Physician Essays (Examples)

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Physician Shortages Identify and Describe Three Reasons
Pages: 3 Words: 1302

Physician Shortages
Identify and describe three reasons there may be a physician shortage rather than a surplus in the United States.

One of the reasons for physician shortage in the U.S. is the exorbitant cost of a degree in medicine according to the Council of Physician and Nursing Supply in Philadelphia. This Council has done a study to determine that there is a seriously number of physicians completing their education in the field of medicine. The result is a drop by over 100,000 physicians graduating over the next 15 years (Miller & McIntyre, 2011). They suggest that in order to recover, the number of graduates needed medical schools must be expanded to provide professional who can teach at the Graduate Medical Education (GME) position. The number of additional GME qualified teachers is an additional 30% (Miller & McIntyre, 2011). According to a survey given by the AMN Healthcare, which is a national…...



Miller, P. & McIntyre, J. (2011). Council calls White House to convene on conference on physician and nurse supply. Retrieved November 25, 2011 from 

Public (2011). What is public health. Retrieved November 26, 2011 from

Rossetter, R. (2011). Nursing shortage. Retrieved November 25, 2011 from 

Santiago, A. (2008). AMA Physician shortage growing, nurses seek more practice freedom. Retrieved November 25, 2011 from

Physicians Must Possess Proper Licensing and Go
Pages: 4 Words: 1487

Physicians must possess proper licensing and go through a myriad of processes in order to qualify to practice medicine. The state of California as it pertains to physicians does not have a specific language within its state statute, neither its administrative regulations. This means that physicians have some leeway when registering and licensing. Due to the nature of statutes of California, certain physicians have been known to conduct shady business within the borders of this popular state. One such case is Milos Klvana who demonstrated what should not be done while practicing medicine.
In order to report doctors like Milos Klvana, patients/consumers must undergo a series of actions. These actions will aid in gathering evidence of malpractice, present the problem of the patient, reimburse patient for medical expenses, and produce charges against the suspected physician. Typically, a patient must make a complaint concerning a physician to the Medical Board of California…...



Center for Telehealth and E-Health Law (2010). CALIFORNIA PHYSICIAN LICENSURE STATUTE Business and Professions Code Division 2. Healing Arts Chapter 5. Medicine Article 3. License Required and Exemptions. Retrieved from (2579579_1).PDF

Glasner, K.J. (2007). Risk Management for Medical Doctors. Retrieved from 

Miller, Johnson, Snell & Cummiskey, P.L.C. (2004). Criminal Liability For Health Care Providers Who Practice While Under The Influence - Publications - Miller Johnson. Retrieved from 

Monico, E., Kulkarni, R., Calise, A., & Calabro, J. (2013). The Criminal Prosecution of Medical Negligence. The Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare, and Ethics, 5(1), 1-7. Retrieved from

Physician-Induced Demand An Overview on
Pages: 2 Words: 553

They might research treatments and decide the expensive methods prescribed by their physician are not required. Presumably if "physicians deviate significantly from these expectations, patients are likely to seek second opinions" (Edgmand, Moowaw, Olson 1996). Also, patients may not wish to submit themselves to uncomfortable testing and treatment that seem contraindicated, based upon their layperson's medical knowledge.
Because medicine is not a perfect science, other studies have suggested that differences in care can be largely attributed to differences in medical opinion rather than outright inflated demand. Still, the fact that research has indicated that "1/3 of certain common procedures are inappropriate or of equivocal value" suggests that differences in opinion alone cannot explain discrepancies (Edgmand, Moowaw, Olson 1996). A final incentive to over-prescribe is that fact that "in some instances, physicians may perform medical procedures in order to decrease the risk of a malpractice suit rather than because of the…...



Edgmand, Michael, Ronald Moowaw & Kent Olson. (1996). Economics and contemporary issues, 3rd ed. Dryden Press. Excerpt available February 25, 2011 at 

Fallon, D. (1985). Testing for physician-induced demand with hypothetical cases. Medical Care,

Physicians Today Is it a Profession or Craft
Pages: 4 Words: 1255

Physicians today - is it a profession or craft?
Dating back to the era of Hippocrates, who is also known as the father of medicine, a physician's advice was followed without question. Hippocrates, born in 460 B.C, fought with the superstitious beliefs of that time, and observed that fresh air, good diet, cleanliness and most importantly, plenty of rest, helped in fast recovery. Through history, we come to learn that the oath physicians undertake today, before their medical practice, was formulated during that time, reflecting their sincerity and humbleness towards the noble profession. Naturally, therefore, a physician of that era was viewed in a paternalistic manner and the prevailing culture was definitely one of passive and submissive acceptance. (Oath and Law of Hippocrates, 1910)

Through time, there has been a considerable mutation of the image society has towards doctors. There are several reasons that attribute to reason this change. In many ways,…...



General Medical Council, . (2001). Good medical practice. Retrieved from 

F. Allen, David. (1976, Feburary 13). The ethical responsibility of the physician. The Yale Journal Of Biology And Medicine, 49, 447-454.

Collier, P.F., Oath and Law of Hippocrates (1910). Harvard Classics Volume 38 (Online) gopher..// (June 25, 2011).

Illich. I, "Medical Namesis" 45 pp. Pantheon Books, Random House, New York, 1976.

Physician Leadership Part 1-Identify at Least Three
Pages: 2 Words: 859

Physician Leadership
Part 1-Identify at least three challenges faced by physician leaders in their attempts to "lead" physicians toward a common vision of healthcare performance.

Part 2-ead the "Bankruptcy of Allegheny Health Education and esearch Foundation" (HEF) on page 368 of the course text. Select one of the board's practices. Identify and discuss the problems with the practice you have selected. Suggest ways the practice could be modified/changed in order to eliminate the problems you identified.

Physician Leadership

Part 1-Identify at least three challenges faced by physician leaders in their attempts to "lead" physicians toward a common vision of healthcare performance.

The development of physician leaders in the medical field is not only desired but is necessary. Numerous health care organizations now recognize that effective physician leadership is a primary factor in the success of organizations. Common assumptions exist that physicians are highly qualified to be effective leaders. However, years of education or the ability…...



Aas E, Baussant T, Balk L, Liewenborg B, Andersen OK. (2000) PAH metabolites in bile, cytochrome P4501A and DNA adducts as environmental risk parameters for chronic oil exposure: a laboratory experiment with Atlantic cod. Aquat Toxicol 51:241-258.

Bromley, H.R., & Kirschner-Bromley, V.A. (2007). Are you a transformational leader? The Physician Executive, 33(6), 54-57.

Hartung, D.L., & Fulkerson, W. (2006). Effective leadership teams: Achieving financial, quality, operational and clinical goals. Retrieved December 12, 2008, from 

Kotter, J.P. (1996). Leading change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Physicians Assistant Physician's Assistant Profile
Pages: 2 Words: 637

The stamina and emotional fortitude which are demanded of the medical professional are not virtues afforded to everybody. But in addition to learning crucial procedures and principles requisite to the work, I have had the chance to learn a great deal about myself. In my work as a medical volunteer, I have developed a patience and objectivity which have both been vital to my success.
ollowing my graduation and the completion of this volunteer work, I began my endeavor to engage in international medical services, first practicing independently in Mexico before making the leap to Nicaragua. rom 1998 to 2006, I conduced my practice in a private office, developing into a seasoned and versatile physician. The bevy of conditions, scenarios and illnesses with which I have come into contact have helped to whittle away the uncertainty that comes with one's first years in practice.

This would also provide me with the…...


Following my graduation and the completion of this volunteer work, I began my endeavor to engage in international medical services, first practicing independently in Mexico before making the leap to Nicaragua. From 1998 to 2006, I conduced my practice in a private office, developing into a seasoned and versatile physician. The bevy of conditions, scenarios and illnesses with which I have come into contact have helped to whittle away the uncertainty that comes with one's first years in practice.

This would also provide me with the knowledge and experience necessary to contribute to the needs of American patients. Thus, in 2006, I would make the significant move from Nicaragua to Pharr, Texas in the Rio Grande Valley. As a veteran of the field and a fluent speaker of both English and Spanish, I have the capacity to be a deeply beneficial to the patients of this region.

To this point, I gain great joy out of being able to help people. Providing critical health services to the people of the Rio Grande Valley area is my opportunity to contribute to my new country even as I use this and all experiences ahead of me to build my own professional body of knowledge. I look forward to working as a physician's assistant with this reputable practice, where I believe that such a relationship would be mutually beneficial and, most importantly, would serve to benefit the people of the Rio Grande Valley.

Physician Reimbursement and Incentives Major
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

The second main type of physician reimbursement is payment per case treated. This provides a strong incentive for physicians to provide FEWE services, given that the physician receives compensation on per-case basis, and pockets any leftover funds as profits not devoted to patient care. It substantially incentives physicians accepting healthier patients with less expensive medical conditions (Jacobs & apoport 2002: 150). However, for this reason and the lack of monitoring afforded by third parties regarding quality of care, the per case model is seldom used.

In the United Kingdom, physicians are paid a salary, rather than upon a per-service basis. They physician is encouraged to be a 'gatekeeper' in reducing fees, much as insurance agencies act as gatekeepers within the United States (Jacobs & apoport 2002: 150-151). The salary system is designed to incentivize providing patient care in a similar manner to all patients. It encourages physicians to evaluate treatments based…...



Gold, Steve. (2011, May 11). How European nations run national health systems. The Guardian.

Retrieved June 2, 2011 at 

Jacobs, Philip & John Rapoport. (2002). The economics of health and medical care. Aspen.

What is an HMO? (2011). Office of the Public Advocate. State of California.

Physician a Written Report Preferred Profession Medical
Pages: 3 Words: 1165

A written report preferred profession, Medical doctor. The report 3-4 pages long (including Literature Cited) 1.5 line spacing. Please read carefully attach Instructions Professional eport file. Ask questions.

The road to becoming a physician

Overview of the profession

Physicians serve in many capacities, spanning from primary care physicians who see a wide variety of patients to specialists; from researchers to active practitioners in the field. However, one common, linking thread between all types of doctors is the care they must exhibit for the welfare of humanity and the arduous requirements for entry into the profession. The American Association of Medical Colleges notes that medical school itself (embarked upon after undergraduate school) is four years in duration (The road to becoming a doctor, 2013, AAMC: 3). Year one is devoted to normal structure of body tissue; year two to abnormal structure; year three and four are clinical years in which the students gain…...



Collins, S. (2011). The high cost of medical education. Yale School of Medicine Journal.

Retrieved from: 

Martin, M. (2011). After earning MDs are doctors obligated to keep practicing medicine? NPR.


Physician-Assisted Suicide Physician-Assisted Suicide Is
Pages: 6 Words: 2037

Because so many other countries in the world look toward the Netherlands and their assisted suicide policies, medical officials there continually review and revise (if necessary) the guidelines to keep stringent watch over physicians and patients. Many other countries that are considering their own assisted suicide laws keep track of what happens in the Netherlands, and alter their own legislation accordingly.
The Netherlands policies are not perfect, but they indicate that a terminally ill patient who wants to die with dignity has the right to do so, and that practices regulating the system can work, and work effectively. Other countries, such as Columbia, have legalized physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients, and the Northwest Territories in Australia briefly legalized it, and then banned it again. Many Australians are working to legalize it again.

Here in America, many people believe physician-assisted suicide is a viable option for the terminally ill. A New…...



Anderson, Robert N., and Betty L. Smith. "Deaths: Leading Causes for 2002." 2002. 25 March 2005. 

Braddock, Clarence H. III, MD, MPH and Mark R. Tonelli, MD, MA. "Physician-assisted Suicide: Ethical Topic in Medicine." University of Washington. Oct. 2001. 25 March 2005.

Gorsuch, Neil M. "The Right to Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia." Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 23.3 (2000): 599.

Palmer, Larry I. Endings and Beginnings: Law, Medicine, and Society in Assisted Life and Death. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2000.

Physician Assisted Death
Pages: 2 Words: 533

Alternative to Physician-Assisted Suicide" by Bernard Gert et. al.
In Part III of the book, Contemporary Issues in Bioethics (6th ed.), Bernard Gert, Charles Culver, and K. Clouser provided an analysis of how voluntary passive euthanasia (VPE) can serve as an effective form of an alternative to physician-assisted death in the article, "An Alternative to Physician-Assisted Suicide."

The authors also discussed in the article the process of VAE (voluntary active euthanasia) as a form of PAS, particularly focusing on the morality of the said method as compared to VPE. Gert et. al. posits that VPE as a form of PAS is another method that can be subsisted, especially is VAE is unacceptable according to the moral standards of the patients. Through VPE, patients will not be fed with water and any kinds of food. The authors also state how VPE is not a form of killing (as compared to VAE), since…...

Physician Credentialing Professional
Pages: 4 Words: 1078

Professional Capstone: CredentialingIntroductionOne of the most crucial processes in the realm of healthcare happens to be the process of credentialing. To a large extent, this has got to do with the assessment of the capabilities and competencies of healthcare workers such as physicians and nurses. However, it would be prudent to note that credentialing involves much more than the conduction of background as well as education checks. This write-up will focus on the various aspects that ought to be taken into consideration when undertaking physician credentialing. More specifically, the credentials that ought to be maintained and the relevance of maintaining the said credentials will be explored.DiscussionPhysician Credentialing DefinedIn basic terms, physician credentialing has got to do with not only the collection and organization, but also the verification and upkeep of the various records or credentials with the overall goal of ensure that physicians are qualified, competent, and capable of effectively…...



Langeabeer, J.R. & Helton, J. (2016). Health Care Operations Management: A Systems Perspective (2nd ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Pozgar, G.D. (2019). Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (13th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Safian, S.C. (2014). Fundamentals of Health Care Administration. Pearson.

Physician Assisted Suicide and Legal Issues
Pages: 2 Words: 686

ight to Die
Physician-Assisted Suicide

The case of Mildred D: The right to die

The core dilemma of 'the right to die' of Mildred D. revolves around Mildred's alleged statement to her children that she wanted no heroic means to continue her life. There is also the question of whether intravenous feeding is 'heroic' means, since removing the NG will effectively 'starve' her and ending her life before it would naturally terminate were the NG tube not removed. Food is usually not considered 'additional' means of life support, although it is debatable whether food not administered by mouth constitutes heroic means. Mildred had no living will clarifying her wishes and is now not competent to make the decision herself.

Legally, in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, "the Court considered whether Missouri could insist on proof by 'clear and convincing evidence' of a comatose patient's desire to…...



Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dep't of Health, 497 U.S. 261 (1990). Retrieved: 

The right to die. (2012). Exploring Constitutional Conflicts. Retrieved:

Physician Assisted Suicide and Ethics
Pages: 2 Words: 572

Is physician-assisted suicide ethical if the patient requests medical assistance in terminating his or her own life?

In the U.S., the Supreme Court ruled in Washington v. Glucksberg (1997) that physician-assisted suicide is not protected by the Constitution. However, in other parts of the world, physician-assisted suicide is accepted socially and legally; and in the U.S., a patient who is terminally ill may engage in assisted-dying procedures, which are legal in six states and are legally differentiated from suicide (Buiting, Dieden et al., 2009). If one sets aside the legalistic parameters differentiating physician-assisted dying from physician-assisted suicide, can one say that the former is more ethical than the latter?
In other words, is physician-assisted suicide ethical if the patient requests medical assistance in terminating his or her own life?

Position Statement

In spite of what is permitted under the auspices of physician-assisted dying procedures, this paper will argue that physician-assisted suicide is, ultimately, unethical…...

Physician-Assisted Suicide Specifically it Will Show Why
Pages: 2 Words: 720

physician-assisted suicide. Specifically, it will show why I disagree with physician-assisted suicide. Physician-assisted suicide is too much like playing God. When people die should be up to their bodies and God, not a doctor who is not involved with them or their families.
In many religions, suicide is a sin, and if you commit suicide, you will go to Hell. This refers to any kind of suicide, even physician-assisted suicide. "As unrepentant simmer, suicides were denied burial in consecrated ground and expected to end in Hell" (Van Den Haag 136).

Even if it is not a sin, it is not normal. Normal people do not commit suicide; they have something wrong with them mentally or physically, and cannot deal with it, or deal with the pressures of life. People who commit suicide with the help of a physician because of a terminal disease are no different from anyone else. They will…...

physician assisted'suicide arguments both'sides
Pages: 3 Words: 920

Assignment 1: Is physician-assisted suicide morally acceptable when a person is suffering from a painful, incurable, terminal condition? 
Premise 1: Physician-assisted suicide is not morally acceptable under any circumstances.

According to the American Medical Association (2018), “permitting physicians to engage in assisted suicide would ultimately cause more harm than good,” (p. 1). The reasoning behind the AMA’s position is threefold. First, the AMA (2018) claims that physician-assisted suicide is “incompatible with the physician’s role as healer,” (p. 1). Second, the AMA points out that there are too many ways the process can be abused. As alternatives to physician-assisted suicide, the AMA recommends improving access to pain relief and emotional support to patients with terminal illnesses.

Another reason for opposing physician-assisted suicide is the rapid pace at which medicine advances. If a person has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, there is still a possibility—however slim—that either a cure or an ameliorative process might…...

Writing an essay, should there be more financial support given to physicians who practice primary care?
Words: 334

In order to determine whether there should be more financial support given to physicians who practice primary care, we have to first determine some facts about primary care physicians, their costs, their salaries, and other financial factors.  While the average annual salary of a primary care physician varies by state, the average appears to be from $130k a year to around $220k a year.  This breaks down to around $75 to $120 an hour. 

At first glance, that salary seem very comfortable and may leave people wondering if financial support for the position is warranted.  However, in reality....

Can you help me come up with a debatable essay topic on the opioid epidemic in the U.S.?
Words: 361

There are so many interesting topics to discuss surrounding the opioid epidemic,  There are debatable discussions about its root causes and questions of whether public response has been different given the impacted demographics.  Therefore, looking at any of the questions can provide opportunities for debate.  Before debating the topic, it is important to understand some of the facts about the epidemic.  In 2019, over 70,000 people died from drug overdose, 1.6 million people had an opioid disorder, 745,000 used heroin, 1.6 million misused prescription pain relievers for the first time, and 0.1....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding Electronic Medical Records?
Words: 367

Impact of Electronic Medical Records on Patient Care

The benefits and challenges of using electronic medical records (EMRs) in healthcare delivery
How EMRs have improved the accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of patient information
The role of EMRs in reducing medical errors and improving patient safety
The potential risks to patient privacy and security associated with EMRs
The impact of EMRs on the patient-physician relationship and trust

Technological Considerations for EMR Implementation

The key technological requirements and challenges for successful EMR implementation
The different types of EMR systems available and their respective strengths and weaknesses
The importance of data interoperability and standards....

Can you help me with a thesis statement on an essay about end of life?
Words: 544

These statements can serve as a foundation for essays that explore various dimensions of end-of-life care, including ethical considerations, the impact of technology, the importance of palliative care, and the role of family and caregivers. Each thesis sets the stage for a detailed discussion on its respective topic, allowing for a deep dive into the complexities and nuances involved in end-of-life care and decision-making.

"The implementation of advanced care planning significantly improves end-of-life care by ensuring that individuals' preferences and values are respected, highlighting the need for more widespread adoption of these practices in healthcare settings."

"While technological advancements in medicine have....

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