Patient Centered Care Essays (Examples)

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Extra Additions for Patient Centered Care Model
Within the rubric of 21st century medicine, it is often surprising that we need to be reminded that it is not the technology, the clinical expertise, or even the health care and institutional debates that should drive the paradigm of appropriate medical care -- it is the patient. Patient Centered Care is a model that focuses on the patient as the center of a multi-dimensional approach that considers patients' cultural traditions, their personal preferences and values, their unique family situations, and their lifestyles. The PCC model allows for families to become an integral part of the process of medical care, and the entire care team who assist the patient in making decisions and allowing the patient a modicum of responsibility for their own healing process. Indeed, PCC places the responsibility for important milestones of self-care and monitoring squarely in the patient's hands, yet still….

Emotional Intelligence and Patient-Centered Care" is a 2007 publication from the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine which seeks to discover whether or not Emotional Intelligence (EI) can be of use in the health care industry. Emotional Intelligence is a personal characteristic that some have identified as linked to the successful ability to form interpersonal relationships with patients in order to benefit the patient's interaction in the health care system. This would not only include a patient's experience when visiting health care professionals, but also the patient's increased overall health benefits such as being healthier and living longer. The authors stated purpose is to examine whether Emotional Intelligence, when adapted to the idea of patient-centered care, can be of assistance in the health care system.
Emotional Intelligence is defined as "a set of abilities (verbal and non-verbal) that enable a person to generate, recognize, express, understand and evaluate their….

Global Health Care Issues
The most significant healthcare issues that the countries surveyed are facing include care coordination and safety. Significantly, these issues were prevalent across international borders and throughout many of the countries surveyed. Care coordination in particular seems a salient issue, since it refers to the dissemination of conflicting information on the part of providers and an inability of patients to get further treatment because of a lack of prerequisites (such as authorization or tests) (Commonwealth, 2015). Such care coordination issues inherently lead to safety problems for geriatric patients. Other issues that were eminently revealed in this survey are that older patients have difficulty paying for the costs of their health care services. Subsequently, it is difficult for these patients (particularly in the United States) to obtain the care that they need. Other issues include a lack of ease with getting care the same day that a patient seeks….

Patient-Centered Care
Patient-focused healthcare has come to the forefront in recent discourse on care quality. Cited in the "quality chasm" paper of the Institute of Medicine as an aspect of superior-quality healthcare, the term 'patient-centered healthcare' is being currently incorporated into the lexicons of health planners, healthcare facilities, policymakers and the public relations personnel of healthcare organizations. Insurance companies are increasingly linking payments to patient-focused care delivery. But much discourse on the subject fails to take into account the vital, radical meaning of actual 'patient-focused' care. This concept's initiators were quite cognizant of their work's ethical consequences. Their services were founded upon profound regard for clients/patients as individuals with unique characteristics, expectations, and wants, and a duty to offer them health services on their individual terms. Therefore, a patient is recognized as an individual in relation to his/her respective social world, respected, paid attention to, kept updated, and allowed to participate….

Patient-centered care is the goal of many healthcare organizations, but the ability of an organization to deliver patient-centered care is influenced by a number of factors both internal and external. Business practices, regulatory requirements, and reimbursement all can impact patient-centered care in any healthcare organization. Promoting patient-centered care requires an organizational culture committed to this paradigm, which also needs to be embedded in the mission and values of the organization.

Executives and administrators create the organizational culture that promotes patient-centered care. All leaders in the organization are responsible for using patient-centered practices and communications styles in their interactions with patients and their families. Furthermore, administrators oversee the policies and procedures that directly impact the culture of care. Analyzing areas of weakness within the organizational structure and culture via established assessments like the Patient-and Family-Centered Care Organizational Self-Assessment Tool, it is possible to create multidisciplinary teams that promote the organization’s vision of….

Developing a Personal Philosophy of NursingIntroductionThis paper focuses on the fundamental concepts within the field of nursing, particularly through the lens of the nursing metaparadigm which includes nursing, person, environment, and health. It begins by examining and elaborating on these key concepts, drawing upon definitions from renowned nursing theorists and literature. It then goes into how these concepts are mirrored in the philosophy, mission, and vision of a specific healthcare organization, Hackensack Meridian Health, highlighting the alignment between organizational values and nursing principles. The paper then transitions into a more personal interpretation of these concepts, with my own individualized definitions for nursing, person, environment, and health. Building upon this foundation, the paper culminates with my articulation of a personal philosophy of nursing. This philosophy integrates the previously defined concepts and is guided by values such as patient-centered care, ethical practice, and a commitment to continuous learning. It is informed and….

Why I Want to be a Psych NPMy motivation to become a Psych NP comes from my desire to serve and support underserved minority populations. I believe that providing quality care for those in need should be a top priority, and as a Nurse Practitioner I have the ability to do just that. My practice will be informed by evidence-based psychotherapies that are tailored to the needs of my patients and the populations I serve. My philosophy of being a Nurse Practitioner is to approach my patients with compassion and understanding, to listen deeply, and to empower them to make informed decisions about their own health and wellness. My goal is to help my patients find holistic solutions and strategies for improving their mental health and overall wellbeing. That is why my practice as a Psych NP will always focus on meeting the needs of my patients first, rather than….

Patient-Centered Care for Native Patients Implications for Clinical Practice for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) form a heterogeneous population with varying sub-tribes; thus, different cultures, religious and spiritual beliefs, traditional practices, art forms, languages, and history (Mendoza, 2015). The differing culture requires the development of the health outcomes with the patient and their family to meet the ideals cultural conceptualization of care for the patient and their family. The process of defining the problem and the desired health outcomes is used as a foundation for the development of a rapport with the patient. Informing the patient about their role in the treatment process is critical to ensure it is aligned to their beliefs and conceptualization of the disorder. The involvement of the patients family in the treatment process is critical in creating awareness of the past traumas and how they were dealt with. The….

PATIENT-CENTEED CLINICAL EXPEIENCE Creating a Patient-Centered Clinical ExperienceIntroductionThere is no doubt at all that as Suk (2022) indicates, most healthcare organizations struggle with the provision of truly patient-centered care. From the onset, it would be prudent to note that patient-centered clinical experience could be perceived as the provision of care that is not only responsive to, but also respective of the values, needs, as well as preferences of an individual patient while at the same time seeing to it that the various clinical decisions are guided by patient values (Engle, Mohr, Holmes, Seibert, Afable, Leyson, and Meterko, 2021). This is the definition to patient-centered clinical experience that has been embraced in this text. In essence, five approaches that I would embrace in seeking to further promote the modern patient experience at my organization have been highlighted.i. Collaboration and TeamworkTo begin with, it should be noted that it would be….

Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMH) are often confused as being actual "homes" for patients to be admitted in and given medical treatment and care. PCMH is actually a health care model based on which health care is provided to patients, under the supervision of physicians. The PCMH model of health care provides patients with continuous, comprehensive medical care, in order to increase the chances of achieving the goal of benefitting the patient with as much attention and medical care in order to maximize his/her health outcomes.
Over the years the PCMH model of health care has become widely adopted and preferred. This is because of the philosophy and approach that the model adopts in organizing and delivering the health care initiatives. The PCMH model is based upon delivering medical care and attention to patients with team-based health and medical experts that are focused strongly on the quality and the safety of….

Patient-Centered Medical Home
Medical Home

How the Patient-Centered Medical-Home reducing cost and improving quality and safety for patients.

The patient centered medical home is a platform that fills a need in the current healthcare system. The U.S. healthcare system has been plagued for quite some time with a trend of substantially rising healthcare costs as well as another trend of slipping quality standards. These two trends are argued to be a phenomenon that has emerged at least partly from poor planning and ineffective use of resources. One solution to some of these issues can be found in the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model of primary care. This model has been developed with the coordination of long-term physician-patient relationships in mind. Developing these relationships further can not only reduce costs in unnecessary procedures that are the result of the missed opportunity for preventive care, but also have been shown to improve patient satisfaction. This….

Patient Centered Medical Homes
In the 1960s, the medical home concept referred to as patient centered medical home was developed.In order to reform the healthcare in the U.S.; the patient centered medical homes are evolving as a centerpiece of efforts (Bates, 2010). Basically, PCMH can be defines as a primary care model that offers coordinated and comprehensive care to the patients in order to improve health outcomes. PCMH is also recognized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Patient centered medical homes can be portrayed as a team of people working together in form of a community. The purpose is to improve the health as well as healing of the people in that community. In comparison with the primary care, PCMH is more responsive towards the needs of local patients.

PCMH offers a number of benefits including complementary nutrition as well as wellness counseling along with providing prevention education so as….

It is felt that an important part of this process is the family since that is where the child spends the majority of their time. The family situation and the experiences that are provided to the child within this situation are critical to a child's development (Bruder, 2000).
Physical Therapy is one type of early intervention that is often used with disabled children. The idea of family-centered care brings many wonderful things to the practice of pediatric physical therapy. Physical therapy is the profession of developing, maintaining and restoring maximum movement and function to a patient. Treatments often focus on improving gross and fine motor skills, balance and coordination, strength and endurance as well as cognitive and sensory processing. For a child with a disability all of these practices are things that they need to work on and improve in order to be able to grow up and care for….

Patient Centered Medical Home

PCMH model leads to reduced cost of care, improved population health" is a medical report authored by Katie Sullivan Published on FierceHealthcare. The report is a summary of the general findings of a report carried out by the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative. According to the research report, the Patient Centered Medical Home has resulted in reduced unnecessary emergency room (ER) and hospital visits, costs of care, and improved population health.

The research methodology employed is the review of literature released between August 2012 and December 2013. This means that a panel of experts reviews all the articles before they accepted for publication. The report achieves quality and merit by restricting the literature to peer review articles that can be relied for scholarly and official use. However, there is no indication of the section process used in identifying the literature to be used. August 2012 to December 2013 is….

Inter and Intraprofessional Communication
Patient-centered practice is designed to address issues that usually appear as a consequence of nurses having a limited understanding of their role and as a result of patients not being provided with the opportunity to learn more about the attitudes they need to take in order to make the experience less painful for all individuals involved. One of the principal ideas related to this type of thinking is the fact that there is always room for innovation and nurses thus need to be proactive in their line of work. Considering that conventional strategies are likely to be ineffective in certain situations, nurses need to be able to adapt to stressing conditions and to get actively involved in trying to provide patients with the best service possible.

Through concentrating on intraprofessional and interprofessional practices, nurses can contribute to their understanding of their line of work in general and can….

3 Pages
Research Paper


Extra Additions for Patient Centered Care Model

Words: 711
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Extra Additions for Patient Centered Care Model Within the rubric of 21st century medicine, it is often surprising that we need to be reminded that it is not the technology,…

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2 Pages
Peer Reviewed Journal


Emotional Intelligence and Patient-Centered Care Is a

Words: 729
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal

Emotional Intelligence and Patient-Centered Care" is a 2007 publication from the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine which seeks to discover whether or not Emotional Intelligence (EI)…

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2 Pages
White Paper


Worldwide Patient Centered Care

Words: 646
Length: 2 Pages
Type: White Paper

Global Health Care Issues The most significant healthcare issues that the countries surveyed are facing include care coordination and safety. Significantly, these issues were prevalent across international borders and throughout…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Health Outcomes and Physician

Words: 838
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Patient-Centered Care Patient-focused healthcare has come to the forefront in recent discourse on care quality. Cited in the "quality chasm" paper of the Institute of Medicine as an aspect of…

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16 Pages
Research Paper


patient centered care in healthcare nursing

Words: 4617
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Introduction Patient-centered care is the goal of many healthcare organizations, but the ability of an organization to deliver patient-centered care is influenced by a number of factors both internal and…

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7 Pages


Patient Centered Care in the Art of Nursing

Words: 2218
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Developing a Personal Philosophy of NursingIntroductionThis paper focuses on the fundamental concepts within the field of nursing, particularly through the lens of the nursing metaparadigm which includes nursing, person,…

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1 Pages


Patient Centered Care Principles and Benefits

Words: 358
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Why I Want to be a Psych NPMy motivation to become a Psych NP comes from my desire to serve and support underserved minority populations. I believe that providing…

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2 Pages
A2 Coursework


Native Patients Patient Centered Care

Words: 677
Length: 2 Pages
Type: A2 Coursework

Patient-Centered Care for Native Patients Implications for Clinical Practice for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) form a heterogeneous population with varying sub-tribes; thus,…

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5 Pages


Design and Implementation of Patient Centered Care

Words: 1597
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

PATIENT-CENTEED CLINICAL EXPEIENCE Creating a Patient-Centered Clinical ExperienceIntroductionThere is no doubt at all that as Suk (2022) indicates, most healthcare organizations struggle with the provision of truly patient-centered care.…

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10 Pages


Patient Centered Medical Homes

Words: 3042
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMH) are often confused as being actual "homes" for patients to be admitted in and given medical treatment and care. PCMH is actually a health…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Patient Centered Medical Home

Words: 1114
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Patient-Centered Medical Home Medical Home How the Patient-Centered Medical-Home reducing cost and improving quality and safety for patients. The patient centered medical home is a platform that fills a need in the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Patient Centered Medical Homes

Words: 964
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Patient Centered Medical Homes In the 1960s, the medical home concept referred to as patient centered medical home was developed.In order to reform the healthcare in the U.S.; the patient…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Family - Centered Care Intervention Family-Centered

Words: 688
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

It is felt that an important part of this process is the family since that is where the child spends the majority of their time. The family situation…

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2 Pages
Article Critique


Patient Centered Medical Home

Words: 598
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Critique

Healthcare Patient Centered Medical Home PCMH model leads to reduced cost of care, improved population health" is a medical report authored by Katie Sullivan Published on FierceHealthcare. The report is a…

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2 Pages


Patient - Centered Nursing Techniques

Words: 546
Length: 2 Pages

Inter and Intraprofessional Communication Patient-centered practice is designed to address issues that usually appear as a consequence of nurses having a limited understanding of their role and as a result…

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