Orgasm Essays (Examples)

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(Sotile & Kilmann, 1977) the only real exception to Sotile & Kilmann's assessmernt of scientific innacuracy and ineficiency was the now famed Masters and Johnson research which cooencided with a very effective treatment modality in a large sample and with reported success over a relatively short period of time, using a combiantion systematic desensatization and retraining regimen. (1977, pp. 626-627)
McMulle & osen in Self-Administered Masturbation Training in the Treatment of Primary Orgasmic Dysfunction (1979) the authors assess the use of self-administered masturbation training in a comparative model between written instruction programs and video instruction programs. The researchers found that the method was as effective as other models for counseling intervention treatment (about 60% effective for inorgasmic women) it was cost effective in that it allowed a single treatment session to serve as a resolution, rather than an extensive counseling regimen. The written and video formats also had no significant….

The primary concept discussed in this particular scenario regarding Elizabeth and what has come to be her sexual frustration is an inability to orgasm. Within women, such an inability to do so is oftentimes referred to as frigidity. However, it is important to note that Elizabeth is able to achieve orgasm via masturbation, which involves clitoral stimulation. Therefore, the degree of frigidity she experiences is not of the primary variety, but of the secondary variety in which a woman has achieved orgasm before -- typically through clitoral stimulation -- yet has a persistence of being unable to achieve orgasm through conventional coitus.

Among psychological theorists on this subject that include the likes of Freud, Masters and Johnson, and Kinsey, the psychologist whose work is most associated with this phenomenon is Freud. He posited the notion that there was a relatively simple explanation for women such as Elizabeth who were able….

Having grown up in an era where sex-based discrimination was legal, they understand how easy it would be to return to that era. This has led to a characterization of second-wave feminists as somehow militant, a label that even third-wave feminists might apply to them.
Looking at the 2008 Democrat presidential primaries, the conflict between second and third wave feminists became apparent. Many second-wave feminists felt that it was a woman's duty to vote for the female candidate because having a woman run as a serious contender in a presidential primary could be an isolated event. In contrast, many third-wave feminists, though thrilled that Clinton was taken seriously as a candidate, simply did not think that her candidacy would be an isolated event; instead, they believed that women would continue to make credible candidates in presidential elections. Moreover, many third-wave feminists, like the author, seemed to find racial barriers more….

Sex and Culture

Sex and Culture
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction (animal/human world)?

Sexual reproduction is an evolutionary phenomenon, which entails the cooperation of two species: the male and the female. In any aspect of sexual reproduction, the energy of male spermatozoa and the female oocyte must both be expended in order to reproduce, as opposed to the efficient method of asexual reproduction, which only involves the singular (female) organism. Furthermore, sexual reproduction has a failing in that humans and animals tend to reproduce much less than organisms that reproduce asexually. However, this evolutionary method of reproduction allows for genetic variation and adaptable feasibility. The offspring of the sexually reproductive parents will have gained half of the mother's genetic characteristics and half of the father's genetic characteristics. Genetic variation increases the immunity against otherwise deadly genetic diseases.

Is the capacity that female primates have for orgasm detrimental to their reproductive success?

On the….

120). Together these chemicals control and boost the sexual experience. It should be noted, that while dopamine dominates the desires of wanting to have sex it is another group of chemicals that govern enjoyment. Opioids are the brains equivalent of morphine and endorphins. Dopamine may propel the behavior but the opioids are necessary for experiencing orgasm.
During orgasm, opioids boost the reward circuit to add to the effect of dopamine. In the orgasmic phase, the body releases a shot of dopamine. However, after orgasm dopamine, levels fall precipitously and individuals lose interest in sexual encounters of a time. As levels of dopamine fall, prolactin and oxytocin levels increase. Oxytocin levels increase for a short period after orgasm and produces the bonding effect (Allchin, 2011). Prolactin functions as a dopamine suppressor. It halts the action of dopamine and brings the body back to a normal level. This marks the beginning of….

Mary shows: A. Persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase in a way that is less than would be reasonable for Mary's age, sexual experience, and the adequacy of sexual stimulation she receives from her husband. B. The disturbance causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty, as Mary is disappointed with her sex life and marriage. C. The orgasmic dysfunction is not better accounted for by another Axis I disorder or to drugs, medication, or physical factors. Mary has suffered this problem all of her sexual life, thus the diagnosis specified as life long, and she has suffered this with all persons she has been intimate with, thus it is generalized, and as Mary has no physical complaints that might explain her lack of ability to achieve an orgasm, it is psychological.

3a. & 3b.

Possible causes might include John's physical and mental stress from….

Physical dysfunctions caused by traumatic brain injury which are not properly addressed, such as erectile dysfunction, can cause an extreme dip in male sexual frequency.
Another way in which sexual function is affect by traumatic brain injury is through chemical changes caused by rain damage. Primary dysfunctions include hormonal changes which then result in sexual dysfunctions, (Aloni & Katz, 1999). Hormonal changes due to injury are experienced by both male and females. These changes can be caused by injury to specific brain structures in charge of producing and regulating specific hormone levels.

Changes in hormone levels can also be caused by the various medications prescribed to traumatic brain injury patients. "H2-antihistamines and stereotonegic agonists were found to decrease libido," according to Aloni and Katz in their 1999 work, "A Review of the Effect of Traumatic Brain Injury on the Human Sexual Response," (Aloni & Katz, p. 276). Only female experienced an….

When done on a basis of mutual harmony and choice, sex can be a highly satisfying and emotional activity that brings partners in closer connection to each other. Unfortunately this is not always the case.
exual Dysfunction

Being connected to human interaction, emotion, freedom of choice, and individual body function, an unfortunate possibility is sexual dysfunction. This manifests itself in particular ways in men and women. Generally, problems can be treated by therapy, as many cases of dysfunction relate to how people experience sex psychologically and emotionally. When the basis of problems are addressed by the therapist, dysfunction can also be resolved. In more serious cases, dysfunction can also be resolved by medication.

Examples of sexual dysfunction (Ballas, 2006) that might be experienced by both men and women include 1) a loss of libido, 2) inability to feel aroused, 3) painful intercourse. The third is much more common in women than men.….

elationship problems is another cause for instance the woman feel that her partner is distant emotionally or abusive and her attraction to him disappears.

During attempt of vaginal penetration, there is involuntary tightening of the muscles around the vagina. Sexual intercourse is made impossible especially if there is complete closing of the vagina and the woman also experiences pain. There are two forms of vaginismus: Primary vaginismus, when no previous sexual act has been possible as a result of the condition; secondary vaginismus, when it's now difficult to have sex due to the condition but previously there has been sexual activity. Distress and problems can be caused by this condition because the sexual life is disrupted.

Female Orgasmic disorder

This is a problem which is rarely complained about but is common in the females. It is characterized by not attaining orgasm or considerable delay in achieving orgasm during a sexual activity. This….

Women Have a Higher Sex Drive Than Men
Do women have a higher sex drive than me

According to Murray and Milhausen (2012) sexual desire is the experience of urges, fantasies and thoughts that push one towards engaging in sexual activity. During the initial stages of a relationship, the desire is usually high owing to the need for one to relate on a sexual level with his or her partner. Though there is agreement about the initial stages of the relationship studies have not offered consistent findings regarding whether and in which way sexual desire can be kept high beyond the initial stages (Murray & Milhausen, 2012).

The question whether the sexual desire of women is greater that than of men or vice versa is both elusive and immediate. It is elusive in the sense that opinions and research on the questions have reported different and often contradictory results. And immediate in….

Understanding depression

Depression is a term that has multiple meanings. In an economic context, it can mean a continued, long-term decline in economic activity in one or several economies. Depression can also mean a landform that is depressed or sunken below the adjacent area. This definition is for geology and can be used to describe sinkholes. However, the focus of the meaning of the term depression will be examined through the psychological perspective. As defined in psychology, depression is a mood disorder causing an ongoing feeling of loss of interest and sadness. Depression can affect how one feels emotionally and physically, often requiring long-term treatment. This report aims to understand the word depression, its roots, and why it is being used today to categorize a mood disorder.
The word depression has been used for quite some time. When examined as a noun, is was first seen in the late 14th century from Old….

Thus, at the end of the poem, Yeats uses words to suggest that Leda has made a full transformation from weak women to one with a sexual assertiveness that can only be described as a shudder and a power that is greater than Zeus's. Through this suggestion, Yeats also points out that women are different than the Greek's conception of them in the myth. Instead of being weak, his word choices argue that they are powerful enough to overcome even the greatest of powerful men, and that this struggle to become powerful is what makes them gain that ability.
Finally, the structure of Yeats' poem itself suggests Leda's eventual rise from a weak, sexually conquered, "staggering girl" (2), to a strong, sexually assertive woman. This can be seen, first, through the chronological nature of the poem. Content, imagery, and word choice all trace Leda's evolution in a chronological fashion. In….

In other words, hitman is seeking to illustrate why the personal identity of the woman or himself is unimportant regarding the events of the poem. hile it may have seemed important in the beginning of the events that the woman was the woman and hitman was hitman, by the end of this progression, these distinctions are meaningless. This is one of the fundamental obstacles to defining personal identity: sameness with one's self at any given instant fails to necessarily imply sameness at another point and time. It may be possible to argue that man's body carries something singular with itself through time, but this may have no relation to mental identity. This is the reason why the problem of identity finds itself at the crossroads of epistemology and metaphysics, or of thought and physicality. hitman position is that this individuality is indeed transient, and it lacks any real meaning….

Since the beginning of time the male species has had an obsession with that part of the personal anatomy known by its Latin root as the "tail"; or today known as one's pecker, "wankie," monkey, and a host of other rather humorous titles. Somewhere, however, in creating the world God must have became confused when creating man as, and being politically correct, he/she placed the tail on the man's front side and on the animals' rear side -- or maybe God just had a bad day on his/her day of creation. Regardless of what one wants to call his penis or tail, history has proven that man's obsession with the penis is ever ending. Simply consider the folklore surrounding John Dillinger whose penis was reportedly over 20 inches. If medical science were correct it would likely have taken Dillinger 20 minutes to get enough blood circulating in his penis….

History Of Psychology and Hysteria
Hysteria, symbolize women in the field of psychology during history and in many different cultures for the reason that the issues that society goes through are reflected in the area of psychology. Hysteria has been broken down into various parts in history that had to change influences on the diagnosis and its implication for women. History has shown that parallel patterns can be observed in the growth of menstruation and sexuality. Hysteria is unquestionably the first mental disorder attributable to women, precisely labeled in the second era BC. This was until Freud looked at it as being an entirely female illness. Above 4000 years of history, this syndrome was reflected from two viewpoints which were the scientific point-of-view and the demonological standpoint.

What is Hysteria?

esearch shows that Hysteria was the ?rst psychological disorder that was labeled at women. This condition is known for having a catchall for….

Capital punishment remains one of the most controversial topics in criminal law.  The ethics of the death penalty are complicated.  Many people believe that the death penalty is simply unethical under any circumstances, while others argue that the death penalty is not only ethical, but that it is unethical not to execute certain killers.  The law provides guidance about when it can be applied, but laws vary from country-to-country and, within the United States, there is even tremendous variation in state laws about the death penalty.  Therefore, any essay about the death penalty is expected....

12 Pages
Research Paper


Female Orgasmic Dysfunction Female Orgasmic

Words: 3545
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

(Sotile & Kilmann, 1977) the only real exception to Sotile & Kilmann's assessmernt of scientific innacuracy and ineficiency was the now famed Masters and Johnson research which cooencided…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Terminology the Primary Concept Discussed in This

Words: 581
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Terminology The primary concept discussed in this particular scenario regarding Elizabeth and what has come to be her sexual frustration is an inability to orgasm. Within women, such an…

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5 Pages

Sports - Women

Michael Kimmel's Transforming a Rape

Words: 2314
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Having grown up in an era where sex-based discrimination was legal, they understand how easy it would be to return to that era. This has led to a…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sex and Culture

Words: 599
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sex and Culture What are the advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction (animal/human world)? Sexual reproduction is an evolutionary phenomenon, which entails the cooperation of two species: the male and the…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Brain During Sex the Events

Words: 788
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

120). Together these chemicals control and boost the sexual experience. It should be noted, that while dopamine dominates the desires of wanting to have sex it is another…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Diagnosis of a Client According

Words: 400
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

) Mary shows: A. Persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase in a way that is less than would be reasonable for…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Traumatic Head Injury on Sexual

Words: 2181
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Physical dysfunctions caused by traumatic brain injury which are not properly addressed, such as erectile dysfunction, can cause an extreme dip in male sexual frequency. Another way in which…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexual Response Cycle for Males

Words: 1006
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

When done on a basis of mutual harmony and choice, sex can be a highly satisfying and emotional activity that brings partners in closer connection to each other.…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Female Sexual Problems There Are

Words: 1907
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

elationship problems is another cause for instance the woman feel that her partner is distant emotionally or abusive and her attraction to him disappears. Vaginismus During attempt of vaginal penetration,…

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15 Pages

Sociology - Miscellaneous

Their Is No Significant Difference Between Men and Women Sex Drive

Words: 5177
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Women Have a Higher Sex Drive Than Men Do women have a higher sex drive than me According to Murray and Milhausen (2012) sexual desire is the experience of urges,…

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5 Pages


Understanding depression

Words: 1570
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Depression is a term that has multiple meanings. In an economic context, it can mean a continued, long-term decline in economic activity in one or several economies. Depression can…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Yeats' Implications of Female Power

Words: 2310
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Thus, at the end of the poem, Yeats uses words to suggest that Leda has made a full transformation from weak women to one with a sexual assertiveness…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Whitman One of the Pervasive

Words: 2280
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In other words, hitman is seeking to illustrate why the personal identity of the woman or himself is unimportant regarding the events of the poem. hile it may…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Penis Since the Beginning of Time the

Words: 2660
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Penis Since the beginning of time the male species has had an obsession with that part of the personal anatomy known by its Latin root as the "tail"; or…

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5 Pages


History of Psychology and Hysteria 1

Words: 1603
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

History Of Psychology and Hysteria Hysteria, symbolize women in the field of psychology during history and in many different cultures for the reason that the issues that society goes through…

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