Nutritional Foods Essays (Examples)

593+ documents containing “nutritional foods”.

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" Organizations need to be prepared for all possible worst case scenarios, and have communication strategies in place if and when such an incident occurs. A good leader can make all the difference in the world when it comes to crisis action planning. The Harvard Business eview quotes a lesson that Continental airlines learned during its crisis situation: "Strategic direction is never more crucial than during a crisis. Leaders must find the most leveraged plan of action, stick with it and continually monitor the company's performance against it" (pp. 117-118). So, while it is important to have good leadership and strategic planning in times of non-crisis, nowhere is it more important that a leader knows how to lead than when a crisis has actually occurred. This means being able to remain cool under pressure, being able to convince others not to panic, and being prepared to develop and implement a….

Nutritional Foods
The first, main ethical issue at stake in "The Case of Nutritional Foods" is the question of what happens when ostensibly 'good foods' go wrong? In the scenario, the county health departments of Seattle and Southern California have reported a possible link between acute food poisoning of children and un-pasteurized apple products produced by Nutritional Foods. The decision makers in question are the President of Nutritional Foods which is a $50 million manufacturer of healthful foods and John Healy, the company's vice president for production. They first must take into consideration their personal economic stake in the company, their shareholder's interests in keeping the company profitable, and the potential health risk of the issue. At first since no batch numbers have been identified, the ethical issues of informing the public are murky -- no one wants to cause a health scare for no reason, but no one wants….

Food Supply
The book Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity makes a clear argument against the existence of "a world hunger crisis." Lappe and Collins support their main thesis that rather than a "global food shortage," we are facing an unequal distribution system. The book discusses the development of our current food production and distribution systems. It supports the idea that there is in reality enough food production to supply everyone on earth with an adequate amount of calories, but that there is much wasted energy in the production, packaging and distribution of food to certain parts of the world. The main thesis of the book is that there is actually no real food shortage, just an unequal distribution to certain parts of the world.

Lappe and Collins open Chapter four with the idea that in order to meet the nutritional needs of a society, a food production system must….


There are many different perceptions that people have towards their food. On one end of the spectrum "people live to eat" and they place a high value on the quality, taste, presentation, and the environmental factors that enhance or detract from their experience of their favorite meals. However, people on the other side of the spectrum, take more of an "eat to live" approach to their personal nutrition. People in this camp are focused more on the quantity, convenience, and potentially some of the health consequences of their meals. In my opinion, these two perspectives represent the poles of the spectrum in which there may be a variety of points that exist in between these two extremes. One article written by David Sedaris, "Tasteless," exemplifies something I believe is close to one end of the spectrum while another article written by Anthony Bourdain, "Food is Good," is in close proximity….

Food Menu Overview

Food Menu and Nutrition
Food Menu Overview

The objective of this study is to create two food menus as follows: (1) one healthy food menu; and (2) one unhealthy food menu, from a local fast food restaurant. Following the creation of these menus, this work will write a nutritional analysis of the meal created, discuss the reaction of the writer to this information and describe how this will affect the food choices of the writer in the future in terms of food choices from fast food restaurants.

The food choices that one makes when dining at fast food restaurants make a great difference in the amount of nutrition received from dining at fast food restaurants as well as the total calories that are consumed and the other factors that make foods either healthy or unhealthy for consumption. One might assume that dining at a fast food restaurant is in general unhealthy in nature….

Food Served in Public Schools
he school nutrition environment, consisting of school meals and competitive meals, has actually properly gotten terrific attention due to the fact that kids eat, usually, one-third of their everyday calorie consumption at school (Briefel et al., 2009).

Improving the dietary consumption of our country's kids is of crucial value given that one-third of school-age kids are obese or overweight (Ogden et al., 2010).

Paper's Scope and significant areas:.

his research will clarify Kid Nutrition Reauthorization from FRAC. he research addresses school meal quality and gain access to (Hartline-Grafton, 2010). Moreover, the present research concentrates on competitive meals, which are extensively readily available in schools, mostly exempt from federal nutrition criteria, and have an unfavourable influence on the wellness and health of all pupils, particularly pupils from low-income households.

Research Methods:.

he semi-structured type of interview is utilized in the research in addition to the standardized type, as these 2 kinds of….

However, fruit juices, consumed in moderation, can be a healthy addition to a diet, as long as they are not consumed in lieu of actually eating any whole fruits.

My nutritional analysis revealed that I am not eating a balanced diet. I am consuming too much protein and too little fiber, issues that plague the diets of many Americans. To remedy these problems, I need to increase my intake of fruits, vegetables, and grain products, while reducing my intake of meat products. In addition, because my intake of milk products was also low, I need to look at how to increase my milk intake without increasing protein intake.

Here is the food displayed for jjohn90 on 9/10/2008

Select your serving sizes and specify how many servings you consumed for each. When you are done, click Save & Analyze to save your food entry information and to analyze your food intake. If you….

Nutritional Approach to Sun Protection by Niva Shapria
This article titled "Nutritional approach to sun protection: A suggested complement to external strategies' by Niva Shapria, is an extensive review of recent research evidence on the efficacy of a simple, natural, dietary model in protecting against harmful UVR exposure and related skin cancers. Through this article, the author clearly points out that a dietary or internal method of sun protection is a very effective complementary approach to preventing skin cancer due to solar radiation for the more susceptible light skinned population living in very sunny regions.

At the outset the author highlights that there is a growing incidence of melanoma around the globe with a significant number of new cases diagnosed among U.S. women. Projections indicate that the rates of melanoma will literally double over the next 2 decades with the increase in UVR exposure due to global warming as well as the….

These biologically-based practices of alternative medicine include the use of vitamins, herbs, and food supplements found in nature, chief among which are probiotics: the living, beneficial bacteria found in the intestines. These benign bacteria counteract the presences of the malignant variety, which often cause digestive problems if allowed to overpopulate. Probiotics can be obtained as supplements or found in certain foods, and have been known to prolong periods of remission in ulcerative colitis patients, with no sever side effects.
The use of fish oils is another alternative medicinal treatment for ulcerative colitis. Fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, 2011). Omega 3 fatty acids are found in certain green vegetables and in nuts, salmon, sardines and herring, as well as in oral supplemental form and are used to treat intestinal inflammation when ulcerative colitis is active. Aloe Vera….

3. Make three specific recommendations to yourself.

1. Restrict my total fat intake to no more than 40 grams per day.

I would like to restrict my daily intake of fat to a maximum of 40 grams per day by restricting my diet to low-fat foods such as proteins and complex carbohydrates.

2. Reduce consumption of all foods that do not have detailed nutritional information.

To accomplish my first recommendation, I would like to stop eating out or eating any pre-prepared foods because it is too difficult to monitor fat content accurately without the benefit of detailed nutritional information labels on packaged foods.

3. Prepare portable snacks and meals to help me stick to Recommendations 1 & 2.

To avoid succumbing to snacking temptations during the day or overeating at mealtime, I would like to start preparing healthy snacks and even portable meals so that I can stay on my diet even when I am out….

AGICULTUE Agriculture: Assessment PaperQuestion 1The relationship between food security and wider socio-economic development is strong since stable food security would imply positive human capital for work and progress. With food insecurity, there would be less to eat for people and more negative consequences on health that would incur high governmental costs for medical treatments and management (Torero, 2014).Without food security, there would be inequality in food distribution, leading to a particular area being more prone to chronic illness conditions. Poverty in those areas would not help them gain the required treatments, and with this unavailability of resources, social safety programs are of no use.With the significant health benefits that food security provides, it would prevent the economic burden of the costs of treatment and prove to be a growth factor for running the economic wheel. It is said that it serves as a coordination feature among various economy departments, such….

Food Log to Monitor Calorie Intake
Introduction/Purpose/Statement of Problem

Many Western nations are experiencing an obesity epidemic while at the same time many consumers are suffering from eating disorders that adversely affect their ability to consume sufficient calories and nutrients in their diets. Therefore, it is important to determine if individual eating patterns are providing the appropriate amount of nutrition while avoiding too many fats and excess proteins. It was the hypothesis of this study that the author receives an appropriate amount of calories (target goal 2,000 calories/day) in his diet based on the use of a food log maintained for each meal during this time frame to track consumption patterns.


The dietary analysis was conducted over the course of 3-day period (May 24 through May 26, 2016) because these days represented typical mid-week consumption patterns. Using the food log and food groups and calorie reports shown in Table 1 below, it….

Food Choices in Australia Today
Consumers in many developed nations are experiencing a veritable epidemic of obesity, a trend that has been exacerbated both by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle as well as the types of foods that are consumed. Fast food and high fat content have also contributed to these trends, and the healthcare costs associated with treating obesity are enormous. Furthermore, unhealthy food choices during the formative years in early childhood can also result in a lifetime of weight-related problems, making the need to identify factors that influence food choices in a given setting a timely and important enterprise. To this end, this paper provides a discussion concerning three of the most important factors that have been identified by researchers as potentially influencing food choices in Australia households, which are food availability, individual preferences for flavor and taste and, increasingly, the environmentally responsible manner in which foods are produced.….

vegetable oil and fried foods. There are two references used for this paper.
There are a number of foods which are causing health concerns today. It is important to examine whether foods fried in vegetable oil contain a toxic compound.

Fried Foods

Frying foods in vegetable oil is a common practice throughout the United States, and has previously been considered good for the heart due to the oil's high concentration of linoleic acid.

However, researchers are discovering this can result in the formation of a toxic compound. "University of Minnesota researchers A. Saari Csallany, a professor of food chemistry and nutritional biochemistry, and graduate student Christine Seppanen has shown that when highly unsaturated vegetable oils are heated at frying temperature (365 F) for extended periods -- or even for half an hour -- a highly toxic compound, HNE (4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal) forms in the oil. Csallany and her colleagues have found three toxic HNE-related compounds….

consumer issues concerning health and nutrition that have an impact on planning food service operations? Why? How do these concerns impact menu planning and trends in the industry?
From the perspective of operators of a food service organization, the rise of food intolerances and allergies has the clearest, immediate impact on their day-to-day work and planning. Clearly labeling foods for common allergens, particularly foods which do not obviously contain the offending substance (like foods fried in peanut oil, for example) is essential to avoid liability concerns. It is also important to have a variety of options for consumers with food-related issues, such as dairy-free options and nut-free options. Having proper practices in place such as hand-washing and wearing gloves is also essential. Even if customers do not have to go gluten-free, dairy-free, wheat-free, or meat-free for life-threatening reasons, many are doing so because of the perception (real or imagined) that….

Impact of Urban Agriculture in Open Spaces on Food Security and Nutrition in Households
Urban agriculture in open spaces, also known as urban gardening or urban farming, offers a significant solution to improve food security and nutrition in households. By utilizing vacant lots, rooftops, parks, and other urban areas for food production, urban agriculture can provide fresh and affordable fruits, vegetables, and other nutritional foods to urban communities. Here's how it impacts food security and nutrition:
1. Enhances Food Availability and Access:
Urban agriculture provides a decentralized and localized source of food. It reduces the reliance on distant food supply chains, which can....

4 Pages
Case Study


Nutritional Foods Case Study if

Words: 1177
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

" Organizations need to be prepared for all possible worst case scenarios, and have communication strategies in place if and when such an incident occurs. A good leader can…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Nutritional Foods the First Main Ethical Issue

Words: 883
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nutritional Foods The first, main ethical issue at stake in "The Case of Nutritional Foods" is the question of what happens when ostensibly 'good foods' go wrong? In the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Food Supply the Book Food First Beyond

Words: 1627
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Food Supply The book Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity makes a clear argument against the existence of "a world hunger crisis." Lappe and Collins support their main…

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3 Pages


Food Response There Are Many Different Perceptions

Words: 924
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article

Food Response There are many different perceptions that people have towards their food. On one end of the spectrum "people live to eat" and they place a high value on the…

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3 Pages


Food Menu Overview

Words: 847
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Food Menu and Nutrition Food Menu Overview The objective of this study is to create two food menus as follows: (1) one healthy food menu; and (2) one unhealthy food menu,…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Food Served in Public Schools

Words: 2618
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Food Served in Public Schools he school nutrition environment, consisting of school meals and competitive meals, has actually properly gotten terrific attention due to the fact that kids eat, usually,…

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5 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Nutritional Analysis Food Analysis Week

Words: 2139
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

However, fruit juices, consumed in moderation, can be a healthy addition to a diet, as long as they are not consumed in lieu of actually eating any whole…

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5 Pages
Article Review

Health - Nursing

Nutritional Approach to Sun Protection by Niva

Words: 1762
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Article Review

Nutritional Approach to Sun Protection by Niva Shapria This article titled "Nutritional approach to sun protection: A suggested complement to external strategies' by Niva Shapria, is an extensive review of…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Nutritional Therapies for Ulcerative Colitis

Words: 1255
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

These biologically-based practices of alternative medicine include the use of vitamins, herbs, and food supplements found in nature, chief among which are probiotics: the living, beneficial bacteria found…

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2 Pages


Nutritional Evaluation and Planning in

Words: 548
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

3. Make three specific recommendations to yourself. 1. Restrict my total fat intake to no more than 40 grams per day. I would like to restrict my daily intake of fat…

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9 Pages

Political Science / Politics

Assessment Paper Agriculture and Food Security

Words: 2592
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Assessment

AGICULTUE Agriculture: Assessment PaperQuestion 1The relationship between food security and wider socio-economic development is strong since stable food security would imply positive human capital for work and progress. With…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Health - Nutrition

An Analysis of Food Consumption Patterns

Words: 927
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Food Log to Monitor Calorie Intake Introduction/Purpose/Statement of Problem Many Western nations are experiencing an obesity epidemic while at the same time many consumers are suffering from eating disorders that…

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4 Pages


Food Choices in Australia Today Consumers in

Words: 1327
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Food Choices in Australia Today Consumers in many developed nations are experiencing a veritable epidemic of obesity, a trend that has been exacerbated both by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Food Fried in Vegetable Oil May Contain Toxic Compound

Words: 383
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

vegetable oil and fried foods. There are two references used for this paper. There are a number of foods which are causing health concerns today. It is important to…

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2 Pages


Food Regulatory Issues for Businesses

Words: 633
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

consumer issues concerning health and nutrition that have an impact on planning food service operations? Why? How do these concerns impact menu planning and trends in the industry? From…

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