Pancho Villa Essays (Examples)

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Pancho Villa
Pages: 8 Words: 2759

Pancho Villa -- Mexican Revolutionary
In the history books there are many records of revolutionary characters -- some of the stories are wholly embellished beyond the truth of what really happened, and others, like the stories about Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa, are part accurate and part legend -- and sometimes incomplete or vague. hether all the tales told of Villa's escapades are factual is beside the point; by any measure, Villa was truly a revolutionary character in the history of Mexico. This paper delves into the life and times of Pancho Villa, who was a Mexican folk hero, a bandit, a charismatic leader of bandits, and indeed a revolutionary figure.

Pancho Villa -- The hite Legend, Black Legend, and Epic Legend

The late professor Friedrich Katz was considered the foremost scholar of Mexican history, best known perhaps for his knowledge of the Mexican Revolution. Katz writes that there are three "basic versions" of…...


Works Cited

Dictionary of Hispanic Biography. "Pancho Villa." Gale 1996. Gale Biography in Context.

Web. March, 2012.

Hampson, Rick. "Once a terrorist, now celebrated." USA Today. Retrieved April 8, 2012,

from .

Pancho Villa's Raid on Columbus
Pages: 10 Words: 3299

"He saw the attacks as a strategy to embroil the U.S. with the Carranza government and therefore force his downfall."
The American president took a great interest in the stories emerged about Villa and even sent special agents to investigate the matter. Delegate John Lind was part of this mission and his conclusions were that while Villa was an individual of high morals, "physical and mental efficiency," he was "cruel and avaricious." These characteristics could not be possessed by a man who would rule Mexico and Lind argued that Carranza was the sole Mexican leader that the United States could accept. This state of events could well have led Villa to consider the existence of a conspiracy between Wilson and Carranza.

Another reason that could have alimented such a belief is based on the relationship with George Carothers, another special agent sent to Mexico to investigate Villa. His conclusions were that…...



Brandt, Nancy. October 1964. Pancho Villa: The Making of a Modern Legend. The Americans, Vol. 21, No. 2. pp.146-162.

Haley, Edward. 1970. Revolution and Intervention: The Diplomacy of Taft and Wilson in Mexico. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Howell, Jeff. Evaluating the Many Faces of Pancho Villa, Outlaw, Hero, Patriot, Cutthroat. Historical Text Archive. On the internet at 

Sandos, James. 1970. German Involvement in Northern Mexico, 1915-1916: A New Look at the Columbus Raid. The Hispanic-American Historical Review

Traditional Depiction of Mexican Women
Pages: 18 Words: 5292

Tese women endured extreme ardsips in order to fulfill teir roles. Tey often ad to live in almost starvation level circumstances, since most of te food ad to be given to te battle ready individuals. Often tey would toil for ours to find food, dig roots, and oter metods to see te fruits of teir labor be provided te figting men. Tey endured te malnutrition as well as miserable living conditions in order to provide sustenance for te group. Many times tey even endured cildbearing under inospitable surroundings (Soto, 44). As nurses, tey ealed te wounded and endured te contamination of dangerous diseases as well as nursed back to ealt many of te fallen men during te Revolution. Many of tem suffered severe infections and diseases as a result of contact wit te sick, many primary records reveal tat anywere from ten to twenty percent of te soldaderas contracted serious…...


1996. [Online]

Tuck, Jim. Poncho Villa and John Reed: Two Faces of Romantic Revolution. Tucson, Arizona. The University of Arizona Press, 1984.

Resendez-Fuentes, Andres. "Battleground Women: Soldaderas and Female Soldiers in the Mexican Revolution." Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History. 1995. 52(4): 525-553.

Forgotten Yet Essential Soladaras in
Pages: 10 Words: 3477

However, over the years, history book publishers have not followed suit and described the soladeras in a positive way. For instance, one of Casaola's most well-known photos is of a harried soldadera in a train station. The photograph's saturated colors make the scene deeply emotional and compelling, with a feeling of urgency and dynamic motion. The spontaneity of the picture and transparency of reality provide an historical accuracy and high degree of precision. Yet, the caption of one history book, for example, relates how many of the soldaderas were forced to ride on the rooftops of the trains, instead of inside the wagons. Many of the women died early deaths when the train sped through dangerous ravines and cliffs. This was anything but a supportive interpretation of the photograph and not why Casola took the photographs.
On the other hand, Casola's photographs, especially this one in the train station, did…...



Coerver, Don M.. Suzanne B. Pasztor and Robert Buffington. Mexico: an encyclopedia of contemporary culture and history Santa Barber, CA: ABC-Clio.

Fuentes, Andres. "Battleground Women: Soldaderas and Female Soldiers in the Mexican Revolution." The Americas 51 no. 4 (1995): 525-553.

King, Benjamin. "Iconography and Stereotype: Visual Memory of the Soldaderas"   (Accessed May 3, 2010) 

Macias, Anna. Against All Odds: The Feminist Movement in Mexico to 1940 Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 1982

Leadership How Battles Are Won
Pages: 9 Words: 2883

He explained that it was not popularity and looking good to others that should constitute success. It was what one struggled over and kept him thinking all night. He specifically spoke about President Truman's difficult decision to use nuclear weapons and his own military decision to risk lives (Roberts). According to him, the first rule about leadership is to take charge when in command (Saint 2001). The second rule is to always do what is right. He said that the challenge of leadership is to inspire others or followers to perform what they normally would not do. He described great leaders are "ordinary people in extraordinary times." According to him, great leaders are in history books because they responded adequately to the demand of extra ordinary times. He also said that leaders must take the time to train future leaders coming up through the ranks (Saint).
Schwarzkopf's adept leadership in…...



Blumenson, M. (2004). Patton legend. 6 pages. Army: Association of the United States Army

Campbell, a (2007). Biography of General George S. Patton, Jr. 5 pages. Cape May County Herald. Retrieved on May 26, 2008 at;

Carter, J.C. And Finer, M.S. (2004). A survey of leadership. 8 pages. Infantry Magazine: U.S. Army Infantry School

Fisher, K. And M. (2000). H. Normal Schwarzkopf. 4 pages. CarpeNoctem. Retrieved on May 27, 2008 at

Porofino Diaz Porfirio Diaz Began as an
Pages: 8 Words: 2315

Porofino Diaz
Porfirio Diaz "began as an activist against reaction and privilege and ended as a longtime dictator and staunch defender of the very forces he had once opposed," (Tuck). Indeed, Porfirio's life is characterized by a series of ironies. Porfirio was a Mestizo. His mother was a Native woman and his father was a working class Criollo (Mexican-born Spaniard). Some sources trace the Diaz family on both sides to Mestizo, "descended from both Mixtec Indians and Spaniards," (Mabry). In any case, Porfirio Diaz's father Jose de la Cruz Diaz died when Porfirio was three years old. Porfirio was one of eight children. Although Porfirio was "born into extreme poverty and never even reached complete literacy," and although the "early years of his life were filled with economic hardship and tragedy, the man would become one of the enemies of Mexico's poor (Minster n.d.; "Porfirio Diaz - from Military Hero to…...


Works Cited

Mabry, Donald J. "Porfirio Diaz (1830-1915)" Retrieved online: 

Minster, Christopher. "Biography of Porfirio Diaz." Retrieved online: 

"Porfirio Diaz" NNDB. Retrieved online: 

"Porfirio Diaz - from Military Hero to Dictator." MexOnline. Retrieved online:

Role of Deviance in Societies
Pages: 9 Words: 2460

Role of Deviance in Societies
Deviance is behavior that is regarded as outside the bounds of a group or society (Deviance pp). Deviance is a behavior that some people in society find offensive and which excites, or would excite if discovered, and is usually met with disapproval, punishment, condemnation, or hostility (Deviance pp).

Deviance is not merely behavior, but involves a moral judgement (Deviance pp). Moreover, in essence, any act can be defined as deviant (Deviance pp). It is not possible to isolate certain acts and find them universally condemned by all societies as deviant acts, not even murder or incest, and even within a given society, behavior defined as deviant continually undergoes redefinition (Deviance pp). Furthermore, it is relative to time and place, thus, it is not possible to find a behavior that is absolutely condemned by all societies, because what is deviant in one society may not be in another,…...


Work Cited

Boyden, Matthew; Green, Amy. "Positive Deviance."

  hl=enhttp:// ;

Campbell, LeAnne. "As strong as the weakest link: urban high school dropout."

High School Journal. 12/1/2003.

Looking Into Mexico From Early Recorded Time With Influence From Outside the Country
Pages: 6 Words: 1955

Lesson Plan
Presentation Lesson Plan on "Mexico from Early ecorded Time with Influence from Outside the Country"

"Mexico from Early ecorded Time with Influence from Outside the Country"

Mexico from Early ecorded Time with Influence from Outside the Country (from 16th century till 1940 and beyond)

Before troops from the Spanish Empire set foot on Mexican soil in 1519, indigenous Indian groups that had different trade and social systems occupied majority of the lands that now form Mexico. In general, relatively small indigenous tribes that were largely involved in the hunting and gathering of food occupied the northern arid parts of the country. These tribes, were called Chichimecs, collectively, even though they were different in several cultural and linguistic aspects. By 1100, much of the central and southern parts of the country was occupied by the Toltecs. The Toltecs had their capital at Tula and were also known for their ability to build…...



Cary, Diana Serra. "Mexican War of Independence: Father Miguel Hidalgo's Revolt." Military hisyory. HistoryNet, October 12, 2000. Accessed June 8, 2016. .

"History of Mexico - Mexico." Accessed June 8, 2016. /topics/mexico/history-of-mexico.

"Mexico, A Brief History." Http:// Last modified 2007. Accessed June 8, 2016.

Palfrey, Dale. H. "The Spanish Conquest (1519-1521)?: Mexico History." Mexconnect. Last modified August 29, 2007. Accessed June 8, 2016. .

The Underdogs by Mariano Azuela
Pages: 3 Words: 1229

Mariano Azuela
The Mexican Revolution has always been debated upon by historians, some labeling it as a "fiesta de balas" -- a party of bullets, with minimal political aims or ideologies. Others have not disregarded the revolution and noted that although most of the conflicts were centered in the provinces of the Mexican countryside, the revolutions' leaders were politically driven and adopted clear political ideologies. How does the novel The Underdogs treat this issue? Which side does it take?

The historiographical reality of the Mexican revolution of 1910[footnoteRef:1] has been deeply fashioned by novelists like Mariano Azuela. It was novels like the "Underdogs"[footnoteRef:2] that captured the essence of the revolution. The commotion that followed the fall of Porfirio Diaz, defined the Mexican nation in a new light, and although this was not the first time the oppressed Latin American masses rose against the ruling elite, it would definitely be the most…...


Bibliography APA

Azuela, M. (2008). The underdogs: A novel of the Mexican revolution. United Kingdom: Penguin Publishers.

Robe, S. L. (1979). Azuela and the Mexican underdogs (Vol. 48). Univ of California Press.

Canadian Politics Why Should I
Pages: 2 Words: 717

God is wherever humans are, which can lead to the belief that where the human soul or heart is, then God will be there too. Heaven is the City of God, according to St. Augustine, but we can have access to God here on Earth through his Son, Jesus Christ. One must be meek and be thankful for Christ's sacrifice if God is to live within them and if they are to go on to the City of God after their death.
4. Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something.

Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am." If one is no longer thinking, it means that they are no longer here. Man has always been and forever will be afraid of not being anymore, afraid of not being able to think and exist and he once was able. Pancho Villa said, "Don't let it end like this.…...

William J Donovan and the
Pages: 12 Words: 4625

Y. National Guard, which had been conducting a vigorous recruiting campaign (Troy 24). According to this author, "The Sixty-ninth was drafted into the Regular Army and was proud to be selected New York's representative in the newly formed Forty-second Division, the 'Rainbow Division,' where it was redesignated the 165th Regiment" (Troy 24). These events as much as any other were responsible for providing Donovan with both the experience as well as the recognition that would help propel him into future leadership positions. In this regard, Troy reports that, "It remained 'the old Sixty-ninth,' however, and for the better part of his twenty-two months of service Donovan was the commander of its First Battalion. It was in that capacity, a lieutenant colonel, that he saw combat, was several times wounded, and demonstrated such outstanding qualities of leadership and moral courage that he emerged from the war with 'more medals than any…...


Works Cited

About Us. (2007). Central Intelligence Agency. [Online]. Available: .

Donovan, William J. Preface to the Ultimate Weapon, Oleg Anisimov, Chicago: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1953.

Ford, Corey. Donovan of OSS. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.

Heidekinq, Jurgen, Christof Mauch and Marc Frey. American Intelligence and the German Resistance to Hitler: A Documentary History. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996.

Owl Creek Bridge - Bierce
Pages: 3 Words: 1002

Peyton Farquhar is not a soldier, but a wealthy plantation owner who was attracted to the possibility of dignifying himself by being of service to the South during the civil war. Tricked by a federal scout into trying to do something heroic for the South, he is about to hang from the bridge that he intended to burn. Bierce describes Farquhar's experience as one of extreme agony, followed by hope of survival. Farquhar feels devastating pain, but finds himself in the river, escaping from the soldiers with his senses "preternaturally keen and alert. Something in the awful disturbance of his organic system had so exalted and refined them that they made record of things never before perceived"(Hopkins/Bierce 309.)

This is the first clue that something is amiss, and that Farquhar is not in the world of physical reality.

Bierce's imagination of the confusion, pain and altered state that accompanies a violent death…...


Works Cited

Hopkins, Ernest J. Ed. Complete Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce.University of Nebraska Press/Doubleday: Lincoln, NE: 1970.

Korb, Rena "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge: The Portrayal of a Character's Inner Psychology

Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia, "Ambrose Bierce" 2006 1997-2006 Microsoft Corporation.©

Singletary, Stacey Ann, University of No Carolina at Pembroke.

Buffalo Soldiers Were Part of
Pages: 2 Words: 930

Lyrics Freaks, (2010). Bob Marley Buffalo Soldier Lyrics. hp://

Is lyrics o he song Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley. In he song are embedded hisorical innuendoes and he conribuions ha were made by he Buffalo Soldiers. Therein indicaed is he fac ha wihou he Bufallo Soldiers, i would be impossible o win he American wars a ha ime. The song ries o indicae he harsh condiions from which he African-Americans were aken from and subjeced o only o emerge as he vicorious soldiers, indeed, he says hey were solen from Africa. This is an example of how ar relieves he hisorical facs and recognizes he significan conribuions of he heroes in hisory. The song also indicaes ha despie he significan conribuions ha he Buffalo Soldiers made, people sill forge heir hisory and have o ask "who he 'eck do I hink I am," an indicaion of he ignorance ha he American…...


to Guarding the Frontier. 

The national Park Service sets out to give a brief history of the Buffalo Soldiers and some other details that have been covered above. Of significance is the fact that it portrays a plan to preserve the remaining history about the Buffalo Soldiers and decries the ignorance apportioned to the worthwhile history. There is a dedication of the Museum of Westward portion to the history of the Buffalo Soldiers history as noted in the website.

Being that the topic is of historical nature, the method used in this research is literature based, one that tries to collect the maximum number of literature available from organizational website, museum websites, historical websites and the contributions by significant historians. The data collection was more of a qualitative data collection than quantitative. It was found that there are invaluable information on these websites that can help in the deeper understanding of the Buffalo Soldiers and the history that surrounds them.

National Guard and the National
Pages: 5 Words: 1606

Pershing had G-1 dealing with personnel; G-2 dealt with intelligence; G-3 deals with operations and training; G-4 was the supply division; and G-5 was focused on "strategic planning" (Madloff, 66).
Meanwhile, the Congressional Digest (the official federal publication that explains legislation) in 1934 provided some basic details on the Act of 1920. Beyond what has already been described vis-a-vis the 1920 Act, the Congressional Digest explains that the Act fixed the number of members of the Army at 15,034 combat officers, 280,000 enlisted men, in addition to the number of officers (17,726) alluded to earlier in this paper. There was also flexibility built into the military, in that the size of the army could "be varied depending on the changing importance of the branches in the scheme of defense" (Congressional Digest, 1934).

In conclusion, the Army National Guard has been very active in protecting Americans at home and abroad. At one…...


Works Cited

Army National Guard. 2011. Always Ready, Always There. Retrieved November 19, 2011,


Congressional Digest. 1934. Provisions of the National Defense Act. Vol. 13, Issue 4. Retrieved

November 18, 2011, from EBSCOhost.

Twilight and the Day of the Locust
Pages: 5 Words: 1745

Twilight and the Day of the Locust
hat is most interesting about the juxtaposition of Nathanael est's The Day of the Locust and Anna Deavere Smith's Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992, is that each is a mirror of the other, and a mirror of what it pretends to be. If that seems convoluted, consider this: est has written fiction that nonetheless plumbs the depths of individual souls, souls that could be taken as representative of all souls. Smith has written 'true accounts' (as true as things remembered can be at some distance from the events themselves) that nonetheless fail to illumine deeply any facet of human emotion. That is to say, they are facile. Her interview with an old Hispanic who hates 'gringos' is too trite to be illuminating. Nor is the book filled with much that is.

The Day of the Locust and Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992, are nominally both about dreams…...


Works Cited

Smith, Anna Deavere. Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992. New York: Anchor Books, 1994, 320 pp.

West, Nathanael. The Day of the Locust. New York: Signet Classics, 1983, 208 pp.

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