Nursing Practice Essays (Examples)

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Nursing Practice Act
California Nursing Practice Act (NPA)

The Nursing Practice Act (NPA) stands out as the framework of California legislation that requires the Board to lay out the capacity of practice as well as duties for egistered Nurses. The Practice Act is found in the Business and Professions Act of California beginning with Section 2700. ules which stipulate the execution of the legislation come in the Code of egulations in California (BN, 2013).

The Nursing Practice Act is actually kept up-to-date yearly and readily available for purchase. LexisNexis has released the NPA in association with the Nursing Board (BN, 2013).

Utilization of egistered Nurse

It is actually illegal for anyone not certified or licensed as presented within this legislation to make use of the title "registered nurse," the characters ".N.," or even the words and phrases "trained nurse," "graduate nurse," or even "nurse anesthetist." (BN, 2013)

It's illegal for any individual or individuals not certified….

Nursing Practice Philosophy vs. Educational Philosophy
Point Loma Nazarene University and UCSD Medical Health Center show similarities and differences in their missions and philosophies. Where Point Loma Nazarene University specializes in education to students, UCSD Medical Health Center specializes in providing professional nursing care to the community. Their missions and visions are geared around their individual specialties. At the same time they are similar in respects of teaching, commitment to the community, impacting their communities in positive ways, and professional development.

oth institutions emphasize teaching of students and nurses. Where Point Loma Nazarene University emphasizes excellence in teaching (Mission and Vision, 2012) as in the way it gets delivered to students, USCD Medical Health Center emphasizes teaching as an inspiration (Mission, 2013) where nurses get inspired to teach what they know to others and creates an ongoing teaching inspired environment. Whether it is excellence or inspiration, both aspects create challenges and engage….

Nursing Practice Act
California Nursing Practice Act (NPA)

The Nursing Practice Act (NPA) stands out as the framework of California legislation that requires the Board to put down the scope involving practice as well as obligations for egistered nurses. The Practice Act has been positioned within the California Business and Professions Code beginning as of Section 2700. ules which stipulate the execution of the legislation show up within the Code of egulations in California (BN, 2013).

N's should possess a functioning understanding of the California Nursing Practice Act (NPA), along with a deep comprehension of the Scope of conduct, Section 2725 and the way it directly corresponds to customer safety and patient security. Considering the crucial problem solving function of the N concerning the inter-disciplinary team, virtually all Ns should be in a position to communicate the premise for his or her authority, duty as well as responsibility, and also realize that this….

sodium chloride being careful to allow the solution to drain from the top of the wound to the bottom and into an appropriate receptacle and/or absorbent material placed on the bed immediately before irrigation. Care must be taken to change sterile gloves after removing old bandages prior to handling the new bandage. A Penrose drain may be inserted where drainage is necessary ((Taylor, Lillis, & LeMone, 2005; 1071).

Infected Wound Care:

Open, infected wounds, particularly those involving deep tissue layers require more attention to sterile procedure. A gown and mask should be worn and care taken not to breathe into the wound. Additional care must be taken not to contaminate healthy tissue with infected or necrotic tissue (Taylor, Lillis, & LeMone, 2005; 1076). Great care should be taken to change sterile gloves in-between removal of the old bandage and cleaning the wound. ed tissue is healthy must be protected from contamination by….

Nursing Practice
The modern practice of nursing is a profession that requires a great deal of academic and clinical training. In that sense, nursing has become a much more complex profession than it ever was before, especially prior to the modern age of scientific medicine. Today, professional nurses must be educated in many advanced areas of science including the use of empirical data in evidence-based nursing practice. However, no matter how complex the profession becomes, the fundamental essence of nursing will always continue to be the concept of caring. That idea is the basis of two of the most important and influential nursing theories: Watson's Caring Theory of Nursing and Leininger's Culture Care or Trans-cultural Care Theory. Together, Watson's and Leininger's approaches to nursing ensure that nursing professionals never forget the importance of caring for the health, safety, and welfare of their patients and that we always provide equality of….

Nursing Research Benefits Our Nursing Practice
One of the most critical strategic challenges currently facing hospitals now and for the foreseeable future is the national nursing shortage. (Corning, 2002). The current nursing shortage is causing great concern and is expected to peak between the years 2010, and 2015 (Woods, & Cardin, 2002). According to Woods and Cardin 2002, "Unlike prior shortages, this one is not cyclical in nature and the solutions will require different and innovative approaches to avert a national public health crisis" (p.326). A great deal of attention has been paid to the root causes of the current and future nursing shortage; aging baby boomers, alternative professional opportunities for women (Woods, & Cardin, 2002), intense assignments, extra shifts, burn out, and little job satisfaction (Inglis, 2004). In order to fully appreciate this situation one must understand that the nursing shortage is, in part, also related to the trend….

Discussion: Applying Interdisciplinary Theories to Nursing PracticeApart from middle range theories, it is important to note that theories from various disciplines are also important in nursing practice given that knowledge gained from the said disciplines impact the health and wellbeing of patients. According to McKenna (2020), it is often difficult to solve human problems by individual disciplines without assistance from other disciplines. For this reason, different theories from other disciplines would be useful to the nursing profession given that ideas drawn from the said disciplines would guide nursing practice and research. As a result, nurses knowledge would expand leading to improved patient care. In this paper, I will discuss how theories from various disciplines impact nursing practice specifically psychiatric nursing. Essentially, the paper will focus on the health belief model and how it can be applied in mental health disorders such as eating disorders.The health belief model is a….

Translational Research
Emphasis for the last thirty years has been on shifting nursing curricula out of hospitals to universities. The education of nurses is now increasingly leaning towards theory. This has led to an obvious gap between what is experienced in the practical healthcare settings by nurses and what is taught in lecture halls (Saifan, AbuRuz, & Masa'deh, 2015).

Nursing practice is just one of the areas of healthcare that is experiencing increased pressure from the dynamic healthcare environment. Each year, as changes in the medical environment become increasingly dynamic, prospects become harder to forecast, and in order to experience success, partnering with other stakeholders becomes essential. The speed of changes in practical nursing is inevitable and will continually increase, as the level of dynamism and interdependence in the practice continues to grow (Jooste, 2011).

Nursing Practice Which Needs Change; Nursing Ethics

Nursing is practiced by people who have been licensed and registered under….

nursing practice, the author demonstrated how outcomes research is becoming an efficient method of determining intervention effectiveness and success in the healthcare practice and setting. esnick's article focused on describing the procedure of outcomes research and its implications to healthcare practice and applications to nursing research. Outcomes research is anchored on the discipline and systematic method of determining intervention success by identifying "improvement in health behavior practices" prior and after the given intervention to the patient (507).
A critical and very important aspect of outcomes research is that the process itself is not clinical or experimental in nature. Instead, to remain true to the practice of healthcare provision in a hospital or clinical setting, data is collected as the intervention happens. That is, the whole research process is integrated as the healthcare service or intervention is provided to the patient / subject / participant for the study. This for me….

Nursing According to the Systems and Diffusion of Innovations Theories
The internet and the distribution of electronic health records have changed the way the we receive and use health information but as health professionals and as patients. Particularly, public access to electronic healthcare information denotes that healthcare professionals have an added responsibility where patient education is concerned. Helping to educate patients regarding both their specific conditions as well as how best to evaluate information located online is an important dimension of preventative healthcare. This, in turn, imposes a serious responsibility upon healthcare professionals to effectively acquaint themselves with the technologies and information delivery systems that are currently reshaping the field and profession. The discussion here, drawn from a collection of articles located both via Google Search and the CINAHL database, employs the Systems Theory and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory to assess the way that the nursing profession is changing.

Systems Theory….

Title: Nursing Practice and Understanding of Surgical Site Infection Prevention: A Comparison of Standard and Best PracticesIntroductionSurgical site infections (SSIs) significantly cause morbidity and mortality in postoperative patients. The PICOT question for this research paper is: In surgical patients, how do nursing practice and understanding of surgical site infection prevention differ from standard nursing practice regarding the chance of developing surgical site infections during the 90-day postoperative period? This paper will analyze two research articles; one focused on implementing best practices for SSI prevention and the other on standard nursing practices. The analysis will examine controllable and uncontrollable factors that influence the risk of SSIs in the 90-day postoperative period.PICOT Question: In surgical patients, how do nursing practice and understanding of surgical site infection prevention differ from standard nursing practice regarding the chance of developing surgical site infections during the 90-day postoperative period?Controllable factors:Knowledge of best practices for surgical site….

I. NURSING PRACTICE DIMENSIONPRACTICE--Designed and Implemented the Basic Quality Care Blood Pressure Teaching Plan (BPTP). This project is not demonstrating a mere demo leadership. It shows the characteristic leadership at service where the systematic and structured project is designed for the nurses as being their leader.Issue/Problem: The delayed diagnosis of hypertension puts the patients health at risk of cardiovascular diseases.Action: I have designed the BPTP to educate the nurses so that the outcome of the treatment improves. It was first introduced during the Nurse Education Council Committee Member meeting and was implemented at the Perry Point Primary Care Clinic/Urgent Care/Wellness Center, and every 3rd New Hire Orientation day.Population: Nurses and Hypertension Patients.Outcome(s): This project has been prosperous in enhancing the awareness about the measurement of the blood pressure, perceiving the symptoms early with each session.Sustainability: This project has already been employed in the Perry Point Primary Care Unit/Urgent Care/Wellness Center….

Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their effects on living organisms. It is a vast and complex field that encompasses a wide range of topics, including drug discovery, development, and clinical use. Nurses play a vital role in pharmacology, as they are responsible for administering and monitoring medications, as well as educating patients about their medications (Karch, 2021).
Nurses must have a thorough understanding of pharmacology in order to safely and effectively care for their patients. This includes knowledge of drug mechanisms of action, side effects, and interactions. Nurses must also be able to assess patients for potential drug-related problems and to develop and implement appropriate nursing interventions (Giddings et al., 2021).

Pharmacology is a rapidly evolving field, as new drugs are constantly being developed and approved. Nurses must stay up-to-date on the latest developments in pharmacology in order to provide the best possible care for their patients. This can be….

Leadership for Advanced Practice Nursing 1
Staffing is not the main issue in elevating or containing costs: the main issue is retention. High turnover rates in nursing can drive costs up, but proper staffing with an appropriate ratio of nurses to patients can actually reduce costs over the long-term so long as turnover is not an issue. The reason is that appropriate staffing leads to improvements in quality care delivery (Martin, 2015). And as Rothberg, Abraham, Lindenauer and Rose (2005) point out, improving nurse-to-patient staffing ratios is a cost-effective intervention that—far from being detrimental to cost control—reduces costs because it enables patients to receive better care and reduces the risk of nursing errors being committed as a result of burnout.
Everhart, Neff, Al-Amin, Nogle and Weech-Maldonado (2013) show that in highly competitive markets, the better the nurse-to-patient ratios, the better the reputation of the hospital. The only markets in which increases in staffing….

Nursing: Professional Strategic PlanStrategic planning is only valuable for organizations but also for individuals themselves. On a professional level, strategic planning paves the way for the individual to set goals that he thinks should be accomplished within a certain time frame. In this way, the person would stay focused and motivated to fulfill the tasks that would support him in steering towards his yearly or monthly goals. This paper aims at creating a professional strategic plan that would give direction, crucial for clarity in professional life, based on Boyers Model of Scholarship.Type of Scholarship2-year Plan5-year Plan10-year PlanScholarship of DiscoveryBuilding new knowledge by researching the existing evidence.Building and disseminating the newly gained knowledge to peers and the patientsConsistently forming a link to the new research that would keep coming in the next ten years with professional practice to keep my professional advancementScholarship of IntegrationMaking linkage of the knowledge gained with other….

The first step in writing about non-nursing theory as applied to nursing practice is deciding what theories you are going to use.  Non-nursing theory refers to any theory that is not nursing-specific, which means that there are countless options you could choose to write your paper.  These different theories can be applied, with varying degrees of success, to nursing. The theories we would choose include Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development theory, and Bandura’s social learning theory.  We picked these three because they are the three psychosocial theories....

1. The Historical Impact of Joyce Travelbee's Theory on Nursing Practice

2. Exploring the Evolution of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Nursing

3. The Influence of Joyce Travelbee's Theory on Nurse-Patient Relationships

4. A Historical Overview of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Nursing Care

5. Examining the Legacy of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Contemporary Nursing

6. Joyce Travelbee's Theory: A Historical Perspective on Nursing Philosophy

7. Uncovering the Historical Context of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Nursing Education

8. The Enduring Influence of Joyce Travelbee's Theory on Nursing Research

9. Joyce Travelbee's Theory: A Historical Analysis of Its Impact on Nursing Ethics

10. Tracing the Historical Development of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in....

Title 1: Embracing Humanistic Care: A Historical Examination of Joyce Travelbee's Theory and Its Enduring Impact on Nursing Practice

Title 2: The Legacy of Joyce Travelbee: Unveiling the Profound Historical Influence of Her Theory on the Evolution of Nursing Care

Title 3: Advancing Patient-Centered Nursing: A Historical Perspective on Joyce Travelbee's Theory and Its Transformative Role in Nursing Practice

Title 4: Historical Impact of Joyce Travelbee's Theory: A Journey Through the Evolution of Nursing Care and Humanistic Approaches

Title 5: Humanistic Care in Nursing: A Historical Exploration of Joyce Travelbee's Theory and Its Profound Influence on Nursing Practice

Title 6: From Theory to Practice: A....

1. The role of a substance abuse nurse in promoting and providing support for individuals struggling with addiction
2. The impact of substance abuse on mental health and the role of nurses in managing co-occurring disorders
3. The importance of culturally competent care in substance abuse nursing
4. The challenges and rewards of working with individuals with substance use disorders in a nursing setting
5. The ethical considerations of caring for patients with substance abuse issues
6. The role of education and prevention in addressing substance abuse from a nursing perspective
7. The impact of substance abuse on families and the role of nurses in supporting....

2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Practice Act California Nursing Practice Act

Words: 599
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Practice Act California Nursing Practice Act (NPA) The Nursing Practice Act (NPA) stands out as the framework of California legislation that requires the Board to lay out the capacity of…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Practice Philosophy vs Educational Philosophy Point

Words: 597
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Practice Philosophy vs. Educational Philosophy Point Loma Nazarene University and UCSD Medical Health Center show similarities and differences in their missions and philosophies. Where Point Loma Nazarene University specializes…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Practice Act California Nursing Practice Act

Words: 831
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Practice Act California Nursing Practice Act (NPA) The Nursing Practice Act (NPA) stands out as the framework of California legislation that requires the Board to put down the scope involving…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Practice Principles of Open

Words: 756
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

9% sodium chloride being careful to allow the solution to drain from the top of the wound to the bottom and into an appropriate receptacle and/or absorbent material placed on…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Practice the Modern Practice of Nursing

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Practice The modern practice of nursing is a profession that requires a great deal of academic and clinical training. In that sense, nursing has become a much more…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Nursing Research Benefits Our Nursing Practice One

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nursing Research Benefits Our Nursing Practice One of the most critical strategic challenges currently facing hospitals now and for the foreseeable future is the national nursing shortage. (Corning, 2002).…

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2 Pages


Nursing Practice The Application of Interdisciplinary Theories

Words: 703
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

Discussion: Applying Interdisciplinary Theories to Nursing PracticeApart from middle range theories, it is important to note that theories from various disciplines are also important in nursing practice given that…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Nursing Practice and Translational Research

Words: 3941
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Translational Research Emphasis for the last thirty years has been on shifting nursing curricula out of hospitals to universities. The education of nurses is now increasingly leaning towards theory. This…

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1 Pages
Article Review


Nursing Practice the Author Demonstrated How Outcomes

Words: 391
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Article Review

nursing practice, the author demonstrated how outcomes research is becoming an efficient method of determining intervention effectiveness and success in the healthcare practice and setting. esnick's article focused…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Using Information Gathering to Improve Nursing Practice

Words: 1270
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Nursing According to the Systems and Diffusion of Innovations Theories The internet and the distribution of electronic health records have changed the way the we receive and use health information…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Surgical Site Infection Prevention Nursing Practice and Understanding

Words: 1655
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Title: Nursing Practice and Understanding of Surgical Site Infection Prevention: A Comparison of Standard and Best PracticesIntroductionSurgical site infections (SSIs) significantly cause morbidity and mortality in postoperative patients. The…

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6 Pages


Multiple Dimensions in Nursing Practice

Words: 1818
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

I. NURSING PRACTICE DIMENSIONPRACTICE--Designed and Implemented the Basic Quality Care Blood Pressure Teaching Plan (BPTP). This project is not demonstrating a mere demo leadership. It shows the characteristic leadership…

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2 Pages

Pharmacology in Nursing Practice

Words: 360
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their effects on living organisms. It is a vast and complex field that encompasses a wide range of topics, including drug discovery,…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Nursing and Leadership Issues

Words: 3013
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership for Advanced Practice Nursing 1 Staffing is not the main issue in elevating or containing costs: the main issue is retention. High turnover rates in nursing can drive costs up,…

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4 Pages


Professional Strategic Plan Nursing

Words: 1169
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing: Professional Strategic PlanStrategic planning is only valuable for organizations but also for individuals themselves. On a professional level, strategic planning paves the way for the individual to set…

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