Paul Cezanne Essays (Examples)

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Cezanne Pissarro
Compare and Contrast -- styles in the same subject, the works of Paul Cezanne and Camille Pissarro

Both the oil depictions of Paul Cezanne of "Jallais Hill: Pontoise 1867" and Camille Pissarro of "Jallais Hill, Pontoise 1879-81" show the same green and rural French local, during the same century, but as envisioned through the eyes of two different men. Occasionally, such a contrasting study of two works might purely highlight the differences of two artist's rendering of the same subject. But of the relationship of Camille Pissarro and Paul Cezanne, a recent article noted, "their artistic relationship lasted longer than some marriages." (AP ire, 2005) In fact, from the time they met in France in 1861, these two men were said to recognize each other as kindred artistic spirits. This can be seen in the same similar and simple choice of subject of the work, as well as the light-infused….

The words "stripped skirt" not only literary defines the type of the dress but also describes the lady's personality as she was a fashion icon of her time and was famous for her dress sense and elegancy. Hence the title itself depicted her as a lady with a powerful personality (Art Galleries, 2009).
The other painting under discussion is the art work of Henri Matisse titled as "The woman with a Hat." This is also a hand made oil painting produced in 1905 and the women in the picture are believed to be Matisse's wife Amelie. The art style used in his picture by the painter was different from that of his precedor, Paul Cezanne. Cezanne painting is an example of his impressionist style with the use of real life colors and expressions in the painting while Matisse used unnatural brighter and expressive colors and tones, creating an art piece….

Now I will discuss the middle ground of the painting. The middle ground consists of a triangular shape and of the roadway leading back to the focal point. Together with the Roman Aqueduct, which resembles bridge, a triangular shape is forged. It leads the eye back to the mountain.

The background of the painting consists of the focal point - the luscious, golden hued mountain.

Paul Cezanne's Mont Sainte Victoire is an exceptional piece of work that has its roots in realistic landscape painting. At the same time, with Cezanne's masterful line work and heightened color effects, the painting comes across as something truly not of this world.


Martin, David F., and Lee a. Jacobus. The Humanities Through the Arts. 7th ed. New York:

Lisa Moore, 2008.….

These pastel-colored etches influenced Degas' late-life paintings. Those were characterized by women frequently engaged in some type of grooming, such as bathing. Rather than the tightly-structured lines of his earlier works, these later works seemed more hurriedly-drawn and less meticulous than his early works.
For example, in oman Drying Her Hair, a pastel on paper, Degas depicts the back of a nude woman, drying her hair. Unlike many of his works, which overtly differentiate between women of different classes and different occupations, this image in the photo is very every-woman. The bather is classically female, but the painting holds no clues as to her lifestyle outside of the bath. Moreover, the work demonstrates Degas' unique use of light, as it contains unrealistic amounts of shadow, almost as if the bather is caste in an artificial light. Though Degas rejected much of what has come to be associated with Impressionism, his….

Art is something that can be appreciated in several ways. Thanks to the various museums cities have to offer, one can visit numerous places and see exhibitions from various artists. Two such places are the David Zwirner Galley and The Guggenheim. Both places have introduced audiences to interesting and thought-provoking works of art. Four of which will be featured here. The artists of the four works are Robert Crumb and Paul Cezanne.
David Zwirner Gallery is a modern art gallery located in New York City, offering another location in London. Owned by David Zwirner it features of collections of artists like Robert Crumb. For twelve years from 2000-2012, the Gallery was known as Zwirner & irth Gallery.

The R. Crumb Art & Beauty exhibition which opened April 15th and ends June 2nd, 2016, is an exhibition featuring various sketches. Lined up in a stark, white room, these black and white sketches are….

Pissarro took a special interest in his attempts at painting, emphasizing that he should 'look for the nature that suits your temperament', and in 1876 Gauguin had a landscape in the style of Pissarro accepted at the Salon. In the meantime Pissarro had introduced him to Cezanne, for whose works he conceived a great respect-so much so that the older man began to fear that he would steal his 'sensations'. All three worked together for some time at Pontoise, where Pissarro and Gauguin drew pencil sketches of each other (Cabinet des Dessins, Louvre).
Gauguin settled for a while in ouen, painting every day after the bank he worked at closed.

Ultimately, he returned to Paris, painting in Pont-Aven, a well-known resort for artists.

X...for pic

Le Christ Jaune (the Yellow Christ) (Pioch, 2002) Still Life with Three Puppies 1888 (Pioch, 2002)

In "Sunny side down; Van Gogh and Gauguin," Martin Gayford (2006) asserts differences….

Life with Apples," ca. 1893-94. The original work is an oil on canvas, hung in the J. Paul Getty Museum in California. Cezanne painted many still lifes, and many with apples, but this is one of his most interesting and detailed looks at common, everyday objects.
Paul Cezanne was born in 1839 in Aix-en-Provence, a small town about fifteen miles north of Marseilles. His family was prosperous, and the boy was well educated. He first studied law, but also began to take lessons at the Drawing Academy of Aix, and found he enjoyed art much more than the law. By 1861, his father allowed him to go to Paris to continue his art studies, and his career as an artist was born. Even his art teacher did not encourage his interest in supporting himself as an artist. He returned for a time to his hometown to work in his father's….

La Berceuse (Woman Rocking

Cradle) (Augustine-Alix

Pellicot Roulin, 1851-1930), 1889.

incent van Gogh

Dutch, 1853-1890). Oil on canvas. The Walter H. And Leonore Annenberg Collection,

Partial Gift of Walter H. And Leonore Annenberg, 1996

The world of art is diverse and rich coming together for appreciation overcoming all cultural barriers. The story of an Gogh and his astounding genius while creating canvases has captivated the interest and attention of millions around the world. Even when people cannot afford art they appreciated the creativity and charm that each of his pictures brings forth. Each of his strokes has a life of its own and the lifelike creation gives an illusion of perfection that is hard to imitate.

The Metropolitan Museum boasts one of his best creative efforts done late in his artistic life. ery near the time of his breakdown at Arles.

La Berceuse or a Woman Rocking a Cradle as it is commonly known as was painted around….

Art Institute and Art

hereas Plato believes that art is by definition imitation of life, Cezanne believed that the role of art was not to imitate or copy life but to enhance it, contribute to it, and comment on it. Cezanne said that art was a "harmony running parallel to nature," not a method of imitating nature (Art Institute of Chicago). Cezanne assumed a deconstructionist approach to art, which would eventually inspire the all-out shift towards cubism and abstraction. This can be seen in paintings like "Mont Sainte-Victoire," in which the landscape is constructed of various shapes that come together to form a cohesive whole: there are distinct triangles forming the roofs of the houses, showcasing the triangular yet curvilinear shape of the hill beyond, the titular Mont Sainte-Victoire.
Although he was not visual artist aesthetics were central to Plato's philosophy, and that philosophy would end up having a strong impact on the evolution of….

Another possibility is to allow companies to convert traditional defined-benefit pensions, which encourage retirement as early as age 55, to cash-balance plans, which have no built-in incentives to retire. Perhaps the most controversial idea is to break the typical link between pay and seniority. As more people work into their late 60s and 70s, pay should be adjusted to match how much people work and what they accomplish on the job.
Basing pay on performance is a controversial idea because what the criterions of performance for most hi-level professional jobs that older workers are performing are ambiguous at best. How does one determine success at a professional job? Unlike a manual job, where productivity can be measured in, for example, widgets per hour, professional job performance involve intangible factors such as interpersonal relations and communication skills. In many cases, performance may be defined solely in terms of what your boss….

Spirit of Change
a) In Still Life with Plaster Cast, the viewer sees a painting-within-a-painting. Identify and describe another work in your text that uses a similar approach.

Cezanne's Post-Impressionist 'take' on the constructed nature of art is not the only treatment of 'the artist and his art' as a subject of painting. The painter Courbet's more realistic portrayal of a 'painting within a painting' called The Artist's Studio shows an artist painting in a large room, surrounded by the metaphorical representations of 'influences' upon his work, over the course of the seven years it took the artist to construct the painting. A nude, beautiful woman looks over the painter's shoulder and a child and a small dog gaze up at the painting in rapt attention. Courbet's meaning is less ambiguous than Cezanne's more humorous and deflated view of the nature of art. Cezanne's less beautiful, broken Cupid and ugly fruit in….

French omantic painter, Eugene Delacroix, is well-known from this period. Delacroix often took his subjects from literature but added much more by using color to create an effect of pure energy and emotion that he compared to music. He also showed that paintings can be done about present-day historical events, not just those in the past (Wood, 217). He was at home with styles such as pen, watercolor, pastel, and oil. He was also skillful in lithography, a new graphic process popular with the omantics. His illustrations of a French edition of Goethe's "Faust" and Shakespeare's "Hamlet" still stand as the finest examples in that medium.

Delacroix' painting "Massacre at Chios" is precisely detailed, but the action is so violent and the composition so dynamic that the effect is very disturbing (Janson, 678). With great vividness of color and strong emotion he pictured an incident in which 20,000 Greeks were killed….

Art One-Point Linear Perspective in the enaissance
One-Point Linear Perspective in the enaissance

In the context of art, perspective is generally defined as "… the technique an artist uses to create the illusion of three dimensions on a flat surface" (Essak). Perspective is in essence an illusion of depth and realism in the work of art. It is also an intrinsic part of human evolutionary makeup. As Edgerton ( 2006) states, "

Every human being who has ever lived from Pleistocene times to the present, has experienced in vision the apparent convergence of parallel edges of objects as they extend away from our eyes and seem to come together in a single "vanishing point" on the distant horizon… (Edgerton, 2006)

However, from an art historical perspective it is also true that linear or single-point perspective has not always been an accepted part of painting and artistic creation. It is in fact only fairly recently….

The manner in which Cezanne abstractly modulated color in his paintings was seminal to the controversial cubist style. What is more, Pablo Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon simplified previous endeavors in terms of structure by employing a savage two-dimensional angularity, and as such was exponential for early modern art.
Modernist painting, in Clement Greenberg's words, "used art to call attention to art" (193) as opposed to ealism's alleged concealment of art. Formerly inferred drawbacks attached to the limits imposed by the medium of painting, such as the plain surface, the pigment's properties or the shape of the support, were brought to light in modernism and even considered positive elements (Greenberg 195). To list various embodiments of the modern newly found openness and embracing of factors that used to be regarded as glitch, Piet Mondrian's minimalist Composition in Yellow, ed, and Blue, Jack Pollock's abstract expressionist Autumn hythm, Mark othko's 1959 Lavender….

hey created art that was unusual and unique, but they also created art that made statements about who they were and what they believed. Again, this has continued throughout the 20th century. Many critics and experts feel that other more modern examples of avant-garde work include the music and art of John and Yoko Ono, and the arrival of digital media in the art world.
Each of the avant-garde artists wanted the art world to accept their work too, no matter how different or unorthodox it might be. Pissarro, Manet, and Cezanne all were Impressionists at a time when art was more natural and lifelike. heir art was not accepted for years, and they struggled with their style while others simply conformed to what was in style at the time. hat is another mark of the avant-garde in the art world. hey do not conform, rather, they dare to be….

1 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Paul Cezanne and Camille Pissarro

Words: 356
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cezanne Pissarro Compare and Contrast -- styles in the same subject, the works of Paul Cezanne and Camille Pissarro Both the oil depictions of Paul Cezanne of "Jallais Hill: Pontoise 1867"…

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3 Pages

Art  (general)

Paintings Of Paul Cezanne Madame

Words: 963
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The words "stripped skirt" not only literary defines the type of the dress but also describes the lady's personality as she was a fashion icon of her time…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Paul Cezanne's Mont Sainte Victoire

Words: 343
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Now I will discuss the middle ground of the painting. The middle ground consists of a triangular shape and of the roadway leading back to the focal point. Together…

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5 Pages

Art  (general)

Gauguin and Degas Paul Gauguin

Words: 1945
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

These pastel-colored etches influenced Degas' late-life paintings. Those were characterized by women frequently engaged in some type of grooming, such as bathing. Rather than the tightly-structured lines of…

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3 Pages


The David Zwirner Galley and the Guggenheim

Words: 906
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Art is something that can be appreciated in several ways. Thanks to the various museums cities have to offer, one can visit numerous places and see exhibitions from various…

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50 Pages
Research Proposal

Art  (general)

Paintings Colors and Self-Portrait Introduction

Words: 14235
Length: 50 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Pissarro took a special interest in his attempts at painting, emphasizing that he should 'look for the nature that suits your temperament', and in 1876 Gauguin had a…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Life With Apples Ca 1893-94 The Original

Words: 1108
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Life with Apples," ca. 1893-94. The original work is an oil on canvas, hung in the J. Paul Getty Museum in California. Cezanne painted many still lifes, and…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Art La Berceuse Woman Rocking Cradle Augustine-Alix

Words: 1703
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Art La Berceuse (Woman Rocking Cradle) (Augustine-Alix Pellicot Roulin, 1851-1930), 1889. incent van Gogh Dutch, 1853-1890). Oil on canvas. The Walter H. And Leonore Annenberg Collection, Partial Gift of Walter H. And Leonore Annenberg, 1996 The…

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2 Pages

Art  (general)

Art Institute and Art

Words: 793
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

hereas Plato believes that art is by definition imitation of life, Cezanne believed that the role of art was not to imitate or copy life but to enhance it,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Old Smart Productive Old Smart

Words: 630
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another possibility is to allow companies to convert traditional defined-benefit pensions, which encourage retirement as early as age 55, to cash-balance plans, which have no built-in incentives to…

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2 Pages

Art  (general)

Spirit of Change A in Still Life

Words: 790
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Spirit of Change a) In Still Life with Plaster Cast, the viewer sees a painting-within-a-painting. Identify and describe another work in your text that uses a similar approach. Cezanne's Post-Impressionist 'take'…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Art the Renaissance Heralded in

Words: 2995
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

French omantic painter, Eugene Delacroix, is well-known from this period. Delacroix often took his subjects from literature but added much more by using color to create an effect of…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Art  (general)

Art One Point Linear Perspective in the Renaissance

Words: 1791
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Art One-Point Linear Perspective in the enaissance One-Point Linear Perspective in the enaissance In the context of art, perspective is generally defined as "… the technique an artist uses to create…

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2 Pages

Art  (general)

Innovative Qualities of Impressionist and

Words: 555
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The manner in which Cezanne abstractly modulated color in his paintings was seminal to the controversial cubist style. What is more, Pablo Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon simplified previous…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Avant-Garde Concept in Modern Art

Words: 677
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

hey created art that was unusual and unique, but they also created art that made statements about who they were and what they believed. Again, this has continued…

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