nursing degrees

Students wishing to enter the profession of nursing are often faced with two clear choices: that of an ADN (associate degree in nursing) and a BSN (Bachelor of Science nursing degree). An ADN generally takes two years and is often offered by a community college or state school. As a result, it is substantially cheaper than a four-year BSN. Obtaining an ADN still allows a nurse to sit for the NCLEX-N. "The coursework of an associate's degree in nursing covers the following general subjects: fundamentals of nursing, infection control, nutrition and dietetics, basic microbiology, basic medical nursing, pediatric nursing, and more" ("What you need to know," 2014). It should be noted that an ADN does not have to be a terminal degree and there are ADN 'bridge' programs that allow practicing nurses currently possessing a ADN to go….

Drug dosing is often based overall on the "volume of distribution for the loading dose and on the clearance for maintenance, with volume of distribution being increased if drug is distributed among lean and fat tissues (Casati & Putzu, 2005).
Coe, Saleh, Samuel & Edwards (2004) report that multiple problems related to anesthesia and obesity exist. The level of obesity defined by MBI has a significant impact on the type of anesthesia most patients choose (Coe, et. al, 2004). ecent studies have focused on encouraging patients to lose a certain amount of weight prior to surgical intervention to make anesthesia delivery a more viable and safe option (Coe, et. al, 2004). Unfortunately most patients undergoing bariatric surgery have utilized all other resources thus must risk any potential contraindications associated with anesthetic delivery in order to lose weight.


Obesity is a complicated and rapidly advancing disease affecting millions of people every year.….

1. High salary potential: CRNAs are among the highest paid nursing professionals, with the potential to earn six-figure salaries.

2. Job demand: There is a high demand for CRNAs, especially in rural areas and underserved communities, leading to job security and opportunities for advancement.

3. Autonomy: CRNAs have a high level of autonomy in their practice, often working independently and making critical decisions regarding patient care.

4. Varied work environments: CRNAs can work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, surgical centers, and outpatient clinics, allowing for diverse career opportunities.

5. Fulfilling work: CRNAs play a crucial role in ensuring....

Lucrative Earning Potential

CRNAs are among the highest-paid healthcare professionals. According to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), the median salary for CRNAs in 2022 was $191,330, with the top 10% earning over $230,000. This earning potential is attributed to the critical role CRNAs play in the healthcare system, providing anesthesia services to patients undergoing various medical procedures.

Job Stability and Security

The demand for CRNAs is expected to remain strong in the coming years, driven by an aging population and the increasing number of surgical procedures being performed. Hospitals and healthcare facilities rely heavily on CRNAs to manage anesthesia, ensuring the....

8 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Nurse Anesthetist Are One of

Words: 2206
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The findings in this study suggest that understanding collective learning processes contributes to knowledge about technology adoption and organizational innovation, an area of research that has been conducted almost…

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2 Pages


Nurse Anesthetists Career Outlook

Words: 624
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Nurse Anesthetist: An overview of the profession and its future outlook To become a certified nurse anesthetist (CNA) requires a registered nurse to obtain an advanced degree beyond that of the…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

History of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Words: 1826
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Nurse Anesthetist Anesthesiologists are charged with monitoring the vital life functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and breathing as well as pain control for surgery patients. Additionally, they…

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3 Pages


Analying Nurse Anesthetist S Practice in Many Delivery Models of Care

Words: 1068
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Nurse Anesthetist's Practice In Many Delivery Models Of Care Nurse anesthetists across the nation have administered anesthesia to people for a century and a half -- long before it became…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

Words: 2396
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Certified Registered Nurse nesthetist Educational and professional needs to do the job You will find many compelling causes of minority nurses who opt for graduate education and niche nursing certifications. Obtaining…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Profession Nurse Anesthetist

Words: 1365
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nurse Anesthetist Job Description Nurse anesthetists provide anesthesia to patients, relieving the pain of childbirth and of surgeries for over a century in America. It's a job which requires anesthesia…

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3 Pages


Analying Nurse Anesthetist S Practice in Many Delivery Models of Care

Words: 1204
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Drug Shortage on Anesthesia Providers The rate of drug shortage has risen from 70 (2006) to 211 (2011). In the year 2012, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Medical - Issues

Nurse Anesthetists and Veterans

Words: 1979
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

H..1247 -- Improving Veterans Access to Quality Care Act of 2015 The Improving Veterans Access to Care Act (H..1247) sponsored by epresentatives Sam Graves (-MO) and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) (hereinafter…

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2 Pages
Creative Writing


Nurse Anesthetists and Veterans

Words: 288
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Editor Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2201 Sweeney Drive Clinton, Pennsylvania 15026 Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is in response to an article that appeared in your newspaper on July 13, 2016 by the president…

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6 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nurse's Role as Researcher the Nurse Plays

Words: 1671
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Nurse's ole As esearcher The nurse plays a unique role as a researcher. This involves them focusing on the latest treatment options, how they affect patients and the best times…

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3 Pages


Nursing There Are a Number of Significant

Words: 974
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing There are a number of significant differences between in the art of teaching nursing skills at the university level and the art of teaching nursing skills at the community…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Nurse Practitioner and Health

Words: 2233
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Advance Practice oles in Nursing The Main oles Within Advanced Practice Nursing Nurse Practitioners They are charged with the responsibility to provide primary health care for clinics, hospitals and similar settings. They…

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5 Pages
Business Proposal

Health - Nursing

Benefits of Staffing Advanced Nurse Practitioners Arnp as Arnp Case Managers

Words: 1498
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Business Proposal

Nursing Doctoral Business Proposal The benefits of staffing Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP) as ANP Case Managers A Nurse Practitioner (NP) is a registered nurse educated and certified to operate autonomously and…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Comparison of Nursing Degrees

Words: 992
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Nursing Degrees ADN vs. BSN The ADN vs. The BSN: A comparison of both nursing degrees Students wishing to enter the profession of nursing are often faced with two clear choices: that of…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nutrition

Nursing Obesity an Overview of

Words: 1568
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Drug dosing is often based overall on the "volume of distribution for the loading dose and on the clearance for maintenance, with volume of distribution being increased if…

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