Personal Issues Essays (Examples)

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Personal issues re. Cloud computing and data security
Tis essay is an attempt on sorting out my conflictual feelings on cloud computing and data security. Tese include emotional investment on te subject, intellectual curiosity, advocacy, and bias. Te following also explains my attraction towards te researc.

Cloud computing is te use of computing resources (bot ardware and software) tat are delivered as a service over te Internet. I certainly ave a mix of feelings wen it comes to te issue of cloud computing. At te top of te list is te realization of te possibility tat te entire computer enterprise provides little privacy

Medical centers, for instance, are increasingly using electronic software systems as teir way of storing patient files, but I tink tat tis is less secure tan traditional metods in te past were one pysician simply faxed te file to anoter for consideration -- and only one oter saw it. Here,….

Personal Protective Equipments for Process Technicians
Personal Protective Equipment in chemical plants

Protection at work

A process technician document and perform daily manufacturing operations in bio-industrial, biopharmaceutical and biomedical settings. They are involved in the operation of process equipment especially within a sterile or clean-room environment. This environment is usually made up of large stainless steel vats with various pipes as well as control equipment linked together. Since various different complex steps exist in biomedical research and bio-manufacturing environments, a process technician need to be equipped with personal protective equipment that suit their work as well as much orientation on how or where these protective are used and their limitation.

It is important for employees to demonstrate that they have understood the training as well as the ability to use Personal Protective Equipment effectively prior to be allowed to start working so that they are prevented from various forms of hazard that they will….

Bernie Krisher of American Assistance for Cambodia set her up in Phnom Penh twice more, but each time she ran away after a few days, desperate to get back to her meth supply" (Kristof and uDonn, p.39). hile I have not returned to Mexico and the carefree lifestyle I led there, I cannot deny having the desire to do so, on occasion. hile I know that the life I lived there was not the right life for me, I still long to return to it on occasion.
Of course, the differences in countries and cultures are, in many ways, becoming less apparent as the world becomes more global. This globalization has challenged the existing social structures in many countries, including those countries with castes or caste-like socioeconomic divisions. Discussing India, Kapur stated that, "ancient social structures are collapsing under the weight of new money. Bonds of caste and religion and….

Personal and Organizational Ethics Values for, for-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations

Ethics is a requirement of the society to both individuals and organizations. Ethics are applied to business and personal behaviors, and are used to determine how companies and individuals abide to policies. To indicate the application of ethical principles in organizations, an analysis is carried out of For-Profit and Non-For-Profit organizations, in this case Bank of America and Boys Club of America. This is by analyzing an ethical dilemma they are experiencing, their approach to the problem, and the legal, political, and social outcomes emerging from this cause of action.

Part One

The Boys Clubs of America is a non-for-profit organization founded in 1860s in Harford, Connecticut Formed with the aim of giving boys who roamed the streets a positive alternative. The club has undergone major changes beginning in 191 when several boys' clubs affiliated to form the federated boys….

Personal Perspectives on Living With a Disability
The objective of this work is to examine a work in writing that provides a first-hand perspective on the psychosocial issues involved with living with a disability of a disabling illness. personal perspectives on living with a disability. Questions addressed in this study include those as follows: (1) what type of disability or disabling illness did the person have? (2) provide a description of how this disability/illness affects the individual's perceptions of his/her identity? (3) What forms of prejudice or discrimination did he/she encounter from others? How did he/she cope with it? And (4) What did you learn from this individual's account of his/her experience that would help you as a therapist in working with another individual who has a similar illness or disability?

Type of Disability or Illness

Anthony Galvez relates that in September 2005 he was diagnosed with a "non-malignant brain tumor the size….

Personal, Local or National Issue
It's unbelievable!" Janice said to my mom. "My partner needs surgery; she can't afford to wait or her condition will worsen. Yet the company I have worked for almost twenty years won't include her in my medical plan because we're both female. It's ridiculous!"

My mom shook her head with disbelief and sympathy. "I know. As soon as it seems like this culture is progressing and becoming more enlightened, we see every day on the news people who oppose the most basic of human rights. We are supposed to be a country promoting 'liberty and justice for all!" chewed my food in silence, listening to every word of this conversation. The issue of same-sex marriages has been in the news a lot lately, especially since the state of Massachusetts recently became the first place where gay couples could legally wed. In other places, homosexual partners could only….

Personal Model of Leadership
The modern business environment has significantly diversified, in order to adapt to the changes determined by globalization. Given the situation, the importance of the role of leaders has also increased. This determined theorists' and practitioners' interest in leadership studies that are able to provide some guidelines regarding the manner in which leaders should behave.

The challenge is represented by the fact that the leadership models presented by the literature in the field and by the business practice lead to the assumption that these leadership models are unable to respond to the changing business environment (Clawson, 2010). In other words, leaders must trust their instincts and knowledge when establishing the leadership model they should follow. Such leaders should also take into consideration successful leadership models, no matter the field the leaders in case addressed. This is because the values encouraged by a leader in politics can be successfully applied….

Personal Philo One of the

" (7)
Chomsky warns of ideological motivations of some scientific paradigms, just as with the aforementioned racial emphasis of early anthropology. Here, Russell espouses a Platonic episteme by enunciating the expectations of behavior between different classes. While Plato philosophized that persons are born with the characteristics fitting of their caste, Russell envisages a society in which "ordinary" men and women are expected to be collectivized and, therefore, devoid of individual expression.

Jean Jacques Rousseau paid his respects to the philosophy of Plato, although he thought it impractical, citing the decayed state of society. This sort of romanticism has been downplayed by the modern scientific establishment, who denounce the noble savage theory of human nature. Humans are not born purely good, modern science maintains. Instead, evolutionary traits are promoted at the biological level, thereby giving rise to how people are. It is not society that corrupts, but rather an interrelationship between human tendencies….

Personal Professional Healthcare Communication Paper
What is Healthcare Communication?

Communication can be generally defined and the method of imparting information from a source to targets. The process of sharing thus has its own set of rules and for human communication the written and spoken words are used. There is also a series of communication called non-verbal which is also significant. There are behaviors that show what a person thinks or feels is also communication. (Berry, 2007)

These types of communication applies in the health care settings too. Health communication may be defined as the study of the means of communication and its strategies not only to communicate to individuals but to the community thus creating decisions on health questions. Thus for the health service the communication within itself and the society concerned with individual and public health, is a very important field that requires specialization and research in medical information communication between the….

Better leadership skills from the general manager will also mean employees who not only perform better, but are also more capable and more productive at work.
Job factors

There are several job factors that I usually take into consideration and this is also shown in my current job as general manager. First of all, in terms of the environmental context, I tend to appreciate those types of jobs with a high level of communication to those where the individual activity is more relevant than a collective approach. For me, communication means being able to work in a team, consulting with the other members and determining what the best solutions are, as well as how to implement these. As a general manager, I have the opportunity to be able to communicate quite a lot with other employees, both in terms of coordinating with them and in what passing on instructions is concerned.


Personal Chef

Personal Chefs
What is the difference between personal chefs and private chefs?


Both prepare meals for individuals or small groups.

Both are culinary professionals with flexibility in their working situations.


Private chefs work in restaurants or other business venues, while personal chefs work in the client's home.

Personal chefs tailor their menus to their clients' specifications.

Personal chefs prepare meals to be reheated by their clients at mealtimes, but private chefs prepare meals for immediate consumption.

What is a personal chef?

Personal chefs offer meal preparation in a client's home.

Personal chefs come to the client's home with everything needed to prepare a set amount of meals.


Personal chefs package and store meals, to be reheated by their clients.


Personal chefs clean the kitchen.


Personal chefs offer customized menu planning for clients.


Personal chefs can do the grocery shopping for their clients.


Alternative positions for personal chefs.


Providing in-home cooking lessons.


ome personal chefs work with nutritionists in order to plan meals for people with health….

The responsibility to seek out and use the most appropriate form of protection for a particular system lies with its user. If a user does not regard these duties with the appropriate seriousness, the consequences could be dire indeed. Another very threatening form of computer crime is the phishing scam.


Phishing involves email from an apparently legitimate source such as a bank or other place of business that requires the user to respond with personal information. Most commonly, banks are used as a front for these scams. The most common messages of this type is that a user's account has been disabled and will only be reinstated once the apparent company has received the specific requested data. When a user sends this data, the criminal can then use it for his or her own purposes, such as identity theft or credit card fraud.

According to (2011), phishing criminals target a very….

Personal Model of Ethical Leadership
Leadership has been defined as the "procedure of social influence where a person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the achievement of a common task" (Jam, 2012). Leadership is something that remains as one of the most appropriate features of the organizational context. A leader is an individual who influences a group of people in the direction of a specific result. It is not really dependent on title or official authority. Leaders are normally recognized by their volume for caring for others, clear communication, and a commitment to persevere. Some experts believe that good leaders are made not born and others say the opposite. Some leaders have the belief that when people have the willpower and desire, then they can become an effective leader. Some managers even mention that a good leader develops through a never ending procedure of self-study, experience….

Given my experiences at Chinatown Teen Post and Blue Phone Wireless, I am very excited about my future prospects in management. Academic skills are valuable for learning business operations, but real-world experience adds missing ingredients needed to fully understand success such as knowing how valuable personal happiness, social responsibility and customer satisfaction really are. I am eager to contribute my wisdom and leadership to the business community after receiving formal business training at the University of California.

I believe that the most important contribution I can bring to the University of California is my great respect for all individuals. Many people assume characteristics and create an image of a person they don't even know. As humans we tend to judge people very quickly based on their sex, race, ethnicity or social class. And, we love to judge people according to their image because it means so much in our society now-a-days.….

Positions such as Administrative Assistant and Front Office Manager for Celebrity Cruises and Royal Caribbean International consequently strengthened my job qualifications and established me as an effective communicator.
My main goal as a Front Office Manager and Customer Representative was to establish credibility. Due to my people-orientation skills I was able to effectively measure - with maturity - those circumstances surrounding my communications, including situational and cultural context. Through hard effort, patience, and serious consideration of the multi-national environment in which I was required to operate and engage, I consequently adopted an individual style of communicating.

My daily tasks included messages conveyed through channels; verbal face-to-face meetings, telephone, written letters, e-mails, memos, and reports were but a few of the communication opportunities encountered.

Clearly recognizing the actions or reactions influenced by my message, I worked to ensure that my communication was always unambiguous and clear. Keeping in mind that people receiving my….

Factors Affecting Students' Productivity and Coping Strategies: A Literature Review

Productivity and coping strategies play a crucial role in the success of students in their academic pursuits. Understanding the factors that influence students' productivity and the coping strategies they employ can help educators and policymakers develop targeted interventions to support students' academic achievement. This literature review aims to explore the various factors that can impact students' productivity and the coping strategies they use to manage academic challenges.

Factors Affecting Students' Productivity
1. Motivation: Motivation is a key factor that influences students' productivity. Students who are intrinsically motivated to succeed are more likely to....

Enhancing Employee Satisfaction: Strategies to Boost Recruitment and Retention

Employee satisfaction is a crucial determinant of a company's success, as it directly impacts recruitment and retention rates. By fostering a positive work environment, organizations can attract and retain top talent, driving higher productivity and business performance. Here's a comprehensive guide on how companies can enhance employee satisfaction:

1. Establish a Positive Work Culture:

A positive work culture is the cornerstone of employee satisfaction. It encompasses values such as collaboration, respect, open communication, and support. Ensure that these values are ingrained in all company policies and interactions to create a harmonious and engaging workplace.


2 Pages
Case Study

Education - Computers

Personal Issues Re Cloud Computing and Data

Words: 877
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Personal issues re. Cloud computing and data security Tis essay is an attempt on sorting out my conflictual feelings on cloud computing and data security. Tese include emotional investment on…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Personal Protective Equipment in Chemical Plants

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Personal Protective Equipments for Process Technicians Personal Protective Equipment in chemical plants Protection at work A process technician document and perform daily manufacturing operations in bio-industrial, biopharmaceutical and biomedical settings. They are…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Personal Agency The Importance of

Words: 2482
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Bernie Krisher of American Assistance for Cambodia set her up in Phnom Penh twice more, but each time she ran away after a few days, desperate to get…

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9 Pages


Personal & Organizational Ethics Personal and Organizational

Words: 2664
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

PESONAL & OGANIZATIONAL ETHICS Personal and Organizational Ethics Values for, for-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations Ethics is a requirement of the society to both individuals and organizations. Ethics are applied to business…

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4 Pages
Book Review

Health - Nursing

Personal Perspectives on Living With a Disability

Words: 1156
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Review

Personal Perspectives on Living With a Disability The objective of this work is to examine a work in writing that provides a first-hand perspective on the psychosocial issues involved with…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Personal Local or National Issue IT's Unbelievable

Words: 719
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personal, Local or National Issue It's unbelievable!" Janice said to my mom. "My partner needs surgery; she can't afford to wait or her condition will worsen. Yet the company I…

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4 Pages


Personal Model of Leadership the Modern Business

Words: 1260
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Model of Leadership The modern business environment has significantly diversified, in order to adapt to the changes determined by globalization. Given the situation, the importance of the role of…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Personal Philo One of the

Words: 2584
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

" (7) Chomsky warns of ideological motivations of some scientific paradigms, just as with the aforementioned racial emphasis of early anthropology. Here, Russell espouses a Platonic episteme by enunciating the…

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4 Pages


Personal Professional Healthcare Communication Paper What Is

Words: 1849
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Professional Healthcare Communication Paper What is Healthcare Communication? Communication can be generally defined and the method of imparting information from a source to targets. The process of sharing thus has…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Personal Portfolio Profile From an

Words: 1828
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Better leadership skills from the general manager will also mean employees who not only perform better, but are also more capable and more productive at work. Job factors There are…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Chef

Words: 828
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personal Chefs What is the difference between personal chefs and private chefs? imilarities Both prepare meals for individuals or small groups. Both are culinary professionals with flexibility in their working situations. Differences Private chefs work…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Personal Security and the Internet

Words: 2573
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The responsibility to seek out and use the most appropriate form of protection for a particular system lies with its user. If a user does not regard these duties…

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6 Pages


Personal Model of Ethical Leadership Has Been

Words: 1971
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Model of Ethical Leadership Leadership has been defined as the "procedure of social influence where a person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Personal Statement My Intended Major

Words: 963
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Given my experiences at Chinatown Teen Post and Blue Phone Wireless, I am very excited about my future prospects in management. Academic skills are valuable for learning business operations,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Thoughts Dear Sirs Attached

Words: 764
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Positions such as Administrative Assistant and Front Office Manager for Celebrity Cruises and Royal Caribbean International consequently strengthened my job qualifications and established me as an effective communicator. My…

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