Post Partum Essays (Examples)

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Post-Partum Issues -- Effects on Child Development
A peer-reviewed article in the journal Child Psychiatry and Human Development points out in the Abstract that there is a strong association between "maternal psychological distress and infant outcomes" (Kingston, et al., 2012, p. 683). In fact the article asserts that indeed, parental distress -- in particular postpartum depression and related health issues -- can have "…an adverse effect on cognitive, behavioral, and psychomotor development" in infants (children) (Kingston, 683). In order to more fully understand the dynamics of postpartum depression and its impact on infants as they grow, the authors conducted a "systematic review" of existing empirical studies that assessed how infant development is impacted by psychological distress in five aspects of infant development. Those five aspects include: global, cognitive, behavioral, socio-emotional and psychomotor (Kingston, 683). This paper critiques and reviews what the authors discovered in their research.

Global Index of Developmental Components

The studies….

Electroshock vs. Antidepressants

Use of Electroshock Therapy vs. Antidepressants for Postpartum Psychosis

Literature on postpartum psychiatric diagnosis leans heavily toward trying to understand postpartum depression, but talks little of postpartum psychosis. The reason for this seems to be that the depression diagnosis is much more prevalent than psychosis. However, there have been enough reports of postpartum psychosis that it has become more of a known diagnosis. Most coverage of psychosis has been in media reports which show the extreme acts of a mother who is having a psychotic break after giving birth. One such case is that of Andrea Yates, a Texas mother who drowned her young children.

Yates, the mother of five children aged seven years to six months, drowned all five of the children in June of 2001. She had been previously diagnosed with postpartum depression and psychosis, and her husband was advised not to leave the children alone….

It is therefore important for the nursing staff to be fully appraised of functional impairment and social support needs. In other words the work could more closely explain this connectivity of nursing staff to be aware of and potentially flag these individuals for further social support suggestions of both family and other support persons.
Hypothesis/Operational Definitions

The work is strong in the sense that the subheadings of the work give the reader an indication of the fact that there are factors of functional performance that need detailed that the hypothesis is evident and supported and give the reader a set of operational definitions for the study. The figure also describes the qualitative connectivity between functional performance and social support.


The Design section begins with a brief explanation of the connectivity this research has to a larger research study and a description of the sample which included the final 172 number of post….

4. The patient will learn how to accept postpartum discomfort without resorting to drugs that might harm the baby through breast milk such as breathing techniques that help the mother relax, or the use of panty liners to address vaginal discharge and mild incontinence.

5. The patient will commit to a healthy diet that will encourage weight loss without disrupting her natural hunger cycle.

6. The patient will learn to recognize the symptoms of postpartum depression and will rely on a repertoire of healing activities like yoga, exercise, and meditation that will help her avoid the use of antidepressants.

Psychomotor Objectives

1. Patient will breast feed, and will purchase clothing that makes breast feeding easy and discreet.

2. Patient will perform stretching exercises and breathing exercises to help her relax and relieve pain.

3. Patient will learn how to carry the baby properly to minimize discomfort.

Affective Objectives

1. Patient will learn to appreciate the unique postpartum sensations….

Analysis of Post-Partum DepressionAfter having a baby, many women experience what is commonly known as the baby blues. This includes feelings of sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion that typically last for a few weeks. However, some women experience more severe symptoms that can last for months or even years. This is known as post-partum depression (PPD). Symptoms of PPD can include persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness, loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable, problems sleeping, difficulty bonding with the baby, and thoughts of harming oneself or the baby. PPD can be a very difficult and confusing condition to deal with, and evidence suggests that it may be caused to hormonal changes in the womans body as well as other factors that might alter the psychology of the new other, such as whether or not the mother breastfeeds or whether she delivered naturally or had a Cesarean section (Borra….

The marketing plan strategies will use mass marketing for the marketing campaign. The mass marketing strategy is very advantageous because it will be tailored to reach the large number of potential buyers. Historically, most hospitals in the United States use mass marketing to reach potential buyers in their local areas. Despite the advantages of mass marketing, the strategy may make an organization to be susceptible to the competitors.
As part of the marketing strategy, Eastern Boston Health Center will use market niche strategy for marketing campaign. Market niche is a type of market positioning where an organization follows the market segments in a large market to promote the company specialized service. Market niche is a common approach for the marketing strategy in the healthcare delivery. Typically, the niche strategy is the best approach for the specialized healthcare delivery.

Tactic Plan

The four Ps will be used for the tactical plan. The four….

Pathologists are often called 'the doctor's doctor ' -- when other doctors are experiencing an impasse, they go to a pathologist for advice, to provide clarity. As someone who has always enjoyed working as a teacher and preparing teaching materials, I look forward to this role in relation to my fellow physicians.
pon arriving in the nited States to practice medicine, I gained experience in the field of pathology-related research, collecting data about survival rates of patients with colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. I came to learn how pathology touches all fields of medicine. Even in my work with patients suffering substance abuse and psychiatric problems, I saw how the progression of the addiction created a pathology in terms of the way that the body responded to the patient's negative behaviors. I hope that this residency program will expose me to the laboratory and clinical aspects of the field,….

Culture Competency

Nutrition, Rituals, Spirituality, And Health Care Practices of the Samurai Culture, As Depicted ithin the Movie The Last Samurai
According to Tom Stovall and Dustin Granger, "The ancient Samurai, Miyamoto Musashi wrote in his "Book of Five Rings,": "It will be difficult for you to succeed unless you look at things on a large scale'" (PharmaCafe). Similarly, within the movie The Last Samurai (2003), director Edward Zwick shows various ways in which the Japanese Samurai of the late 19th century looked at and holistically practice nutrition; prayer, war, and death rituals; spirituality, and health care practices, all on a scale with nature. These holistic practices, in turn, promoted the Samurai's own inner harmony: mentally, physically, and spiritually. For example, The Last Samurai depicted various nutritional practices, prayer, pre-war, death and other rituals; attitudes about spirituality and the meaning of life, and medicinal philosophies and practices within the Samurai culture. All of….

Consultancy Recommendations
The situation at the new company is far from optimal, with the company engaged in a business that is removed from the core competencies of the parent company, exacerbated by the lack of direction and focus at the company. Knowledge disadvantages exist as well, with the new company in a situation overrun with "unknown unknowns" -- risks, opportunities, and elements affecting the business/industry of which the company is not aware, meaning they are entirely unaware of the effects these unknown elements have. A key figure at the company is also suffering from post-partum depression, which is typically a temporary condition but one that can be incredibly distracting and can require some significant personal time to properly address. In light of these facts, combined with the already-present strategic use of wide vendor networks, it is advised that the company hire an outside management or consulting firm to run the business….

RESPONSE (EVIDENCE)Response (Evidence)EricAccording to reed et al. (2018), implementation of technology in supporting telemedicine improves patient outcomes. Despite the fact that technology improves healthcare outcomes, there is need for its effectiveness to be evaluated before it is implemented. The said need has been restated by my colleague. One of the approaches towards the determination of the effectiveness of telemedicine, as highlighted by my colleague, happens to be the use of systematic reviews. In this case, systematic reviews are used to evaluate telehealth interventions whereby their effects on healthcare outcomes and professional practice is determined using scientifically sound studies. According to Totten et al. (2016), the said studies come in handy in the examination of how telehealth is used to facilitate communication between patients and providers, monitor patients symptoms and signs, provide treatment, etc.OgechiIn the second post, Ogechi opted to focus on sources of evidence for postpartum depressions. According to Wan….

Maternity Nursing, Labor & Delivery / Newborn
Labor and Delivery Terms

Para: Para refers to the number of live births a woman has had (it might be a stillbirth, or twins, or even triplets) past the 20-week gestation period (Zimmerman, p. 116).

Gravida: this refers to the number of times a woman has been pregnant, whether she actually gave birth, had an abortion or a stillbirth (Zimmerman, p. 116).

Amniotic Sac: this is a membrane around which the fetus is surrounded. It is a strong series of membranes that is visible after 7 weeks of gestation. (Jurkovic, et al., 2011).

Cervical Effacement: this phrase refers to the measurement of the expansion of the cervix as the baby gets closer to being born. hen the cervix is 50% effaced, it is halfway to being ready for the baby to be born (Jurkovic, et al., 2011).

Cervical dilation: Slowly but surely the cervix begins to open (called dilation)….

Murray L Cooper P J Wilson

Such a limited gathering of data suggests that perhaps a different outcome may have occurred had a truly careful and representative collection and analysis of data actually been performed.
Other significant limitations to this study exist. In fact, the sample of women and children was generally comprised of low risk and only primiparous mothers. Accordingly, the findings as generally stated may not accurate with regard to high risk and/or multiparous populations. Additionally, the sample itself was underpowered to actually detect the nuances between the different treatment groups. Admittedly, the research undertook to examine several different types of therapies and treatment amongst several different sets of women; and, a fastidious review of subtle differences between treatment groups was not completed. Furthermore, of the indicators that revealed a positive outcome, these indicators were based upon data from mothers which was subjective in nature as it was solely based upon the mothers' assessment….

The dexamethasone group showed meaningful improvements in several variables. After 48 hours, the women who received dexamethasone has a significantly reduced mean arterial pressure at 115 mm Hg v 94 m Hg, P < 0.05 and mean asparatate aminotransferase level at 100 IU/1 v 50 IU/1; P < 0.05. Their urine output also improved at 60 ml/h v 40 ml/h; P < 0.05 and a mean platelet count at 115-000 v 70 000; P < 0.05. The researchers concluded that their findings supported a high dose corticosteroid treatment of women with the HELLP syndrome. Although three control patients showed infectious complications, there were no statistically significant differences in morbidity.
As part of nursing and medical management, dexamethasone is often given to women with this condition and are between 24 and 34 weeks' gestation at risk of pre-term delivery to accelerate the maturation of fetal lungs (Matchaba and Moodley 2005). While….

Patients in hospitals often complain of pain regardless of the diagnosis. Several activities in a patient's life contribute to pain. Some of the activities include amount of sleep, daily chores and quality of life (Alaloul, Williams, Myers, Jones, & Logdson, 2015). While health care expenses have increased significantly over the years, there have been great improvements in increasing both family and patient involvement in medical care. Hourly care is one of the strategies that have worked well in various healthcare settings. Hourly care has been a success in various areas but using it in urgent pediatric settings hasn't been well documented (Emerson, Chumra, & Walker, 2013). Opportunities still exist to look into pediatric family preferences and perspectives as pertains to the use of whiteboards (Cholli, et al., 2016). Several studies have been done in different setups and this paper references many of them. The research projects include in-patient surveys, quasi-experimental….

Andrea Yates
In 2001, Andrea Kennedy Yates drowned her five children one at a time in her bathtub (Moisse, 2012). The first criminal trial lasted a total of only three weeks. Yates was convicted of capital murder, but was not given the death penalty. Instead, Yates was given life in prison with a chance for parole in 2041. However, in 2005, Yates' initial conviction was overturned in a Texas appellate court. A new trial was ordered, based primarily on the fact that a witness for the prosecution lied under oath. During the initial trial of Yates, the prosecution called Park Dietz to attempt to establish premeditation. Dietz "falsely told jurors that Yates had watched an episode of "Law and Order" in which a mother had drowned her children in their bathtub…but no episode had ever aired," ("How Andrea Yates Lives, and Lives With Herself, a Decade Later," n.d.). In 2006, the….

3 Pages


Post-Partum Issues -- Effects on Child Development

Words: 903
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Post-Partum Issues -- Effects on Child Development A peer-reviewed article in the journal Child Psychiatry and Human Development points out in the Abstract that there is a strong association between…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Use of Electroshock Therapy vs Anti-Depressants for Treatment of Post-Partum Psychosis

Words: 1704
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ELECTOSHOCK vs. ADEPESSANTS Electroshock vs. Antidepressants Use of Electroshock Therapy vs. Antidepressants for Postpartum Psychosis Literature on postpartum psychiatric diagnosis leans heavily toward trying to understand postpartum depression, but talks little of…

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5 Pages

Health - Nursing

Postpartum Functioning in Mothers With

Words: 1243
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

It is therefore important for the nursing staff to be fully appraised of functional impairment and social support needs. In other words the work could more closely explain…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Postpartum Teaching Choice Proper Postpartum

Words: 453
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

4. The patient will learn how to accept postpartum discomfort without resorting to drugs that might harm the baby through breast milk such as breathing techniques that help the…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Treating Post Partum Depression with CBT

Words: 1069
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Analysis of Post-Partum DepressionAfter having a baby, many women experience what is commonly known as the baby blues. This includes feelings of sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion that typically last…

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7 Pages
Marketing Plan


Ebnhc Marketing Plan Overview of

Words: 2158
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

The marketing plan strategies will use mass marketing for the marketing campaign. The mass marketing strategy is very advantageous because it will be tailored to reach the large…

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2 Pages


Personal Statement Pathology Has Been

Words: 594
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Pathologists are often called 'the doctor's doctor ' -- when other doctors are experiencing an impasse, they go to a pathologist for advice, to provide clarity. As someone…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Culture Competency

Words: 2454
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nutrition, Rituals, Spirituality, And Health Care Practices of the Samurai Culture, As Depicted ithin the Movie The Last Samurai According to Tom Stovall and Dustin Granger, "The ancient Samurai, Miyamoto…

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2 Pages


Consultancy Recommendations the Situation at the New

Words: 536
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Consultancy Recommendations The situation at the new company is far from optimal, with the company engaged in a business that is removed from the core competencies of the parent company,…

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1 Pages


Response Postpartum Depression Discussion

Words: 433
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Chapter

RESPONSE (EVIDENCE)Response (Evidence)EricAccording to reed et al. (2018), implementation of technology in supporting telemedicine improves patient outcomes. Despite the fact that technology improves healthcare outcomes, there is need for…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Maternity Nursing Labor and Delivery and Newborn

Words: 3389
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Maternity Nursing, Labor & Delivery / Newborn Labor and Delivery Terms Para: Para refers to the number of live births a woman has had (it might be a stillbirth, or twins,…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Murray L Cooper P J Wilson

Words: 1518
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Such a limited gathering of data suggests that perhaps a different outcome may have occurred had a truly careful and representative collection and analysis of data actually been…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Hellp Syndrome Records Show That

Words: 1965
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The dexamethasone group showed meaningful improvements in several variables. After 48 hours, the women who received dexamethasone has a significantly reduced mean arterial pressure at 115 mm Hg…

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13 Pages


Patient Satisfaction and Communication

Words: 4425
Length: 13 Pages

Patients in hospitals often complain of pain regardless of the diagnosis. Several activities in a patient's life contribute to pain. Some of the activities include amount of sleep, daily…

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3 Pages


Andrea Yates in 2001 Andrea Kennedy Yates

Words: 1047
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Andrea Yates In 2001, Andrea Kennedy Yates drowned her five children one at a time in her bathtub (Moisse, 2012). The first criminal trial lasted a total of only three…

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