Olympics Essays (Examples)

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Olympics a Waste of Money?
Over the years, the Olympic Games have withered many trials including but not limited to boycotts, wars and poor organization. Further, there have been claims that the benefits derived from the Games do not justify the costs. In that regard, some continue to view the Olympic Games as a waste of money. Those of a similar opinion are convinced that the money 'wasted' in seeing the Olympics through would rather be used to help the poor. Despite the challenges as well as criticism that has been leveled against the Olympic Games over time, the relevance of the Games from both an economic and social perspective cannot be overstated.

Are the Olympics a Waste of Money?

In the words of Humphreys and Howard (2008), "sporting events produce two types of economic benefits: direct and indirect." In the opinion of the authors, direct economic benefits in this case include….

" (Toohey, 27) Since then the Olympic Games have gradually grown in international, political, as well as economic significance. The documentary does a good job of comparing the ancient games to the modern games. Since the ancient games had a restricted number of events, the comparisons are made between similar events, and modern events are not mentioned. But the different ways the games were operated are discussed, for instance the discus used in the past was as much as three times the weight of the modern discus. Ancient athletes also were allowed to use weights when performing the long jump, allowing for jumps that were as much as 20 feet longer than the modern record. ("The First Olympics," 20:00-23:00) And the ancient games were performed in the nude, which the documentary explains in detail in order to remove the modern "shock value" of such a discussion.
hile the documentary The First….

Olympics, being one of the world's biggest sporting events, is a natural fit for social media. The Olympics are already a media circus, and social media adds several extra dimensions for this. First, social media is a low cost form of media, but one where there is potential for vast reach. It is popular with consumers, and the accounts of both media and athletes attract a large number of followers. With each successive Olympics since the advent of social media, the use of social media has grown larger and more significant. In Sochi, social media reached a new apex, in part because of a high level of athlete participation, and in part because of the strength of social media networks in other countries -- both ussia and China have their own social networks that are arguably stronger than American ones (Laird, 2014).
The way that Olympics unfold is naturally built for….

United States Deaf Olympics
Deaf Olympics

While sport is vital in anyone's life, it may be even of great significance to the individual with a disability. This is due to sport's rehabilitative power to affect persons especially power based on prestige and because sport may be a means of including an individual into society. The American Athletic Association of the Deaf recognized this and began a new approach to rehabilitating people with hearing impairment (Deaf People) by means of establishing and introducing the Deaf Olympics and other sporting events.

With the introduction of Deaf games, it later developed to recreational sport, and afterwards led to competitive games like the Deaf Olympics. The Deaf Olympics gave individuals with hearing impairment an equal opportunity or fair chance to excel in sport often means a complete transformation of lifestyle and attitude.

Presently, the inclusion of athletes with a disability within one competitive sports ground and, at times,….

hosting the Olympics
Boston is under consideration as a possible Olympic site in 2024. Although the bid is still in its beginning stages, already an intense debate is emerging about the potential benefits this might yield for the city. Obviously, hosting the games is considered a great honor in the eyes of the world and many cities lobby to have this chance for years, spending huge amounts of time and money to persuade the Olympic Committee to give them a chance. But a number of differing viewpoints are at war within the city: some opposed to hosting the games altogether, others strong proponents, and still others suggesting that a 2026 winter rather than a summer bid might be better suited to Boston's climate and infrastructure. egardless, despite the naysayers, the overall consensus is that Boston should make a bid, even though whether the summer or the winter bid is more….

Advertising, Public elations, 2008 Beijing Olympics
Public relations are an image-shaping tool for an individual, a group, firm or country that wishes to penetrate a certain market. The need for public relations continues to grow and evolve, as the field becomes a stronger discipline. Notably, public relations are not marketing tools but rather they are essential for fostering successful marketing. In 2008, Beijing got the award to host the famous Olympics event (Brady, 2009). However, the joyful china did not expect the road to the summer of 2008 would be bumpy as they found. Politics marred the games after the awarding, through organizing, to the events and the after event period. China surprised the international community by hiring western-based public relations firms to organize events.

Why Chinese government hired a western public relations firm to organize 2008 Beijing Olympics

The awarding of the opportunity to Beijing to host, the Olympics set the Chinese….

sensational images in the media, especially as social media has led to the instantaneous reproduction of memes in popular culture. Even before social media and even the Internet, sensational images could spread relatively rapidly via film and television as well as print media such as daily newspapers or weekly and monthly magazines. These images convey various meanings and mean different things for different audiences. A perfect example of how one image can convey different meanings and semantics to different audience groups is the 1968 image taken of the Olympian athletes from the United States using the Black Power "salute." The original image by John Dominis has left an indelible mark on the American public and has even caused an international sensation. It came in the era of Civil Rights and at the time when celebrity black athletes were using their fame to spread awareness about racism and unfair treatment….

Although there are no statistics to actually show the impact of the Games on the population, assumptions can be made, based on the potential impact the event might have had. According to analysts however, it appears that the impact the Olympics had on the job market was different from the expectations of the organizers. In this sense, "between 1987 and 1991 the number of jobs created in the construction sector were only 33.000, a figure much lower than was expected considering that three quarters of the total investment went towards the construction sector" (Games Monitor, 2007). There is no clear account on why the issue of job opportunities took such a turn especially taking into account the importance of the construction works that were undergone.
Another aspect marked the social issues concerning the arcelona Games and their impact on the job market which is the lack of consistency for the….

International Marketing of the Winter Olympics
Properly planned and executed, hosts of the Winter Olympic Games stand to gain a great deal in terms of investments in infrastructure, the multiplier effect of travel and tourism, and the enhanced prestige on the global stage that goes hand in hand with hosting these international games. Improperly administered, though, hosts and corporate sponsors of the Winter Olympic Games are faced with some staggering economic losses, as well as the damage that failures cause to the hosts' prestige and legitimacy in the international community. Therefore, identifying opportunities for improving the marketing of the Winter Olympic Games represents a timely and valuable enterprise. To this end, this paper provides a review of the literature concerning the marketing of the Winter Olympics Games drawing on a relevant case study as well as peer reviewed and other scholarly sources. A discussion concerning the key international market entry issues….

celebrates the Winter Olympics. There is an ad of page 19 with a hockey goalie guarding a Bank of America open safe. The slogan is "Bank of America does not embrace ambiguity." There are several subliminal messages in this ad that can be deciphered by cultural theories that certain writers have applied to "pop" culture. Not only does this photo promote a false sense of patriotism, capitalizing on the Olympics and the recent 9/11 events, but also it condones the uniformity of banking institutions.
Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno coined the phrase "the culture industry" to describe the processes and products of mass culture. They state that it is uniform, predictable, and, to the trained eye, transparent. In their essay, "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment As Mass Deception," Horkheimer and Adorno expound on the elements of the culture industry, and their observations can be applied to the Bank of America….

London Olympics
Williams needs to optimize on a number of different dimensions. The Olympic Committee wants to maximize total ticket sales, but also needs the revenue that is generated. However, the Committee also has motives for ensuring that tickets are affordable for locals, and that fans of the various sports can get tickets to events should they so desire. There are other sources of revenue, but the public relations dimensions of not selling out events or locals not being able to access tickets were both considerable concerns for the Organizing Committee. Empty seats on global television would look terrible for London, the Olympics and the Organizing Committee. Ensuring that the public could afford the tickets was important for PR for the Games, something the Committee needs in order to obtain public support, local media support and political support. Thus, maximizing revenue was seen as less important, despite the importance of that….

Macur points out that the IOC recently decided to use testosterone testing to determine whether an individual entering a competitive event can compete as a woman. Several political and ethical issues are raised as a result of this decision, including the right to privacy and what constitutes a fair competition. As Macur notes, using testosterone as the benchmark for determining gender can be problematic. This is because "the upper range of a woman's testosterone level and the lower range of a man's do not overlap, and between them is 'a huge no man's land,'" (p. 2). Thus, a woman with highly elevated testosterone enters this "no man's land," or "no woman's land," and is disqualified from competing. This entails outright discrimination against individuals who do not conform to set standards of what it means to be biologically male or female. Even intersex conditions, which create elevated testosterone levels for a….

Gender ias in TV Coverage at the Olympics
International Olympic Committee figures reveal that the latest Olympics at Rio had a record 4,700 female athletes competing -- which makes up nearly 45% of all participants. Many countries including the U.S. and Australia broke records with regard to female participation -- the former nation's delegation included 292 female athletes, which is the greatest number of women ever, from a single nation, to have participated in any Olympics, whereas the latter's delegation had more women competitors than male (Hunt, 2016). Despite this progress in women participation, numerous instances can be found during the Rio Olympics when commentators have been slammed for the use of sexist language when referring to female athletes. Sarah Grieves -- Cambridge University Press's language researcher -- recently completed a research which reveals that this issue is graver than mere commentating blunders. Several viewers have raised this issue on social….

London Olympic Stadium

Construction of London Olympic Stadium
Within the management-orientated system, the solution proposed is Construction Management (CM). Under the CM system, the Client employs an Architect and a Construction Manager, who oversees the works of individual Contractors (Smith, 2003). The system ensures that the Contractor and the Architect are put on an equal footing before the Client, and that the Construction Manager is able to provide design advice, particularly in regards to buildability. Compared to the Management Contracting (MC) system, the Client still enters in a contractual relationship with the Contractors (Masterman, 2002). This relieves some of the risk from the Construction Manager, and also allows the Client to better control the hiring process and the performance of the Contractors. This may be a key element in ensuring the timely and quality delivery of the Stadium project (Turner, 2005).

The organizational structure proposed is summed up below:

-level management

Project-level management

* Programme Manager does not….

Dawn of the Olympics in

Outstanding student athletes are undoubtedly viewed as potential value added to a college team. At that point, sports cease to be played just for fun. Missing a practice is like missing a day at work. The student who receives an athletic scholarship understands that his or her performances is directly correlated with career success. Fun is only an afterthought. As with all amateur athletes, sports as fun begins after the day's serious practice has ended.
Still, the term "to play sports" underscores the inextricably enjoyable nature of the game. Professional and amateur athletes alike enjoy the physical exercise, skill, and coordination that sports entail. Many athletes also thrive from the opportunity to socialize with peers during game play. Sports, even when they are big business, will always be about playing and having fun.


Berlage, Gai Ingham (1982). Are children's competitive team sports socializing agents for corporate America? Chapter 19 in Studies….

I. Preparation for the Trip

       A. Packing essentials

       B. Booking accommodation

       C. Planning itinerary
II. Traveling to Atlanta

       A. Flight details

       B. Transportation options in Atlanta
III. Exploring Atlanta

       A. Visiting tourist attractions

       B. Trying local cuisine

       C. Shopping in Atlanta
IV. Conclusion

       A. Reflecting on the trip

       B. Memories made

D. Must-see attractions and activities in Atlanta:

1. Visit the Georgia Aquarium - one of the largest aquariums in the world, home to thousands of aquatic animals.
2. Explore the World of Coca-Cola - learn about the history of this iconic....

Unforgettable Attractions and Activities for an Atlanta Adventure
Atlanta, Georgia, a vibrant metropolis steeped in history and culture, beckons travelers with an array of must-see attractions and exhilarating activities. Here's a comprehensive guide to the top experiences that will make your trip unforgettable:
1. Georgia Aquarium: Immerse in the Depths
Embark on an extraordinary underwater adventure at the Georgia Aquarium, the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Witness majestic whale sharks, playful beluga whales, and thousands of other captivating marine creatures up close. Interactive exhibits provide immersive educational experiences for all ages.
2. World of Coca-Cola: Savor the Taste of History
Step into the....

3 Pages


Olympics a Waste of Money Over the

Words: 1021
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Olympics a Waste of Money? Over the years, the Olympic Games have withered many trials including but not limited to boycotts, wars and poor organization. Further, there have been…

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3 Pages


Olympics Historical Documentary The First

Words: 930
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

" (Toohey, 27) Since then the Olympic Games have gradually grown in international, political, as well as economic significance. The documentary does a good job of comparing the ancient…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Social Media and the Olympics

Words: 752
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Olympics, being one of the world's biggest sporting events, is a natural fit for social media. The Olympics are already a media circus, and social media adds several extra…

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8 Pages


United States Deaf Olympics Deaf Olympics While

Words: 2247
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

United States Deaf Olympics Deaf Olympics While sport is vital in anyone's life, it may be even of great significance to the individual with a disability. This is due to sport's…

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5 Pages


Does Hosting the Olympics Benefit a City

Words: 1803
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

hosting the Olympics Boston is under consideration as a possible Olympic site in 2024. Although the bid is still in its beginning stages, already an intense debate is emerging…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Communication - Journalism

Advertising Public Relations 2008 Beijing Olympics Public

Words: 1169
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Advertising, Public elations, 2008 Beijing Olympics Public relations are an image-shaping tool for an individual, a group, firm or country that wishes to penetrate a certain market. The need for…

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15 Pages


Legacy of 1968 Olympics Black Power Salute

Words: 5003
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

sensational images in the media, especially as social media has led to the instantaneous reproduction of memes in popular culture. Even before social media and even the Internet,…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


1992 Olympics and the Social

Words: 2509
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although there are no statistics to actually show the impact of the Games on the population, assumptions can be made, based on the potential impact the event might…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

International Marketing of the Winter Olympics

Words: 1134
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

International Marketing of the Winter Olympics Properly planned and executed, hosts of the Winter Olympic Games stand to gain a great deal in terms of investments in infrastructure, the multiplier…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Celebrates the Winter Olympics There Is an

Words: 936
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

celebrates the Winter Olympics. There is an ad of page 19 with a hockey goalie guarding a Bank of America open safe. The slogan is "Bank of America…

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1 Pages


London Olympics Williams Needs to Optimize on

Words: 384
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

London Olympics Williams needs to optimize on a number of different dimensions. The Olympic Committee wants to maximize total ticket sales, but also needs the revenue that is generated. However,…

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1 Pages
Article Review

Sports - Women

Should the Olympics Have Events for Men and Women

Words: 402
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Article Review

Athletics Macur points out that the IOC recently decided to use testosterone testing to determine whether an individual entering a competitive event can compete as a woman. Several political and…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Gender and Sexuality

Media Coverage and Athletes

Words: 2174
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Gender ias in TV Coverage at the Olympics International Olympic Committee figures reveal that the latest Olympics at Rio had a record 4,700 female athletes competing -- which makes up…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

London Olympic Stadium

Words: 1564
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Construction of London Olympic Stadium Within the management-orientated system, the solution proposed is Construction Management (CM). Under the CM system, the Client employs an Architect and a Construction Manager, who…

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1 Pages


Dawn of the Olympics in

Words: 306
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Outstanding student athletes are undoubtedly viewed as potential value added to a college team. At that point, sports cease to be played just for fun. Missing a practice…

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