Palestine Essays (Examples)

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Palestine How Would You Feel if Someone
Pages: 6 Words: 2393

How would you feel if someone came in your home, took over and kicked you out? Surely, no one would like that feeling. Worse than that, that certain someone found it morally acceptable to be doing such an act and everyone was supporting him. The aforementioned scenario is the simplest version of the state that Palestinians are in today. Their situation is present on a larger and much more gruesome and violent scale. The best solution to this conflict is that justice should be done with Palestine. The history, current problems and possible solution will be discussed below.

The British empire the controlled Palestine in the years from 1918 to 1947. They had worked to seize Palestine from the Turks subsequent to which they were ruling the area. At time, the Arab population significantly over numbered the Jews which clearly indicated that the Palestine land belonged to Arab Muslims. (Cleary 6).…...



Cleary, Joe. Literature, Partition and the Nation-State: Culture and Conflict in Ireland, Israel and Palestine. Cambridge, England: Cambridge Unviersity Press, 2002. 5-6. Print.

Eran, Oded. "Arab-Israel Peacemaking." The Continuum Political Encyclopedia of the Middle East.. By Avraham, Sela. 1st ed. New York: Continuum, 2002. Print.

Hallward, Maia. "Pursuing "Peace" in Israel/Palestine." Journal of Third World Studies 28.1 (2012): 186-188. Print.

Kedourie, Elie and Sylvia G.Haim . Zionism and Arabism in Palestine and Israel. London: F.Cass, 1982. 52-55. Print.

Palestine by Sacco Palestine by
Pages: 2 Words: 679

he brilliance of this book lies in its sincere desire to bring real stories to life while staying objective. While it is one thing to read about these stories, it is totally different to live with brutality and violence on daily basis. he author puts so much life into these stories that you wonder why are people still willing to live. But that is the essence of human spirit. It doesn't die. he utter nightmare of life in Palestine is not easy for any reader to digest or live with. So most of them would want to forget the whole thing as soon as they put the book down. But while you may want to forget, the utter brutality of these naked images will continue to haunt you. Sacco explains how beneath the obvious such as -- "traffic, couples in love, falafel-to-go, tourists in jogging suits licking stamps for postcards"…...


This is a conflict you can never truly understand as an outsider. It is grounded in years of severe hatred that almost seems irrational. But it is not- not at least to the people involved. The western media doesn't tell us the truth and while we see Palestinian youth throwing stones and hurling things at Israeli tankers but you may fail to understand why this is happening. It appears almost bizarre to a western eye but it makes absolute sense to the people living in these conflict-ridden region. Sacco has talked to people to find out how they feel about the conflict and is shocked at their naked hatred for the Israeli. The hatred is so obvious that they do not even try to mask it.

The brilliance of this book lies in its sincere desire to bring real stories to life while staying objective. While it is one thing to read about these stories, it is totally different to live with brutality and violence on daily basis. The author puts so much life into these stories that you wonder why are people still willing to live. But that is the essence of human spirit. It doesn't die. The utter nightmare of life in Palestine is not easy for any reader to digest or live with. So most of them would want to forget the whole thing as soon as they put the book down. But while you may want to forget, the utter brutality of these naked images will continue to haunt you. Sacco explains how beneath the obvious such as -- "traffic, couples in love, falafel-to-go, tourists in jogging suits licking stamps for postcards" --, the brutal truth is living a powerful life in the form of "people strapped to chairs, sleep deprivation, the smell of piss" all in the name of national security.

The irony of the situation can be gauged from the fact that when Sacco meets a young Palestinian man who has never been to prison, he is shocked. This is because it seems that every single person has at least once been to jail especially the young males. Sacco's approach to the conflict is moving and witty while at the same time objective as one could possibly remain amidst such horrifying pictures of the truth. Since the writing of this book, a few things have changed in Palestine. There has already been a second intifada and a Palestine Authority has been installed. Peace talks resumed too but while these changes may have taken place, they have only cosmetic value and no real substance. Thus we can say that the conflict is very much still in place and definitely as brutal as it had been in 1991-92.

Palestine and United Nations Position
Pages: 5 Words: 1484

However, a loophole from 1950's Korean Crisis resulted in a procedure called "uniting for peace" or UN Resolution 377. This states that "in cases where the Security Council fails in its duty to maintain world peace because of differences among the five permanent members, the matter at hand can be referred directly to the General Assembly."
In the current U.N. climate, a vote in the General Assembly would likely favor Palestine, similarly to the resolution granting Palestine observer status.

Part 3 -- Rebuttal -- in its most basic form, the State of Israel owes its existence to a group of Zionists who used the events of World War II to establish a religiously oriented homeland. This view overlooked the fact that Arab Muslims had occupied the land for centuries and used British imperialism as an excuse to reoccupy Arab lands. Once Israel formed its statehood, it became part of the global…...

Palestine Conflict Most People Are Aware of
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Palestine Conflict
Most people are aware of the conflicts between Palestinians and Israelis, and are aware that what the two sides are incompatible with each other. his incompatibility between what the two sides wants is what has made finding a permanent solution both sides could live with so difficult. However, not everyone is aware of the very long time line on these differences.

he tensions between Palestinians and Jews came to a head in 1947, when the very new United Nations decided to "partition" the land, so that both Palestinians and Israelis could have land in what was then Palestine. he United Nations was well aware that Hitler had tried to exterminate every Jew in Europe, killing over 6,000,000 Jews (and other people deemed "undesirable") during his reign of terror. he idea of Jewish homeland where Jews could live safe from persecution resonated.

But what the United Nations and many Western countries viewed…...


Those from Western countries do not always take as long a view of the history of the region as Palestinians and other Arabs sometimes do. The Arabs of the region remember, the way we remember the Civil War, that they were once one of the world's greatest civilizations. From the time of Islam's founding in the 7th century, the religion spread rapidly across most of Asia, parts of Africa and even parts of Spain (Ismael, 1999). They developed a governmental form that worked to accommodate at least to some extent the cultures the conquered.

However, by the time Islam had reached present-day Spain, a highly Christian and Catholic area, Europeans were alarmed by the spread of this culture and religion. Arab power had reached its peak by the 10th century. Westerners responded with the Crusades, which took place in the 11th and 12th centuries. The Crusades had both religious and economic goals. The Crusaders wanted to see the Holy Land under the control of Christians. At the same time, they were looking for a safer and more economical route to Asia, so they could trade for such things as spices and silk. During this time, while Europe was challenging Arab power from the West, Mongols were attacking from the East (Ismael, 1999). Except for Egypt, the area was racked by wave after wave of warfare (Ismael, 1999). Many Arabs see this sort of grabbing for their resources going on today over oil, and when Westerners attempt to broker peace, suspect that they want peace in the region only to assure the free flow of crude oil from the MIddle East (Ismael, 1999).

Because these events brought down a great civilization, the Crusades, little more than an intriguing chapter in Western history, was part of a cataclysmic series of events in Arab history that changed their course forever, events brought because outsiders wanted rights to their lands. So while Westerners interested in the Arab-Israeli conflict may look at issues starting in 1947, or perhaps when European Jews first started migrating to Palestine

Palestine Joe Sacco Mainly Incorporates New Journalism
Pages: 6 Words: 1880

Palestine, Joe Sacco mainly incorporates new journalism techniques and rejects objective reporting to ensure his work is more credible and flawless. My introductory thesis is whether the use of new journalism tendencies as opposed to objective reporting compromises the credibility of Sacco's book on the Israeli-Palestine war.
Sacco's use of New Journalism

New Journalism is literary reporting style used by most comic and mainstream journalists. It encompasses three major sub-braches; intensive reportage, dramatic literary techniques as well as reportage of acceptable subjectivity. These sub-branches of new journalism are integrated by Sacco in his comic and dramatic literature Palestine. New journalism writing technique encourages a journalist's or reporter's opinions, ideas as well as involvement to sneak into the story though the characters take a greater share in the story (Flippen).

This journalistic system requires mainstream reporters as well as journalists to carry out in-depth reportage while paying attention to the most minute facts…...


Works Cited

Flippen, Charles C. Liberating Media: The New Journalism. Acropolis Books, 1974.

Hollowell, John. Fact & Fiction: The New Journalism and the Non-Fiction Novel. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1977.

Mindich, David TZ. Just the Facts: How Objectivity came to Define American History. New York: New York University Press, 1998.

Sacco, Joe. Palestine . Jonathan Cape, 2004.

Palestine Arabs and Zionist Jews
Pages: 5 Words: 1857

zionist state-building efforts and political institutions with those of palestinian arabs for the period from the frist aliya to 1949 and why the zionist enterprise was ultimately more successful
The objective of this study is to conduct a comparison of Zionist state-building efforts and political institutions with those of Palestinian Arabs for the period from the first Aliya to 1949 and why the Zionist enterprise was ultimately more successful.

As this study will clearly show, the British Government was highly in support of Palestine being established as a homeland for the Zionist Jewish people. Lacquer and ubin (2008) relate in regards to British policy following the years of war that it "became gradually committed to the idea of the establishment of Jewish home in Palestine. After discussions on cabinet level and consultation with Jewish leaders, the decision was made known in the form of a letter by Lord Arthur James Balfour…...



Lacquer, W. And Rubin, B. (2013) The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict. 7th Ed. Retrieved from:

Palestine Afghanistan and Iraq What
Pages: 2 Words: 690

The radical Talibans came to power and provided sanctuary to Bin Laden, who had by now turned against the U.S. After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the Talibans refused to hand-over Osama, and the U.S. forces invaded Afghanistan and ousted the Talibans. Most of the devastated country is now ruled by war-lords and despite claims of democracy; the country has degenerated into a lawless narco-state.
3. Iraq:

Iraq was invaded by the U.S. In March 2003 on the pretext that it possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction and was a direct threat to the U.S. The real aim was the implementation of a Neo-con plan to spread American style democracy in the Middle East and secure Israeli interests in the region. Three years later, no WMDs have been found, a violent insurgency in Iraq has taken more than 1500 American soldiers' lives, and the neo-con dream of spreading democracy is an illusion…...


Possible Solution:

To my mind, the only possible solution to the problem in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq lies in a radical change in the U.S. foreign policy, i.e., in the 'Bush doctrine' of pre-emptive war, unilateralism, military pre-eminence of the United States and an active promotion of democracy in other parts of the world. Its policy of one-sided support of Israel also needs review. Withdrawal of unconditional support by the U.S. To Israel would encourage it to accept a possible solution of the Palestine problem based on a formula such as the Saudi Peace Plan of 2002, which offered peace and recognition of Israel, in return for full withdrawal by Israel from the occupied territories for a Palestinian state. Abandoning unilateralism, discarding the futile attempt to impose American-style democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan and adopting a less arrogant presence on the world stage could reduce anti-Americanism and the escalating Islamic terrorism directed the U.S.

Most of the Jewish population in the Palestinian territory consisted of recent immigrants who had immigrated to the area after the 1890s as a result of the Zionist movement.

Palestine Politically the Middle East
Pages: 4 Words: 1544

The U.S., through the offices of Condoleezza ice has taken the mediator role and agreed to meet with the negotiators from both sides in order to prepare the final draft for the documents in the summit (BBC News, 2007). Therefore, all these points considered, it is obvious that political steps are being made which can eventually lead to the improvement of the security situation in the region and the resolution of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Al Jazeera. (2006). Abbas offers Israel peace talks. 26 November 2007

BBC News. (2007). Final push for Middle East talks. BBC website. 26 November 2007.

BC News. (2007). Olmert optimism on peace chances. BBC. 26 November 2007.

CNN. (2007). Abbas outlaws Hamas militia forces. CNN World. 26 November 2007.

Farouky, Saeed Taji. (2007). Factional violence turns Gaza into 'hell on earth'. euters Foundation. 26 November 2007.

Quartet Statement. (2007) United Nations website. 26 November 2007.…...



Al Jazeera. (2006). Abbas offers Israel peace talks. 26 November 2007 

BBC News. (2007). Final push for Middle East talks. BBC website. 26 November 2007. 

BC News. (2007). Olmert optimism on peace chances. BBC. 26 November 2007. 

CNN. (2007). Abbas outlaws Hamas militia forces. CNN World. 26 November 2007.

British Mandate of Palestine Specifically
Pages: 4 Words: 1428

They are incredibly important because they show how Jewish society went from a sacrificial pagan belief system to the modern Jewish religion. The Editors from the Jewish Museum note, "They represent the important transformation that occurred in Jewish worship from sacrifice to Bible study and prayer, the debates among Jewish groups of the Second Temple Period, and the indirect connections between the scrolls and early Christianity."
The scrolls are now touring the world so visitors can see them in various art museums, and some of them reside in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Even today, decades after their discovery, the Dead Sea Scrolls have not all been translated, but they are recognized as one of the most important finds in the area's history, and the initial discovery happened during the time of the British Mandate. This meant that British scholars were some of the first people to study and understand…...



Biger, Gideon. The Boundaries of Modern Palestine, 1840-1947. London: Routledge, 2004.

Editors. "Israel and the Palestinians: A History." The Guardian. 2009. 9 Feb 2009.,720353,00.html 

Editors. "The British Mandate: Overview." 2009. 9 Feb 2009.

Editors. "The Dead Sea Scrolls: Mysteries of the Ancient World." The Jewish Museum. 2009. 9 Feb. 2009. .

Israeli Expansion in Palestine Is Unlawful
Pages: 4 Words: 1426

Israel-Palestine Conflict
Root of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

The Israel-Palestine conflict is rooted in a decades' long battle over land rights. Israel declared statehood in 1948, with only 500,000 settlers in the area, authority over which had previously been linked to a British mandate -- but that had ended. Following 2 and the "moral imperative" that the Holocaust supplied the Zionist movement, more Jews began to migrate to Israel (Tyler 17). Led by the military strategist, David Ben-Gurion, who, like many Zionists of the day, changed his name to emphasize a certain Hebrewness, the Zionist state of Israel took on a distinctive militarism that would characterize the nation's actions all the way till today. These actions are best understood as a chain of events with one, single goal: to seize surrounding territories for Israel, which claims a historic, God-given right to them. Palestinians and other peoples from surrounding states declare that they themselves…...


Works Cited

Escobar, Pepe. "Western Plutocracy Goes Bear Hunting." AsiaTimes. 4 Aug

2014. Web.

Morris, Benny. Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-

2001. NY: Vintage Books, 2001. Print.

Jewish Community in Palestine During
Pages: 13 Words: 3752

That was a term that was used only later by historians and others that talked about that particular period of time in German history (Kolb, 2004). Those who were involved with the epublic called it the German eich (Peukert, 1993). From the point of creation of the epublic, Germany was launched into an experiment in modernity that did not turn out the way that they hoped it would.
Part of the reason for this was that the experiment did not take place under circumstances that would ensure the success of the Weimar epublic (Kolb, 2004). The idea behind the epublic was to create a democracy that Germany could then survive under, thus assuring freedom and peace for all of its citizens (Peukert, 1993). While this was an admirable goal, the reality of what was created and how well it actually worked was much different from the desired plan.

Unfortunately, the political…...



Baron, S.W. (1986). A Social and Religious History of the Jews. New York: Columbia University Press.

Berger, a. (1997). The genius of the Jewish joke. New York: Transaction Publishers.

Goffman, E. (1968). Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Kolb, Eberhard. 2004. The Weimar Republic. New York: Routledge.

Palestine and the Jewish State
Pages: 16 Words: 3235

Palestine under Occupation: Reaching the ‘Other’ through Bearing Witness and Citizen Journalism Introduction
The conflict in Palestine is largely portrayed in the mainstream media as a complex issue (Chomsky & Pappe, 2015). A theoretical reason for this portrayal of the conflict is rooted in what Robinson (2002) has described as the ‘CNN effect’—the special relationship that exists between the state and the media, which facilitates the construction of a narrative that supports the aims of the state, particularly when it comes to foreign intervention. Al-Ghazzi (2017) has described, for example, how CNN uses embedded reporting to foster a narrative supportive of the U.S.’s aims in the Middle East. With a particular focus on the Palestinian conflict, Western mainstream media and states partake in the CNN effect by framing the conflict as ‘complicated’. This complication, however, is not represented in the largesse unevenly distributed between the two sides of the conflict. That Israel…...

Palestine Her Story Documentary
Pages: 11 Words: 3553

A Documentary Filmmaking Experience Aim and Accomplishment
Renov (1993) states that there are four fundamental purposes of a documentary: “1) to record, reveal, or preserve; 2) to persuade or promote; 3) to analyze or interrogate; and 4) to express” (p. 21). In my documentary, Palestine, her story, my aim was to observe—i.e., to record, reveal and preserve—the stories of the Palestinian women who served as the subject of my film. The film is therefore an observational documentary.
Looking back on my original proposal, I can say that I have completed at least a portion of my original project. The focus of my 20-minute film is on the three Palestinian women who live a successful life in London. Each woman is of a different generation and thus each one has a different experience to share, a different story to tell. Yet they also have one thing in common, which is Palestine. The films focuses…...

UAE Palestine and Israel New Solutions
Pages: 9 Words: 2627

Why the UAE Established elations with IsraelIntroductionThe conflict between the UAE and Israel has been going on for very long. The new Abraham Accords mark a turning point in the relationship between Israel and the Arab world. The UAE wants warmer relations with Israel, and Israel has shown that it wants the same. The Abraham Accords have set the stage for an environment of mutual respect and beneficence. The two states have had a working relationship in recent years, stemming from security collaboration. But now the UAE has decided to normalize relations with Israel in the new Abraham Accords overseen by the US Administration. The agreement has as much to do with promoting economic ties as it does with paving the way to deal with political issues between Palestine and Israel. The business interests of the two countries of the UAE and Israel align in many waysfrom the tourism industry…...


ReferencesAll Arab News. (2020). Senior UAE Official Dr. Al Nuami following UAE-Israel peace deal | All Arab News. Retrieved from   L. (2021). Israel seeks to extend new Gulf ties to all Middle East, says Lapid. Retrieved from, N. (2018). Time to Rethink, But Not Abandon, International Aid to Palestinians. Retrieved from Chulov, M. (2021). UAE offers to play role in Israel-Palestine peace talks. Retrieved from Cook, S. (2020). What’s Behind the New Israel-UAE Peace Deal? Retrieved from Hassan, Z. & Munayyer, Y. (2021). Approach peace. Retrieved from Jesner, S. (2021). Palestinians to Assert Its Regional Influence. Retrieved from Koduvayur, V. & Daoud, D. (2021). Welcome to a brand new Middle East. Retrieved from Riechmann, D. & Lee, M. (2020). Trump: Sudan to join UAE, Bahrain in recognizing Israel. Retrieved from (2020). UAE expresses hopes for Middle East peace talks following ‘historic’ accord with Israel. Retrieved from UN. (2021). Israel-Palestine: Political solution only way to end ‘senseless’ cycles of violence. Retrieved from UN Security Council. (2021). ‘We Can No Longer Lurch from Crisis to Crisis’ in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Special Coordinator Warns Security Council, Urges Parallel Steps by All Parties. Retrieved from Youssef, H. (2020). The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in 2020: What are the Possible Paths Ahead? Retrieved from Barrington,

Zionism on the Peace Process
Pages: 9 Words: 3968

Another tragic page of Jewish history is tragic period of Holocaust. There's no need to explain those terrible times and German crimes - these facts are well-known but I have to mention that Jewish Zionists managed organizing resistance to the Nazi regime and also they gained success cooperating with British, Soviet and American governments which agreed and let Jews create their state after the war. "Among the few European Jews who escaped the Holocaust were Zionists who emigrated to Palestine" (Shmuel; Reinharz, Jehuda Zionism and Religion Among, p.122). They were happy to leave Europe that was their real homeland but after Hitler's crimes they got sure that having own state, which would protect its citizens, is the best way out from international violence and anger directed against Jewish nation.

1948 was a turning point of Jewish history. At last Jewish nation created an own state on their historical land - Israel.…...


Works Cited

1. Slater, Jerome Can Zionism be Reconciled with Justice for the Palestinians Article Tikkun July 2003

2. Zuncs, Stephen Defending Zionism in a Time of Occupation and Oppression Article Tikkun p.54 April 2004

3. Starobin, Paul Rethinking Zionism Article National Journal p.1240 April 24, 2004

4. Hazony, Yoram the Zionism Idea and its Enemies Article Commentary may 96, Vol. 101, Issue 5 p.30

Need help shaping my Examining the Israeli-palestine Conflict:the oppressed become the oppressor thesis statement into a clear argument. Any suggestions?
Words: 177

Thesis: Through the examination of the Israeli-Palestine conflict, it becomes apparent that the oppressed have tragically evolved into the oppressor, as evident by the disproportionate use of force, restriction of basic rights, and the perpetuation of a cycle of violence against the Palestinian people. To shape this thesis statement into a clear argument, you can elaborate on each point to provide more depth and specificity to your argument. For example, you can further discuss specific instances of disproportionate use of force by the Israeli government, such as the military actions in Gaza that resulted in civilian casualties. Additionally, you can provide....

Need help shaping my Examining the Israeli-palestine Conflict:the oppressed become the oppressor thesis statement into a clear argument. Any suggestions?
Words: 508

Thesis Statement:

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict exemplifies the dynamic of "the oppressed become the oppressor," where the once-oppressed Israelis, after gaining statehood, have now become the oppressors of the Palestinians.

Argument Outline:


Begin with a brief historical overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the establishment of Israel in 1948.
Highlight the initial displacement and oppression of Palestinians by the Israeli state.

Historical Oppression of Palestinians:

Describe the systematic discrimination and marginalization of Palestinians under Israeli occupation, including land confiscation, restrictions on movement, and economic deprivation.
Discuss the human rights violations committed by the Israeli military and security forces.
Provide evidence from historical documents and....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of topography of Palestine?
Words: 324

I. Introduction
A. Overview of the topography of Palestine
B. Importance of understanding the geographical features of the region

II. Physical features of Palestine
A. Mountain ranges
1. Judean Mountains
2. Samarian Mountains
B. Coastal plains
1. Mediterranean coast
2. Gaza Strip
C. Jordan Valley
1. Rift Valley
2. Dead Sea
D. Negev Desert
1. Arid climate and desert landscape

III. Impact of topography on human settlements and land use
A. Agricultural practices in different regions
1. Terracing on mountain slopes
2. Irrigation in the Jordan Valley
B. Influence on historical and cultural development
1. Importance of Jerusalem as a central highland city
2. Bedouin communities in the desert

IV. Challenges and opportunities posed by the topography
A. Water scarcity in desert regions

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of topography of Palestine?
Words: 432

Outline of an Essay on the Topography of Palestine

I. Introduction
A. Definition and significance of topography in understanding Palestine's history and culture
B. Overview of Palestine's geographic location and boundaries
C. Thesis statement: The topography of Palestine has played a crucial role in shaping its history and the lives of its people

II. Major Geographic Regions
A. Coastal Plain
1. Western boundary of Palestine along the Mediterranean Sea
2. Fertile soil for agriculture and strategic location for trade
B. Galilee Hills
1. Northern region of Palestine, characterized by rolling hills
2. Important agricultural and religious center
C. Jordan Valley
1. Steep....

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