Nursing Informatics Essays (Examples)

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Nursing Informatics

Nursing Informatics: Computerized Management Systems Could Increase Quality of Care
A computerized management system refers to the use of hardware and soft ware in the managing process within an organization. Computerized management systems in a community-based health institution can be used in management of the organization and treatment of the patients. The management can use the computerized systems to manage the financials of the patients. Improved financial management will enable the organization to be aware of its debtors and collect money owed to the organization. Improved revenue collection will enable the organization to finance its operations and pay its bills on time. The organization will run efficiently with the adequate management thus improved quality of healthcare.

The medical team can also utilize the computerized management systems to manage patient's information. The patient's personal information can be stored in the medical institutions database to manage the patient's health. The information stored in the….

Nursing Informatics

Nursing Informatics
Annotated bibliography: Nursing informatics

Shaw, Ryan & Jeffrey Ferranti. (2011). Patient-provided internet portals: Patient outcomes and use. IN: omputers, Informatics, Nursing, 29 (12): 714 -- 718.

Keeping accurate electronic records on patients has become an important goal of our nation's health system. Electronic records encourage the free flow of information between providers, enhancing accuracy and efficiency of medical care. However, the Internet can also be used to improve patient care by enhancing the flow of information between patients and healthcare providers. This article studies patient-provider Internet portals, interactive Web sites where patients can transmit information to healthcare providers as well as access their own records and services. The article specifically studies the impact of the use of such a portal on patients with diabetes. Portal use was a statistically significant predictor of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) (P G .001). However, portal use was not a significant predictor of LDL and total cholesterol….

Nursing Informatics

Nursing informatics or NI is a field specialty that blends and integrates the nursing, computer and information sciences in managing and transferring information and insights in nursing (Anderson, 2008; Coleman et al., 2010). It is aimed at assisting in the decision-making function of patients, nurses and other participants in patient care through information structures, processes and technology. Nurses who integrate this specialty into their regular practice are called nurse informaticists. They are expert nursing clinicians, clinicians with extensive clinical practice, and those with additional and technology-and-information-related know-how and experience. With the infusion of the new specialty, they increase their competencies. These competencies include administration, leadership and management; analysis; compliance and integrity management; consultation; coordination, facilitation, and integration; development; educational and professional development; policy development and advocacy; and research and evaluation (Anderson, Coleman).

My selected functional area is staff and patient education. This can be developed by a healthcare environment….

Nursing informatics has been defined as, "a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice" (Shuler, 2011). The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project management that describes the stages involved in the information system development, from a feasibility study to the maintenance of the completed system (Rouse, 2009). With these two definitions in mind, the nursing informaticist plays a vital role in the development of the healthcare information system that incorporates the quality of care and safety outcomes of patients as well as the affect the system plays on effective decision making processes.
The most frustrating elements and challenges has involved poor integration and/or interoperability, regular system failures, limited access to information and applications, and the lack of training (Tietz, 2008). A key concept is the transformation of data to knowledge.….

Nursing Informatics Pioneers
According to the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), nursing informatics has been classified as the "science and practice (that) integrates nursing, its information and knowledge, with management of information and communication technologies to promote the health of people, families, and communities worldwide" (2013), and this emerging field has the potential to dramatically improve the delivery of healthcare services across the board. Just as the intrepid Florence Nightingale paved the way for modern nursing as we know it today by establishing the first nursing school at St. Thomas' Hospital in 1860, defining nursing in her famous notes on the profession as "the act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him to recovery" (Nightingale, 1860), the widespread adoption and integration of nursing informatics was made possible by the tireless contributions of several influential pioneers. As part of their continued efforts to document the history of nursing informatics,….

Health information technology is information technology that is used in the health care setting. Technological advances and government regulation have combined to create a dramatic increase in the use of information technology across all fields, and health care is starting to come on board now as well. So important is health informatics that a new C-suite position is emerging, the Chief Nursing Informatics Officer, or CNIO (Murphy, 2011). This paper will look at health informatics, and how it relates to my field which is education and training within the nursing field. Murphy notes that informatics nurses no longer see finances as a significant barrier to their ability to progress, but that there remains work to be done in the field with respect to integrating different types of information technology. This is one of the many roles that nursing informatics professional play with in the industry.


My main interest is nursing education….

Nursing Informatics
Imagine learning within one's organization that medical records are becoming electronic and additional training is needed. Will one react in a positive or negative manner? How long does it take to implement technology? What current statistics are available in this matter? Nursing-informatics is a growing field of study that deals with ethics, effects of implementation, shaping medical performance, nurse patient communication as well as the advantages and disadvantages in this elucidation.

Nursing informatics is the "integrating the triad of computer, information and nursing sciences" (Nursing-Informatics, 2011). Since the change of technology, management seeks to understand how computers process all the necessary nurse information. This is done through "human processing of data, information, and knowledge within a computer system" (Nursing-Informatics, 2011). In other words, patient information is put into a computer, and it becomes an electronic medical record for medical personnel to access anytime the person is in the office or….

Nursing Informatics Field
Definition of informatics nurses

Example of nursing informatics in practice (software applications)

ecent Growth

Nursing shortage and its impact

Need for automated processes over manual processes

Need for increased patient safety in terms of medication, care and records

Need for data security and compliance with HIPPA rules

Need for increased healthcare coordination between nurses and others

Phases of Nursing Informatics Implementation

Design and Analysis Phases

a) equest for Proposal (FP) process

b) Need for collaboration with other stakeholders

Configuration Phase

Testing Phase

Training Phase

Final implementation Phase


Importance of nursing informatics

Benefits of nursing informatics

Impact to information management

Increased nursing satisfaction

Continued evolution of the field

Future direction and precaution for organizations

End benefit to patients

Current Trends and the Future of Nursing Informatics

Nursing informatics is a specialized area of healthcare information technology (HIT) that involves the design, testing, implementation and training associated with technical solutions that support nursing practice (Kumar & Aldrich, 2010). This may include nursing work being carried out in hospitals, geriatric or pediatric centers, public health….

Nursing Informatics Career Viability Analysis
Nursing Informatics Career Analysis

As the concept of healthcare delivery systems continues a rapid evolutionary path in order to keep pace with technological advancement, the role of health information technology deployment has become fundamentally important within America's hospitals, community clinics, and private medical practice. The advantages provided by digitally storing massive amounts of patient data -- also known as the electronic health record (EH) system -- have been empirically established, and even with the passage of federal legislation mandating the eventual shift to EH methodologies, many healthcare providers have fallen behind in this capacity. esearch has indicated that this alarming trend is not does not result from unwillingness on the part of medical center executives to adapt, but rather from the lack of institutional capability to process EH data effectively and efficiently. In order to address this pressing issue, many major hospitals now employ entire divisions of….

The inclusion of a database system in the workplace induces efficiency, in that it allows management and nurses to monitor daily tasks accomplished and services given to patients, not to mention enabling every member to be informed of the right conduct of services given within the medical institution / organization. Stakeholders and constituents would also become more informed about the medical institution's daily operations, helping them provide useful and constructive inputs for the continued improvement and development of healthcare servicing in the institution/organization (122).
Apart from increased efficiency and improvement of healthcare servicing in medical institutions, an efficient database systems or informatics in the workplace would have a significant role to the organization and introduction of new nursing data/information and knowledge. ecause nursing is a profession dependent primarily on the skills and experience of nurses as medical professionals, nurses are not able to involve themselves actively in the field of….

Nursing Informatics Competencies
In an increasingly digital world driven by more and newer technology, nurses are still expected to deliver quality, compassionate care to the best of their ability. While this new technology may often seem overwhelming at first, it can, in fact, prove very beneficial to the nurses who are exposed to it. In order to get more nurses comfortable with utilizing the technology to its fullest potential the field of nursing informatics has evolved to integrate nursing science, computer and information science ("The TIGE Initiative," p.3). Nurses who become certified in nursing informatics are valuable to their organizations by increasing accuracy in documentation and improving workflow ("The TIGE Initiative," p.3). Eventually such measures will be considered commonplace in the nursing profession.

Technological Improvements

Most of the new technology enhancing the profession pertains to information handling. This includes technology to collect data, analyze the data, and then present the data as information….

Informatics is important to the health care system, especially when it comes to creating and maintaining a culture of safety. Medication errors, and other treatment errors, can be eliminated with the use of informatics systems. With informatics, health care workers can rely on information to implement as evidence-based practice. Therefore, nurses should be vocal advocates for informatics in their organizations. Informatics are enacted in my health care organization haphazardly and tentatively. For many years, we have maintained digital databases of patient information. The problem is that nurses are confined to the computer systems at nursing stations to access information. We do not yet have access to portable handheld devices linked up to patient medical records. Most importantly, our databases are not truly electronic medical records. They list some patient history with medication information, but the information cannot be shared with all members of the health care team easily or with….

Introducing Informatics Early in Nursing Education
As Shackelford (2019) notes in “Industry Voices—Healthcare is Changing,” there is a serious need to reach future workforce members at an earlier age, before they enter into college and a nursing program. Students need to start developing real world skills that will translate well to professional development in the healthcare industry—and that means they need to develop communication skills, technological understanding, and have access to intro-level health care courses when they enter high school. Getting students interested in a future healthcare career at the age of 14 or 15 is a great way to prepare the future workforce and provide them with “career-ready” skills, as Shackelford (2019) puts it. The rationale for selecting this topic regarding the need to expose younger students to skills that can be used in healthcare informatics is that in today’s digital age technology is so much a part of everyone’s….

Clinical Question Using Nursing Informatics
The main objective of nursing informatics is to manage and communicate data information, knowledge, and wisdom. This various aspects are part of a continuum in the nursing field that reflects the overarching structure of nursing informatics. The use of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom continuum is increasingly vital in conducting a study on a particular issue that relates to a specific area in the nursing field. Once a research question is developed relating to a practice area in nursing, the researcher works through the progression in this continuum to help address the question. This is an important process in research because a search for a journal article on a particular topic usually generates a huge number of journals that are available in the health care field.

Summary of Clinical Question

As a nurse in an acute care setting, one of the most important aspects of patient care….

computer science, information science, and nursing science designed to assist in the management and processing of nursing data, information, and knowledge to support the practice of nursing and the delivery of nursing care"

Why Nurses Need To Understand Nursing Informatics

"track patient outcomes"

"find data trends"

"assess workload and interventions"

"develop technologies, such as apps, to help health care workers virtually monitor and stay in touch with patients"

"improve workflows"

"help patients deal with their diseases"

(McGonigle Hunter et al. 2014, 324)

(Insert Slide#1 Organizational structure and model of Nightingale Home Care, Inc.)

(Insert Slide#2 Organization chart for Nightingale Home Care Inc.)



ole of Informatics Nurse at Nightingale Home Care, Inc.

Informatics centralizes the available data for any given patient

All information collected and stored on a central computer

educes need to take down same information twice

educes chance of error when that information is recorded multiple times



How Does Nightingale's Structure Influence Informatics?

Looking at the chart for Nightingale, you will see….

1. Electronic Health Records (EHR) integration: Nursing informatics can facilitate the seamless transfer of patient information from the anesthesia team to the PACU team through electronic health records. This ensures that all relevant data, such as medications administered, vital signs, and allergies, are accurately and efficiently communicated.

2. Automated documentation: By using electronic documentation tools, nursing informatics can automate the process of documenting the anesthesia to PACU handoff, reducing the likelihood of errors or omissions. This also allows for real-time updates and access to patient information, improving communication between teams.

3. Decision support systems: Nursing informatics can provide decision support tools that....

Nursing Informatics in Anesthesia to PACU Handoff

The transition of patients from the operating room (OR) to the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) presents a critical juncture in patient care, requiring seamless communication and accurate transfer of information. Nursing informatics plays a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of this handoff process.

Challenges in Anesthesia to PACU Handoff

Traditional handoff methods, such as verbal briefings and handwritten notes, are prone to errors, omissions, and miscommunications. These challenges can lead to:

Delays in patient care
Misunderstandings about patient status
Adverse events

Benefits of Nursing Informatics

Nursing informatics utilizes technology and data to improve the quality,....

4 Pages

Business - Management

Nursing Informatics

Words: 1446
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Informatics: Computerized Management Systems Could Increase Quality of Care A computerized management system refers to the use of hardware and soft ware in the managing process within an organization.…

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2 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Nursing Informatics

Words: 537
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Nursing Informatics Annotated bibliography: Nursing informatics Shaw, Ryan & Jeffrey Ferranti. (2011). Patient-provided internet portals: Patient outcomes and use. IN: omputers, Informatics, Nursing, 29 (12): 714 -- 718. Keeping accurate electronic records…

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4 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Informatics New Competencies Nursing Informatics or

Words: 1325
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Informatics NEW COMPETENCIES Nursing informatics or NI is a field specialty that blends and integrates the nursing, computer and information sciences in managing and transferring information and insights in nursing…

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4 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Informatics Has Been Defined As A

Words: 1338
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing informatics has been defined as, "a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice"…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Informatics Pioneers According to the American

Words: 1034
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Informatics Pioneers According to the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), nursing informatics has been classified as the "science and practice (that) integrates nursing, its information and knowledge, with management…

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4 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Informatics Education

Words: 1210
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Health information technology is information technology that is used in the health care setting. Technological advances and government regulation have combined to create a dramatic increase in the use…

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5 Pages


Nursing Informatics Imagine Learning Within One's Organization

Words: 1735
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Informatics Imagine learning within one's organization that medical records are becoming electronic and additional training is needed. Will one react in a positive or negative manner? How long does…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Nursing Informatics Present and Future Trends

Words: 1832
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Nursing Informatics Field Definition of informatics nurses Example of nursing informatics in practice (software applications) ecent Growth Nursing shortage and its impact Need for automated processes over manual processes Need for increased patient safety in…

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6 Pages


Nursing Informatics Career Viability Analysis Nursing Informatics

Words: 1898
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Informatics Career Viability Analysis Nursing Informatics Career Analysis As the concept of healthcare delivery systems continues a rapid evolutionary path in order to keep pace with technological advancement, the role…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Nursing Informatics Application of Informatics

Words: 836
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The inclusion of a database system in the workplace induces efficiency, in that it allows management and nurses to monitor daily tasks accomplished and services given to patients,…

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2 Pages


Nursing Informatics Competencies

Words: 731
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Informatics Competencies In an increasingly digital world driven by more and newer technology, nurses are still expected to deliver quality, compassionate care to the best of their ability. While…

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2 Pages


Nursing Informatics Is Important to the Health

Words: 666
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Informatics is important to the health care system, especially when it comes to creating and maintaining a culture of safety. Medication errors, and other treatment errors, can be eliminated…

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8 Pages


Nursing Informatics in Education

Words: 2518
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Introducing Informatics Early in Nursing Education Introduction As Shackelford (2019) notes in “Industry Voices—Healthcare is Changing,” there is a serious need to reach future workforce members at an earlier age, before…

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4 Pages


Nursing Informatics in Clinical Research

Words: 1217
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Clinical Question Using Nursing Informatics The main objective of nursing informatics is to manage and communicate data information, knowledge, and wisdom. This various aspects are part of a continuum…

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5 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Nursing Informatics Basics in Powerpoint

Words: 499
Length: 5 Pages

computer science, information science, and nursing science designed to assist in the management and processing of nursing data, information, and knowledge to support the practice of nursing and…

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