Performance Appraisal Essays (Examples)

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Performance Appraisals

Performance Appraisals
Jeffrey Spence's 2011 article "Conscious rating distortion in performance appraisal: a review, commentary, and proposal framework for research" discusses the relationship between managers and employees and how managers use conscious rating distortion as a means to evaluate individuals that they are in charge of. Performance appraisal is one of the principal topics that the paper relates to as the writer tests several theories with the purpose of determining the techniques that managers use and their tendency to adopt particular attitudes. In order to increase productivity, managers make use of a wide range of methods, but they are not necessarily motivated by their determination to obtain accuracy from their employees.

hile managers are generally focused on influencing their employees in obtaining positive results, they are also aware that a successful company consists out of groups of individuals who have strong relations and who work as a team. It would virtually be….

Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal
Causes of Performance Appraisal

Steps Leading to Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal

Data Analysis and Interpretation

This research paper aims to conduct a study regarding the effectiveness of performance appraisals and the issues accompanying performance appraisals.


Performance appraisal" is a term used for evaluating performance of employees in an organization. The purpose behind performance appraisal is firstly, to rate an employee's performance on the job. Secondly, these appraisals are conducted to determine whether employees have achieved the goals they were required to. Moreover, performance appraisals not only measure the achievement of individual employee goals but also the goals of the organization at large. However it cannot be ignored that performance appraisals are highly subjective in nature, depending a lot upon an individual's view of a situation, the employer-employee relationship, etc. It was for these reasons primarily, that performance appraisals are usually avoided by even large, well-established organizations even though they appear extremely attractive in….

Performance Appraisals

Performance Appraisals
Describe two different performance appraisal methods.

There are many types of performance appraisal method. Some of them are job results/outcome; essay method; ranking; forced distribution; graphic rating scale; behavioral checklist; behavioral anchored rating scales (BAS); and management by objectives.

Two other performance appraisal methods are the following:

The manager can document performance objectives and process in a journal. This can be one way for evaluation and appraisal of performance

Supporters of this approach argue that this approach will only be effective when there is a clear psychological contract between employer and employees based on mutual trust and commitment. The organization will benefit from setting out its aims in a clear way which then gives direction to everyone in the organization ((Dransfield, 2000) p.89).

The company can try a hybrid mixture of informal / formal performance appraisal where the employees evaluate one another and the manager also informally surveys customers' feedback. Connected to this, the….

Performance Appraisals

Performance Appraisals
This analysis will provide an overview of the 360-degree performance appraisal. A 360-degree feedback system is also known by a number of other names such as a multi-rater feedback, multisource feedback, or multisource assessment. This model of a performance appraisal involves gathering performance feedback form a number of different sources including supervisors, employees, customers, and peers to name a few. However, this model is flexible and virtually anyone who works with anyone else can provide a performance appraisal. This paper will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of the 360-degree feedback system. If administered properly and implemented in the right setting, this model can provide an effective tool that can help organizational members advance their careers.

Performance Appraisals

Performance appraisals are an important tool in any organization. The effective use of different evaluation program has actually been shown to be able to reduce stress and an employee's reduce their intentions….

Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisals
The use of the four basic types of appraisal forms is important to ensuring that each form serves a purpose that is useful for specific job types. By using a management/supervisory form, employers can focus on the duties of managers and supervisors in the performance appraisals. Managers are not only responsible for their own work but for the work of their subordinates, so they have special situations that need to be considered during performance appraisals. Forms that target managers and supervisors tend to focus on the individual's accomplishments, managerial style and results.

Forms used for professional and technical workers are targeted to address specific job duties and are more individualized; since these workers are responsible mainly for their own performance, management style and the work of subordinates is not an issue. These forms stress individual accomplishments and results.

The role of the nonexempt worker, or service employee, is typically tailored to….

Performance Appraisals

Performance Appraisal
At my last organization, the performance appraisal process was driven primarily by the need of the organization to align my performance with the strategic objectives of the organization. Chandra (2004) does not note this as a major reason for conducting performance appraisals, yet it is quite common in the business world. Health care organizations are, in this country, businesses. They will all have strategic missions, and within those missions all of the different tasks that support the mission and its related objectives will be broken down. That is a fundamental role of any human resource department, to understand what the different jobs are that need to be done, and to find the right people to do those jobs.

And so I feel that my performance appraisals were generally well-aligned with this perspective of the performance appraisal process. It was not explicitly stated as such, but the performance appraisal covered a….

Performance Appraisals
Kudler foods.

Performance appraisal system: Kudler Foods

Within the food and hospitality business, a wide variety of types of employees are needed to bring a company's vision to fruition. These require a vast array of different skill sets. For example, a store or general department manager needs to be an effective leader, know how to delegate, and be able to prioritize objectives to suit the needs of various consumers. A department specialty manager requires more specific knowledge of the different aspects of the food business he or she is operating within. Entry-level positions require an ability to take orders, reliability, and often the ability to serve customers with a smile. Kudler Foods must create different performance evaluation methods to evaluate employees with these distinct skill sets, while still creating an overall company ethos reflecting a commitment to quality.

One way one of Kudler Foods' major competitors has navigated the need to create….

Performance Appraisals
Within most organizations, performance measurement is the process in which an organization establishes certain parameters regarding the level of expectations and output with internal staff, external vendors, systems, product quality, and overall OI. The fundamental purpose of such measurements should be directly related to both improving business and be able to directly evaluate how resources (human or otherwise) are performing. To do so, and to provide outcome that is directly related to the stated aims of the organization, performance measures are integral to the success of any organization. Studies have shown that people improve in all sorts of ways when measurement is used -- in learning, their performance, etc. As long as measurement is tied to something specific (e.g. decision making, program effectiveness, setting goals and objectives, recognizing performance, control and allocation of resources, etc.) (Spitzer, 2007).

However, performance measurement is never an end in and of itself. But if….

Timeliness is also an important part of a helpful review. After a hard day's work, knowing what you have done well enables the employee to continue in that pattern. Negative or constructive feedback, if specific, is at least conducive to positive change, as opposed to no feedback at all, or feedback after it is too late to alter one's performance.

Particularly given the 'two point' bias in favor of the employee's performance -- yes, the manger should review the employee's appraisal. A manager should have an idea of how the employee sees him or herself, which will enable the manger to specifically target areas where the employee is consciously, rather than unconsciously lacking in critical areas.


Welch's "forced distribution" is a system to minimize the tendency for managers to give everyone a good or a bad rating -- the manager must rank all employees, from best to worst, which means even….

Performance Appraisal:
There are many different types of performance appraisals available. Among the more common include:

Comparative Standards -- This type of performance appraisal compares employee's performance with others in a group

Group anking Order -- In this type a supervisor places each employee in a classification, such as top 1/2 of employees. Usually someone has to be assigned in a bottom fraction of the group.

Individual anking -- This is the most commonly used form where a supervisor will list employees from highest and lowest.

Paired Comparison -- This type of performance appraisal compares employees with each and every other employee within a group and rates employees in terms of 'superior' or 'weaker' compared with another. A ranking and score is then assigned employees.

Source: Allen, 1998. "Management Evaluation."

This particular evaluation combined a group ranking method with 360 degree feedback, where a comprehensive evaluation of employee performance is enabled using feedback from all of the….

Performance Appraisal Mistakes I Have Experienced
In being appraised by an employer at, Sullivan quotes that "Some 90% of performance appraisal processes are inadequate" (2011). There are many problems their companies have with the evaluations of their employees, and a lot of concerns are because managers do not review the employee's real performance by focusing on other issues, the managers are not held accountable for not giving feedback, or not doing a thorough assessment, or it being late, while many employers in this position focus on weak performers instead of their entire staff, and there has been controversy over the performance appraisals that are kept unrevealed (Sullivan, 2011).

One of the biggest concerns Sullivan listed out of the top 50 problems is "Don't Assess the Actual Performance" which describes bosses that do these assessments look at individual characteristics and their pledge and familiarity of duties and behaviors. However they are important….


When & How

360-Degree Method

Favorable for Employees and Managers

This paper discusses the theory of performance appraisal. The uses and objectives of the performance appraisal method are also discussed. It also highlights the most common method of performance evaluation; 360-Degree. The main objective of this paper is to find out if the performance appraisal method is for encouragement of employees only or it can reduce their morale too.

The performance appraisal is a process that provides an analysis of a person's potential and hard work which helps in making informed decisions for a particular purpose. A performance appraisal is a process through which the performance of an employee is analyzed. The basic purpose of performance appraisal is the career development of the individuals and it consists of regular feedback on their work and abilities. Performance appraisals are designed to encourage the employees to work harder for….

This in turn means that the adequate decisions would be made.
The high quality appraisal system creates opportunities for the employees to be promoted to higher positions, which also come with higher pays and more benefits, to create higher levels of employee motivation.

The performance appraisal system correlates the employee achievements with the adequate rewards. The offering of the proper rewards generates additional motivation. Some of the common benefits include premiums, bonuses or share packages. This last benefit sees that employees participate to the distribution of the profits and they are as such better motivated to support increasing organizational performances (Masternak, 1999).

4. Conclusions and discussion

The modern day staff member is a highly evolved and rewarded individual, and has attained this position as a result of the tremendous role he plays within the business community in his support of business success. In such a context, it is crucial for the economic agents….

Behavioral methods of evaluation focus on certain behaviors as performance indicators, positive or negative, and the employee's frequency or lack thereof of performing such actions. A nurse in a medical office might be evaluated by his or her superiors for his or her ability to accurately evaluate a patient during an initial exam, to triage patients in an effective manner, and to aid the doctor in performing routine and non-routine procedures. Although subjective to some degree, the employee is able to point out examples of efficacy and performance frequency if he or she feels that the assessment made by the supervisor may be in error.

Results methods evaluate employees based upon successful results. A certain benchmark is established of quality, and the employee is measured against that benchmark, as exceeding or falling beneath the acceptable standard. A new doctor might be assessed upon the rate of recovery of his or her….

Compliance with the law is also critical. hen hiring, human resources managers must take care not to ask illegal and inappropriate questions, such as a female candidate's desire to have children, questions pertaining to sexual orientation, or aspects of the candidate's personal life not directly relevant to the job. Diversity training has become standard at most major companies, to ensure that an inclusive workplace atmosphere is created. Violating employee law has obvious legal consequences for a company in terms of financial losses, and a lawsuit can also damage the company's reputation amongst consumers and future employees. Finally, even if an employer is not 'caught,' flagrantly violating critical aspects of employee law, such as "overtime pay, family leave, final paychecks, or occupational safety and health," standards can have a negative impact upon employee morale and retention. (Guerin, 2006, p.2)

orks Cited

Guerin, Lisa. (2006) "hen Do I Need an Employment Lawyer?" Retrieved….

'Performance appraisal tools vary in their effectiveness and implementation within organizations. By comparing and contrasting various tools such as 360-degree feedback, critical incident method, and management by objectives, this essay will analyze their strengths and weaknesses in evaluating employee performance.' Some researchers argue that 360-degree feedback is one of the most effective performance appraisal tools for assessing employee productivity. This method collects feedback from multiple sources, including peers, supervisors, subordinates, and customers, providing a comprehensive view of an employee's strengths and weaknesses. By gathering feedback from various perspectives, organizations can gain a more holistic understanding of an employee's performance and potential....

Most Effective Performance Appraisal Tools for Assessing Employee Productivity in a Thesis
1. Balanced Scorecard
The Balanced Scorecard is a comprehensive performance management tool that measures employee performance across four perspectives: financial, customer, internal process, and learning and growth. It aligns individual goals with organizational objectives, providing a holistic view of employee contributions. By linking performance to strategic goals, the Balanced Scorecard effectively assesses productivity and drives desired outcomes.
2. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
KPIs are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound metrics that track employee progress towards critical goals. They define clear expectations and provide objective data for performance evaluation. By monitoring KPIs,....

Literature Review:
The gig economy, characterized by short-term, freelance, or temporary jobs, has been gaining prominence in recent years in India. As the traditional employment model evolves, companies are increasingly relying on gig workers to meet their fluctuating demands. This shift has led to a growing interest in understanding the strategic human resource practices in the gig economy in India.
One key aspect of strategic human resource practices in the gig economy is recruitment and selection. Companies in the gig economy need to develop innovative ways to attract and retain top talent. According to a study by Deloitte India, companies in the....

4 Pages
Article Review


Performance Appraisals

Words: 1077
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

Performance Appraisals Jeffrey Spence's 2011 article "Conscious rating distortion in performance appraisal: a review, commentary, and proposal framework for research" discusses the relationship between managers and employees and how managers…

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30 Pages
Term Paper


Performance Appraisal

Words: 9200
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Performance Appraisal Causes of Performance Appraisal Steps Leading to Performance Appraisal Performance Appraisal Data Analysis and Interpretation This research paper aims to conduct a study regarding the effectiveness of performance appraisals and the issues…

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2 Pages


Performance Appraisals

Words: 546
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Performance Appraisals Describe two different performance appraisal methods. There are many types of performance appraisal method. Some of them are job results/outcome; essay method; ranking; forced distribution; graphic rating scale; behavioral…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Performance Appraisals

Words: 1197
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Performance Appraisals This analysis will provide an overview of the 360-degree performance appraisal. A 360-degree feedback system is also known by a number of other names such as a multi-rater…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Performance Appraisal

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Performance Appraisals The use of the four basic types of appraisal forms is important to ensuring that each form serves a purpose that is useful for specific job types. By…

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5 Pages


Performance Appraisals

Words: 1816
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Performance Appraisal At my last organization, the performance appraisal process was driven primarily by the need of the organization to align my performance with the strategic objectives of the organization.…

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4 Pages


Performance Appraisals Kudler Foods Performance Appraisal System

Words: 1225
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Performance Appraisals Kudler foods. Performance appraisal system: Kudler Foods Within the food and hospitality business, a wide variety of types of employees are needed to bring a company's vision to fruition. These…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Performance Appraisals Within Most Organizations Performance Measurement

Words: 1023
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Performance Appraisals Within most organizations, performance measurement is the process in which an organization establishes certain parameters regarding the level of expectations and output with internal staff, external vendors, systems,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Performance Appraisal the Main Problem

Words: 733
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Timeliness is also an important part of a helpful review. After a hard day's work, knowing what you have done well enables the employee to continue in that…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Performance Appraisal Survey Analysis

Words: 612
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Performance Appraisal: There are many different types of performance appraisals available. Among the more common include: Comparative Standards -- This type of performance appraisal compares employee's performance with others in a…

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3 Pages


Performance Appraisal Mistakes I Have Experienced in

Words: 1004
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Performance Appraisal Mistakes I Have Experienced In being appraised by an employer at, Sullivan quotes that "Some 90% of performance appraisal processes are inadequate" (2011). There are many problems…

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8 Pages


Performance Appraisal National Vocational & Education System

Words: 2459
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Performance Appraisal NATIONAL VOCATIONAL & EDUCATION SYSTEM PEFOMANCE APPAISAL When & How 360-Degree Method Favorable for Employees and Managers This paper discusses the theory of performance appraisal. The uses and objectives of the performance…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Performance Appraisal System the Modern

Words: 1128
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This in turn means that the adequate decisions would be made. The high quality appraisal system creates opportunities for the employees to be promoted to higher positions, which also…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Performance Appraisal Consider These Methods

Words: 393
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

' Behavioral methods of evaluation focus on certain behaviors as performance indicators, positive or negative, and the employee's frequency or lack thereof of performing such actions. A nurse in a…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Performance Appraisal Reliability it Has

Words: 391
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Compliance with the law is also critical. hen hiring, human resources managers must take care not to ask illegal and inappropriate questions, such as a female candidate's desire to…

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