Privatization Essays (Examples)

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Privatization Appropriateness of the Presentations in Evaluating
Pages: 6 Words: 1769

Appropriateness of the Presentations

In evaluating the two research papers presented for this assignment, it will involve determining the appropriateness of the papers, the literature review presented in the papers, the methods employed, the quality of the data analysis, along with readability, relevance and the contribution each paper makes towards the question at hand: is privatization the best solution in Nigeria?

Owolabi akre from the runel usiness School in the UK argues that in the process of rescheduling its debt (which was $30 billion owned to Western creditors as of 2002) with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Nigeria's problem was hijacked by the IFC in its contentious -- and much criticized -- "structural adjustment programs" (akre). asically akre is attacking the Nigerian government and basing his arguments on scholarly points he makes throughout his 62-page paper.

To wit, akre is opposed to privatization of publicly owned enterprises. He uses the example of the…...



World Health Organization. 2010. Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs). Retrieved December 11, 2012, from .

Privatization of Prison
Pages: 4 Words: 1329

Privatization of Prison

Privatization of the prisons stands out as an objective by the government to change or extend its obligation in running prisons. Change in this operation calls for state policy changes where the government contracts private operators in elements relating to construction, design and security of prisons. In some states, some private companies undertake full ownership of the prisons inviting the government to evaluate the facility and offer to contract them to provide services in prison administration for a fee. The private prison operators set up the facility as a factor to fetch economic gain through the provision of the services (Brakel, 2002).

To be considered as a private company providing services in prison management, willing operators compete for the contract through submission of tender. The states evaluate the facilities and capability of the willing companies and offer contracts specifying the terms of service and the length of the contract…...



Bowman, G.W., Simon, H., & Paul, S. (2009). Privatizing the United States Justice System: Police, Adjudication, and Corrections Services from the Private Sector. . Jefferson, NC:: McFarland & Company, Inc.

Brakel, S.J. (2002). Prison Management, Private Enterprise Style: The Inmates' Evaluation. New England Journal of Criminal and Civil Confinement, 14(175), 175-244.

Committee, W.S.J.L.A. a. R. (1996). Washington State Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee. Legislative Budget Committee, State of Washington Department of Corrections. Privatization Feasibility Study, Report 96-2. Olympia, WA: Legislative Budget Committee., 96-2

Cunningham, D. (2003). Public Strategies for Private Prisons. Paper presented at the Private Prison Workshop held January 29 -- 30, 1999, at the Institute on Criminal Justice, University of Minnesota Law School.

Privatization Has Been an Issue if Much
Pages: 6 Words: 1757

Privatization has been an issue if much debate during this presidential election. In particular, privatization as it relates to social security reform has been the primary focus. The purpose of this discussion is the provide arguments for privatization and against privatization. The discussion will also cite situations and examples both in America and abroad as to why or why not privatization is a good idea, and why it may or may not work. Let us begin our discussion by defining privatization.
Privatization is defined as the altering of a public enterprise into a private enterprise (Scott). According to a book entitled Privatization and Economic Performance, Privatization is designed to "improve industry performance by increasing the role of market forces." (ishop et al.) In many cases, privatization comes about after there is a problem in maintaining the financing of the public enterprise. Such is the case with the issue of social security…...



The Problems with Privatization. EPI Policy Brief. 

Bishop, Matthew, John Kay, and Colin Mayer, eds. Privatization and Economic Performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.


Johnson, Robin A. And Norman Walzer, eds. Local Government Innovation: Issues and Trends in Privatization and Managed Competition. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 2000.

Privatization of Healthcare Services in China Since
Pages: 34 Words: 10562

Privatization of Healthcare Services in China Since 1980s
Empirical Analysis related to Primary level Changes




Data Presentation, Observations and Analysis

Obstacles faced by Private Clinics

Future Outlook

China opened its door to the outside world and introduced economic reforms in 1980 with a shift from a controlled central economy to an open and market oriented economy. This project takes on the task of investigating the Chinese privatization of healthcare sector with special emphasis on private clinics and the role they play in overall healthcare industry. Driven by need of times this rapid evolution of private sector influenced the whole industry and gave birth to many problems occurring at both rural and urban areas. The thesis also gives a comparison of services and performance of players in the healthcare industry with focus on practices exercised in urban areas with further inquiry in to level of services provided by the privatized clinics, customer preferences and efficiency of…...



Baru, R.V. 1989. Medicine as business. Economic and Political Weekly, 24(11), pp. 565-566. (Public / Private Mix)

Bloom et al. 2009. Lessons from the Chinese approach to health system development.

Blumenthal D, Hsiao W. 2005. Privatization and its discontents -- the evolving Chinese Health Care System. N Engl J. Med; 353: 1165 -- 70.

China National Health Economics Institute. 2003. China national health accounts report 2003. Beijing: China National Health Economics Institute.

Privatization Is a Process That Is Frequently
Pages: 2 Words: 660

Privatization is a process that is frequently met in countries with developed market competition. It is used by governments in order to transfer some of the state owned assets or services to private investors. The process of privatization has its advantages and its disadvantages.
In my opinion the process of privatization should be viewed from extreme points-of-view. In other words, we should not view privatization as either good or bad. I think some business sectors should be privatized (Investopedia, 2013). This is the case of the telecommunications industry. If such industries are privatized, numerous providers and sellers will enter the market. The increased competition in such industries determines lower prices and more options for buyers. However, other sectors, like healthcare should not be privatized. This is because in such cases the government would not have any control on healthcare. Social security issues must be managed by the state.

The process of privatization…...


Reference list:

1. Privatization a Good Thing? Absolutely (2013). Financial Post. Retrieved October 28, 2013 from

2. Kirby, H. (2013). Privatization: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The Guardian. Retrieved October 28, 2013 from .

3. Ravitch, D. (2013). Mitch McConnell Explains Why Privatization is Good for You. Retrieved October 28, 2013 from .

4. Weizsacker, E. et al. (2005). Limits to Privatization: How to Avoid too Much of a Good Thing. Retrieved October 28, 2013 from .

Privatization of Prisons Has Become an Important
Pages: 6 Words: 2148

Privatization of prisons has become an important consideration for the governments of all the developed countries including the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. The one major reason for this consideration is that the prisons are becoming overcrowded and therefore their management by the state is becoming difficult. Moreover, the involvement of the private sector also has the potential to decrease the economic burden that the management and running of the prisons has on the budget of the government. However, it should be noted that privatization of prisons should be discussed from the perspective of all the stakeholders involved in the matter and the rewards and risks should be discussed from the perspective of all these stakeholders. In this paper we shall discuss how the prisons can be managed in a better way and how all the stakeholders involved would get affected when the prisons are going to be privatized.



Chang, Cindy. North Louisiana family is a major force in the state's vast prison industry. The Times-Picayune.2012.

DiNapoli, Thomas P. Office of the State Comptroller. Controlling Risk Without Gimmicks: New York's Infrastructure Crisis and Public-Private Partnerships. 2011.


Savings Compared With Their Public Counterparts? Institute of Economic Affairs. Published by Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2013.

Privatization the Case of Nigerian Telecommunication Limited Nitel
Pages: 2 Words: 580

This study seeks to examine and detemine the ole of the govenment agencies in the situation of Nigeian telecommunications limited which is on the vege of collapse. The company has geat infastuctue and the maket has a lot of oppotunities that can sustain seveal playes yet it has been unable to sustain itself and has instead incued debts amounting to millions of dollas. The pupose of this eseach is to exploe if pivatization of Nigeian telecommunications (NITEL) would o can facilitate the county to tiumph ove these difficulties. Findings fom the study eveals that the issues affecting the company ae many including its lack of pofit, in ability to pay its staff and othe debts.


The ecent deegulation of the mobile phone maket in Nigeia has led to the entants of new playes in the telecommunication maket. The maket was pedominantly dominated by the govenment owned NITEL though a monopoly that…...


references to certain historical dimensions. Following on, the research methodology and the findings will be discussed, which precedes the conclusions and final remarks.

Background of study

The modern system of providing services to citizen requires that movements transform their operations from the traditional approach which is guided by bureaucracy and political inclination to a more business approach that is guided by market trends. Since the end of NITEL's monopoly of the government has realized the need to involve other players in the running of the company. Privatization of government owned entities is one of the objectives of the Nigeria's telecommunications policy. Nigeria is one of the fastest growing telecommunications market in the world. Most of the major players continue to experience the growth from exploiting the opportunities presented by the large untapped Nigerian market (Ulrich & Lehrmann, 2008).

NITEL has been

Privatization of Jails & Prisons
Pages: 2 Words: 592

Watts (2003) reported about the need to establish a public-private jail system, wherein both the government and private sectors will oversee the management of jails, specifically in the case of cities and counties in the Southwest region. The report, however, also relayed the problem that may arise when such a practice will be enacted more prevalently. There is a possibility that because a partnership is forged between the private and public sectors, accountability would solely still rest on the government, with the construction and establishment of facilities committed only initially by the private sector. This means that over time, private contractors, after earning its profits from the contract, could possibly "disappear" and leave management and service provision duties to the government again, resulting to an ineffective partnership and a more inefficient jail management system (14).

Williamson (2003) echoed Watts's concerns in the eventual development of a partnership between private contractors and…...



Watts, J. (2003). "New Mexico Town finds the formula for a public-private jail." The Bond Buyer.

Williamson, R. (2003). "Overcrowded jail market puts counties at risk, experts say." The Bond Buyer.

Privatization and Organizational Performance in Nigeria
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Privatization in Nigeria
The objective of this chapter is to present background to the research on Privatization and Organizational Performance in Nigeria, research problems research questions, purpose of the study and research proposition. Furthermore, the significance of the problem and justification for the study are also presented alongside with methodology approach. The literature was well reviewed so as to identify gaps and a discussion on the theoretical framework was also looked into. Finally, the finding and discussion came alongside with the conclusion.

There is a natural cycle that takes place in a developing country. It begins with revolution and starts a journey through poverty. From there, the country rebuilds and redefines itself. Some countries make decisions that ultimately reroute the overall economic course to one of success while others make decisions that keep the country in poverty and allow others to prey on the resources and citizens. In most cases, the public…...


Research question2: What are the ways to ensure that the Nigerian Government's monopolistic controls are ineffective on the private sectors initiatives?

Research Proposition

According to Cooper and Schindler (2003), a statement about observable phenomena or concept; that may be judged as true or false is known as proposition. Researchers use propositions to affirm their anticipated study results However, a proposition is more qualitative and at a top level than a hypothesis. Since the research is not testing a hypothesis, the research takes in an exploratory research with the objective to propose a framework based on the literature review

Privatization of the Federal Government
Pages: 10 Words: 2567

Privatization is the use of the private sector in government management and delivery of public services. Contracting out services predates the Constitution. In fact, in the early nineteenth century, some "inherently" governmental functions such as tax collection, mail delivery, and spying were performed by private contractors. Throughout the twentieth century, the government has continued to rely on contractors.
The Clinton administration, under the 1998 Federal Activities Reform Act, required federal agencies to identify jobs considered commercial in nature that could be contracted out to the private sector. As a result of the agencies findings, the white house office of management and udget instructed all federal agencies to open identified positions to competition with the private sector. Recently, the ush administration has identified as many as 850,000 federal jobs that could be performed by the private sector.

Does privatization affect you? Privatization is important because it helps the government achieve savings, improve efficiency…...



Megginson, William. 2000. "Privatization."(effects and management of sale of state-owned enterprises). Foreign Policy. 

Terms Related to Privatization Activities and processes. 1997. The General Accounting Office.

Wing, Eric. 2003. "Defense Contractors." Washington Business Journal. published January 3,2003.

Privatization -- a Comparison of Two Studies
Pages: 6 Words: 1644

Privatization -- a Comparison of Two Studies

A Comparison of Two Studies

The author of this paper is asked to offer a review and analysis of two major studies that both pertain to corporate privatization. The author is asked to break down the analysis into eight major categories. Those areas, in order, are epistemology (how relevant/correct the method is for the study relative to what is being studied), the associated literature reviews, the methods employed overall, the data analysis underpinning the results for each study, the interpretation of the results for each study, the overall readability of each study's summary, the relevance of the conclusions reached, and the contribution of the research to the overall body of knowledge as parlayed by the two studies.


The overall approach of the Craig/Amernic study is to focus on the senior management discourse of companies that take the privatization route. The study notes that a narrative perspective…...



Craig, R. & Amernic, J. (2008). A Privatization Success Story: Accounting & Narriative

Expression over Time. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 21 (8),


Yonnedi, E. (2010). Privatization, Organizational Change & Performance: Evidence

Privatization of Social Security
Pages: 6 Words: 2010

Privatization of Social Security
A number of things have been happening to give Americans the idea that the social security system in this country is about to collapse.

For one, with rising affluence, birth rates fall. This would not be a problem except that advances in medicine and better preventative care is also extending the American lifespan. Formerly, there were very few senior citizens as a fraction of the American population; a lot of people lived to see their 65th birthday, fewer lived to 75, and hardly any into their 90s. Now, however, the proportions are upside down; very few people are being born and those who are living much longer. The pyramid is becoming inverted.

This spells trouble for Social Security because it means that in the long run there are going to be fewer and fewer people paying into the Social Security system and more and more receiving payments from it.…...



1. Britt, Robert Roy. "End of Oil Could Fuel 'End of Civilization As We Know It.'" LiveScience 2004 (Dec. 14, 2004) 

2. Huntley, Helen "Money Panel dubious on Social Security plan" St. Petersburg Times 11 Dec. 2004: 

3. Rosenbaum, David E. "Do It Yourself Social Security: Many Blanks Left to Fill In" New York Times 12 Dec. 2004: 4.

Privatization of America's Highway Infrastructure
Pages: 12 Words: 3937

The highway system is an important part of the infrastructure that gives America a competitive advantage. Anything that threatens the highway system in the United States is a threat to the competitive advantage of America. These threats include a lack of funding. hen one considers the current situation from this perspective, the importance of finding a solution to the problem of how to fund the highway system becomes one of the most important topics that the government faces.
The need for finding is obvious. e have already mentioned the possibility of raising taxes as a means to fund the necessary maintenance and expansion. However, the government is reluctant to take this route for fear of public repercussions. Raising taxes in the amounts needed could lead to devastating economic impacts. This is not the answer for obvious reasons.

The original highway system of the United States was built by private enterprise. It…...


Works Cited

Bary, a. "Toll-Road Salek:Paying Up." Barron's; May 8, 2006; vol. 86, no. 19. p. 17.

Boarnet, M., DiMento, J., and Macey, G. "Tolll-Highway Finance in California: Lessons from Orange County." 2002. Policy Research Program. California Policy Research Center. University of California. pp. 1-76.

Cooper, C. "History of the U.S. Highway System." 1996. Accessed 24   Accessed 24 April, 2007. .

Engel, E., Fischer, R. And Galetovic, a. "A New Approach to Private Roads. "

Privatization of Air Traffic Control in the
Pages: 8 Words: 2414

privatization of Air Traffic Control
in the U.S.

Non-profit privatization of ATC

Industry experts position on privatizing the U.S. ATC

Improvement in safety and regulation

New Public Management Orientation in the U.S. Air Traffic Control

Technology up gradation and budgetary constraints

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are organizations owned and operated by governments. There is a growing consensus amongst economists and governments that governments should not operate commercial organizations as it hampers the efficiency and productivity of the respective enterprise. There is an increased debate within the U.S. And other developed countries in favor of privatizing SOEs. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is one of the most important agencies of the U.S. Department of Transportation. FAA has four lines of business that includes:

Airports planning and development

Air Traffic Organization (ATO)

Aviation Safety (AVS)

Commercial Space Transportation (AST)

ATO's main role is air traffic control (ATC). Of late, there is a growing debate that ATC needs to be privatized or run by a non-profit…...



Bachman. (2013). Talks on Private Air-Traffic Control Turn Serious in U.S. Bloomberg News. Retrieved from: 

Beardsley. (2013). Strike by French Air Traffic Controllers Ends. NPR. Retrieved from: 

Dillingham, G.L. (2005). Air Traffic Control: Preliminary observations on Commercialized Air Navigation Service Providers. United States Government Accountability Office. Retrieved from: 

Goetz, A.R. (2002). Deregulation, competition, and antitrust implications in the U.S. airline industry. Journal of Transport Geography, 10(1), 1-19.

Challenges of Telecommunication Privatization in Nigeria
Pages: 3 Words: 1155

Telecommunication Privatization in Nigeria
The Challenges of Telecommunication Privatization in Nigeria

In the 1990s, many multinational nongovernment agencies (such as: the IMF) encouraged the privatization of state owned entities in favor of privatization. The basic idea was to encourage these organizations to become more efficient, attract large amounts of working capital and to be more responsive to the needs of stakeholders. In Nigeria, this was touted as a solution for effectively dealing with inefficiencies impacting the telecommunications sector to include: corruption and the inability to modernize. This is having a positive impact on the telecommunications firms and consumers. Evidence of this can be seen with that fact that more people have access to these services and new technology (Anderian 2005) (Etieyibo 2011) (Dahlan 2009)

However, more improvement is needed in addressing critical problems. Most notably: effective strategies for leveling the playing field among carriers, better approaches for regulating the sector and innovative solutions…...



Anderian, A, 2005, 'Nigeria's Telecommunication Industry', Proceedings of the Sixth Engineering Conference, Port Harcourt, pp. 84 -- 93.

Chittoo, H, 2010, 'The Promises and Challenges of Privatization', Global Journal of Business Management and Research, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 171 -- 175.

Dahlan, A, 2009, The Critical Success Factors, PHD Thesis, Southern Cross University.

Etieyibo, E, 2011, The Ethics of Government Privatization in Nigeria. PHD Thesis, University of Alberta.

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on Historical Perspective on Corrections?
Words: 406

Title: The Evolution of Correctional Institutions: A Historical Perspective


Provide a brief overview of the history of corrections, highlighting significant eras and developments.
Discuss the changing philosophies and practices of punishment and rehabilitation.
Introduce the concept of the historical perspective and its relevance to understanding contemporary corrections.


1. The Early Days: Retribution and Punishment:

Explore the historical roots of retribution and punishment as dominant themes in corrections.
Examine the use of corporal punishment, solitary confinement, and other harsh methods.
Discuss the impact of these practices on inmates and the overall effectiveness of corrections.

2. The Rise of Rehabilitation and Reform:

Trace the....

I need some suggestions for health care policy essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 282

1. The impact of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on access to healthcare in the United States
2. The effectiveness of Medicare and Medicaid in providing affordable healthcare to low-income and elderly populations
3. The future of universal healthcare in the United States
4. The role of pharmaceutical companies in rising healthcare costs
5. The importance of mental health coverage in healthcare policies
6. The debate over the privatization of healthcare services
7. The impact of electronic health records on patient care and privacy
8. The implications of genetic testing and personalized medicine on healthcare policy
9. The role of preventative care and public health initiatives in reducing....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding the new asylums?
Words: 293

1. The effectiveness of new asylums in providing mental health treatment and support
2. The impact of new asylums on reducing stigma surrounding mental illness
3. The role of community involvement in the success of new asylums
4. The ethical considerations of involuntary confinement in new asylums
5. A comparison of traditional asylums versus new asylums in terms of approach to treatment and care
6. The influence of socioeconomic factors on access to and quality of care in new asylums
7. The importance of mental health education and awareness in preventing the need for new asylums
8. The potential benefits and drawbacks of privatization of new asylums

Could you help me draft an essay outline about How has the influence of the New Public Management (NPM) reflect on Canadian governments ?
Words: 293

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of New Public Management (NPM)
B. Overview of Canadian governments' adoption of NPM principles
II. Influence of NPM on Canadian governments
A. Shift towards results-based management
1. Implementation of performance measurement systems
2. Focus on achieving measurable outcomes
B. Decentralization of decision-making
1. Empowerment of front-line employees
2. Devolution of authority to lower levels of government
C. Privatization and contracting out of government services
1. Growing reliance on external service providers
2. Increased competition in service delivery
III. Impacts of NPM on Canadian governments
A. Improved efficiency and effectiveness
1. Streamlining of processes
2. Better use of resources

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