Pain Essays (Examples)

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Pain is the most famous member of bodily feelings including orgasms, tickles, itches and tingles among others. These feelings are normally attributed to the locations of the body and seem to have several features like duration, intensity and volume which are attributed to quantities or physical objects. For most patients seeking for clinical help, pain is often the most common problem and the most common nursing diagnosis. Generally, pain can be defined as the distressful, unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling that affects the quality of a person's life especially if it's unrelieved. Unrelieved pain may cause both physical and emotional effects, affect families and increase health care costs on the individual and society. Consequently, pain has become the most serious problem in the health care industry and a significant interest of many philosophers. This has led to paradox of thoughts that pain is a condition that we perceive in the body….

As such, a person may be injured in one location, but perceives pain in another location of the body (Voscopoulos & Lema, 2010). eferred pain can be both acute and chronic, depending on the injury or sickness which causes it in each patient case. The one major difference is that referred pain "is experienced at some remove from where the pain actually begins" (Complimentary Therapists, 2013).
Patient Factors

There are a number of patient factors that affect the physiology of pain experienced by each unique individual. Essentially, "chemical, mechanical, and thermal receptors along with leucocytes and macrophages, determine the intensity, location, and duration" of various types of pain (Voscopoulos & Lema, 2010). A number of patient factors, like diet, age, and medical health history can influence the type of pain experienced. Additionally, emotional states of patients can also impact the type of pain experienced, along with the ability to heal properly….

Pain Management of Obstetric Patients

Causes and Management Intervention

Two Sources of Pain

Pain is classified into nociceptive or neuropathic (ICEA, 2014). Nociceptive pain develops from tissue, muscle or bones. It is dull, aching, burning, stretching or beating. It crosses through mylenated nerve fibers. Neuropathic pain, on the other hand, emanates from the nerves when some damage has been inflicted on them (ICEA, 2014). It may be chronic when it is numbing, tingling or burning. Over-stimulation of the nerve fibers can damage them as in a burned-out state (ICEA),

The three stages of the birth process are antepartum or before birth, intrapartum or during delivery, and postpartum or following childbirth or delivery (ICEA, 2014).

Antepartum -- These are visceral and somatic or perineal (ICEA, 2014). Visceral pain emanates from the internal organs located in the abdominal and pelvic cavities and spreads and referred to nerve pathways. This occurs in the first stage….

Pain Issues ith the Dying Process
Palliative care for the terminally ill has spurred multiple analyses of the Nursing Profession's commitment to relieve pain endured by terminally ill patients. Though intently examining numerable aspects of palliative care, the most of the literature shows a logical gap in its apparent assumption that medication hastens death. Some healthcare professionals have challenged that assumption, undertaking studies of carefully assembled data from groups of terminally ill patients and have found that palliative care is not the "slow euthanasia" evidently inferred by most medical theorists.

"Pain Assessment and Management in Palliative Care" by Nessa Coyle and Mary Layman-Goldstein (Coyle & Layman-Goldstein, 2001), discussing AACN capacities in the assessment and treatment of pain, particularly in peri-death treatment;

b. "Symptoms and Attitudes of 100 Consecutive Patients Admitted to an Acute Hospice/Palliative Care Unit" by K. Ng and C.F. Gunten (Ng & Gunten, 1998), reporting the results of a study assessing….

Pain & Pain elief Following Hip eplacement Surgery a Qualitative Study
Qualitative research Assignment

esearch design relies on the appropriateness of either qualitative or quantitative methods in achieving the objectives of the study. In the study, two research studies that use these different methods to accomplish their objectives are evaluated. One of the studies uses descriptive qualitative approach while the other exploits cross-sectional survey.

The analysis in this section requires that the analyst compares the article to quantitative articles he/she read - in general (the difference between the two types of studies) (LoBiondo-Wood and Haber, 2014). The differences in these two methodologies in the studies are evident. For instance, the descriptive qualitative approach is explorative in nature since it offers detailed explanation for the research topic while the cross-sectional survey focuses on enumerating and categorizing features through statistical figures in order to explain its observation (, n.d). The qualitative and descriptive approach is….

Pain and Joy of Love

Shakespeare is pointing out how normal these two are. They find love and they experience the good side of love. They bask in the passion and desire more.
The truly sad aspect of love is that it cannot be good all of the time. In fact, many would argue that love would not be as good as it is without pain. Love does not stay good all the time for everyone, especially Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare brings us to the pain of love rather quickly in the play as the couple begins to encounter trouble at almost every turn. They will do anything to be together and if this means faking death and running away, they have no problem doing it. The risks are strange and compelling and while Juliet is wise to stop and weight everything before she drinks the potion, she still puts all of her faith in….

Pain Assessment Tools: The Brief Pain Inventory and the Initial Pain Assessment Tool
Using the Brief Pain Inventory and the Initial Pain Assessment Tool to assess a friend who was complaining of sore muscles, I was immediately struck by the superiority of the Initial Pain Assessment Tool. It seemed to gather all of the information that the Brief Pain Inventory obtains from a patient, as well as other information that would be helpful in a treatment scenario. However, the Brief Pain Inventory has some minor advantages over the Initial Pain Assessment Tool. The main differences in the two assessment tools are: the inclusion of a pain scale; the ability to assess how and when the pain began; a space for a qualitative, rather than just a quantitative, description of the pain; and whether or not the patient finds the current pain level tolerable. After looking at all of the factors,….

Pain Sensory Tool Is an

There are graphics as well as characters on the scale, making it easier for younger patients to use the scale. In addition, the Pain Sensory Tool appears to be more accurate than other tests, such as the Poker Chip Tool.
However, the Pain Sensory Tool does have drawbacks. Some patients may not know how to mark their pain on the Tool. Younger children had a difficult time understanding the instrument, which requires greater work by the healthcare provider to use the tool as a means for assessing and treating pain. In addition, younger children may be unable to understand a visual analogue scale. Furthermore, while more accurate than the Poker Chip Tool, the Pain Sensory Tool is not that accurate.

The Pain Sensory Tool seems like a well-designed instrument, as long as it is used as part of a healthcare provider's means of determining how much pain is being experienced by….

Pain in the (Supply) Chain" focuses on the Exceso company in its attempt to meet wildly ambitious sales goals at the end of the quarter through the integration of an extremely aggressive promotion strategy. The question that comes into play is simple: is this strategy worth following through with? In looking at the case study in detail, one can see that there are certain areas of strategy that could stand to be improved upon.
First, CEO R. Foley Vinton notes that the machines which are running for production have provided a 98% yield, but hesitates to mention the fact that the machines are only running at a 60% capacity. The machines are also dealing with unexplained breakdowns that can essentially halt or destroy production should another breakdown occur. In looking at this scenario there are at least two areas for improvement. First, a running of the machines despite faulty machinery….

Pain Management and Pain

Best Practices for the Pain Management of Broken Hips
Achieving the Institute of Medicine's goal of ensuring that 90% of health care decisions are evidence-based by 2020 will require identifying current gaps between research, findings, and practice implementation. One practice identified in the Agency for Healthcare esearch and Quality (AHQ) comparative effectiveness research site concerns pain management for broken hips. This paper examines a gap that currently exists between research findings and the implication of those findings in this practice, followed by a summary of the research in the conclusion.

Discussion of the practice

Although anyone can break a hip, broken hips are more common among the elderly and can be caused by a fall or simply by the weakening of the femur with age (Managing pain from a broken hip, 2011). For instance, the AHQ reports that, "[The incidence] of hip fractures increases substantially with age, rising for men and women,….

abdominal pain

Severe abdominal pain with bloody diarrhea at a frequency of twenty times per day can be a sign of a serious condition. In fact, the healthcare team should treat the issue as a medical emergency given the possibility of a life-threatening illness (Holtz, Neill & Tarr, 2009). Immediately I would question the patient regarding her medical and family history, including questions related to whether or not this was the first time she has experienced these symptoms. I would also inquire about the patient’s recent travels because it is possible the symptoms point to an infectious disease or a food-borne illness. Whatever the situation, the patient must first replenish the depleted fluids and electrolytes immediately during the administration of diagnostic procedures and patient monitoring. Also, it would be important to find out if the patient is on any medications including antibiotics, and whether or not she was pregnant. Some medications can….

Public Health: Countering Opioid Overdoses Problem
The opioid epidemic is a severe public health crisis that must be attended to with urgency in the U.S. It has spread in due part to the problem of care providers over-prescribing strong and addictive opioids or pain relief to patients, who in turn become long-term opioid addicts (Brummett et al., 2017). Illegal opioids are also hitting the streets from other sources, compounding the problem; however, since many health care providers are unable to impact what happens on the streets (in terms of keeping drugs out of the country), they can make a difference by intervening in their facilities. It is true that patients have a right to expect pain relief, but the short-sightedness of health care professionals who prescribe opioids to patients is often a major setback for the fight against opioid abuse. One solution is to cut back on the strength of opioids prescribed….


Causes and Treatments for Sciatica One of the harsh realities of the frail human condition is the fact that most people will suffer from some degree of low back pain at some point in their lives. Even people with relatively sedentary lifestyle can experience debilitating injuries to their lower back, and the potential for such injuries is exacerbated further when individuals engage in various sports activities. One such lower back and hip problem is sciatica, which is caused by spinal nerve root compression. Fortunately, there are a number of evidence-based interventions available for treating this condition, including both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic modalities. The purpose of this paper was to provide a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature concerning the common mechanisms of injury, anatomy of the injury (which structures are involved), presenting signs/symptoms, diagnostic procedures and/or special tests, and the basic healing process, rehabilitation, or surgery that needs to….

Pain Management and Pain

Alternatives to Pain Medication
Given the growing concerns over opioid addictions in recent years and the potential for tolerance, clinicians continue to search for efficacious alternatives to convention pain medications (Moore & Anderson, 2016). Fortunately, a number of alternatives to conventional pan medication are readily available, including cannabis, yoga, hypnosis, mind-body meditation, therapeutic touch, herbal remedies, acupuncture, biofeedback, massage therapy, homeopathic practices (Tan & Craine, 2007) and aromatherapy (Esposito & Bystrek, 2014). To learn more about these alternatives, this paper provides an initial reference list of ten relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly sources concerning pain medication alternatives, followed by a description of clinical guidelines and an implementation plan for these alternatives. A discussion concerning the manner in which the implementation of the intervention should be tested is followed by an assessment of potential barriers and strategies intended to gain cooperation from individuals who will be implementing the change. Finally, a timeline with….

Pain Management and Pain

Pain and Suffering
Pain is an abstract and complex topic, which is influenced by a serious of psychological and environmental variables. We all have experienced pain although at varying intensities. Since the psychological factors play a great role in influencing how we perceive pain, therefore, it renders pain a highly subjective experience. esearchers have tried to differentiate between physical and mental pain (Campbell & Edwards 2012). In this essay, I describe physical pain from mental pain. I also show how various people respond to pain, contrast two different responses to pain. I also highlight how Asian culture compares with Hispanic culture in responding to pain.

Describe physical pain from mental or soul pain.

The two major types of pain can be classified as physical and mental. Since physical and mental pains are subjective, complex phenomenon, defining them seems to be a challenge. The International Association for the Study of Pain offers the….

To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....

Writing an essay about drug abuse, it is important to start by distinguishing it from drug usage. Most people use some type of drugs casually or recreationally.  Whether it is a morning caffeine fix, a glass of wine with dinner, over-the-counter painkillers when a headache strikes, or some recreational marijuana, substances are a part of everyday life.  While using drugs may be an acceptable way to relax, to ease pain, or to handle other issues, drug abuse can have profoundly negative effects on a person’s life.

Unfortunately, there is not a bright-line between drug use and drug abuse. ....

10 Pages


Pain Is the Most Famous Member of

Words: 3217
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Pain is the most famous member of bodily feelings including orgasms, tickles, itches and tingles among others. These feelings are normally attributed to the locations of the body and…

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2 Pages


Pain Is a Unique Experience

Words: 681
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

As such, a person may be injured in one location, but perceives pain in another location of the body (Voscopoulos & Lema, 2010). eferred pain can be both…

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6 Pages


Pains of Pregnancy and Childbirth

Words: 1758
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Pain Management of Obstetric Patients DEALING WITH IRTH PAINS Causes and Management Intervention Two Sources of Pain Pain is classified into nociceptive or neuropathic (ICEA, 2014). Nociceptive pain develops from tissue, muscle or…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Pain Issues With the Dying Process

Words: 991
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Pain Issues ith the Dying Process Palliative care for the terminally ill has spurred multiple analyses of the Nursing Profession's commitment to relieve pain endured by terminally ill patients. Though…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Pain and Pain Relief Qualitative Analysis

Words: 2780
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Pain & Pain elief Following Hip eplacement Surgery a Qualitative Study Qualitative research Assignment esearch design relies on the appropriateness of either qualitative or quantitative methods in achieving the objectives of…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Pain and Joy of Love

Words: 1468
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Shakespeare is pointing out how normal these two are. They find love and they experience the good side of love. They bask in the passion and desire more. The…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Pain Assessment Tools The Brief Pain Inventory

Words: 1327
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Pain Assessment Tools: The Brief Pain Inventory and the Initial Pain Assessment Tool Using the Brief Pain Inventory and the Initial Pain Assessment Tool to assess a friend who…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Pain Sensory Tool Is an

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There are graphics as well as characters on the scale, making it easier for younger patients to use the scale. In addition, the Pain Sensory Tool appears to…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Pain in the Supply Chain Focuses on

Words: 584
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Pain in the (Supply) Chain" focuses on the Exceso company in its attempt to meet wildly ambitious sales goals at the end of the quarter through the integration…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Pain Management and Pain

Words: 859
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Best Practices for the Pain Management of Broken Hips Achieving the Institute of Medicine's goal of ensuring that 90% of health care decisions are evidence-based by 2020 will require…

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2 Pages
Case Study


abdominal pain

Words: 740
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Severe abdominal pain with bloody diarrhea at a frequency of twenty times per day can be a sign of a serious condition. In fact, the healthcare team should treat…

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6 Pages

Drugs / Alcohol

Countering Opioid Overdoses

Words: 1660
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Public Health: Countering Opioid Overdoses Problem The opioid epidemic is a severe public health crisis that must be attended to with urgency in the U.S. It has spread in due part…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Medicine


Words: 1853
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Causes and Treatments for Sciatica One of the harsh realities of the frail human condition is the fact that most people will suffer from some degree of low back pain…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Health - General Health Issues

Pain Management and Pain

Words: 1134
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Alternatives to Pain Medication Given the growing concerns over opioid addictions in recent years and the potential for tolerance, clinicians continue to search for efficacious alternatives to convention pain medications…

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2 Pages


Pain Management and Pain

Words: 721
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Pain and Suffering Pain is an abstract and complex topic, which is influenced by a serious of psychological and environmental variables. We all have experienced pain although at varying…

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